Snow Plowman
Master Don Juan
This is by far the easiest place I ever been to in my life. Pulling here is so easy it's almost a joke. It also opened my eyes to how far I've come and mindblowing to see what a sex worthy guy looks like. Before we get to the goods let us me by myself leaving a sushi restaurant.
Nighttime Solo Edition
My plan was to go out solo and tear it up. When I talk about I'm the party and draw state from within, I mean it. I was feeling AMAZING walking by myself to the point where some chick opened me and we end up chatting for about 5mins...if she was hotter I would've never made it to to the night venue...I'm walking and feeling AWESOME. I roll in the venue alone and open the first group of women I see...
I open this 5set it blows wide open of course, the BDAY girl grabs me and tries to kiss me...OK my sub-communication must be solid. I got that "PULL" feeling from her and her friend then passes her a drink, meanwhile I talk to 2 of the other chicks. This was going ok, they **** test me for having a bag shopping bag with me...everything is going good until there Buying Temperature Fries and I am clearly done. It's a remarkable thing to see...
Insight One: Living in your own reality is key...I somehow always seem to have something for women to call me out on. I knew before I came in there that women would ask me why the hell I have a shopping bag with me.
I later open a mixed 4set spinning a chick and then I head outside and make a phone call. Notice Warlock is in the building with his wing (raven?) I chat with him for a bit and then see two chicks who are like the only ones here so I open and end up staying there for 20-30mins...
I forget what is said but it was mainly about the escalation...I love giving a wide range of different touch and sensations. I never seem to ever pick a target so I ended up kissing both of them eventually. I'm hitting there arm, clawing, grabbing there air, stroking there neck, squeezing there hands and wrist, embracing them, kissing them on the forehead, giving them quick pecks on the lips, massaging there body, slapping there arm, pushing them, brushing my nose on there ear, etc.
The interaction was bouncing all around...NYC vs Chi town...Marrying girl A...affair with girl B...Food. These were the main topics and ever so often I brought up new things. There was a huge battle between NYC being the better city and Chi-town being the better city. I was very challenging and dominating because I qualify hard on chicks being able to keep up with me. Eventually me and girl A happened to get married, it was weird how this occurred because I hate marrying a chick. I tell them about the "**** or Fight" concept and tell girl B that's what me and girl A are going to always have. Eventually I have girl B tag along with us on our adventures and then I cheat and escalate on girl B hardcore, leading to a kiss. (I had kissed girl A earlier) This was a very long set and VERY entertaining...
Insight Two: The whole time I was just self-amusing myself and just dictating the social interaction and energy. I was structuring opportunities for them to talk and I also had them qualify themselves to me and win me over.
I then walk around looking to socialize with ANYONE so I open these two swedish MILFs who skirts keep flying up. This was total self-amusement here, not much escalation...I just chatted about my school, speaking in swedish, and then we hit traveling and food. One MILF likes thai food and has been to thailand so I accuse her of making all the thai men horny and wanting to jump on her. Her BT fried...her friend ended up having to pull her away because she was just so in state and started touching me.
Insight Three: Living in your own reality + self-amusement = AWESOME. You can never get blown out...
I'm feeling sick, wanting to go home but I vow to stay in and socialize with a bunch of guys if I have...but then LPRINCE texts me saying the place he is at allows phones dieing and I rush over there.
Nighttime Queue Line Edition
I'm waiting in the queue line...I listen to three guys talking about getting women...I'm anxious because I know if some women stand behind me there getting opened...and what do you ****ing NO!!!
Not one set, but three different sets all merged together by me...FIRST it's a 2set who needs an ATM who I disqualify myself with and claim as my new NYU girls...then they leave and another 2set comes that I open, at the same time there was a single girl who was standing there that I opened too so we all introduced ourselves, found out the lone chick was from brooklyn. The other 2set comes back and I introduce them, I'm escalating on all of them...
...I go in with lone wolf, she says she's on some list and we get in free...NICE...she has me come with her by the bathroom, I'm escalating hardcore, feeling her ass and everything. I spot Scott North, LPRINCE, and LAW...I introduce SCOTT to the "ATM 2set" he takes one chick who he doesn't like, I roll with my lone wolf phones dead, no # close. I end up kissing her, she introduces me to her DJ friend and then her DJ friend gives us passes for free drinks and tells us "Russell Simmon's DAUGHTER" is having a private bday party that he can get us into...I end up passing this up, I just make out with herl and let her go off in the night...she had seen me making out with other chicks and pointed out that I start quick because I was on a girl right when we got in the place. I did like the lone wolf, I had realized later on that she had a nice ass and I was looking for a chick with a nice ass the whole time.
I also end up kissing the girl that was looking for SCOTT...because he left later on in the night and she was looking for him because she liked him, but SCOTT didn't like her. I just tried making out with her because NYC Crew was trying to see how many make outs we could get...She pulls away saying it's not right because she liked Scott and I liked my lone wolf.
I'm finished with the chicks from the queue line and I now proclaim this venue OURS...we have young 18-19 year olds, some drunk, abundance of chodes...NO FEMALE POLARITY WOMEN...or atleast what I'm used too. So I call this place the grounds for little kids. I was alittle pissed at first because it was pure dance floor and I knew how easy this would be...
This was funny...chicks litterally wanted to **** Lprince, Law and I...we all got opened a few times in the one point I see this chick literally jump on LPRINCE, and LAW brings a chick back from outside because he decided not to PULL and instead get some sleep for school tomorrow
I'm awesome on the dancefloor but I don't like doing dancefloor game...O well...lets go through some stuff...
BUYING TEMPERATURE!!! BUYING TEMPERATURE!!! BUYING TEMPERATURE!!! It transfer over to others, they fry and run off, and there friend's protect them. There were a few here and there that this happened too...I knew makeouts here would be NOTHING...I actually didn't want no women here besides two...and also this place is so easy to do a bathroom pull.
My Way Of Doing Things
A. Cut & Claw: This is my MO now, I grab them and cut space instantly so I'm inches away from them, the verbal content is usually gibberish
B. Mating Dance: Basically I don't speak and just give her different types of physical touch and sensations...I usually then disqualify myself and have her qualify her self to me and BOOM
Nighttime Solo Edition
My plan was to go out solo and tear it up. When I talk about I'm the party and draw state from within, I mean it. I was feeling AMAZING walking by myself to the point where some chick opened me and we end up chatting for about 5mins...if she was hotter I would've never made it to to the night venue...I'm walking and feeling AWESOME. I roll in the venue alone and open the first group of women I see...
I open this 5set it blows wide open of course, the BDAY girl grabs me and tries to kiss me...OK my sub-communication must be solid. I got that "PULL" feeling from her and her friend then passes her a drink, meanwhile I talk to 2 of the other chicks. This was going ok, they **** test me for having a bag shopping bag with me...everything is going good until there Buying Temperature Fries and I am clearly done. It's a remarkable thing to see...
Insight One: Living in your own reality is key...I somehow always seem to have something for women to call me out on. I knew before I came in there that women would ask me why the hell I have a shopping bag with me.
I later open a mixed 4set spinning a chick and then I head outside and make a phone call. Notice Warlock is in the building with his wing (raven?) I chat with him for a bit and then see two chicks who are like the only ones here so I open and end up staying there for 20-30mins...
I forget what is said but it was mainly about the escalation...I love giving a wide range of different touch and sensations. I never seem to ever pick a target so I ended up kissing both of them eventually. I'm hitting there arm, clawing, grabbing there air, stroking there neck, squeezing there hands and wrist, embracing them, kissing them on the forehead, giving them quick pecks on the lips, massaging there body, slapping there arm, pushing them, brushing my nose on there ear, etc.
The interaction was bouncing all around...NYC vs Chi town...Marrying girl A...affair with girl B...Food. These were the main topics and ever so often I brought up new things. There was a huge battle between NYC being the better city and Chi-town being the better city. I was very challenging and dominating because I qualify hard on chicks being able to keep up with me. Eventually me and girl A happened to get married, it was weird how this occurred because I hate marrying a chick. I tell them about the "**** or Fight" concept and tell girl B that's what me and girl A are going to always have. Eventually I have girl B tag along with us on our adventures and then I cheat and escalate on girl B hardcore, leading to a kiss. (I had kissed girl A earlier) This was a very long set and VERY entertaining...
Insight Two: The whole time I was just self-amusing myself and just dictating the social interaction and energy. I was structuring opportunities for them to talk and I also had them qualify themselves to me and win me over.
I then walk around looking to socialize with ANYONE so I open these two swedish MILFs who skirts keep flying up. This was total self-amusement here, not much escalation...I just chatted about my school, speaking in swedish, and then we hit traveling and food. One MILF likes thai food and has been to thailand so I accuse her of making all the thai men horny and wanting to jump on her. Her BT fried...her friend ended up having to pull her away because she was just so in state and started touching me.
Insight Three: Living in your own reality + self-amusement = AWESOME. You can never get blown out...
I'm feeling sick, wanting to go home but I vow to stay in and socialize with a bunch of guys if I have...but then LPRINCE texts me saying the place he is at allows phones dieing and I rush over there.
Nighttime Queue Line Edition
I'm waiting in the queue line...I listen to three guys talking about getting women...I'm anxious because I know if some women stand behind me there getting opened...and what do you ****ing NO!!!
Not one set, but three different sets all merged together by me...FIRST it's a 2set who needs an ATM who I disqualify myself with and claim as my new NYU girls...then they leave and another 2set comes that I open, at the same time there was a single girl who was standing there that I opened too so we all introduced ourselves, found out the lone chick was from brooklyn. The other 2set comes back and I introduce them, I'm escalating on all of them...
...I go in with lone wolf, she says she's on some list and we get in free...NICE...she has me come with her by the bathroom, I'm escalating hardcore, feeling her ass and everything. I spot Scott North, LPRINCE, and LAW...I introduce SCOTT to the "ATM 2set" he takes one chick who he doesn't like, I roll with my lone wolf phones dead, no # close. I end up kissing her, she introduces me to her DJ friend and then her DJ friend gives us passes for free drinks and tells us "Russell Simmon's DAUGHTER" is having a private bday party that he can get us into...I end up passing this up, I just make out with herl and let her go off in the night...she had seen me making out with other chicks and pointed out that I start quick because I was on a girl right when we got in the place. I did like the lone wolf, I had realized later on that she had a nice ass and I was looking for a chick with a nice ass the whole time.
I also end up kissing the girl that was looking for SCOTT...because he left later on in the night and she was looking for him because she liked him, but SCOTT didn't like her. I just tried making out with her because NYC Crew was trying to see how many make outs we could get...She pulls away saying it's not right because she liked Scott and I liked my lone wolf.
I'm finished with the chicks from the queue line and I now proclaim this venue OURS...we have young 18-19 year olds, some drunk, abundance of chodes...NO FEMALE POLARITY WOMEN...or atleast what I'm used too. So I call this place the grounds for little kids. I was alittle pissed at first because it was pure dance floor and I knew how easy this would be...
This was funny...chicks litterally wanted to **** Lprince, Law and I...we all got opened a few times in the one point I see this chick literally jump on LPRINCE, and LAW brings a chick back from outside because he decided not to PULL and instead get some sleep for school tomorrow
I'm awesome on the dancefloor but I don't like doing dancefloor game...O well...lets go through some stuff...
BUYING TEMPERATURE!!! BUYING TEMPERATURE!!! BUYING TEMPERATURE!!! It transfer over to others, they fry and run off, and there friend's protect them. There were a few here and there that this happened too...I knew makeouts here would be NOTHING...I actually didn't want no women here besides two...and also this place is so easy to do a bathroom pull.
My Way Of Doing Things
A. Cut & Claw: This is my MO now, I grab them and cut space instantly so I'm inches away from them, the verbal content is usually gibberish
B. Mating Dance: Basically I don't speak and just give her different types of physical touch and sensations...I usually then disqualify myself and have her qualify her self to me and BOOM