Don Juan
I'm so disgusted by the date I had the other day that I must post in order to prevent you DJs from ever repulsing a girl. You probably already know this if you've read this article or just out of common sense, but I'd like to spare you guys from possibly committing such a faux pas.
I went out with a guy the other day. We went to dinner, and all was okay. We had interesting conversations that made me consider going on a second date with him. However, the time came for a good night kiss. I pursed my lips gently, leaning into... A BIG WET TONGUE that reminded me of a banana slug with rigor mortis. The tongue was in my mouth before the lips even contacted mine. Before I knew it, I was being sucked into the whirlpool Charybdis from the Odyssey (very wet and tried to suck me in). I pulled away, bade him good night, and sped off. A few days later, he emailed me asking me for another date. I laconically wrote that I was not interested in seeing him anymore.
Deep Frenching is not a good first kiss. When I say first kiss, I'm talking about the first contact between 2 lips ever. Tongue before lips is an absolute faux pas. You can start probing with the tongues after you've kissed her lips only for a bit, letting the tension build after and her body language says that she's ready to take the tongue. Start nibbling her lips gently with your lips or brush your lips against hers to see if she wants the tongue. This is just a guideline though, and really you can only tell by body language and intuition.
To women, immediate tongue screams, "I don't believe in foreplay or anything remotely seductive!" Unless her body language screams, "Take me right now!" the first kiss should be seductive and build sexual tension. Women like to be seduced. Nothing is a bigger turn-off than a guy who treats seduction and foreplay as optional or an obligation.
Ugh, that was gross. I'd rather gargle a bucket of diarrhea than ever kiss that guy again.
I went out with a guy the other day. We went to dinner, and all was okay. We had interesting conversations that made me consider going on a second date with him. However, the time came for a good night kiss. I pursed my lips gently, leaning into... A BIG WET TONGUE that reminded me of a banana slug with rigor mortis. The tongue was in my mouth before the lips even contacted mine. Before I knew it, I was being sucked into the whirlpool Charybdis from the Odyssey (very wet and tried to suck me in). I pulled away, bade him good night, and sped off. A few days later, he emailed me asking me for another date. I laconically wrote that I was not interested in seeing him anymore.
Deep Frenching is not a good first kiss. When I say first kiss, I'm talking about the first contact between 2 lips ever. Tongue before lips is an absolute faux pas. You can start probing with the tongues after you've kissed her lips only for a bit, letting the tension build after and her body language says that she's ready to take the tongue. Start nibbling her lips gently with your lips or brush your lips against hers to see if she wants the tongue. This is just a guideline though, and really you can only tell by body language and intuition.
To women, immediate tongue screams, "I don't believe in foreplay or anything remotely seductive!" Unless her body language screams, "Take me right now!" the first kiss should be seductive and build sexual tension. Women like to be seduced. Nothing is a bigger turn-off than a guy who treats seduction and foreplay as optional or an obligation.
Ugh, that was gross. I'd rather gargle a bucket of diarrhea than ever kiss that guy again.