trying to get ex back , help


Senior Don Juan
Dec 21, 2007
Reaction score
ok we broke up on Christmas eve, I followed the rule about not chasing and make her jealous by dating so I started dating this little older lady. ex got suspicious doesn't really know but my sister probably told her I was seeing someone so she starts calling and trying to initiate conversations through text on myspace or cellphone I try to be a challenge and not respond she starts calling little more and then I start to talk but find that when I do she starts running again. So went out with older lady I'm not attracted to her, she's fugly took pics together thought of posting it on myspace to make ex jealous. don't know if that's a good idea cause to me ex looks way better. any way didn't post pic. ex calls this morn saying that she's having stomach pains and that she might be pregnant with our kid, I try and play alpha male brush her off, and ignore her texts. now when I try to initiate conversations she's ignoring me. I need help don't want to grow to far apart and be forgotten, but don't want to chase. what should I do? thinking about posting pic of me and the older lady but afraid it might make her happy that it's not a young hottie. help me brothers I love this girl even though she treats me like sh*t, she's porn star material.


Master Don Juan
Oct 11, 2005
Reaction score
Post the picture of you and the old lady.

If you can make a comment below the picture talk of how absolutely gorgeous this woman is, infact how she's much hotter than any woman you've ever been with but make it very believable with however you word it.

If your ex asks about it play it up like you can't believe you landed a hotty like the old broad.

This will send alarm bells off in your ex's head and make her feel like a hag lol.

What will be even better is if you can get some buddies who won't talk to your ex and tell her what you're really doing to post about what a catch you got underneath the picture to go along with your comments signifying that other guy's find the old broad hot too lmfao.

That will add credibility to your picture with the old broad and your ex will feel insecure and unattractive.

Anyway though if your ex was the one who dumped you she really is not worth your time and this will not last forever even if you get back with her since she's already deemed you unworthy.

Only thing you can do is hope to score some more of her fine ass with some DJ tactics before it crashes and burns for the final time.


Senior Don Juan
Dec 21, 2007
Reaction score
the old lady

thanks kontroller x. in the pic we took she don't look that bad and she's hanging on to me, the thing I'm afraid of is that my ex is on my frens list and so is the older lady, so I'm thinking that my ex will go to her site and look at her pics and laugh her ass off then really not be jealous anymore. I asked for another of my friends opinion a female and she says that the lady looks old and my ex looks better, that's why I deleted it when I posted on myspace but now I'm thinking of doing what you suggested.


Master Don Juan
Oct 11, 2005
Reaction score
Is your female friend, friends at all with your ex?

If so you can't trust her opinion because chicks will pretty much always help their female friends out before you.

Like if she's friends with your ex she might think she's doing a good thing or being a loyal friend to your ex by saying your ex looks better than the other woman as then in her mind you will pine after your ex and you two will eventually get back together as a result but what she doesn't realize is things don't work that way lol.

See chicks who are friends will prop eachother's looks up over any other female and they'll even say their fat female friends are sexier than a thin woman who clearly looks better lmao.


Senior Don Juan
Dec 21, 2007
Reaction score
nah they don't know each other, but anyway I just posted the pic and told my friend to add a comment he put " all off a sudden you getting more p*ssy than Tommy Lee" I just hope this doesn't ruin any chance I have left with my ex.


Senior Don Juan
Dec 21, 2007
Reaction score
Ah you just confused me bible belt now I feel an urge to take it off again I hate this. leave it on or take it of I don't know? confused again. how do I get her back. will this cause her to ignore me indefinitley?


Master Don Juan
Oct 6, 2004
Reaction score
she treats me like sh*t
This should say it all really. You really need to sort your thinking out, you split up with her (and there must have been a reason), and yet you want to go running back to a nob'ed girl, just because she "is pornstar material"?

Newsflash, there are around 3Billion girls on this earth (and, some of them ARE pornstars:cool:), so there's no need to be fixated on this one. Go out and find one that DOESN'T treat you like sh*t. Better yet, change your attitude, you're so AFC you see this girl as an investment? This whole post reeks of her being the prize, not you.


Master Don Juan
Jul 27, 2005
Reaction score
midwestern cow field 40
The problem is that you are bluffing. She can call your bluff by screwing another guy or three. If you were out banging other women, then you would not care what she does, and the 'make her jealous' tactic would actually work. Right now it is too transparent and not even genuine. Instead of pretending that you are screwing other women, go and do it.


Senior Don Juan
Dec 21, 2007
Reaction score
ok now that's more like it. wescott and bible now your words are giving me strength to act like a man. I'll leave the pic on. the older lady really likes me, I just want to be her fren and wouldn't bone her. as far as the ex, she hurt me real bad played me then left me on Christmas eve then came around to dish out more on new years eve. I think this is fair enough if it hurts her or not she'll know I found someone before her. right? man I feel so AFC


Master Don Juan
Nov 16, 2007
Reaction score
Los Angeles
so whats the deal w/ her saying she's pregnant?


Master Don Juan
Oct 6, 2004
Reaction score
ok now that's more like it. wescott and bible now your words are giving me strength to act like a man.
Awesome! Remember how you're feeling now, whenever she contacts you, or you feel the need to get in touch with her. You'll be tested, but remember what she did to you, and how she is completely not worth your time. Hit the gym, shoot pool with your buddies, anything as long as it isn't thinking about her. The more you dwell on it, the better the "I want her back" idea will seem.

I'll leave the pic on. the older lady really likes me, I just want to be her fren and wouldn't bone her. as far as the ex, she hurt me real bad played me then left me on Christmas eve then came around to dish out more on new years eve. I think this is fair enough if it hurts her or not she'll know I found someone before her. right? man I feel so AFC
Aaaah, the "competition" stage of a breakup. Who cares who found someone first, just go out, have a blast, and forget about this witch. The only thing that'd make you AFC now, is to keep hanging on her. Good luck dude, don't fall into the trap.


Senior Don Juan
Apr 2, 2004
Reaction score
Hey, from a female perspective who just had her ex try this little's what I think:

If you really want her back, don't post the pic. Curiousity of what your new girl looks like will kill her more with me.

I heard my ex was sleeping with some new chic and all I could think about was "is she better looking than me? Better in bed than me? Is he falling for her?? What can I do to win him back????" It drove me nuts, not knowing what she was like and wondering if she was great.

Then he posts pics from New Years with her. Kissing her on the cheek and all this other ****. I immediately felt relief...she was disgusting. HUGE nose, bad dye job, etc. I just laughed and thought "whatever, it won't last. Obviously he's using her." And I felt no great desperate desire to win him back from her anymore...because I knew he'd be back anyway. So I no longer tried.

Sure enough, this past week he's been messaging me again. I gave him no reaction to his stupid pictures because I felt no need and felt no jealousy. I felt confident and better than anything he'll ever have. Now he's telling me he ended things with her, and wants to hook up with me again.

If this older woman is seriously that bad...don't post it. The burning curiousity of how great this new woman possibly is, will do a far better job.


May 10, 2003
Reaction score
Northern Ontario
If you really love her, you need to start banging other women and forget about her. When she does call, don't get into small talk, ask her the point of the call. If she says just to talk or whatever, say your busy and don't have time.

Force her to ask you out. If she doesn't then keep brushing her off until she does. I also agree with SunnyD about not posting the pic, especially considering everyone knows she's uglier. Just get out there and actually start dating so that she's actually jealous and your not just pretending.

Be a man, be the prize, the only way you can be the prize is if you can be out there.


Master Don Juan
Jul 27, 2005
Reaction score
midwestern cow field 40
If you really love her, you need to start banging other women and forget about her.

yes! I love it, the Zen nature of what works best.


Senior Don Juan
Dec 21, 2007
Reaction score
so I got a text this morn. SunnyD I shouldve read more posts. she said that she wanted me back and was waiting but now after the pic she definitley doesn't want me any more. and she said she's going out tomorrow with her friends to meet this guy. I'm super depressed now. feel like I've been dumped again. help me ppl. how can I get the last laugh, cause now I notice on her comments and her friends comments that they think she's ugly and ex made comment about her being able to do better than me, man this hurts it ain't funny.


Senior Don Juan
Nov 15, 2006
Reaction score
jacob said:
so I got a text this morn. SunnyD I shouldve read more posts. she said that she wanted me back and was waiting but now after the pic she definitley doesn't want me any more. and she said she's going out tomorrow with her friends to meet this guy. I'm super depressed now. feel like I've been dumped again. help me ppl. how can I get the last laugh, cause now I notice on her comments and her friends comments that they think she's ugly and ex made comment about her being able to do better than me, man this hurts it ain't funny.

lol, bro, listen....

forget about this girl.. she seems like nothing but trouble.. i've ran into those types.... believe me.. she said she wanted to get back together with u as a last ditch effort to hurt you... let her date around, get banged by however many guys, only to realize that a good thing (you) comes VERY rarely...

you my friend should be the prize, not her... she's just getting under your skin with statements like htat.. continue what you are doing... looks arent everything in this world..

what a dumb *****...

AFC Savior

Nov 20, 2007
Reaction score


Master Don Juan
Oct 11, 2005
Reaction score
Jacob whatever you do don't message her begging for her back at this point.

She's just trying to trick you with all that she's said and her friends are backing up their friend by saying your new woman is ugly.

It shows their loyalty to your ex and boosts your ex's self esteem to cut down your new woman.

The only way you will possibly get your ex back and drooling for you is to take a whatever attitude to whatever bs she says.

At this point everything out of her mouth to you will be lies and manipulations to get the upper hand on you.

Even if she does screw another guy its all to try and get a reaction out of you.

Don't give her the reaction that she's after as she simply wants to have that so she knows you feel something for her and she can move on in peace as a result.


Master Don Juan
Jul 27, 2005
Reaction score
midwestern cow field 40
jacob said:
so I got a text this morn. SunnyD I shouldve read more posts. she said that she wanted me back and was waiting but now after the pic she definitley doesn't want me any more. and she said she's going out tomorrow with her friends to meet this guy. I'm super depressed now. feel like I've been dumped again. help me ppl. how can I get the last laugh, cause now I notice on her comments and her friends comments that they think she's ugly and ex made comment about her being able to do better than me, man this hurts it ain't funny.

Did I not call it? Now you can either be a whiny AFC or you can go fvck other girls. I have been in your shoes, and I have tried it both ways. The other girls option is the way to go.