Master Don Juan
It is important to learn from experiences and work on strenghtening our Personal Boundary.
We need to build Doors to let in what we need, and let out what we need to let out too.
But most people build impenetrable Walls, where nothing really comes in or out.
And when this action fails us, many people begin to blame the external environment for their problems.
When we don't know how to safeguard and protect our resources, we give them away unjudiciously, we also let other people and environments take them from us.
What happens then is we feel we are 'being taken advantage of", and are "gving away too much."
And then we begin to realize that when we don't respect ourselves and our resources, meaning, it can be perceived that they are not worth much to us anyway, people take them.
And because we lack enough respect and shrewdness to stop them and control the flow of resources, we feel like we are disrespected.
But deeply feeling disrespect and being easily offended is a sign of strong Ego and deep insecurity , not strong Self steem.
But we have to realize that if we don't respect ourselves, it is often too much to expect others will.
You cannot expect others to understand your personal criteria to how and when and to whom our personal resources are to be shared.
And then, because we lack a fundamental understanding of just HOW our Personal Boundary WORKS, we go back to BULDING a WALL around us.
So it becomes a vicous cycle.
Hurt causes damage.
The hurt then builds resentment and anger.
The anger and resentment build an emotional wall.
We go out into the world with an emotional wall that doesn't let out our resources, but doesnt let others' in as well.
We get lonely and confused about our lack of fulfilment and intimacy satisfaction.
We realize that we do not have a connection to anyone really.
We get angry and build even more walls, and begin to squander and covet our personal resources because now we feel the things like Love and affection and intimacy are SCARCE.
We begin to reinforce the Notion that these things are SCARCE inside of us, and OUTSIDE of us as well.
So now we add to the anger and bitterness and resentment towards people not loving us and showering us with affection, while all the time hoardng and greedily protecting our now SCARCE emotional resources....and we're in a 'Give me something for Nothing" mentality, and we wonder why no one gives us love and affection when all the time we were never giving any to begin with.....
We get scared , angry , and lonely and begin to lash out at the world in reaction.
And the fear makes us angry.
And anger turned in ward is Depression.
And we get lonely again and isolated again....
and the cycle continues.
Here's something else to consider...
Ever see people shun the guy who according to some, looks like he's always in a bad mood?
He keeps to himself a lot, ddoesn't talk to many people, isn't too approachable?
People like that have a hard time making friends.
They are usually shunned socially.
because they give the impression that they are LACKING in Personal Resources.
Unfortuantely, the guy (or woman) will usually get angry and depressed and not having friends and intimate connections.
So he will blame people and convince himself that people are just mean and cruel NATURALLY.
"I'm a good guy, but people are mean, they don't want to be my friend."
But he doesn't make any effort to make friends, so people decide "Fine, don't want to make an erffort? Neither will I."
They reason if he is in such dire need to protect hmself, then he must not have much to give anyway.
So why bother?
And he creates a self fulfilling prophecy, a vicous cycle that repeats.
We need to build Doors to let in what we need, and let out what we need to let out too.
But most people build impenetrable Walls, where nothing really comes in or out.
And when this action fails us, many people begin to blame the external environment for their problems.
When we don't know how to safeguard and protect our resources, we give them away unjudiciously, we also let other people and environments take them from us.
What happens then is we feel we are 'being taken advantage of", and are "gving away too much."
And then we begin to realize that when we don't respect ourselves and our resources, meaning, it can be perceived that they are not worth much to us anyway, people take them.
And because we lack enough respect and shrewdness to stop them and control the flow of resources, we feel like we are disrespected.
But deeply feeling disrespect and being easily offended is a sign of strong Ego and deep insecurity , not strong Self steem.
But we have to realize that if we don't respect ourselves, it is often too much to expect others will.
You cannot expect others to understand your personal criteria to how and when and to whom our personal resources are to be shared.
And then, because we lack a fundamental understanding of just HOW our Personal Boundary WORKS, we go back to BULDING a WALL around us.
So it becomes a vicous cycle.
Hurt causes damage.
The hurt then builds resentment and anger.
The anger and resentment build an emotional wall.
We go out into the world with an emotional wall that doesn't let out our resources, but doesnt let others' in as well.
We get lonely and confused about our lack of fulfilment and intimacy satisfaction.
We realize that we do not have a connection to anyone really.
We get angry and build even more walls, and begin to squander and covet our personal resources because now we feel the things like Love and affection and intimacy are SCARCE.
We begin to reinforce the Notion that these things are SCARCE inside of us, and OUTSIDE of us as well.
So now we add to the anger and bitterness and resentment towards people not loving us and showering us with affection, while all the time hoardng and greedily protecting our now SCARCE emotional resources....and we're in a 'Give me something for Nothing" mentality, and we wonder why no one gives us love and affection when all the time we were never giving any to begin with.....
We get scared , angry , and lonely and begin to lash out at the world in reaction.
And the fear makes us angry.
And anger turned in ward is Depression.
And we get lonely again and isolated again....
and the cycle continues.
Here's something else to consider...
Ever see people shun the guy who according to some, looks like he's always in a bad mood?
He keeps to himself a lot, ddoesn't talk to many people, isn't too approachable?
People like that have a hard time making friends.
They are usually shunned socially.
because they give the impression that they are LACKING in Personal Resources.
Unfortuantely, the guy (or woman) will usually get angry and depressed and not having friends and intimate connections.
So he will blame people and convince himself that people are just mean and cruel NATURALLY.
"I'm a good guy, but people are mean, they don't want to be my friend."
But he doesn't make any effort to make friends, so people decide "Fine, don't want to make an erffort? Neither will I."
They reason if he is in such dire need to protect hmself, then he must not have much to give anyway.
So why bother?
And he creates a self fulfilling prophecy, a vicous cycle that repeats.