Yeah, whiskey dìck is a bìtch. It's an awful feeling to have a chick naked and ready to go only to find yourself drunkenly screaming at your junk, "STAND UP, MAN! WE'VE GOT A JOB TO DO!" only to have it reply, "......lay off, man. I need a nap."
This is why I quit drinking a month or so back which also destroyed a lot of the false confidence that had gotten me so much success in the past.
Either ballsy and limp or scared stiff........ literally. There's no happy medium.
As for the only anal thing, I was going through some shìt back then. I had only been with one person who I was in love with (and she had only been with me), and I wasn't sure I wanted to permanently destroy that bond. So I justified it to myself that I wasn't actually having sex with somebody else if it didn't go in the cooch. Fücked up, I know.