Body language book


Master Don Juan
Mar 16, 2008
Reaction score
an island
Body language is something thats very underrated IMO. Deep down everybody knows it naturally but the conscious mind takes over and confuses thing. Women as we know are much better at reading body language then us men. I've recently downloaded an ebook called bodylanguageproject (recommended by KarmaSutra in another thread) and I was surprised at how good it was.

I had a book before on body language but it only had about 4 pages about attracting the opposite sex. This ebook is 90 pages long and it has 100's of pictures too and best of all it's all about attracting and reading women.

It teaches you what signs to look out for and more importantly teaches you attractive body language to attract women.

It's great for reading what people are thinking For example women will see a confident man instead of a nervous wreck by just changing 1 or 2 little things.

To sum up it's a good practicle read (a few hours) that will improve your game and you'll find it interesting observing people and yourself which is a skill you can develop.

broken dreams

Senior Don Juan
Jul 1, 2008
Reaction score
new york city , bit-chezz
Slaog is right on target on the excercises which is KEY to this .

I'm good at this ,since peripheal vision is necesary for you to vibe the girl thats already attracted to you and will welcome your approach.

Its like a sixth sense for me but its something you can learn by watching more and complement what you learn from a book.

There are body language vids out there.

Reading IOI's is golden when you are undescisive and cant seem what to do but ! this back fires when you are w a hired gun they are fake interest or interst in cash especially if you are dealing with exotic dancer or sales girl, they are paid to be nice and conversate.

so be careful with this.

read my post and you'll see wht Im talking about.

YOUR Body language is key to show dominance alpha and congruence every minimal movement counts on your part when she is opbserving and testing to see who you are.

A girl thats a friend , a personal trainer , doctor , chiropractor or even a physical therapist can help you if you have bad posture.
My perosnal trainer helped me since I was slaoching and had a hump back and would get upset and correct me and we go over excercises and sets of weight training to develop stronger muscles to support my back. It natural for me to walk and stand tall so this is a habit you must pick up fast.

Miroring her body language is something I always do in day game, this comes from hypnosis to build comfort and trust just by mirror her body language.

Awesome Topic and Nice post man!


Master Don Juan
Mar 16, 2008
Reaction score
an island
broken dreams said:
I'm good at this since peripheal vision is necesary for you to vibe the girl thats already attracted to you and will welcome your approach. but For you to learn or correct your own BL and to read them.

Its like a sixth sense for me but its something you can learn by watching more and complement what you learn from a book.

There are body language vids out there.

Reading IOI's is golden when you are undescisive and cant seem what to do but ! this back fires when you are w a hired gun they are fake interest or interst in cash especially if you are dealing with exotic dancer or sales girl, they are paid to be nice and conversate.

so be careful with this.

read my post and you'll see wht Im talking about.

YOUR Body language is key to show dominance alpha and congruence every minimal movement counts on your part when she is opbserving and testing to see who you are.

Slaog is right on target on the excercises which is KEY to this .

Miroring her body language is something I always do in day game, this comes from hypnosis to build comfort and trust just by mirror her body language.

Awesome Topic and Nice post man!
Thank you it's something thats underrated IMO and a skill anybody can learn and enjoy.

Noob said:
erm ok... so whats the book called?
It's called the bodylanguageproject. I'm not able to use those p2p sites because of some port forwarding problem on my router. It cost only about 15 dollars.


Master Don Juan
Mar 16, 2008
Reaction score
an island
I think this book is even more important for novice DJ's because BL is an ******d expression of how you're feeling inside and if you're not feeling like a DJ it'll show but now you can fake it. Just by knowing the basics of BL it can improve your game in a matter of hours.

If you're having a conversation with a woman BL is vital to make the women feel comfortable and attracted to you.


Oct 13, 2005
Reaction score
Padron Reserve maduro in hand while finishing my b
Pay the $15 you cheap bastards.

Chris put a lot of effort into this book and it's the best on the subject hands down.

Put it in perspective. You go out to a club and drop $15 for a couple of drinks for some broad who's going to end up taking the bouncer home and squatting on his face while you're still crying on each other's shoulders.

This is $15 well spent and you get a lifetime of knowledge to carry with you on the next trip to the club only this time you may be under her asscheeks smiling.

Here's my review of The Body Language Project:

My review is the last one:

Cheap fvcks.


Master Don Juan
Mar 16, 2008
Reaction score
an island
KarmaSutra said:
Chris put a lot of effort into this book and it's the best on the subject hands down.

Put it in perspective. You go out to a club and drop $15 for a couple of drinks for some broad who's going to end up taking the bouncer home and squatting on his face while you're still crying on each other's shoulders.

This is $15 well spent and you get a lifetime of knowledge to carry with you on the next trip to the club only this time you may be under her asscheeks smiling.

Here's my review of The Body Language Project:

My review is the last one:

Cheap fvcks.
It's amazing that some won't pay $15 for valuable information but still complain about women not liking them. :crazy:

Thanks for the tip on the book. I knew a little bit about body language before but this has helped me improve further. :up:


Don Juan
Jan 24, 2008
Reaction score
Phoenix, AZ
Alright, I'll toss in my $15. Review to follow after I've read it a half dozen times and followed through (in a month or so.)

I wish he'd have gone with paypal or something a bit more common for his payment system though.

War Against Betaism

Master Don Juan
Aug 19, 2007
Reaction score
I've actually been looking for a book about body language under the seduction category. Most of the body language books are about body language in general. Good stuff I'll definitely be looking into it.


Senior Don Juan
Jan 3, 2008
Reaction score
wow i dont have no 15 dollars man soembody post it stop bein a faggot...were all on here to learn so why not share the knowledge u damn some of u people r really dumb...