Do me a fricking favor, Read the whole thing, and Help a brother out?


Don Juan
Feb 14, 2006
Reaction score
I've improved to the point where I can attract girls-finally. Plus, the roaccutane therapy cleared the acne and I was shocked by how good looking I originally was. Damn, I am. Anyway, here are the questions.

1. My school SUCKS. I mean, it does. I put it in italics and bold for a reason. Now, it sucks because there are around 180 kids in total (yes, that's right) and less than 80 high school kids. So that leads to some other problems

A) I can learn to NEXT girls, but I can only NEXT about 1 time because then the only human beings left would be guys, and No, I will not use my newly applied skills on that female friend whom I've known for five years and just clutch her ass, and not those other girls also, you wanna see their pictures? They have facebook too- which leads us to...

B) There are not enough opportunities for PRACTICE. Yeah, my new acne-free Chow Yun Fat face did attract some girls, and I used some of the CF stuff and they worked quite nice...but if there are less than 40 girls, 10 of whom are my friends, another 20 who look like 12-year olds and the rest who are either attention hores or total conservatives (and about two whom I might even be interested in), what the hell? Which leads us to when I actually put the stuff to Use.

C) So we recently went to this overseas debate conference, and I was part of the press team. Usually the team is quite ugly, but man, this year, we've got like, one who's 10, two other ones who are 8 or 9s and a couple of sevens, and I've gotten this Five to just totally laugh her head off and I did the same for the TEN at the end of the five-day conference and this one girl who Acts like shes a friend did a sh!tload of kino-ing on me. Which is all nice except that... THEY ALL GO!!! You see, now that I got the chance to have my first goddamn LTR, ho-banging, watever man, WE ALL GO BACK TO OUR GODDAMN HOME COUNTRIES... so unless you wanna tell me a way for her to do some harry potter portkey **** I'm just gonna do some flirting and everything couldve gone somewhere, Anywhere, but then we won't see each other for another year if we get to see each other at ALL!!'s the last and main problem.

D) Now that you know there ARE not many choices here (I repeat- less than 80 HS students), I'd like to... Keep flirting with that cute Australian chick on Facebook with the private messages and don't let it stop. 'Force' her to just 'love' me and give me a long distance phone call or something (skype's cheapness makes it uninteresting). Is there anyway I can sort of keep it going for a whole year until we next meet XD? This Is not Oneitis. This is- tired of the gay place I live in where if I turn my head away from an interesting female (who is very hard to find), there isn't another human being to choose from:mad:

Give me an answer. Love you guys:rockon:
May 17, 2007
Reaction score

I'm in the same boat, well sort of... I don't think my situation is as bad as yours, but still. Sometimes it's hard to find opportunities and if you can't go and sarge somewhere else it can become boring.
Personally since I'm not going anywhere anytime soon I've chosen to focus on myself, just do my stuff and keep improving myself. I'm kinda stalling until someone/something catches my interest.


Don Juan
Sep 1, 2007
Reaction score
1) Your school sucks, so why not change school?

A) There's nothing wrong with having friends that are girls and not gaming them. It's actually an advantage.

B) There's no opportunities in school, but when you go out to the mall or any place, there's always opportunities.

C) Keep doing what your doing because the responses your getting are very good.

D) Unless you can do magic, you can't force someone to like you... It would be hard to keep it going for an entire year, but you might just manage. I probably wouldn't waste my time with this, but if you think she's worth it, go ahead.


Don Juan
Feb 14, 2006
Reaction score
DJ_Matthew said:
1) Your school sucks, so why not change school?
"Mom, send me to the X school--there are more girls there :D" Believe me, if I could I would.

DJ_Matthew said:
A) There's nothing wrong with having friends that are girls and not gaming them. It's actually an advantage.
I'm not trying to argue, but 'an advantage'- how?

DJ_Matthew said:
B) There's no opportunities in school, but when you go out to the mall or any place, there's always opportunities.
Still working on this one. Tough...tough...

DJ_Matthew said:
C) Keep doing what your doing because the responses your getting are very good.
Finally some progress:D

DJ_Matthew said:
D) Unless you can do magic, you can't force someone to like you... It would be hard to keep it going for an entire year, but you might just manage. I probably wouldn't waste my time with this, but if you think she's worth it, go ahead.
Yeah...What I meant was- escalate the excitement-that's why I used the quotation marks for 'force' and 'love'.

Thanks man.


Don Juan
Sep 1, 2007
Reaction score
oneshot said:
I'm not trying to argue, but 'an advantage'- how?
Well, you can take her shopping with you and give her opinion on some clothes.

You can get her to introduce you to some girls and put in a good work for you :D

You can even use her to try different techniques.

And the list goes on.