Interceptor you seem to know a lot man!
It's all an ACT!
I swear!
Im just a phony! I do this to gratify my EGO!!!
Its true!!
No, in all seriousness, I can write huge VOLUMEs of information.
this topic is so wide and VAST.
Mere posts here are usually superficial as you have noticed.
(I just need a little more free time to get this info out to you guys.
Im trying to fit this in when I can.)
Ego preservation is a
learned system.
It is because of a
lack of
expereinces that help you buld
genuine Self Esteem.
Eschew the Ego in favor of building genuine self esteem.
But heres the thing...
If I
give you, as Ive been asked hundreds of times before, the
Step by Step PROCESS I take away your own power.
Yes, I do.
because you place less imprtance on building your OWN PERSONAL , individual SKill Set and Personal Tools.
So I try to get your critical thinking skills activated, and plant seeds of information for YOU to take initiative and take action on
integrating this into your life.
This builds SELF ESTEEM.
Builing Self Esteem BUILDS
Because you did it on your own.
No one handed it to you.
The 'silver platter' syndrome.
Positive masculinity MUST have COnfidenc in the Equation.
This is simply immutable.
There is no way you can have positve masculintiy without confidence.
You must have confidenc ein yourself in order to habndle the adversities and challenges you will face in life.
You must learn how to HANDLE things.
You NEED Confidence for this.
You must learn how to be self directed.
Learn how to NAVIGATE.
The quest for
High Character is a quest for
Positive Masculinity.
This Quest will unliock and instill Self Confidence.
When I give you "step by step', I take away your intitiative to a degree.
But when I give you the Concepts and Principles, this shoudl make you HUNGRY.
Hungry for Knowledge it SPARKS you springs you into
action, thereby
I do know a thing or two..
Dont underestimate me.
I know what Im doin'!