going out with ex, good idea?


Senior Don Juan
Dec 21, 2007
Reaction score
to all who've been following my post about getting ex back, Carmen called this morn and we talked for awhile we set up a date for tonight at a club although her friends will be there she's picking me up. I don't know if this is a good idea. I'm going to work now then when I get home she'll pick me up in about an hour so I need advice on this before the event. I check back every so often on my cell for new posts and advice please help before I make a mistake.


Master Don Juan
Apr 18, 2007
Reaction score
Well, unless she is that much better than any other girl in this world to game. Why not go to a bar have a few drinks with her. What kind of friends is she bringing. Girl friends, guy friends, or maybe both? Is she just taking you out just as a friend while she goes and hits on other guys? Or is she considering getting back together with you.

There are somethings you need to consider and realize before you go out with your ex. Either way just go there to have fun and see what happens.


Master Don Juan
Aug 16, 2007
Reaction score
jacob said:
to all who've been following my post about getting ex back, Carmen called this morn and we talked for awhile we set up a date for tonight at a club although her friends will be there she's picking me up. I don't know if this is a good idea. I'm going to work now then when I get home she'll pick me up in about an hour so I need advice on this before the event. I check back every so often on my cell for new posts and advice please help before I make a mistake.

You already want to do because you agreed to it. You don't need us to say its ok so you can feel better.


Don Juan
Jun 29, 2007
Reaction score
Sounds risky to me.

1. She is picking you up and driving.
2. Her friends will be there (will yours?).

She controls everything. IF you do this, make sure you have a solid backup plan / escape plan.

I don't think I'd put myself in this position. Are you sure she's thinking the same way you are? Suppose she hooks up with another dude at the club? This gives me some seriously bad vibes.


Master Don Juan
Oct 11, 2005
Reaction score
Bad idea.

She has all the control and can very easily humiliate you.

You should of instead made a counter offer date where you could isolate her and get your fvck on if she is serious about getting back together with you.

Oh well she's apparently got you wrapped around her little finger and you will not learn until she hurts you.

Thats alright though because there is no better teacher than life experience.

Then you will finally hear what we've been saying to you in that other thread.


Senior Don Juan
Dec 21, 2007
Reaction score
She's coming down in 30 min. Should I just flake out on her or what? what's a good way to cancel? this is urgent please respong before I go out on this date.


New Member
Jan 19, 2008
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Hi, I'm new.

Not good idea to go in with ex. Tell her you will meet her in there, because of some delay at home. Make up some **** about best friend calling etc.

Then take this opp. to decide what u want to do.


Senior Don Juan
Dec 21, 2007
Reaction score
so should I text her right now? I don't know what to say without sounding like I'm lying or flaking


Master Don Juan
Oct 11, 2005
Reaction score
You don't have to flake.

Just say you know what I don't think the club is a good place to be tonight.

How about you and I go to so and so place instead or ask her to come over to your place for a drink.

The key is getting her somewhere that you can isolate her and find out if you two are going to fvck, get back together again by the way she acts towards you and most importantly a place where you are in control of the situation.

You need to be alone with her not in a room with a bunch of people for her to play off of and distract things with.


Senior Don Juan
Dec 21, 2007
Reaction score
KontrollerX whew! buddy just when I needed you, I can't cancel on her plans now so I'll go before she get's super *****y on me then at the club I'll try and take her someplace one on one if she refuses then I'll call Gin and we'll go out on a date I'm chatting with Gin right now she'll pick me up at the club hopefully


Master Don Juan
Sep 10, 2007
Reaction score
Go see her @ the club. F*ck her if you can. F*ck some other chick if you can't.

Don't be needy. Be cool.

You'll be ok.


Feb 10, 2005
Reaction score
jacob said:
KontrollerX whew! buddy just when I needed you, I can't cancel on her plans now so I'll go before she get's super *****y on me then at the club I'll try and take her someplace one on one if she refuses then I'll call Gin and we'll go out on a date I'm chatting with Gin right now she'll pick me up at the club hopefully
You must be on Pacific time because on Eastern time the clubs were closing at the time of your last post. I have no advice for you. The others are doing an excellent job advising you what to do.


Master Don Juan
Oct 11, 2005
Reaction score
Good way to re-assess the situation jacob.

Hopefully it all works out.


Master Don Juan
Aug 16, 2007
Reaction score
jacob said:
KontrollerX whew! buddy just when I needed you, I can't cancel on her plans now so I'll go before she get's super *****y on me then at the club I'll try and take her someplace one on one if she refuses then I'll call Gin and we'll go out on a date I'm chatting with Gin right now she'll pick me up at the club hopefully

I think you wanted to go all along. You could have easily cancelled plans but you didn't want to do it because you still like her and want to sleep with her.

If you didn't like her, you would cancel in 8 seconds. If you had another date you would cancel in 8 seconds. If your mom was in the hospital you would cancel in 8 seconds. So your excuse that "you can't cancel because she would get super angry doesn't hold water. Even if she did, who cares? She is your ex.


Senior Don Juan
Dec 21, 2007
Reaction score
It's now 3:24 am. just finished f**king Carmen the whole night, she just left and dam was she one hot gorgeous sl*t with me! This is what happened, I was really worried before she came she was ignoring my text and calls so I thought this would be a disaster, but I felt it was taking this risk of seeing her or being totally forgotten, since it's been from New years eve until now. At first when she came she was dress to kill, mini jean skirt I don't know what kind of top it's called but it was sexy and victoria secret high heels and her beautiful straight long hair, not to mention her Jessica Alba lips. So I told her to move over I was gonna drive. So we were to meet her friends at this local bar where the young crowd hangs out. She said they were waiting in the parking lot, anyway on our way there I couldn't resist cause she was looking HOT so at the stop light I started using kino and putting my hand on her thighs, she would act like a ***** and tell me "um excuse me, but don't think we're all good and a couple again", so I look her in the eye and say so what's the purpose of us going together and I try and kiss her, she averts her face now I kinda feel the AFC coming on inside of me, so I catch my thoughts and think ok I'll be playful and not try to claim her, anyway we get to mall where the clubs at and I try to use kino by walking really close to her and rubbing up against her she doesn't really mind until I take her hand then the "um excuse" line comes out of her mouth so I go to the elevator to go to the 4th floor and she decides to take the escalator route, **** it's starting to fall apart I think, but as we get to the club it's packed and the line is to long so she calls her friends their waiting in the parking lot we go back down and I tell myself ok I need to make her jealous and I notice two of her friends they plan to go to another spot called living room we get there and two other cars pull up now there's six chics and they're all her friends pretty too. So I distance myself from Carmen and start being playful with her friends all this time I do what I learned from this site and Doc Love and David Dangelo and Allen Thompson and show her what a prize I am cause all her friends started getting attracted to me and my silly playfulness then I notice her start hanging onto me and telling me let's leave I sensed she was trying to claim me from her friends then she starts bringing up Gin and I don't answer her questions staight up but give her the run arounds and then I notice I start building attraction inside of her so we're a little buzz and I tell her let's go get something to eat we stop at a 24 hour joint get some food I joke with her the whole night and she still try's to act like a icy b*tch but I notice she's warmed up and attracted but all this time I using kino rubbing her legs playing with her hair to guage how attracted she already became and then I said take me home gotta work, when we got to my place she said she had to pee I let her up then I just went for the kiss and started making out, she had to leave she works earlier today and so do I and we call each other babe again. So there, my thoughts were wrong about it being a disaster I got to revisit her p*ssy again and now I'm updating everyone. Thank you all. now I have to sleep and get to work.


Master Don Juan
Oct 11, 2005
Reaction score
Very well played jacob.

You see you exhibited a lot of bravery and because of that you got exactly what you wanted.

You took risks that in the AFC part of your mind would scream no don't do this Carmen will leave you but she didn't she just got more attracted when you flirted with her friends lol.


Senior Don Juan
Dec 21, 2007
Reaction score
KontrollerX I owe it all to you bro. If you didn't encourage me to put the pic of me and Gin and advise me to tell my friend to put some comment on how she's hot I think I wouldn't have such a chance. It's true what they say about jealousy making people do things they wouldn't otherwise do, but now what should be my next step? Even though me and Carmen had sex I still feel a little resentment in her toward me because of me telling her I'm dating other girls, when she left this morn I didn't ask if we we're a couple again and I don't even know if we'll meet up or call. Any suggestions? I don't want to call to soon and start killing her attraction again, since I'm off Sunday and Monday I was thinking I'll go to her working place and shop for clothes and "accidently" bump into her. I'm wondering how I can ask her back as my lady and be an exclusive couple again.


May 10, 2003
Reaction score
Northern Ontario
jacob said:
I don't want to call to soon and start killing her attraction again, since I'm off Sunday and Monday I was thinking I'll go to her working place and shop for clothes and "accidently" bump into her. I'm wondering how I can ask her back as my lady and be an exclusive couple again.
Whatever you do, don't ask her to be an exclusive couple again? Why do you want to kill her attraction to you? Instead of reading David D, read The Bible


Anti Dump said:
Becoming exclusive with a woman means the both of you talk about not dating or seeing anyone else. The dating with others comes to an end.
Never ask a women to become exclusive. She must ask YOU. She must talk about it FIRST.
Why? If a woman hasn't asked you yet it means she is still open to seeing others. She still has DOUBTS about you. Highly interested women don't want you going out with other women.

A woman asking for exclusivity is like a 'marriage proposal'. She is cementing and laying the foundation for true intimacy.
She wants something that's lasting. It is the ULTIMATE test of interest, guys. She is 'proposing'.

If you ask first, you will never know her true interest level. Why didn't she bring it up? How come she is still letting you see others? Why isn't she CLOSING her options? Is she seeing someone else?

Think about it.

I would not contact her, let her make all the contact, make her chase you, YOU are the prize. You have a long way to go if you are going to get her to actually want to be exclusive with you. Just because you got one taste of her pvssy, doesn't mean that she is in love, she just got serviced.