Over at LoveShack . . .


Oct 13, 2005
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Padron Reserve maduro in hand while finishing my b
I'm always pushing those AFC buttons and pissing off the women but this time I've gone and done it. I had enough and dropped this doozie which I suspect will get me banned:

The thread title is: The woman's guide to getting and keeping a man

Here is my contribution:

Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah . . . And then this:

V. The strategy – Say Yes

a. What is the purpose of all this background information? Simply to lay the foundation for a principle that would otherwise appear too simple to work. Ladies, all you have to do is say “yes.” Broken down into steps, it operates as follows:

i. Do not approach a man. If he doesn’t approach you, it’s because he’s either not interested or not confident. Accept that any man who doesn’t approach you is just not the one for you.
This is the only part of this drivel which has a shread of truth.

ii. When he does approach, provide positive feedback. This should really go without saying; when someone in whom you’re interested opens a conversation with you, you are going to respond positively. Smile, laugh, and touch his arm – the usual drill. Just don’t be purposely rude or defensive, or otherwise provide mixed signals. If you are in a bad mood due to something completely unrelated to him, be sure not to let that negative attitude make him feel unwanted.
It's already been termed: Manners and civility. Nothing new here, let's move on.

iii. As long as he continues to make (non-sexual) advances, say “yes.”
1. Can I buy you a drink? YES (I'll sell you my attention because that's all it's worth)2. May I have your number? YES ( Only if you pay for it though.)3. How about dinner Tuesday? YES (Food for my attention and approval, how novel.)4. You like Italian food? YES (Anything to put my status above yours will do.)5. Shall we go for a walk? YES (As long as my ego is stroked and gratified.)
6. Would you like to get together again? YES (I'll let you think that we will unless you buy me more stuff or promise me more lavished attention.)
iv. By not initiating much, but happily accepting his advances, you create a situation where he is able to go through the pursuit and conquest ritual. You are seen as a challenge, but one with a good attitude. If a man plans a romantic evening or graces you with a thoughtful gesture, a sincere “thank you” is all the reciprocation he requires, or desires.
This is pure crap and you know it. These nice guy advances are for manipulating your sense of self worth. This is the feminine schema for ego placation. In the meantime there is zero attraction to this idiot at all. He's as important to her as the napkin on the floor.

v. The strategy sounds easy, and it is, in theory. But in practice, it’s hard, very hard. It takes more discipline than most people are able to bring to bear, because when we like someone we want to call them, talk to them and see them all the time. Moreover, it’s counterintuitive – when we like someone, we think it helps to tell them and show them as demonstratively as possible. After all, how will he know you’re really interested if you don’t tell him?
Overtly telling someone you like them is giving away your power so wheedle and prevaricate them in order to manipulate the situation, that's the best answer you can come up with? Lie? It's childish and critically counterintuitive to believe such nonsense much less practice it.

1. There is no getting around the fact that it can be frustrating to leave the ball in the man’s court. Sometimes you have to force yourself away from the phone, or from passing by someplace he hangs out. But never forget that there is no set of circumstances where you’re more likely to end up dating if you pursue him than if you just say yes. This bears repetition – there is never a time where actively courting a man will get you where you want to be with him unless just saying yes would have yielded the same result. However, it is often the case that a man is more likely to develop a relationship with a woman who lets him set the pace, even if he was unsure of how things would develop at first. This is the very definition of Pareto Efficiency – two choices, one of which is superior 100% of the time. Hopefully it will be easier to muster the discipline to wait for him to act if you know it is absolutely the best way to win him over. Although it won’t work every time, it will never fail when another strategy would have worked.
In a nutshell this means it is perfectly fine to string a man along and play bullsh!t games in order to GET WHAT YOU WANT FROM HIM. Authenticity and morality go out the window.

Women truly know that attraction is not based on what a man can bring home from work, rather it's the emotional and psychological effect his personality and, most importantly, the absolute confidence in his own masculinity and the respect of his boundaries are what make him alluring and irresistable.

Though a housewife is content with her husband/provider it is not necessary that she be attracted to him in order to keep the facade believable. She will drop everything if she finds the above qualities in the mailman or the pool guy and do everything in her power to qualify herself for his attention. First thing to dangle in his face is her sexuality.

This is irrefutable.

Un-fvcking-believable. Don't ever ask any man here why he comes here again. The above reason is plenty.


Master Don Juan
Jun 27, 2003
Reaction score
Beyond your peripheral vision
Its funny, because you could take that and also apply DJ Bible versions to what she said. Its really no different than what you guys subscribe to here. I mean, really. Come on now!

Besides, she is right on for the most part when it comes to men pursuing, and women alluring. It is the natural order of things!


Oct 13, 2005
Reaction score
Padron Reserve maduro in hand while finishing my b
iqqi said:
Its funny, because you could take that and also apply DJ Bible versions to what she said. Its really no different than what you guys subscribe to here. I mean, really. Come on now!

Besides, she is right on for the most part when it comes to men pursuing, and women alluring.
Wrong. This is why even here I don't subscribe to playing bullsh!t games specifically because it is what women are groomed and parlayed in believing. Guys should worry about thier growth and gaining experience and fertility with knowledge.

It is the natural order of things!
God, another LMS clone. Where's the gratuitous Hor reference.