How would you respond to "I think I'm going to give my ex another try" *LONG*


Senior Don Juan
Jun 8, 2008
Reaction score
Hey guys,

First time poster.

I met this girl this past week. We exchanged contact info, got together on two occasions to 'hang out' but most of that time we were making out. I told her I just got out of a relationship about a month ago so I was looking to go slow and she said that was cool because she didn't want to get hurt.

Anyway, last night I met up with her and two of her girlfriends at a bar. We bar hopped two or three times during the night and she was pretty drunk. So she and I were making out a lot, ect. She was always rubbing up against me and fawning over me. Seriously I would be sitting there just sipping my drink and I would look over and she would give me the doggy dinner bowl look. I've never been fawned over by any woman like that before, let alone one of this caliber. She is a tall blond and looks like she was the head cheerleader in high school. But my point is her interest level was HIGH!

Her friends however were luke warm. Her one friend was on a cell phone everywhere we went trying to hook up a booty call of her own so I didn't get a chance to make an impression on her. The other friend was kind of hefty and pissed off about it (or men, or life in general!) and kept giving me the evil eye all night. Here I always thought it would be super-cool to hang with a group of girls all night on the bar circuit. After all, I've spent so much time hanging out with my male friends in bars I was always jealous of the guys with lots of women. But man I gotta tell you, girls suck to hang out with! So CATTY! lol

So eventually after we closed down the bar the one girl heads off to her booty call and we head back to the hefty girl's apartment. My girl is from out of town by the way and she was spending the night at hefty girls place. At hefty girls' apartment we all just sit around, drink a bit more, eat and watch a movie. Hefty girl sits in one chair, me and my girl in another. Now obviously my girl and I want some alone time so we're just waiting for hefty girl to go to bed. But hefty girl keeps texting and calling some guy she wants to come over. The guy wasn't even taking her calls and she was calling him or texting him dozens of time! Lesson learned indifference truly works friends! Another lesson is if a girl is truly interested in you, she will chase. Forget looking for subtle IOI's. Anyway, eventually hefty girl does go to bed and says to us "don't fvck on my couch, fvck on the floor". Ha ha, that was so funny I just had to share it with somebody. I felt like such a player.

Well I wasn't gonna close the deal that night. I wasn't comfortable fvcking with hefty girl just on the other side of the door and maybe coming into the living room at any moment.

I told my girl, no fvcking tonight, just playing. We did a lot of other stuff, heavy make out, me fingering her, ect ect. Whatever problem I have with this girl, it's not a lack of sexual attraction on her part. She pretty much begged me to fvck her most of the time but I told her we needed to save it for next time.

Anyway, sex aside, she didn't want me to go home last night. We stayed up til' 5 am talking. We went outside and sat on the step in the cool night air and got to know each other better. She kept saying to me "I'm falling for you" and "what did you do to me, give me a love potion?". Now I'm thinking "danger danger" because I truly liked this girl and didn't want her getting too attached because I'm not ready for that yet. So I kept telling her "let's just take this slow, hang out and see what happens" and I also expressed to her I'm not quite over my ex yet and I don't want her to get hurt'. But overall she was completely clingy with me and telling me how much she wanted me sex wise, relationship wise, ect. And of course her telling me that stuff about getting attached so soon did raise a red flag for me.

Finally at 5 am I drove home. I sent her a text in the morning telling her I was still turned on. She didn't text me back and I thought no big deal because she told me early on she had plans for today. Then later I did call her just to chat but no answer, so I leave a message.

A few hours later she calls me. I ask her how her day was, ect. and she said "oh I've had drama today, my ex came over blah blah blah and he has been wanting to give it another shot for a few months now and I'm confused. I don't want you to get hurt".

So what's the best way to respond to that???

I tried to be cool about it and also use the Str8up 'walk away method'. I said "hey that's understandable. I'm glad you told me this now."

She said "we can still be friends" and I said "no thanks, don't need that drama in my life". Then I removed her from my myspace page later on.

However, maybe an hour went by and I texted her saying "maybe I had been a bit hasty about kicking you out of my life completely, who knows, maybe we can hook up the future" or I said something like that. I just had to leave the door open her because she was THAT HOT and I had thought she was really into me but she never texted back.

What do you guys make up all this?


Master Don Juan
Oct 11, 2005
Reaction score
Eh you fvcked up by wussing out and texting her.

Put a fork in your future chances with her.

You are done.

Move on to greener pastures my friend.

Max Power

Senior Don Juan
May 29, 2007
Reaction score
Yeah, the follow up text really hurt your frame. I don't know if all is lost, but ....


Senior Don Juan
Jun 8, 2008
Reaction score
I agree, the follow up text was weak. I was afraid that I had been too immature completely cutting her out of my life by saying no to her offer of friendship. I didn't want it to seem like it was me going "If I can't have my way, I'm not gonna play and I'm taking my ball and going home". Does that make sense?

Still what I'm most interested here is did I initially set the frame right when she mentioned the ex. What is the strongest response to that?

There are greener pastures out there my friend, and I want to learn for next time.


Master Don Juan
Jun 19, 2006
Reaction score
Wacky idea, but could she be making up the whole thing with the ex to flip the script?

she said "oh I've had drama today, my ex came over blah blah blah and he has been wanting to give it another shot for a few months now and I'm confused. I don't want you to get hurt".
Isn't this basically what you've been saying to her the entire time you've known her?

Also, I'm not too clear on what she said to you. She said she was confused? Okay, be confused then. Invite her over to watch a confusing movie and eat some confusing pizza, whatever. If she didn't say "we need to stop seeing each other like that" I see no reason to give her an actual reaction to her drama. Just keep seeing her. Be the fun guy who doesn't bother her over commitments and getting hurt and all that jazz.


Master Don Juan
Oct 11, 2005
Reaction score
I personally wouldn't of used your drama line and said exactly this "thanks but I already have enough friends" just to emphasize to her that I don't play friends with women I'm not boning.

Phrasing it this way lets her know where you stand with women.

Phrasing it your drama way may cause her to interpret your intent wrong in that she may think you just don't want to be friends with her because you consider her a lousy candidate for friendship.

Thats not the message you want to send.

You want to send women the message that you do not befriend women.

You hook up with women and thats it. Thats your message that should be conveyed clearly and smoothly.

So you did have the right idea and you made a valiant attempt to frame things right but a better wording choice was needed and you need to stick to your frame which means you don't symp the fvck out and send her an apology text later, apologizing for the way you have chosen to live your life.

After all she is not sorry that her ex is her first priority over you is she?


Senior Don Juan
Jun 8, 2008
Reaction score
Phyzzle said:
Wacky idea, but could she be making up the whole thing with the ex to flip the script?
I considered that but I think that if that been the case she wouldn't have been so definitive in her response, which I'll clarify below:

Phyzzle said:
Also, I'm not too clear on what she said to you. She said she was confused? Okay, be confused then. Invite her over to watch a confusing movie and eat some confusing pizza, whatever. If she didn't say "we need to stop seeing each other like that" I see no reason to give her an actual reaction to her drama. Just keep seeing her. Be the fun guy who doesn't bother her over commitments and getting hurt and all that jazz.
I was paraphrasing it because I don't quite remember what she said. But I do remember me calling her on it by telling her "it's obvious what you want" and then she turned apologetic and started justifying and rationalizing why she didn't think it was fair to put me in the middle of this. I'm certain that's what was said and I undeniably understood it as her having feelings or desire for her ex and backing off from me.


Master Don Juan
Nov 18, 2006
Reaction score
Gold Coast. Aust.
KontrollerX said:
I personally wouldn't of used your drama line and said exactly this "thanks but I already have enough friends" just to emphasize to her that I don't play friends with women I'm not boning.

That is what you SHOULD have said - and then just hung up CHEERFULLY.
By putting it that way you portray yourself as clear, firm and precise in your dating rules..
However you did mess up when you text her back. You should have just left her UNDEFINED for the moment .There was a good chance that she and Ex were NOT going to reconcile because it was the same two people who broke up in the first place.
SEcondly - she may be having "buyer's remorse" or some such, about what you and she did together.
Another example of why we do NOT believe anything that women say and ,in this case, not to be believing their actions either .


Senior Don Juan
Jun 8, 2008
Reaction score
Another example of why we do NOT believe anything that women say and ,in this case, not to be believing their actions either.
:up: Right on man. Actions speak louder than words but even actions have no relevance from one moment to the next in chick logic. The girl will always do what feels right to in any given moment.

SEcondly - she may be having "buyer's remorse" or some such, about what you and she did together
That's a good point. I also think this could have been a bit of congruence test. Or even possibly her putting up a road block because she WAS afraid of getting hurt in this situation.

However you did mess up when you text her back. You should have just left her UNDEFINED for the moment .There was a good chance that she and Ex were NOT going to reconcile because it was the same two people who broke up in the first place.
My thoughts exactly. I just wish I had handled it better when she had brought up the ex.


Senior Don Juan
Jan 18, 2006
Reaction score
Seriously? This girl sounds immature. She was telling you one thing, and yet within 12 hours, and her ex were probably having sex.

I agree with the others that your last text message was weak.


Senior Don Juan
Jun 8, 2008
Reaction score
Hey guys,

Thanks for the responses. I've been thinking about it, maybe not having sex with her the night before killed the attraction? It surprised me how much she wanted the sex. Maybe I didn't give her what she wanted and she said was like NEXT!



Master Don Juan
Aug 3, 2004
Reaction score
sf ca
wow she had you on Speed CYCLE. usually cluster B cycles are much much longer but she churned through you in the course of a couple of nights! She had you hook line and sinker in one night "on the floor". You should of banged her bro because that may have been your only chance. Sex for them is like tying a bow in their hair, it's just another activity with no emotion whatsoever attached. Men make the mistake of getting all "emotional" about it when the B just wants to bang all night. When you get the opportunity do it, because it may be offered ONE TIME ONLY. :D this B was only in the picture for a few days but like a true B, her confounding behaviour has you posting on message boards wondering what the F just happened!!!


Senior Don Juan
Jan 18, 2006
Reaction score
Truman181 said:
Hey guys,

Thanks for the responses. I've been thinking about it, maybe not having sex with her the night before killed the attraction? It surprised me how much she wanted the sex. Maybe I didn't give her what she wanted and she said was like NEXT!

Your instincts at the time were telling you that if you DID have sex with her, you could have a clingy psycho on your hands.

I'd go with your instincts at the time.


Don Juan
Feb 26, 2008
Reaction score
Welcome to the forum.

Sounds like she was feeling down about the situation with her ex and used your attention to replenish her self-esteem.

When a girl says she is confused, she is really saying: "I'm going to fvck some other guy but I want you to continue building my self esteem with your attention". That's why she wants to keep you as a friend.

Wash your hands of this girl.


Don Juan
Jul 29, 2007
Reaction score
Truman181 said:
Hey guys,

First time poster.

I met this girl this past week. We exchanged contact info, got together on two occasions to 'hang out' but most of that time we were making out. I told her I just got out of a relationship about a month ago so I was looking to go slow and she said that was cool because she didn't want to get hurt.

Anyway, last night I met up with her and two of her girlfriends at a bar. We bar hopped two or three times during the night and she was pretty drunk. So she and I were making out a lot, ect. She was always rubbing up against me and fawning over me. Seriously I would be sitting there just sipping my drink and I would look over and she would give me the doggy dinner bowl look. I've never been fawned over by any woman like that before, let alone one of this caliber. She is a tall blond and looks like she was the head cheerleader in high school. But my point is her interest level was HIGH!

Her friends however were luke warm. Her one friend was on a cell phone everywhere we went trying to hook up a booty call of her own so I didn't get a chance to make an impression on her. The other friend was kind of hefty and pissed off about it (or men, or life in general!) and kept giving me the evil eye all night. Here I always thought it would be super-cool to hang with a group of girls all night on the bar circuit. After all, I've spent so much time hanging out with my male friends in bars I was always jealous of the guys with lots of women. But man I gotta tell you, girls suck to hang out with! So CATTY! lol

So eventually after we closed down the bar the one girl heads off to her booty call and we head back to the hefty girl's apartment. My girl is from out of town by the way and she was spending the night at hefty girls place. At hefty girls' apartment we all just sit around, drink a bit more, eat and watch a movie. Hefty girl sits in one chair, me and my girl in another. Now obviously my girl and I want some alone time so we're just waiting for hefty girl to go to bed. But hefty girl keeps texting and calling some guy she wants to come over. The guy wasn't even taking her calls and she was calling him or texting him dozens of time! Lesson learned indifference truly works friends! Another lesson is if a girl is truly interested in you, she will chase. Forget looking for subtle IOI's. Anyway, eventually hefty girl does go to bed and says to us "don't fvck on my couch, fvck on the floor". Ha ha, that was so funny I just had to share it with somebody. I felt like such a player.

Well I wasn't gonna close the deal that night. I wasn't comfortable fvcking with hefty girl just on the other side of the door and maybe coming into the living room at any moment.

I told my girl, no fvcking tonight, just playing. We did a lot of other stuff, heavy make out, me fingering her, ect ect. Whatever problem I have with this girl, it's not a lack of sexual attraction on her part. She pretty much begged me to fvck her most of the time but I told her we needed to save it for next time.

Anyway, sex aside, she didn't want me to go home last night. We stayed up til' 5 am talking. We went outside and sat on the step in the cool night air and got to know each other better. She kept saying to me "I'm falling for you" and "what did you do to me, give me a love potion?". Now I'm thinking "danger danger" because I truly liked this girl and didn't want her getting too attached because I'm not ready for that yet. So I kept telling her "let's just take this slow, hang out and see what happens" and I also expressed to her I'm not quite over my ex yet and I don't want her to get hurt'. But overall she was completely clingy with me and telling me how much she wanted me sex wise, relationship wise, ect. And of course her telling me that stuff about getting attached so soon did raise a red flag for me.

Finally at 5 am I drove home. I sent her a text in the morning telling her I was still turned on. She didn't text me back and I thought no big deal because she told me early on she had plans for today. Then later I did call her just to chat but no answer, so I leave a message.

A few hours later she calls me. I ask her how her day was, ect. and she said "oh I've had drama today, my ex came over blah blah blah and he has been wanting to give it another shot for a few months now and I'm confused. I don't want you to get hurt".

So what's the best way to respond to that???

I tried to be cool about it and also use the Str8up 'walk away method'. I said "hey that's understandable. I'm glad you told me this now."

She said "we can still be friends" and I said "no thanks, don't need that drama in my life". Then I removed her from my myspace page later on.

However, maybe an hour went by and I texted her saying "maybe I had been a bit hasty about kicking you out of my life completely, who knows, maybe we can hook up the future" or I said something like that. I just had to leave the door open her because she was THAT HOT and I had thought she was really into me but she never texted back.

What do you guys make up all this?
She is gone, move on to the next HOT woman. I've been there man. Did the same thing with my ex girlfriend. It is not worth it.


Senior Don Juan
Jun 8, 2008
Reaction score
I've had a few more hours to think about things. Thanks to all who replied. The reason I keep harping on this is because my state was so HIGH the night I was with her and then the next day, without warning, she got flakey about it and I took it personally.

I mean really, the girl was into me! That is a fact! Whatever logic went through her head, the fact is she wanted to fvck me that night more than life itself.

Therefore I can still feel positive in knowing that.

However, her flakey behavior the next day was her issue and not mine. I didn't do anything wrong other than the weak text I sent afterwards. In other words I don't have to beat myself up over this and can be happy that I made such amazing progress and had an awesome night with a hot woman.

And yes, I should have fvcked her! LOL! Lesson learned! I was caught up future projecting things with this girl as I was absolutely certain I was going to have a lot of time to get to know her and have sex with her. I should have just enjoyed the moment, and fvcked her.


Don Juan
Aug 13, 2007
Reaction score
AJTD said:
She is gone, move on to the next HOT woman. I've been there man. Did the same thing with my ex girlfriend. It is not worth it.
What he said.....


Master Don Juan
Jan 18, 2006
Reaction score
The last text message certainly killed everything. She will call you some days later; don't worry yourself.


Don Juan
May 22, 2008
Reaction score
Truman181 said:
Then I removed her from my myspace page later on.

Ohh you totally owned her with this move. Hit her where it hurts, on myspace. BlTCH I'm removing you from my buddy list too.

You don't want to be involved with this woman at all anyways. consider yourself lucky that this ended before her aw ass really did some damage on you.


Senior Don Juan
Jun 8, 2008
Reaction score
Ohh you totally owned her with this move. Hit her where it hurts, on myspace. BlTCH I'm removing you from my buddy list too.
I didn't do it to punish her. I did it because I don't want contact with her if she's just trying to put me in the friend zone. Don't need it, don't want it.

And yes I seem to have dodged a bullet here.