Dealing with Sh!t Tests


Master Don Juan
Dec 17, 2006
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In the club/bars
Lately I have been hearing this issue come up a lot here on the boards and I'm shocked over and over again at peoples responses on how to deal with them. A lot of misconceptions and painfully wrong views on an actually very simple answer.

Let me give you an example of the wrong way...

Imagine you are the HB. You are out with your friends, enjoying your girls and drinks, taking in all the eye candy around you. You are horny but you really don't care about sex right now (you usually always are horny), as your FB who thinks he's your BF gave you a good Fvck the day before and plus you jilled yourself earlier that day when you were bored.
Then here comes this guy, he opens you, ehh he is somewhat interesting. He seems to be handling himself well, not doing too bad.... But does he really deserve me?? I mean I really don't need this, plus I will have plenty of offers tonight, I might not want it to be him "if" anyone tonight, so lets see what he is made of....
So you test...

"Are you hitting on me?" - - - -> "No, I just thought you looked cool so I thought I would talk to you, what you don't like talking?" <--- FAIL

"Is that a pick-up line?" - - - > "Hah you wish" <--- FAIL

"Why are you talking to me?" - - - > "I'm just being social talking with all sorts of people" <---- FAIL (depending how true it is, we will get back to this)

"Aww you are cute but why not find a girl you could actually get lucky with?" - - - > "I'm not looking to get lucky blah blah blah" <---- MAJOR FAIL

"I came here to just have fun with my girls" - - - -> "Oh ok, well have fun then" walk away <---- Obviously FAIL because you walked away right.

What do all these have in common?
The guy answered LOGICALLY. He REACTED and logically tried to VALIDATE himself.... FAIL...

Lets take it one step further. Lets say HB gives you a hardcore test. You know the type... "Major b!tch shield, screw all these scums trying to get in my pants" type test. To some of you, you might not have heard these type of tests very much... But trust me, if you're approaching as much as me and approaching ALL the hottest girls, you will get these.

She says something like "Out of your league" ... "Sorry but you're not cute" ... "this is girl time, not guy girl time" .... "I have cooties, you don't want to catch them" etc...

Most guys... sorry let me refrain this, most chumps will answer these tests in this type of fashion (most guys = chumps)

"ok your loss" ... This is the most common type of comeback. When you're walking away just imagine how badly she is rolling her eyes "Right my loss. ok loser."
"pshh, out of your league? you're right, but I'm willing to give you a chance to come up to my league" .... geez that was witty, you showed her!!!

"Whatever, you actually kinda look fat in that dress anyhow" ... remember that ICP song? "Yeah tell her that she's fat, yeah that will get her!" hahaha, dissing her wont work... big difference from neg and diss.

Why don't these answers work for these tests?... REACTIVE... you are being REACTIVE. Logically reactive, she knows shes got you. Honestly most guys will respond with these type of reactions, and even coach others on these boards to react just like this. Most guys naturally do this. They react and TRY and comeback or validate them selfs... "ohhh no she is testing me, I will show her!". The sheer fact that all chumps have this thought process should be first indication that its incorrect.

Going back to the HB we placed ourselves in

... Why was she testing? Cause she wants to make sure you are a MAN. You are worthy. You arent like all the other chumps who will hit on her. Thats pretty basic, I think we all know why its necessary for girls to test us. They get hit on so much they have to create these tests to screen for true MEN.
She will catch your reactions and show it will be so plain to her, out how weak you are. She will see you aren't confident... you are trying too hard.. you emotionally care too much about her already and try to validate yourself. When you react to her bullsh!t it portrays you as lower value.
Saying those things are bad enough, but reacting in that way she will also physically see it on you as well. She will see your eyes change, your body language, your voice.

When it comes to the hardcore tests and you honestly think she is b!tchy and don't want anything to do with her then just walk away (girls can fail your tests too)... You don't have to make yourself look bad by saying "phhh your loss" ... She will see right through your sh!t and know its weak. And worst of all when guys get blown off and they are walking away and yell "B!tch!" over their shoulders... It doesn't get any chumpier then that. If you can't handle rejections and b!tch shields without getting offended you have a lot of inner attitude to work on. It's usually nothing personal anyhow, they are just protecting them selfs from chumps, why fall into their world? You're just proving what they think! All chumps just keep reinforcing the need for sh!t tests.


Master Don Juan
Dec 17, 2006
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In the club/bars
Ok so now the Right way!

Remember how I said it's a simple concept? I guess looking at the big bulks of text I've already typed I should clarify how you deal with them is simple. The psychology on the topic is not simple once you delve into it. However most these ideas are so basic to ME I feel silly for even writing them down, I think thats how most things become once you understand them... basic, simple.

The simple way of dealing with her test. Is to not REACT. She wants to see if you are strong and confident in yourself. When you keep your ground and your state of mind and don't budge for her, you will pass the test.
Its all about your inner game... Your beliefs... If you aren't strong and convicted in yourself and what you are doing then you won't pass the test, even by DOING the right thing... Because you aren't truly the right thing.

But the most basic thing is to not react. You don't care about her or what she thinks of you. Passing sh!t tests and having no fear of rejections almost go hand in hand, think on that for a sec.

It's easy for me, because I really am starting to genuinely not care about rejections or what she thinks of me.

When a girl tries to test me... "Why are you talking to me?" I just wouldn't react. I would go illogical. Her test isn't logical to me. Ideally you would be so comfortable and strong in yourself that her tests wont even touch your reality. Your world is strong! It's not effected by hers. So since my mind can't logically identify with her stupid question (it really is stupid if you think, why you talking to me? uhhhh ok) I wouldn't be reactive to it at all.

Honestly its hard for me to give you an example of the right way... Because when YOU are just right, pretty much anything you say would pass the test!!!!.... like when I said earlier..

"Why are you talking to me?" - - - > "I'm just being social talking with all sorts of people" <---- FAIL (depending how true it is, we will get back to this)
...If your not reacting but thats just your world... If you literally were just talking to everyone in the club or at least felt ok with the idea then this would pass. More so based on your non-verbal signals.

But you deal with it in many ways... for actual methods. Plenty of ways.

"You're not cute" ----- "Yeah ok" no reaction. just agree because its not worthy of your consideration. or point to argue. You dont even care if you are cute or not.

"Why are you talking to me?" ----- "My 8th grade english teacher was gay!" going ultra illogical, basically burying her frame of mind in the dirt.

"Aww you are cute but why not find a girl you could actually get lucky with?" ----- just completely ignore the fact that it was even said... its so far from you being able to identify with it that you couldn't even comprehend it enough to respond at all.

And in all cases... QUICKLY Changing the conversation topic to something else is pretty powerful.... Dont even give her a chance to dwell on it... Its like She tests you, you are "yeah cool" and then Bam!!! Start talking about something else. LEAD!

But the method or whatever isn't the real trick. Its about YOU being the MAN and not a chump. Confidence... Self-Esteem... Value.... Inner-Dependant.... If you just simply are these attractive qualities then passing the tests is simple.
Working on your INNER SELF is of most importance. You gotta be a cool guy. Screw methods and tricks, they help you out and get your foot in the door, especially when you are starting out and trying to build the confidence (which can take a long time, it really can) But the cool guy is the one who gets laid.



Master Don Juan
Dec 17, 2006
Reaction score
In the club/bars

Ending notes -

Don't be a chump and think you gotta react to her world... Be a COOL guy and take lead. Your world is whats important to you.

Being logical will hurt you. Girls are emotional/illogical... Join her.

Don't call a girl a b!tch just because you are feeling chumped out cause she blew you off... have a little more self-esteem then that. Time to shed weak habits off.

Not getting sucked into her world is very important. But you gotta know when its not a sh!t test and its time to really deal with her. Like for example, if you have a long term gf and you deal with what you thought was a sh!t test but it wasn't, you could easily Non-react yourself right out of a relationship in some cases.

Understand a sh!t test is her trying to control your world. Pull you into her frame of mind. You should understand a sh!t from something genuine... You just have to be intelligent enough to know when. You have to have social intelligence. When they are saying NO and when they are dropping mad hints for you to please leave, take your rejection with you and leave, find some more sets. If its obvious they aren't just probing you and trying to tool you around, then probably genuinely are not interested and are done with you.

Guys sh!t test you too... Like when someone comes in here and says "what the hell you know randallpink? how many girls have you pulled?" I will be like "pshhh your loss". :D ;) jk

Its all about your inner game - Are you in sync in your world (confident)

You don't have to be lethargic and boring to pass her tests... I say don't REACT to her crap. But you can still be yourself. I'm a very energetic, loud, smiling guy. As long as I don't change for her when she tests me I'm fine.
I still react to girls... Just not during a sh!t test. Try not to get fvcked by her world and you might fvck her.

And last but not least, you can plow all her tests but that doesn't mean you are going to get laid. Just means you are cool, congrats! you aren't chumping it.

......Hope this helps guys. It certainly really solidified everything for me just typing it.


New Member
Nov 25, 2007
Reaction score
Pretty much agree with everything you've just said.

If you answer each question directly and react to her tests, you loose. (Very true Randall) That leaves you with 2 options...
1) Laugh to yourself, I quite often add "Pff... your charming!"
2) Ignore it and move onto another topic or question.

However, if you want to pass the tests with flying colours (lol) Then option 1) is the best. Why? Always having a better answer, is a direct way of establishing dominance. Rick H teaches this concept.

It's also huge fun! If you can come back with a better answer to her tests and out wit her... you win. She feels comforted. + she won't try another test on you, because she knows that you'll show her up, with an even better answer!

Learn some comedy, read some books, plan out responses to these sh1t tests... and have some fun!


Don Juan
Nov 3, 2007
Reaction score
Good stuff.. Johnny on the spot for dropping this.


Don Juan
Jun 1, 2007
Reaction score
good stuff

my main problems are kino and this

i'm getting better at the kino thing, though

the common test question that girls come up for me is, "why do want my number?" (i never ask for numbers, subtley demand them)

i still get the number by being honest with something like, "i want to know you better", etc..

where can i find some better lines; i'm trying to diversify


Nov 27, 2007
Reaction score
You know the best way is...? When she tests you just laugh. That's the last thing she's expecting. It's really like AMOG, if a guy disses you just laugh like he said the dumbest thing ever. She'll get confused and that's when you switch topic.


Master Don Juan
Apr 25, 2007
Reaction score
dude, props Randall. Well written.