Advice? Twins, College... how do I approach?

Michele l'Arcangelo

Master Don Juan
Aug 5, 2005
Reaction score
Alright. Background:

The course is Interpersonal Communications, it's Mid-Term, Monday & Wednesday. Theres these fraternal twins (non-identical). They both always show up in their scrubs. They seem to be 18-20 years old (I'm 18). One is dead sexy and the other is average in looks.

Monday, they both didn't come in wearing their scrubs, and were dressed casual... and the dead sexy one was... well... SMOKING HOT!

They both are very quiet and just laugh and smile at random jokes being said around class. They don't talk much.

Also, everyone sits in the same seat every class day. I originally sat in the very back corner and there are many seats available. I have read, and know, that i can move seats to sit closer to people I want to get to know.

I always come off as the quiet, intelligent person... until I have an opinion I want to share. As in, I choose my words carefully in class, and don't chit-chat. I'm very short, but they're the same height... might even be a bit taller by an less than an inch (I've learned that if I care about it, they will too, so it doesn't bother me).

Lastly about the background, we have group projects... debates over some stupid stuff... random assigned groups and I'm debating against her team (the "average-looking twin" not included). In my group, I have two people that's around 30-40 years old, and I'm the only one that's younger than 20. It seems they appointed me as leader... in a way.


How would I tread these waters, without having the other twin watch my every action...? And everything else I can imagine two very close twins doing to protect each other. Not to mention, the "average" twin being jealous.

I have "pure" intentions. Just getting in the know-each-other-zone is great... just as long as I get a chance to get in contact before the course is over. I'm not interested in her to come on and post a LR.

I was thinking during the lectures I could sit next to her and pass back and forth a note... not high school style, football folded shaped notes... but just a scrap paper talking like it's an Instant Messenger.

I was also thinking of some things to bring up or say...

- noticing her and her sister's scrubs, and that I'm about to start working at a nursing home, and ask them where they work.
- about them being twins, who's the "evil twin/good twin" (lame... but I'm sure there will be a laugh or smile)
- <taking advice here too>


Any advice? Is that note-passing thing lame? I remember reading a note my brother was passing back and forth with a girl when he was in college and she gave positive signs.

I'm also feeling the lost of game... I haven't read a single article since before signing up on the forum. I'm about to soak some up.
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Don Juan
May 11, 2008
Reaction score
if you haven't approached yet, and if you are not friends at the moment, try to be interested in both of them.

If they immediately understand you are hitting on the beautiful one, they'll both block you.

don't forget - You must ATTRACT the hot one for anything to work. Act cool. If you mess it up, they'll know your intentions in a flash and they'll burn out.

If you are not very good at this, my suggestion is - try to be friends first. Treat them as two guys you want to meet, and meet them.

And then you'll slowly work on the hot babe.

That's what I'd do. But I am no expert either. Someone might refute this, so stay around for a while

Michele l'Arcangelo

Master Don Juan
Aug 5, 2005
Reaction score
Bump! Going to bed, have THIS class tomorrow.

I'm looking forward to waking up and having 5 pages worth of advice!

btw, thanks, Guybrush.

Michele l'Arcangelo

Master Don Juan
Aug 5, 2005
Reaction score

yeah i get that. but twins... they are closer than best-friends can possibly be, but also competitive as can be.

read the original post and you'll get my reasoning. this was a specific question about TWINS, not just a random "how do i talk to her".


you're an idiot. i don't know if you're saying i'm a stalker creep pedophile to THEM... because they're probably older than me anyways. but whatever floats your boat, troll.

not to mention i'm pointing out basic daily observations... not doing some background check without them knowing. i can also probably point out every single person in my class and how to act... but that wasn't the point of this thread. idiot.

but thanks for doing an extra bump for me.