MY guide to inner/outer complete transformation


Senior Don Juan
Jul 23, 2008
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I broke up with my gf HB 9, 6 months ago, needless to say it has been tough. However, after much sulking, I have been improving myself internally and externally greatly the last month and it has transformed me. I just wanted to share the things I have done and the things you should do if you in a dry spell.

(easiest, but pricey and you can change these things in a day)

1. Buy a fantastic pair/ pairs of shoes. (#1 thing women notice)
I recommend aldo for this inexpensive/amazingly stylish shoes, be a little bold/keep them clean.

2. Buy a high quality pair of jeans/shirts. Key here is clean and well fitted (this is based on preferance, but I prefer Express)

3. Buy Crest White Strips (I think this has been a huge move by me, I have used the three times in a row and my teeth are like pearls, they have a 7 dollar coupon in them, but look for them on sale, if there not by them anyways, I am complemented all the time about my teeth)

4. Get a fashionable hair cut and get it cut every two weeks (I have a barber that does mine and I get it cut every 10 days)

5. Shower everyday, and clean the sh^t out of your face. (a clear complextion is huge, see a pharmasist if you have bad acne)

6. Excercise (boost your energy and makes you look way better after a while, ideally find a sport)

7. Accessories in your outfit, something unique. I wear a fossil strap watch and a neckalace. (helps with conversation starting and makes you unique and trust me women notice the small things)

8. Drink tons of water (helps your skin/ breath)

- get your eyebrows threaded ( i do)
- tan ( i don't, but this can make a huge difference)
- piercings/ tattoos (I don't but can add a lot to your look, this is quite extreme though)

These are just the external aspects but I promise you if you do 1-8 you will jump 2-3 points in the look department.

My next post will focus on the most important aspect of transformation, internal improvement.


Senior Don Juan
Jul 23, 2008
Reaction score
Okay now you looking good and you should have already improved you confidence by you new look and new body (though that takes time), now on to the hard part in which I and most people struggle with mightly and I still do, but I am taking baby steps.

1. Read the DJ BIBLE/much other material for free on the web.

2. Go to youtube and search mystery bike chain, watch all his videos, a lot of people knock him but the man is spot on IMO.

3. Learn some openers/ invent your own.

4. smile/head up and back straight.

Okay now I will tell you what I have done to become more social/ improve with women (somewhat)

1. Talk to everyone guys and girls (hard I know, but just a least say hello and move on to minor convo).

2. Make as many GIRL "FRIENDS" or even gay as possible. This I think is crucial for many obvious reasons.
* You can become comfortable around women.
* They have female friends.
* They may want to be you F buddy
* Nothing looks better than having a group of females around you in a bar or social gathering it ups your value tons.

3. Go out everyday and try to have a conversation with 3 people, if thats too much try one and move up. I personally go out Wed, Thur, Friday, Sat (not everyday, but trust me just the fact that you go out will improve your chance a ton)

4. Don't care about failure, it means nothing you wont see those people ever again and EVERYONE will respect you even if you get shot down and no man has a 100% success rate.

5. Surround yourself with success men around women, just ask to go out with them, (they will probably say yes, since having a crowd is always advantagious)

6. Remember this isn't life or death have FUN, if your having fun and looking good people will be drawn to you, a women shouldn't be your ultimate goal, improving yourself is what matters and as your reach your pinnacle women will be there.

7. The ulimate key is: Approach, Approach, Approach, and Approach be social and you will have more p8ssy than you can ever dream of and face the fact that you will fail, but thats not your fault, your bringing the positive energy and love, if the women doesn't want that then ITS THEIR LOSS, YOUR the prize.


Master Don Juan
Sep 28, 2008
Reaction score
Inside her mind
nmartinez12443 said:
Okay now you looking good and you should have already improved you confidence by you new look and new body (though that takes time), now on to the hard part in which I and most people struggle with mightly and I still do, but I am taking baby steps.

1. Read the DJ BIBLE/much other material for free on the web.

2. Go to youtube and search mystery bike chain, watch all his videos, a lot of people knock him but the man is spot on IMO.

3. Learn some openers/ invent your own.

4. smile/head up and back straight.

Okay now I will tell you what I have done to become more social/ improve with women (somewhat)

1. Talk to everyone guys and girls (hard I know, but just a least say hello and move on to minor convo).

2. Make as many GIRL "FRIENDS" or even gay as possible. This I think is crucial for many obvious reasons.
* You can become comfortable around women.
* They have female friends.
* They may want to be you F buddy
* Nothing looks better than having a group of females around you in a bar or social gathering it ups your value tons.

3. Go out everyday and try to have a conversation with 3 people, if thats too much try one and move up. I personally go out Wed, Thur, Friday, Sat (not everyday, but trust me just the fact that you go out will improve your chance a ton)

4. Don't care about failure, it means nothing you wont see those people ever again and EVERYONE will respect you even if you get shot down and no man has a 100% success rate.

5. Surround yourself with success men around women, just ask to go out with them, (they will probably say yes, since having a crowd is always advantagous)

6. Remember this isn't life or death have FUN, if your having fun and looking good people will be drawn to you, a women shouldn't be your ultimate goal, improving yourself is what matters and as your reach your pinnacle women will be there.

7. The ulimate key is: Approach, Approach, Approach, and Approach be social and you will have more p8ssy than you can ever dream of and face the fact that you will fail, but thats not your fault your bringing the positive energy and love, if the women doesn't want that then ITS THEIR LOSS, YOUR the prize.
I love Number 4-7

To often (espeically on here) guys think the ultimate goal or success is fclsoing an hb10, The success you going out there being the best you and if someone rejects it, thats their loss, always remember to have fun, be the life of the party!!!


Master Don Juan
Feb 26, 2002
Reaction score
Good stuff. I disagree with high quality clothes though. $100 for some jeans is horse sh*t, unless thats chump change to you. As long as you buy comfortable clothes that arent goofy nor from wal mart its fine. A lot of external things should reflect your personality, such as the tattoos.


Senior Don Juan
Jul 23, 2008
Reaction score
I disagree slightly, sure target jeans look like something you would get at Express or Guess, they just aren't and I think fashion especially SHOES, shouldn't be skimped upon. Trust me I don't spend 100 dollars on jeans but 50-60 sure and it LOOKS WAY BETTER. Whereas you would spend 25-30 bucks at target/kohls etc. I am just saying it is worth spending the extra 20 bucks on a way better quality product IMO. The way I see it women spend 1,000 of dollars on clothing, make up, accessories, etc. I don't think buying two pairs of jeans is too bad. Girls notice the quality trust me.


Master Don Juan
Feb 26, 2002
Reaction score
nmartinez12443 said:
I disagree slightly, sure target jeans look like something you would get at Express or Guess, they just aren't and I think fashion especially SHOES, shouldn't be skimped upon. Trust me I don't spend 100 dollars on jeans but 50-60 sure and it LOOKS WAY BETTER. Whereas you would spend 25-30 bucks at target/kohls etc. I am just saying it is worth spending the extra 20 bucks on a way better quality product IMO. The way I see it women spend 1,000 of dollars on clothing, make up, accessories, etc. I don't think buying two pairs of jeans is too bad. Girls notice the quality trust me.
Yea, i know what youre saying, and i said not to buy clothes from wal mart, which includes other sh*tty stores as well. 50-60 isnt high quality IMO, but yea, thats the kinda pants people should buy.


New Member
Oct 3, 2008
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All depends on the market you're in, right? If you target NYC or DC then good luck with the jeans from Target. High-end clothes go a lot further.

If you're outside a major city then you're lucky to even find a Nordstrom and you can get away with spending much less on appearance.

That being said, I think nice clothes are a must, but it's not hard to dress up a nice shirt from Target. As long as you keep your appearance neat (no wrinkles etc), you can make bronze look like gold. And the moment you start talking, if you're on your game, the clothes go out the door (maybe literally). Invest the bulk of your time and money into your body and mind. You throw clothes out when they get old. You can't do the same with your body.


Master Don Juan
Mar 23, 2007
Reaction score
The 2nd post is good stuff, but the first one is complete BS in my opinion. Unless you're really fat, smell like sh*t and look like a bum, sure... that ain't gonna work. But getting a haircut every two weeks and use teeth whitner? That's extreme, man.

Girls don't pay that much to looks really. Sure, it will give you an easier chance to start a conversation, but that's it. It's all about how you carry yourself. A buddy of mine walks around with stubble most of the time and looks like he just came out of bed. He dresses normal, but nothing special really. Sometimes he also shows up in his sporting clothes. There is nothing special about his looks. He even has a little bit of a beer belly, and is a smoker (including weed). Not really athletic built also. But, because he has so much confidence, he is really succesful with women. I can't believe with what amazing hotties he scores with. I'm talking about at least 8, but most of the time 9. And no dumb sl*ts or something; sweet, hot girls. Girls I can only dream about. And he doesn't care. He has 4 of them at the same time all over the place. Guys that are ten times better looking, ten times better smelling and have twenty times more expensive clothes then him hate themselves when he's around. He gets all the girls because he is confidence in person. It has nothing to do with his looks. NOTHING.


Senior Don Juan
Jul 23, 2008
Reaction score
snowdog said:
The 2nd post is good stuff, but the first one is complete BS in my opinion. Unless you're really fat, smell like sh*t and look like a bum, sure... that ain't gonna work. But getting a haircut every two weeks and use teeth whitner? That's extreme, man.

Girls don't pay that much to looks really. Sure, it will give you an easier chance to start a conversation, but that's it. It's all about how you carry yourself. A buddy of mine walks around with stubble most of the time and looks like he just came out of bed. He dresses normal, but nothing special really. Sometimes he also shows up in his sporting clothes. There is nothing special about his looks. He even has a little bit of a beer belly, and is a smoker (including weed). Not really athletic built also. But, because he has so much confidence, he is really succesful with women. I can't believe with what amazing hotties he scores with. I'm talking about at least 8, but most of the time 9. And no dumb sl*ts or something; sweet, hot girls. Girls I can only dream about. And he doesn't care. He has 4 of them at the same time all over the place. Guys that are ten times better looking, ten times better smelling and have twenty times more expensive clothes then him hate themselves when he's around. He gets all the girls because he is confidence in person. It has nothing to do with his looks. NOTHING.
Your wrong for this simple reason.

A. A man with perfect game and looks fantastic.

B. A man with perfect game, but looks like a bum.

Who do you think would do better?

A without a doubt.

Am I saying that looking your best will automatically help you with women no (but probably). However, looking your best and great game unstoppable. I think gaining confidence and doing all the things I said go hand in hand. Sure you can get women looking like a bum, but first off why would you wanna look like a bum and second you WILL get more looking good and working with what you have. Sure everyone will have natural defects, but you can improve yourself with everything I said.


Senior Don Juan
Jul 23, 2008
Reaction score
plus everything I said to do wouldn't be that expensive or can't be done by everyone. I am not recommending plastic surgery so what I am saying isn't that extreme. I am not saying that you MUST have looks to get women, but this site is all about being your best self and I think the things can help with that.


Master Don Juan
Mar 23, 2007
Reaction score
Look man, looks is maybe 5% of what makes things work with women, if even that. Trust me on this. Sure it does matter a little, but it matters very little. You think it's much more important then it actually is.

A guy with perfect game can get any chick no matter how he looks.

The Bat

Master Don Juan
Dec 12, 2007
Reaction score
Actually, women DO notice little things like shoes (for some reason women notice shoes ALL THE TIME), watch, haircut, teeth, nails, etc.

Look at it this way. They want to see two things: 1) Do you look good? & 2) Do you take care of yourself?

You don't have to look like a GQ model but you want to look your best. If you have ok teeth, then why not buy crest whitestrips and make them shinier? If you are wearing dirty old shoes, why not buy new ones?

A self-respecting Man takes care of himself physically. Guys who work out respect their bodies enough that they are willing to bust their ass day in and day out. Guys who buy nice clothes, groom, and dress fashionably respect their appearances enough that they are willing to spend some money on themselves.

Now, buying into latest trends and fashions so that you look like a clone of everyone else is another thing...:rolleyes:


Don Juan
Nov 1, 2008
Reaction score
Amen to that. I've found since i ditched my girl that the best thing to do is not concentrate on women too much. Yeah, talk to them, but talk to them like you would to your guy friends. You dont want to shut yourself off from women completely. I just mean that if anyone reading this thinks they need a gf to be happy, improve and love yourself! but honestly self improvement and loving yourself, in my opinion, will give you so much confidence its f.ucking crazy. Right now im going to the gym, talking to every person i see, am about to start college, and just having fun with my life. Just be fun and social with everyone. Happiness is a state of mind, and so is misery, neither one takes more effort than the other, so why not be positive? I dont give a s.hit if a girl i talk to is interested or not, because in my mind im the coolest mf'er i know and its her loss


Master Don Juan
Mar 23, 2007
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Yea, I still disagree about the impotance you guys give it. It's even in your name! Rockstars usually look like ****. A proper rockstar is an alcoholic and a heroin addict as well. Yet no one gets more p*ssy then a rock star.

Find a reply for THAT, buddy.


Master Don Juan
Oct 29, 2008
Reaction score
Snowdog, stop trying to prove this guy wrong with horrible arguments and start your own thread or something.
Rockstarts have sex appeal. They may not be sexy to you, but they are sexy to women and that's what matters. But it's their success, confidence, and money that make them sexy, along with their ability to BE sexual on-stage and the fact that many women want to **** them.
Unless you are a rockstar or your ugly buddy, don't aspire to look 'like' these guys unless YOU ARE these guys. The reason why they do well is because they are 100% THEMSELVES. And you're being a hypocrite by saying looks don't matter at all, because it is a VERY big part of who we are as people (not just biological looks, but how we take care of ourselves).

Looks DO matter when the woman has choices. Looks DO matter when approaching a woman. Looks DO matter when trying to turn on your girlfriend. Looks DO matter when she's thinking about you at night.
Don't deny it.

By debating this fact, you've come to tell us that ANYTHING can attract a woman. Some rockstars are bums in real life, yet you say it's alright to be a total drunken idiot as long as you get groupy sex.
Your need to believe that looks don't matter has lead you to look for proof wherever it can be found, and then you adopt every aspect of that scenario as being true as well (be an alcoholic, it's okay. Be fat, it's okay. Be a druggie, it's okay. Be disgusting, it's okay.).


Don Juan
Apr 14, 2008
Reaction score
snowdog said:
Yea, I still disagree about the impotance you guys give it. It's even in your name! Rockstars usually look like ****. A proper rockstar is an alcoholic and a heroin addict as well. Yet no one gets more p*ssy then a rock star.

Find a reply for THAT, buddy.
That's because rockstars carry an enormous amount of social proof with them, more than 99% of guys will ever have.

For the AVERAGE person who doesn't play to a crowd of 30,000 5 nights a week, looks carry some importance. Taking care of yourself (self-respect and value) are some of the most basic things to learn, and set you apart from the masses.

Without proper game yeah, it's not worth much, but it sure as hell doesn't hurt any, and it doesn't put you into a hole as far as first impressions go. Why would you not want to look your best anyways?


Master Don Juan
Mar 23, 2007
Reaction score
Snowdog, stop trying to prove this guy wrong with horrible arguments and start your own thread or something.
Rockstarts have sex appeal. They may not be sexy to you, but they are sexy to women and that's what matters. But it's their success, confidence, and money that make them sexy, along with their ability to BE sexual on-stage and the fact that many women want to **** them.
Unless you are a rockstar or your ugly buddy, don't aspire to look 'like' these guys unless YOU ARE these guys. The reason why they do well is because they are 100% THEMSELVES. And you're being a hypocrite by saying looks don't matter at all, because it is a VERY big part of who we are as people (not just biological looks, but how we take care of ourselves).

Looks DO matter when the woman has choices. Looks DO matter when approaching a woman. Looks DO matter when trying to turn on your girlfriend. Looks DO matter when she's thinking about you at night.
Don't deny it.

By debating this fact, you've come to tell us that ANYTHING can attract a woman. Some rockstars are bums in real life, yet you say it's alright to be a total drunken idiot as long as you get groupy sex.
Your need to believe that looks don't matter has lead you to look for proof wherever it can be found, and then you adopt every aspect of that scenario as being true as well (be an alcoholic, it's okay. Be fat, it's okay. Be a druggie, it's okay. Be disgusting, it's okay.).
MisterMcGee, are you on coke or something? Your posts are angry, man. haha. Can't you see I'm just playing around? You need to lighten up.

But yea, I guess you're right.... I can't deny looks indeed do matter, maybe 5% if you're lucky.

That's because rockstars carry an enormous amount of social proof with them, more than 99% of guys will ever have.

For the AVERAGE person who doesn't play to a crowd of 30,000 5 nights a week, looks carry some importance. Taking care of yourself (self-respect and value) are some of the most basic things to learn, and set you apart from the masses.

Without proper game yeah, it's not worth much, but it sure as hell doesn't hurt any, and it doesn't put you into a hole as far as first impressions go. Why would you not want to look your best anyways?
Haha yea, I know. I kinda posted that as a joke. You make a good point though with that social proof. There is a good reason for me being so skeptical about this, and I've explained it earlier here. Like I've posted before:

Girls don't pay that much to looks really. Sure, it will give you an easier chance to start a conversation, but that's it. It's all about how you carry yourself. A buddy of mine walks around with stubble most of the time and looks like he just came out of bed. He dresses normal, but nothing special really. Sometimes he also shows up in his sporting clothes. There is nothing special about his looks. He even has a little bit of a beer belly, and is a smoker (including weed). Not really athletic built also. But, because he has so much confidence, he is really succesful with women. I can't believe with what amazing hotties he scores with. I'm talking about at least 8, but most of the time 9. And no dumb sl*ts or something; sweet, hot girls. Girls I can only dream about. And he doesn't care. He has 4 of them at the same time all over the place. Guys that are ten times better looking, ten times better smelling and have twenty times more expensive clothes then him hate themselves when he's around. He gets all the girls because he is confidence in person. It has nothing to do with his looks. NOTHING.
And he's not the only one. I've seen it many times. It's all about HOW YOU CARRY YOURSELF. Looks really aren't that important. They really aren't. I'm not implying that you should look like a bum, but you don't need expensive clothes, shoes, teethwhitner and redicilous colognes to attract chicks.

As MisterMcGee provers, appearance is also something people hide behind because they're insecure.


Master Don Juan
Oct 29, 2008
Reaction score
Next time, tell us you're joking when you're debating so you can save us from replying in paragraphs.


Master Don Juan
Nov 16, 2007
Reaction score
Los Angeles
your social advice is money. especially the part about talking to everyone, which a lot of guys don't do

your external advice can be condensed to maintain good hygeine and look nice. the more vague the better. trust me, unless yoru teeth were rotting before, the Crest Whitening strips aren't as big a deal as you think