I Suk with women, not in a good way either


Senior Don Juan
Oct 22, 2007
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I am new here and I will probably be laughed at with all my problems as I am about the farthest thing from a DJ there is. My life story, I was a virgin until I was 28 and then had a on again off again relationship with a woman that could probably be considered psycho. She was fairly good looking and I wanted to lose my virginity so bad at the time I put up with her psycho stuff, and then I got horrible oneitis for her after I did. She is also one of those women who gets neurotically attached to guys and I never told her I was a virgin. But I didn't know how to handle the relationship very well and now looking back I recognize that I did some pretty AFC stuff myself even though she was still far from perfect. She ended up eventually losing attraction for me and used me when I should have not allowed her to.
Anyway when it finally ended once and for all I was a broken man, I was depressed and put on alot of weight(this is long before I found this place or knew any of this stuff).

For awhile I didn't even try with women again, and earlier this year I started a job in a different city and know virtually no one here. I have been spending the last month and a half trying to get in shape, I was about 50 pounds overweight and I have lost about 10 pounds since I started exercising and eating healthier, but I have a long way to go still. So now I am stuck in a town where I only have one good friend who is married with kids, nice guy but I don't go clubbing together for obvious reasons, not that I was ever good at getting women that way anyway.

So the fact that I am now in my 30's, don't know hardly anyone around my age who is single, and some other problems which I will explain in a minute, I decided to try the online dating thing. I have some reasonably attractive photos from before I gained all this weight, I put those online and got a few responses, but even then the majority of women I wrote to did not reply back. However, the first real life meeting she obviously was not into me, the second one lasted for all of 5 minutes before she told me she keeps first meetings short and left, and the third one just this weekend I was a little more hopeful. I thought she would reject me out of hand like the other two did because I still need to lose more weight to look good. She came across as really friendly and I thought we had a good convo going. She even laughed at some of my jokes, the kind of laugh I thought they did when they are interested. I decided to cut it short at just over an hour because I didn't want to ruin what I thought was a good thing, and I would figure out something to do for next weekend and call her later. I decided we could go to a local art museum since she mentioned that as one of the things she liked to do. I call her this evening and she apologizes and tells me that she didn't feel any attraction, and thought I felt the same way since I cut the meeting. I totally misread her, needless to say. But I am frustrated that in person meetings are not working out.

There are a couple of extra challenges that I think most of you don't have to deal with and probably make it really difficult for women to be attracted to me. I have ADHD and take medication for it, so sometimes it may appear I am not paying attention, I don't know for sure. Worse yet, I have a nervous eye tic that is associated with a very mild form of tourettes(not all tourettes people blurt out cusswords, those are only extreme cases). It is not all the time but it does often act up when I am nervous, such as public speaking or..not surprisingly... meeting women, which is the worst possible time for it to act up but I have little control over it and most of the time not even aware I am doing it. I think this may actually play a big part in why I am such a horrible seducer in person. Women are probably creeped out by it.

Conversely, I have developed my writing skills to the point that I think I am better writing then i am in person, which may also disappoint some of them when I meet them in person. Because of my past conditioning I am also shy at first meeting and it takes a little while to warm up to a woman. Really, I don't know what exactly I am doing wrong but it is something, I am also only about 5'81/2" so I am not particularly tall but I have a reasonably good looking face and look okay when I am not overweight. And I have read a large chunk of the DJ Bible and it has opened my eyes to alot of stuff, but I am still having this problem even though I am learning the basics, and I still lack confidence.
I have a few positive attributes, like I am a talented artist and photographer, and I am well educated, but I don't know if that matters much. It seems like I have so many problems and am in such a horrible position to meet women I don't really know if I can get to the point where I am attractive at all to women. I am also fighting depression and am taking Wellbutrin SR which helps a little bit. I imagine after telling you all this some of you will be happy that I will probably be removed from the gene pool, and I can understand why but I am still horny and want to meet women, I can't help that I have feelings for women and want to act on them. I guess women are doing a fairly good job of removing me from the gene pool whether I like it or not.


Master Don Juan
Jun 27, 2003
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Beyond your peripheral vision
Well first of all, you are being dishonest by posting a pic of yourself from years ago when you KNOW you don't look like that anymore. If you want to know what these women are thinking about you, then read this. You are that person!!!

Why would you even do that to yourself?!


Senior Don Juan
Oct 22, 2007
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Okay, I realize I have to lost more weight and get healthier before I try this again, then I will look pretty much like I did in the picture of myself again. Even though it takes some effort, that is fairly straight forward to do and I can do that, but is that all there is to it? I think in my case unfortunately I do other things to repulse women, I was always shy around women before even when I didn't gain weight and had a 9.4 hon HotorNot with the photos I am using. Now I have somewhat of a belly but it is not like I am super fat or anything. My weight when I took the photos was 165lbs, at my peak I weighed just over 200 and now I weigh about 190-192 to give an idea. I am 5'81/2" and if I remember correctly my ideal weight would be around 150 but I don't look fat at all around 160-165 if I have some muscles as well.


Master Don Juan
Jun 27, 2003
Reaction score
Beyond your peripheral vision
Post a pic. Or PM me. I am curious to see what I am working with here.

Besides the weight issue and the misrepresentation, yeah, you have some other things to work on.


Master Don Juan
Sep 12, 2007
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The Paradise City where the grass is green and the
Well looks aren't everything, and if that's all a girl wants then she's not the one for you. It sounds like you need to develop more confidence and direction in your own life, and get a girl when you can find one that can handle you. Don't give the woman all of the power, whatever you do.

Bunk 040

Don Juan
Apr 15, 2004
Reaction score
It aint bout the weight brah, its about you. Quit analyzing life all the time and just live. I used to think too much too. You might have to start off by thinking alot to quit thinking. Just lose your weight and try and have fun.

The world aint all about hoes, it's not. It's about having good relationships with good people, male and female. Get some friends and have fun. HAVE FUN. Hoes wanna be around somebody fun, not somebody looking for hoes all the time.


Master Don Juan
Jun 27, 2003
Reaction score
Beyond your peripheral vision
Bunk 040 said:
Hoes wanna be around somebody fun, not somebody looking for hoes all the time.
This is true.

But I have a feeling the OP has a problem with making friends in general, male or female? He is in a new city.

Bunk 040

Don Juan
Apr 15, 2004
Reaction score
iqqi said:
This is true.

But I have a feeling the OP has a problem with making friends in general, male or female? He is in a new city.
OP? I dont know all that online lingo. If you got a job, just be sociable. You can make friends anywhere. You gotta have other interests besides females though. Quit focusing on females and try and have fun doing what you like. It's TOO MANY hoes out here to stress bout them.


Senior Don Juan
Oct 22, 2007
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I didn't used to have much of a problem making friends, but since I moved and everything went to pot for me I am having difficulty making new friends. Most people I know here have families and stuff. I could have made more of an effort by joining clubs and stuff, just like I should have made more of an effort to keep my weight down, but I didn't and now I have to start over.


Senior Don Juan
Oct 22, 2007
Reaction score
what about my nervous eye tick that I have, does that make gaming women IRL considerably more difficult? Does anyone else have something like this and is successful with women anyway?
Don't give the woman all of the power, whatever you do.
That is the mistake I made before. I think I can fake being attractive online somewhat, but really I am not attractive to a woman on any level, I pretty much have 0 qualities that women consider attractive, with my eye tick being my main unattractive quality. It is only natural that someone like me will want to settle for the first woman I find where there is mutual attraction. It isn't like someone like me, with my personality, has alot of choices since I don't look like Brad Pitt to make up for it.


Master Don Juan
Jun 27, 2003
Reaction score
Beyond your peripheral vision
I have seen the goods...

So I have taken a look of a thinner, historical StevenR on his myspace, and I think he was very cute. I await pics of fatter StevenR to see if it is possible that he could look that awful that chics would be immediately turned off once they meet him in person. More than likely it is something else...


Your humor is great, I laughed while reading your little wits, but at times I felt like maybe you are trying too hard. You are obviously very smart. Also, are any of those people in your friends space, actually people you know in real life?

You seemed like a different guy in the pic from your college days, were you a different guy? If so, what happened?

Your photography is AMAZING, so much so that I hate to ask, but must... did you really take all of those photos? Even of the lupine creature?

Besides all that, we all go through droughts in our lives, of people that motivate us, stimulate us, appeal to us. Don't beat yourself up too much about it. We all have times when we think we will be single forever.

The Sperminator

Senior Don Juan
Jan 18, 2007
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You don't need a wingman to get woman. Go by youself. Meet woman at the supermarket, bookstore, gym, etc. Don't be afraid to ask them out or talk to them.


Don Juan
Oct 19, 2007
Reaction score
In case you watch porn,try to watch less.
In my opinion you should try to dress better.Dressing well proves a high social status and shows that you take care of your self.


Master Don Juan
Apr 6, 2004
Reaction score
The weight is a big issue if the man believes it is. 5'8 and 150 is too thin. I'm 5'6 and 154. My ideal weight is 150, not yours :p

The next thing you need to do is put yourself in situations where you can meet women.

You may be better off posting a thread in The Mature Man section. But don't forget to show your age.


Master Don Juan
Jun 27, 2003
Reaction score
Beyond your peripheral vision
Maxtro is right, post in the mature man forum.

Also I was going to mention what Sperminator said, which is as a man, there is nothing wrong with going out alone! As long as you are comfortable with yourself (your own company) in social settings... which I don't think you are.

by the way, I have now seen his "fat pic", and he is not unnattractive, still. All of us know a guy who is not buff, a little overweight, who gets the girls...


Master Don Juan
Jun 27, 2003
Reaction score
Beyond your peripheral vision
Take a look at this thread, in which one of the guys that everyone looks up to in this forum, has posted pics of himself finally.

In my opinion, you guys are about the same weight proportion, you MIGHT be a little bigger, I can't tell. But you have a REALLY cute face! I feel like I always offend someone on here when I say what I really think about pics they post, but they posted them for reactions so...

After you see what this cat looks like, go read his posts. If this guy can pull chicks, you can. He has confidence = he gets chicks!


Master Don Juan
Jun 27, 2003
Reaction score
Beyond your peripheral vision
KarmaSutra said:

We're on to you . . .

You keep saying weird sh!t. Stop trolling. Say something useful to the OP.

(OP= orignal poster, newbies).

BTW, I am a size 0, if that is what you meant, KS. :cool: :moon:


Master Don Juan
Apr 16, 2006
Reaction score
Iqqi in that thread I see a fat drunk man with a bunch of cheap wh0res. What the hell? Is this what you guys are aspiring to be?