I think a gay girl likes me.


Jul 13, 2008
Reaction score
The United State of Texas
What's up guys.

Yep,just like the title says. Let me give a little background.

There's a girl at my job who just transferred to my department about 3 to 4 weeks ago. Even though she's new to my shift,she's been employed there for almost a year,although I've never seen her before. Anyway,I know not to judge a book by its cover,but just from her appearance alone,I had a feeling/instinct that she was gay/lesbian. You know how whenever you see a lesbian couple together,one of them seems more masculine,while the other appears more feminine? Well,she looks like the masculine one. She has short hair,very short hair,like a guy. When she talks,her conversation is like,"Yo,that's my dog" and "That motherf*cker this" and "That motherf*cker that" and so on. I am so,SO NOT ATTRACTED to her.
Even the mere thought of anything sexual towards her makes me want to vomit.

Anyway,I got into what I thought was just an innocent conversation with her about some rules concerning attendance. At our job,we have a point system where if you miss a day without proper notification or if you're late without calling in,you get so many points assessed to you,and once you get 14 points,it's out the door you go.
Well what happened was she missed a day at work,and the next day when she showed up,I asked her how many points she had because I remembered her saying something about her already having 13 points a week or two prior.

And from that one question we somehow got into a convo about her being divorced,having a 14 year old son,(she's 31),and how she's been "dykin" (her words) for the last 3 or 4 years. Don't ask me how this all happened,she just opened up herself about her life. And all I did was ask about her work attendance. LOL.

So now,whenever she sees me from time to time,she touches me,stops me while I'm in the middle of working to talk about basically nothing,and once she told the she's been "looking for me". And what I mean by "looking for me" is that she's been searching her whole life for a certain type of guy,and now she thinks she finally found it....in me. Makes me feel uncomfortable.

Oh why,why??? Why couldn't it be a hot,attractive,single,STRAIGHT/HETEROSEXUAL woman instead of a divorced,butch-masculine,gay mom of a teen-ager? Life isn't fair!:crackup:

I just hope I'm wrong about this. I hope that what I thought were IOIs were just her being friendly.

Just needed to rant a little guys. Thanks.
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Master Don Juan
Aug 3, 2003
Reaction score
Wine Country, Ca
It could be worse! It could be a gay GUY!


Master Don Juan
Mar 29, 2007
Reaction score
If she was "gay" eer... lesbian, she wouldn't be attracted.


Master Don Juan
Jul 27, 2005
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midwestern cow field 40
Women will often "turn" gay after they have a traumatic experience with men - a bad breakup, domestic violence, or an attempted rape are common.

Imagine her having lesbo sex with her girlfriend and asking you to join in.....how sexy is she now?


Don Juan
Feb 8, 2009
Reaction score
Bible_Belt said:
Women will often "turn" gay after they have a traumatic experience with men - a bad breakup, domestic violence, or an attempted rape are common.

Imagine her having lesbo sex with her girlfriend and asking you to join in.....how sexy is she now?
If she invites him in then leaves she's sexy as hell.


Master Don Juan
Sep 6, 2004
Reaction score
I tell you what has happened: you were too nice to her and she isn't used to it.

Think of this situation in reverse: If a hot chick at work starts to be nice to a new co worker nerdy looking AFC who is used to having hot chicks ignore or even ridicule him, he will become infatuated with her and assume's that he has finally found "the one".

I bet you that this chick got tired of guys ignoring her or even making fun of her that she one day declared: "fvck men! I am going lesbo!" and now she met you, someone who is nice to her and her perception has changed.

Good luck :crackup:


Oct 3, 2006
Reaction score
she's just friendly.. don't look into it too much. Its' nothing. Why does it concern you if you didnt care?


Jul 13, 2008
Reaction score
The United State of Texas
ElStud said:
If she was "gay" eer... lesbian, she wouldn't be attracted.
I don't know about this one man. I mean she told me she had been married for 15 years before her husband divorced her,then she told me she had be "dykin" for the past 3 to 4 years. So she was married to a man,then when her marriage went south,then she switched over to women,kind of like what Bible Belt said about women going lesbian after having a traumatic experience with men. I mean she did tell me that her husband had been cheating on her for the entire 15 years they were together,and that he had fathered another child with another woman.

How someone can just "change" their sexuality just because they got cheated on is beyond me. What would happen if she got into a relationship with a woman who cheated on her? What? Would she switch back to men then? Too weird for me. I'm old school. I like the natural order of things. Man attracted to woman,and woman attracted to man. Simple. That's my "thang",and I'm stickin to it. Just seems natural to me.

Bible Belt and RayHessel:You want to know how "sexy" I think she'd be if she invited me to join in to have sex with her and her lesbo girlfriend? Well,I'll just repeat what I said in the original post:I am so,SO NOT ATTRACTED to this girl. And her appearance,speech,and mannerisms is that of a guy. In fact,when I first saw her,I thought she was male. I'm not joking. If I had a photo of her,you guys would understand what I'm saying. In my opinion,on a scale of 1 to 10,she's a 1. Seriously.

DJDamage said:
I tell you what has happened:You were too nice to her and she isn't used to it.
Maybe you're right about this. It's funny,because I don't even know what really happened. All I did was ask her about her attendance,I wasn't trying to hit on the girl. Reminds me of that song called,"I didn't mean to turn you on".:crackup:

Verysuave: Hope you're right about her just being friendly. As for why it "concerns me"? Well,like I said in the oringinal post-it makes me uncomfortable having a woman...an unattractive woman (imo) giving me what I perceive to be IOIs. Just because I don't like the girl doesn't mean I can just ignore how I feel whenever she tries to talk to me. But like I said,I'm going to go on the assumption that I was wrong about her giving IOIs,and that she was just being friendly.


Master Don Juan
Mar 25, 2008
Reaction score
Dunno about you guys, but I never notice alot of lesbians in real life who I would actually sleep with. I think they turn to each other for comfort because they can't compete and men don't find them attractive.


Jul 13, 2008
Reaction score
The United State of Texas
Well I called it. I was right. I was hoping that I was just misinterpetting her behavior towards me as being just being overly friendly,but guess what?
She asked me out. Not directly,but here's how the convo went...

(We were at work in the breakroom,and she had said something about wanting to eat some barbecue.)

her:Man,I haven't eaten some barbecue in a long time. Anybody know of where I can get barbecue at? And I mean some good barbecue.
me:Well,there's this place over in (name of a nearby town). They have real good barbecue,or at least that's what everybody says. I've never been there. But they just had a fire recently,and the place is closed right now.
her: So,are you going to take me over there?

Now I heard her say this to me,but I ignored it. Just pretended like I didn't hear.

Then later on,when I was alone heating my food in the microwave,she approached me and said:

her:So what's up? Are you going to take me to that place you were talking about?

Now when she said this,she leaned in close to me,I guess so no one else could hear. To be honest,it made me uncomfortable. For a second,I kind of hesitated,you know,the way you do when you're about to give some bad news,but you don't want to just come right out and say it because you don't want to hurt the person. But since she stepped to me directly,I directly answered her by saying,"No,I'm not taking you nowhere".

And that was that. However,she still makes little comments from time to time like,"I have no one to take care of me",and "I need a man to protect me".

But like I said before,she's too masculine for me. She has a "gangster lean" when she walks,curses like you wouldn't believe. The girl asks me out,and she's supposed to be gay.....according to her words. Plus the fact that she has a 14 year old kid and she's divorced doesn't help the situation.

It's funny. Despite all this,thngs still seem normal. It's not like when you ask someone out,get turned down,then things get awkward. I don't like the girl,but I still talk to her the same as before. I figure just because I'm not interested in her doesn't mean I can't treat her like a decent human being and a fellow co-worker.

I swear,life can be so strange at times.