As someone who is considered tall (5'11.5" flatfooted) and someone who has done extensive research on the subject of height and dating, I would like to put some things to rest.
Do tall men have an advantage over men of average height and short men?
Are short men (5'7" and under) at a disadvantage when it comes to women?
Eventhough I answered Yes to both questions, height is just one of MANY factors that plays a part in the attraction game.
I am sick and tired of certain dating "experts" and men of short and average stature posters on discussion boards constantly saying the following:
" A mans height is the MOST IMPORTANT thing when it comes to attracting a woman."
" If a man IS NOT atleast 5'10" inches tall he is not considered attractive."
" How TALL a man is more important than looks, body shape, money and job status.
" A 6'2" UGLY man is still more attractive to women than a 5'7" man with a HANDSOME face.
PLEASE STOP ALL OF THE NONSENSE!! If height were more important than the handsomeness of a mans face, money, build, confidence etc.
MEN who are 5'11" and taller (ONLY 1 in 4 men in US are this height) would be GETTING GORGEOUS WOMEN all of the time because 100% of women would only want to get with 25% of all men.
As a tall man I would be getting laid all of the time because women would be so attracted to my height I would not have to do anything else NOR would I be at THIS WEBSITE!!
You WOULD NOT see shorter men or men of average height with attractive women.
My mothers attractive 40 year old cousin WOULD NOT have some 5'6" pudgy guy as her boyfriend.
My gorgeous and intelligent 2nd cousin WOULD NOT be dating a man who stands only 5 feet 9 inches tall.
My 5'5 3/4" friend WOULD NOT be engaged to an attractive women who is going to be a doctor.
Of course, there are thousands of examples like this throughout the country.
AS A TALL MAN, I AM SICK AND TIRED" Of short men or men of average height thinking TALL MEN live in a world with NO PROBLEMS or WE GET ALL OF THE WOMEN!
I AM SICK AND TIRED: Of men who are not tall thinking their life would be 10X greater if they only had a couple of more inches to their stature.
IF you are tall like myself, you take height for granted and you will just find other insecurities about yourself.
Do tall men have an advantage over men of average height and short men?
Are short men (5'7" and under) at a disadvantage when it comes to women?
Eventhough I answered Yes to both questions, height is just one of MANY factors that plays a part in the attraction game.
I am sick and tired of certain dating "experts" and men of short and average stature posters on discussion boards constantly saying the following:
" A mans height is the MOST IMPORTANT thing when it comes to attracting a woman."
" If a man IS NOT atleast 5'10" inches tall he is not considered attractive."
" How TALL a man is more important than looks, body shape, money and job status.
" A 6'2" UGLY man is still more attractive to women than a 5'7" man with a HANDSOME face.
PLEASE STOP ALL OF THE NONSENSE!! If height were more important than the handsomeness of a mans face, money, build, confidence etc.
MEN who are 5'11" and taller (ONLY 1 in 4 men in US are this height) would be GETTING GORGEOUS WOMEN all of the time because 100% of women would only want to get with 25% of all men.
As a tall man I would be getting laid all of the time because women would be so attracted to my height I would not have to do anything else NOR would I be at THIS WEBSITE!!
You WOULD NOT see shorter men or men of average height with attractive women.
My mothers attractive 40 year old cousin WOULD NOT have some 5'6" pudgy guy as her boyfriend.
My gorgeous and intelligent 2nd cousin WOULD NOT be dating a man who stands only 5 feet 9 inches tall.
My 5'5 3/4" friend WOULD NOT be engaged to an attractive women who is going to be a doctor.
Of course, there are thousands of examples like this throughout the country.
AS A TALL MAN, I AM SICK AND TIRED" Of short men or men of average height thinking TALL MEN live in a world with NO PROBLEMS or WE GET ALL OF THE WOMEN!
I AM SICK AND TIRED: Of men who are not tall thinking their life would be 10X greater if they only had a couple of more inches to their stature.
IF you are tall like myself, you take height for granted and you will just find other insecurities about yourself.