Joe The Homophobe
Master Don Juan
I have compiled here a couple of my favorite quotes of wisdom from the authority on the net on heterosexuality (Henry Makow). Known for his great articles on how heterosexuality works, relationships and the corruption of society by the matrix we are living in. Notable fans of his work includes the legendary Last Man Standing (now banned from this forum). Note that some may come and slander his work for some of his other views, but is there anyone you agree 100% on everything? this is about his articles on heterosexuality and relationships not his other articles.
There is a lot of wisdom in these quotes which should help the younger members in this forum understand how life works a bit better. The only way to fight the Matrix is to educate yourself.
The Matrix: What's going on in our society when it comes to men/women
There is a lot of wisdom in these quotes which should help the younger members in this forum understand how life works a bit better. The only way to fight the Matrix is to educate yourself.
The Matrix: What's going on in our society when it comes to men/women
What it all comes down toMasculinity is defined by power. Femininity is defined by love. In heterosexuality, a woman gives her husband power and a man gives his wife love. Women must give men the power to love them. Thus male power is transmuted into love and two people become one.
A woman can open a door herself, but when a man does it for her, both sexes are affirmed.
If you transfer power from men to women, as fe-manists advocate, you neuter both sexes.
You emasculate and enfeeble men. They have been feminized. Tyrants know that women can dis-empower men by challenging and competing with them.
As result of gaining power, women have become strident, aggressive and bitter. They are dependent on their employers; in short they serve the New World Order.
From the article "Women Look to Men for Leadership"
What makes a real womanMen respond to vulnerability in a woman not power. As I have said before, heterosexual love involves the exchange of power for love. Men want power. Women want love. The female surrenders and allows the male to protect and possess her.
In return for her acquiescence, the male loves her in the full sense of the word. He is in charge but he also wants to make her happy. This is natural when someone makes you happy.
Women need to give men the power to love them. My wife's mother gave her daughter good advice: "Look for a man to take care of you but be able to take care of yourself."
In the filmThe Crying Game(1992), director Neil Jordan captured the experience of the modern male: When the protagonist discovers his girlfriend has a penis, he runs gagging from the room and vomits.
This film notwithstanding, today's female impersonators are mostly women. By encouraging young women to be "strong and independent", feminism has outfitted them with a mental phallus. They have become men and made men redundant. Then they try to coerce men to love them as if we were their hand puppets.
In reality, a woman's power consists in being without penis, being everything a man is not. Not aggressive, forceful, dynamic, muscular and driven. Some weak men are attracted to "dynamic" women but they are really looking for themselves.
Feminine power consists of persuasion rather than force. A real woman relies on moral authority and her attraction: beauty, grace, charm, love and devotion. These women are very rare and in great demand.
Men and women are different. Jonathan Swift remarked that women love flattery but men are embarrassed by it. This is because men are active by nature and women are passive. The universe is held in balance by positive (active) and negative (passive) principles. Marriage is the way heterosexuals achieve this balance.
From the article "Why Men Are Losing Interest in Women"
Men have to stop championing b|tches and putting them on pedestalsMen need to distinguish between women who are feminine and those who are inverted.
A feminine woman is receptive to men. She exudes cheerfulness and inviting warmth. A man can make a friendly remark and be well received.
An inverted woman, on the other hand, is fearful and defiant in the presence of men. She has been taught that man is a competitor, or worse, a predator.
These women are out of touch with their nature and you can tell. Woman's essential nature is to be an incubator of love. Her natural role is to create an environment in which living beings thrive. Her destiny is to love a man, and through him her children. Her reward is their love and happiness.
Sexual intercourse and childbirth are manifestations of a spiritual relationship. A man must first plant his spirit in a woman's heart and find a warm reception. That spirit takes root and love grows into a sapling, and then a towering oak. Finally, a child is the expression of this unseen reality.
Members of couples who remain "independent" are in competition with each other. They cannot know true intimacy. They cannot know true love.
Powerful forces in the world use the mass media to create social trends. These forces are promoting sexual inversion in order to sabotage the nuclear family and destabilize society. They dupe women into denying their femininity and usurping the masculine role. As a result, millions of women are inverted and are missing the boat with men. Rather than creating loving environments, they are aggressive and self-seeking. They need someone to create a loving environment for them. Hence the power struggle that makes "equal" relationships a constant trial.
From the article "The Virtues of the Feminine"
Women are drawn to powerThe Official State Gender Ideology, feminism, has decreed that femininity is a "stereotype" invented by men to oppress women.
Feminism is no longer about equal opportunity for women. It is a thuggish, devious synthesis of Marxism and lesbianism used by ruling elites to undermine individuals and weaken society. It is to society what AIDS is to the body.
But men are also to blame. We have accepted the feminist lie that women should be independent and pursue careers. We have abandoned the many gentle and loving women who instinctively want to build their lives around a man. We have pursued the busy, neurotic, overachievers who guarantee us heartbreak, divorce and broken family.
By pursuing these women, we are really seeking our own lost masculinity. Many of us are happy to evade the responsibility of earning a living, and taking charge of a family. In either case we are condemning ourselves to frustration and arrested development.
For heterosexuals to find fulfillment, each sex must assume its instinctive part. The sex act is a metaphor: The man's spirit pervades the female and they become one. The male spirit must be active and the female receptive.
Many men ignore willing, feminine women who can provide Wholeness. These women cannot thrive, we cannot thrive, unless we recognize, defend and love them.
From the article "Men Must Champion Feminine Women"
The essence of masculinity is power.
Isn't it obvious? It's what women respond to. Similarly, men are drawn to vulnerability in women. We want to protect them.
To equalize power is to eliminate sexual distinction. This doesn't mean that woman are not powerful and effective as women, but not by becoming men.
Men -- steer clear of any sexual relationship where you are not in charge.
Just as femininity should be respected, so should masculinity.
You emasculate a man when you take away his power. (The corporate elite is using feminism to do just that.)
A husband will consult his wife but eventually someone has to make a decision. A man who is ruled by his wife is less a man. He feels like a little boy with his mother.
On the other hand, when his wife accepts his leadership, he feels like a man. Women help to make men.
Similarly, a wife who follows her husband's leadership feels more like a woman. If she can't follow him, she should be married to someone else.
There is no such thing as "equality" in terms of power. (Feminist "equality" is really a ploy for female domination. For example, you don't hear feminists calling for equality at universities where women often outnumber men by 2-1 .)
Men should avoid opinionated, aggressive, demanding women. It's too late to save them. This will spare you a great deal of time, money and anguish.
The essence of femininity is for a woman to depend on the man she loves.
The intimate male-female dynamic is for woman to entrust worldly power to her husband, and for him to use it to make her happy.
Man wants power. Women want love (not power.) They ARE different.
A man wants to make the woman he loves happy . Does he consult her? How else can he please her?
She reciprocates by making him happy. The energy flows.
Woman must give man the power to love her. If she is "strong, bold and independent," as she is being taught, he becomes redundant ( i.e. the true feminist agenda.)
Woman shows she loves a man by empowering him, by surrendering and trusting. Women want to be possessed by a man's love. (They are not men.)
Of course the contract breaks down if the man doesn't keep his end of the bargain. He must be her champion, loyal and loving to the end. If this contract breaks down, the marriage is over.
A feminist tends to try to control a man, to tell him how to please her (without being asked, and as if she always knows what she really wants.) These relationships fail.
From the article "Sexism is Heterosexuality"
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