Making Her A Girlfriend (Part III)


Senior Don Juan
Apr 1, 2006
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[Update to an older post ->]

I decided to call the girl and see if she wanted to get lunch with me. I didn't feel like playing games anymore and I wanted to see what would happen. I called her, and she didn't pick up.

She never returned my call ethier.

Later that same day, I was on AIM with my away message on. On my away message I wrote something as a joke, saying that i'm not a slut with a wink face next to it. (this chick i know called me a slut as a joke and i wrote about it in my away message to be funny, but thats not important).

The girl read my away message (after not returning my call) and wrote "umm yess you are"

The next day, when I read her IM, I message her back. She totally ignores me again and puts her away message up.

Why on Earth would this girl go from wanting my d!ck, to completely avoiding me?!>!?!?!


Master Don Juan
Jun 19, 2006
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Why on Earth would this girl go from wanting my d!ck, to completely avoiding me?!>!?!?!
Because you're a slut.


Senior Don Juan
Apr 1, 2006
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dont girls like guys who get girls

if i didnt get any girls no1 would like me

and i think im gonna lay low for a week and see what happens. then ill call her and ask her why shes ignoring me.


Master Don Juan
Jun 19, 2006
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Oh, I was sort of joking, just taking her words literally.

But really, I've seen interest fall much faster than that. I don't see any evidence that she really liked you at any point in the past few months.

Yes, inviting you to her house is NORMALLY a big indicator that she wants you. But you've known this girl for more than a year? In that case, the invitations don't mean anything but friendliness and boredom. Girls don't invite you to do things with them unless they are interested, OR you've known her so long, she's just comfortable having you over to watch a movie. I just don't see any evidence that she likes you.

So now, she's uncomfortable because you tried to get out of the friendzone the wrong way. Try this.


Senior Don Juan
Apr 1, 2006
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i was never in the friend zone with her. i knew her but she always wanted my d1ck. i just never really did anything about it till recently


Master Don Juan
Apr 17, 2006
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You know, whenever I see a post in here dealing with some girl that a guy only went out with once or twice before she flaked, I just know that the poster has never read Anti-Dump's Machine. She flaked on you. That happens ALL THE TIME whenever you're dealing with girls. The question is, Why are you even worrying about it instead of forgetting about the girl and finding someone new?

And all other things being equal, I don't think girls like man-wh0res. The only thing they like about such people is that they're about the only thing close to a real man left in society. But you'll do much better if you ARE a man-wh0re (but don't let the girl realize it) than if you give off a "player" vibe. If you're a virgin MAN, you'll score more points with most chicks than if you're a player. The only exceptions are overt wh0res (not just regular hors) -- because a 100% wh0re will estimate that if you've never had sex with any other chicks, you must have some moral rule against it, and therefore you will be a waste of her time.

It's obvious that you haven't read the Book of Pook either, because he specifically mentions this point in one of his segments. Why are you even posting here? Pook can help you much more than most of the mediocre minds on this forum. Read the damn Bible.