An ad agency experimenting with Internet dating in Australia


Master Don Juan
Jan 12, 2008
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Found this on a dating/relationship blog column on a popular newspaper in Australia (where I live), on (yet another) a blog entry about The Man Drought (i.e women b!tching about the lack of eligible men):

The modern woman is a complete mess. I’m a researcher at an ad agency. Last month we were working on a new creative brief and we needed to get an insight into single women 25-40.

We created a profile on a dating site and picked the best looking guy in the company to front it. He’s in many ways a Mr Perfect, good looking, Australian, 30something, 5’11, stylish, sporty, creative, works in advertising, owns his own apartment in the city, Masters level educated, six figure salary, well travelled and a genuine nice funny bloke. In the real world he by his own admission had never been refused by a woman he had seriously pursued over any time. He’s currently single after just coming back from NY and he was going to join a site anyway as he doesn’t get out as much as he used to and was happy to date any women he met whilst giving us the data we needed on the what women were looking for in men.

We filled in the profile and he spent a whole day looking at profiles. His profile was witty, well written, mistake free and contained lots of information about him. In the end he sent 100 approaches (we told him to) all of these 100 women he was happy to meet and he was to be given time off work to pursue them if he wished for his efforts(a dream gig!).

To our astonishment, he received only nine positive replies. Yes, nine. It threw our agency into compete meltdown.

It haunted me for days. If this man who was almost perfect and ticked the boxes of so many women’s checklists could only muster nine from 100 approaches, the modern women really is insane. The exercise sent a few guys in the agency into mild depression. We were talking about it for weeks.

Then we had an idea. Do the same experiment on overseas sites, but say he was based in that country.

France – 100 approaches – 89 positive replies
UK – 100 approaches – 72 positive replies
USA – 100 approaches – 76 positive replies
Brazil – 100 approaches – 87 positive replies
Germany – 100 approaches – 82 positive replies

Draw your own conclusions about the Australian female but I can’t listen to any more man drought talk, it’s complete nonsense. This country is going to home to an awful lot of lonely single women if their bar is set so incredibly high. Our single male represents 2% of the Australian male population at best.

Is it any wonder Australian men can't be bothered. It's psychologically damaging to have to deal with so much rejection.

Women are in crisis. They need serious help. Life girls is not a TV series.

I recall guys on here saying 90% of women chase 5% of men. You were right but wrong, it's probably nearer 1%.

Posted by: Stat Doctor on March 4, 2009 12:31 AM
I'm glad I've never tried Internet dating!


Master Don Juan
Nov 18, 2006
Reaction score
Gold Coast. Aust.
Jitterbug said:
Found this on a dating/relationship blog column on a popular newspaper in Australia (where I live), on (yet another) a blog entry about The Man Drought (i.e women b!tching about the lack of eligible men):

I'm glad I've never tried Internet dating!
IM not surprised at the low response rate, Jitter.
Women 'down under' are not any more picky than their Nth American or Euro counterparts. They have the same 'laundry lists' as other women in the west.
THe problem is that Australian women are PASSIVE above all. They are lazy, socially unskilled, self centered and entitled. . They are raised in a local culture which teaches them that "women need do nothing except wait for men to make a move. " Women down here rarely initiate dates , and only infrequently reply to emails, occasionally return calls or contribute to dating. They expect a man to do ALL the pursuing and make ALL the arrangements and believe that they are entitled to be wooed, pursued, entertained, wined and dined because they are a life support system for a v@gina.

I have exchanged digits with dozens of women in clubs and other social arenas over the years ,and I recall receiving only ONE followup call from one woman before I called her.

I have dated English and German girls. THey are SO different.
I dated numerous southern girls when I was an undergrad for two years at UNC. THey were fun and energetic and enthusiastic ( maybe my accent helped ).
The only time in my life when I had a good supply of local women who got off their ass was when I played in a Rock Band in Melbourne for three years in the late 70's.
I now teach Ballroom dance part time now and that helps sometimes.

That ad agency has ASSUMED that our local chicks have higher standards - not so. THey just cannot get out of their own way.

I want to go live in Boston, Mass.
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Senior Don Juan
Mar 2, 2009
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I was on for 6 months... contacted about 40 girls and got maybe 5 responses... 3 of which were from crazy chicks... and the others not intersted. Most of these girls were no prizes themselves in the looks department, just girls that sounded like they had a good personality match for me... according to their descriptions of course they were real catches :rolleyes: Truth is, you get a lot more coverage on the internet, but girls are way more picky online than they are in person... part of it is the douchebags that message 300 girls with the same "I'm horny I want you cuz yer hot OMG"... a girl on a dating site has 30 emails to weed through on any given night... because guys are expected to make the first move, they do all the e-mailing and it ends up bombing the girls' inboxes. I pride myself in understanding human interaction... was a sensory overload and I just had to give up.


Senior Don Juan
Jun 16, 2007
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I think the problem with online dating is that women get 1000000 emails a day and pick the first few guys to date, or just do not read them at all. I do not online date but I do like the idea. You can see what a chick looks like ( or did look like at one point, or after photo shopping her pics wants you to think she looks like), then you can read a bit about her. I think most people look at the pics and that is it. If a chick is hot or a guy is hot bam they will email or write back.


Master Don Juan
Jan 12, 2008
Reaction score
mothballs & vitor, that is true, but it doesn't explain the huge difference between the experiment in Australia and the ones in other western countries, where the guy got 9-10 times the result in Australia!

jophil28, I think you nailed it there. Women here are indeed very passive. I think I've always known it but didn't believe it as I kept getting told how Aussie women are proactive, you-go-girl, easy-going and all that jazz. My dating experiences are similar to what you described. The few European girls that I dated were very proactive. I still remember this one German girl, a while ago when my game was still very basic, approached me at a BBQ out of the blue & initiated conversation. She also called me before I called her (I did ask for her number first though). An American girl I'm hitting on atm has also done the same. That's such a rare thing with Aussie girls. Most would give signals for me to approach and start a conversation but they would initiate nothing until after a few dates at least. I have never got one to call me before I called them - but maybe if I keep dating them for another 30 years like you have then I'll run into one eventually!!! :D

Anyway, that's just a local example of judging women by their actions not their words.


Master Don Juan
Nov 18, 2006
Reaction score
Gold Coast. Aust.
Jitterbug . Women here are indeed very passive. I think I've always known it but didn't believe it as I kept getting told how Aussie women are proactive said:
Jitter. In fact I have seen the situation in OZ deteriorate markedly in recent years. Back in the day, men here did ALL the work in dating, and women where responsive, polite and really pleasant. Women treated men with respect, politeness,and even admiration, and were EXCITED to be "asked out".
The office gossip was often overheard ." That guy I met at a party called me last night ..we are going out Friday night.".... lots of gushing and giggles from the typing pool. .

Nowadays, women ( young women especially ) have adopted their Nth American cousins "attitude".. they are arrogant, hostile, suspicious and feel 'entitled' to be worshipped as a goddess. They seem to believe that they are doing a man a favor by dating him or even talking to him.
Add this "attitude" to a passive cultural mindset and you have a situation in which women down here are almost undateable.
They seem to believe that they are entitled to a model handsome, wealthy guy who will worship her, and all that she needs to is get dolled up and show up and HE will do the rest.

Is it snowing in New England?


Master Don Juan
Jan 12, 2008
Reaction score
It is indeed a pain in the arse. With my dancing & work (at a university) I meet a lot of young women daily and there are precious few I'd put in your old school category of "women who treated men with respect, politeness & admiration and were excited to be asked out".

Hey btw you're spot on about the teacher thing. When you posted that a few weeks back, I was dating a student teacher (graduated & looking for job / pondering whether she should do some more travelling). First I got told off for not listening in class, then I got "expelled' with a disciplinary email, explaining to me in details exactly what I did that she didn't like. I couldn't help but crack a big grin when I thought of what you said. :D


Master Don Juan
Nov 18, 2006
Reaction score
Gold Coast. Aust.
Jitterbug said:
Hey btw you're spot on about the teacher thing. When you posted that a few weeks back, I was dating a student teacher (graduated & looking for job / pondering whether she should do some more travelling). First I got told off for not listening in class, then I got "expelled' with a disciplinary email, explaining to me in details exactly what I did that she didn't like. I couldn't help but crack a big grin when I thought of what you said. :D
Don't bother with junior pedagogues unless they want to give you a detention in a 'good way' ...he he.


Master Don Juan
Jan 12, 2008
Reaction score
I've fvcked two before and they were both...weird, but not as funny-nutty as this one! :crazy:

I don't know... I have this thing for teachers - not for relationships but for flings. I was around female teachers a lot as a toddler as my dad, also a teacher, used to take me to his school regularly. Had my little hands on most pairs of teacher boobs.

Currently have my eyes on 2 others. One's a bit of a butterface and the other is simply beautiful but on a relationship meltdown with her BF - been gaming her for a year now, I'm patient!


Jan 17, 2020
Reaction score
I'm from australia and can confirm this, our dating sites are massive sausage fests whwre men outnumber women 20:1


Sep 10, 2014
Reaction score
They assume it's negative as to why he didn't get many responses but maybe the women there either are jaded and think he is too good to be true and it's a fake profile or they don't believe they are good enough to have a guy like that interested in them.

Or maybe they have a lot of profiles that are inactive because they tend to get into LTRs quickly.

Max Baker

Don Juan
Apr 8, 2020
Reaction score
Melbourne, AUS
I'm from Melbourne and i too can confirm this. It's basically as others have said, they have too many options. The half decent girls and upwards inboxes get absolutely flooded and you have to be in the top 2 percent to even get a response. I matched with two stunners on tinder last night, before i even got to say something they had already unmatched me! Or today i matched with another, she messaged me and when i went to see it she unmatched me too! I don't know wtf is going on anymore. My head is spinning. I think its better just to stay off OLD. Or maybe its just Tinder.


Master Don Juan
Apr 29, 2019
Reaction score
Man this did not age well. Ten years later and the response rate is the same everywhere in the world since tinder came along.

Who Dares Win

Master Don Juan
Jan 16, 2012
Reaction score
Lol and that was 2009? I would sign with my own blood to get back at the 2009 dating market conditions.

bat soup

Master Don Juan
Apr 10, 2020
Reaction score
I'm from Melbourne and i too can confirm this. It's basically as others have said, they have too many options. The half decent girls and upwards inboxes get absolutely flooded and you have to be in the top 2 percent to even get a response. I matched with two stunners on tinder last night, before i even got to say something they had already unmatched me! Or today i matched with another, she messaged me and when i went to see it she unmatched me too! I don't know wtf is going on anymore. My head is spinning. I think its better just to stay off OLD. Or maybe its just Tinder.
Tinder is the worst - it's full of attention addicts. I've never found online dating to be productive anyway.

It surprises me to hear that Australia is so bad. I'd have thought the culture there would be similar to the UK.


Master Don Juan
Jun 26, 2017
Reaction score
Break the internet and you break the cycle of entitlement and pickiness of these b1tches.

Still waiting on some beta AFC nerd to develop a virus or EMP bomb to disable or break the internet.

We as society need that reset to happen at some point.


Master Don Juan
Apr 22, 2002
Reaction score
See, this is EXACTLY why you need to stop OND and do cold approaches IN PERSON instead. By doing in person approaches, you stand out from every other guy, you stand out from the floodgate of guys trying to pick her up online as you are that ONE guy who had the balls to approach her in person.


Master Don Juan
Nov 1, 2019
Reaction score
I'm from australia and can confirm this, our dating sites are massive sausage fests whwre men outnumber women 20:1
im surprised by that. I remember back in the late 80s when i was in the Navy all the guys talking about Australia and how it was like 7 women for every guy down there and how it was so easy to get laid by beautiful women. We all dreamed of having a port call in that country someday. Guess i can scratch a visit down under off my bucket list now.