After 2 months, Red Flag #1?


Don Juan
Aug 7, 2006
Reaction score
iight guys.. Been a while since I've been here but here goes...

Been seeing this girl for 2 months. See her about once a week, call about 1-2 times and week. She has been accepting my dates since day one and been on good behavior - meaning no red flags. We just started sleeping with one another maybe about 3 weeks ago. Further, I'm trying to pursue a LTR w/ her.

Now, a few days ago she comes over to hang and she uses my bathroom as shes upstairs, she gets a text from some dude. I didnt read it. I just noticed it popped up as her cell was on my coffee table.

Is the joke on me guys? Whats going on here? Is this red flag #1?


Senior Don Juan
May 9, 2004
Reaction score
Maybe she's got male friends? I'd say don't worry about it unless it starts happening while you're together and she actually ANSWERS them ;) Or unless she starts acting weird.


Don Juan
Sep 17, 2008
Reaction score
There's a rule that I go by. If you don't specifically say anything in a relationship, anything is fair game. No assumptions. So, if I've been seeing a girl for X months we aren't exclusive until we discuss the issue. Major things in a relationship need to go by that rule, otherwise you guys start assuming, and things start going south.

That said, you need to realize that she has guy friends, too. Who cares if they text. ALL girls have guy friends, and ALL girls need to hang out with their guy friends. If you ever get to meet these guys, treat them with respect and joke around with them so that she knows you're not threatened by them. You shouldn't be, cause you're the ****ing man... you're the prize. She's spending time with you, right? Sounds like you're letting your guard down, so don't turn into an AFC.


Don Juan
Jul 18, 2003
Reaction score
If the joke is one you remains to be seen.

Don't sweat it, don't tell her, don't get angry or upset. Nothing happened Bro! Don't get paranoid.

Don't turn this into a self-fulfilling prophecy by getting jealous or much worse by acting jealous.

What happened afterwards? Did she text back while you're around. Did she check her cellphone for missed calls or texts while being with you?

A SMS ( by the way: do you guys in the U.S. call it SMS? or just text msg? ) from another guy means nothing. It's not like she's your property. Is she hanging out with guy friends on a regular basis? Does she tell you about it? You don't know yet, because you don't know her that long.

2 month is not enough time for thinking about LTR. Keep on doing what you have been doing and get to know her.

Watch her actions and her behavior, stay focused, but don't sweat it. Time will tell.