'Two Rules' to happy, enduring MLTRs

Johnny Soporno

Senior Don Juan
Nov 27, 2006
Reaction score
Toronto, LA, NYC, Miami, Amsterdam
In case any of you have read any of my previous threads and wonder where I get off speaking from such a presumption of higher-status and attitude of sublime confidence, coupled to a self-esteem which at-first appears hubristic, here's a little back-story to give you a framework...

I'm 38 years old, balding, heavy-set (think Tony Soprano in the early seasons) fellow who wears Hawaiian shirts most of the time...

(click here for Photos plus Style's critical commentary on my Game...

I am also one of the most experienced and socially-mature Players in The Game. Despite my looks, not because of them, I do fantastically well with women of all cultures, styles, and idiosyncrasies... "I love the ladies, and they love me right back... Now who's the Mack?" - Ice T

SO What is my secret? What is the special formula which has facilitated my happy life?

I empower women to make their own choices.

For the last 15 years or so I have generally had a 'Primary' GF (with whom I would reside) and usually between three and maybe a half-dozen secondary gfs, in slow-rotation, plus an inestimable number of casual playmates, some of whom might join into the pusse* from time to time.

To understand my situation, it is vital to recognize the distinction between TITLES (Capitalized) and roles (non-capitalized). The Primary is the one who bears the 'title' and role of GIRLFRIEND and may refer to me as her BOYFRIEND, whereas the secondaries all recognize that they can maintain the 'role' of girlfriend, and behave with me and towards me as their boyfriend, but that ours is not an overriding relationship.

I used to manage using what I called 'GITM' rules (Gays In The Military - Don't ask, Don't tell) with my Primary, and the others would respect that they must keep things quiet; but it was always ultimately a losing proposition, because over time the girlfriends would want more, and eventually cattiness and discontent would tear my playhouse down.

About eight years or so ago I recognized the trouble-domain: I didn't want a harem!

I wouldn't have ONE Wife, why in the world would I want many!?

So I vowed to myself I would no-longer permit women to live in denial about their rivals; but this made for very uncomfortable situations of nasty infighting, so it needed to be modified once again.

Finally I developed what I refer to as my TWO RULES: model, which has served me very well (incredibly well, actually) ever since the beginning of the millennium.

For ALL the women in my life, from my Primary (with whom I live, and share a bed in Toronto) to the girls I met and slept with last weekend in Los Angeles, whom I don't know if I'll see again before year's end, the TWO RULES are absolute, intractable, inflexable, and adamantine:


Rule Two: Every girlfriend MUST COMMIT TO DO HER BEST to get along with my other girlfriends

These two, very simple, incredibly elegant pillars keep my home happy, my ladies ecstatic, and my sacs drained.

A little more detail, in case the beauty of this is lost on anyone...

Regarding RULE ONE:

Every woman I am with knows IMMEDIATELY (because I tell her outright) that when I'm not with her, I'm with someone else.
Therefore, I need for her to understand that SHE WILL NOT EVER be entitled to unlimited, unrestricted, nor exclusive access to me, and as such she will need to find ways to keep herself amused when I am elsewhere.

No amount of 'But Baby, I only want to be with YOU!' will ever shake my resolve, as that situation is a SURE FIRE ROAD TO HELL, when the girl's resentment begins to perk-up and she becomes a green-eyed monster....

So, by insisting she has other male playmates, I remove A) her justification for being uptight with me when I'm unavailable to satisfy her cravings, and B) I ensure she continually expands her skillset and her expectations, thereby keeping me on my toes, and preventing my complacency.

Regarding RULE TWO:

Since every girl knows I'm getting around, just as they themselves are, and that there are 'others', they begin to realize there is no such thing as a 'rival' and that cattiness or ganging-up/bashing other girls in the circle won't help anyone, and will in fact necessitate their own removal from the otherwise very comfortable situation.

This second Rule guarantees a fundamentally harmonious and happiness-conducive lifestyle which has been working for me for the better part of a decade, and shows no signs of slowing down or breaking apart.

Johnny Soporno
Worthy Playboy

P.S. I exclusively date bisexual hotties and have been to bed with most of them with most of the rest of them, in some-or-other permutation.

*Pusse is the feminine-form of posse


Master Don Juan
Apr 3, 2006
Reaction score
The logic of your strategy makes pefect sense. However, are you not worried of the type of men your girl friends will sleep with?

I'd be scared to go down or go bareback on my girl if she was sleeping with somebody else and it would kind of ruin the sex.

Do you screen the guys or do you just trust them to pick clean guys?

Johnny Soporno said:
In case any of you have read any of my previous threads and wonder where I get off speaking from such a presumption of higher-status and attitude of sublime confidence, coupled to a self-esteem which at-first appears hubristic, here's a little back-story to give you a framework...

I'm 38 years old, balding, heavy-set (think Tony Soprano in the early seasons) fellow who wears Hawaiian shirts most of the time...

(click here for Photos plus Style's critical commentary on my Game...

I am also one of the most experienced and socially-mature Players in The Game. Despite my looks, not because of them, I do fantastically well with women of all cultures, styles, and idiosyncrasies... "I love the ladies, and they love me right back... Now who's the Mack?" - Ice T

SO What is my secret? What is the special formula which has facilitated my happy life?

I empower women to make their own choices.

For the last 15 years or so I have generally had a 'Primary' GF (with whom I would reside) and usually between three and maybe a half-dozen secondary gfs, in slow-rotation, plus an inestimable number of casual playmates, some of whom might join into the pusse* from time to time.

To understand my situation, it is vital to recognize the distinction between TITLES (Capitalized) and roles (non-capitalized). The Primary is the one who bears the 'title' and role of GIRLFRIEND and may refer to me as her BOYFRIEND, whereas the secondaries all recognize that they can maintain the 'role' of girlfriend, and behave with me and towards me as their boyfriend, but that ours is not an overriding relationship.

I used to manage using what I called 'GITM' rules (Gays In The Military - Don't ask, Don't tell) with my Primary, and the others would respect that they must keep things quiet; but it was always ultimately a losing proposition, because over time the girlfriends would want more, and eventually cattiness and discontent would tear my playhouse down.

About eight years or so ago I recognized the trouble-domain: I didn't want a harem!

I wouldn't have ONE Wife, why in the world would I want many!?

So I vowed to myself I would no-longer permit women to live in denial about their rivals; but this made for very uncomfortable situations of nasty infighting, so it needed to be modified once again.

Finally I developed what I refer to as my TWO RULES: model, which has served me very well (incredibly well, actually) ever since the beginning of the millennium.

For ALL the women in my life, from my Primary (with whom I live, and share a bed in Toronto) to the girls I met and slept with last weekend in Los Angeles, whom I don't know if I'll see again before year's end, the TWO RULES are absolute, intractable, inflexable, and adamantine:


Rule Two: Every girlfriend MUST COMMIT TO DO HER BEST to get along with my other girlfriends

These two, very simple, incredibly elegant pillars keep my home happy, my ladies ecstatic, and my sacs drained.

A little more detail, in case the beauty of this is lost on anyone...

Regarding RULE ONE:

Every woman I am with knows IMMEDIATELY (because I tell her outright) that when I'm not with her, I'm with someone else.
Therefore, I need for her to understand that SHE WILL NOT EVER be entitled to unlimited, unrestricted, nor exclusive access to me, and as such she will need to find ways to keep herself amused when I am elsewhere.

No amount of 'But Baby, I only want to be with YOU!' will ever shake my resolve, as that situation is a SURE FIRE ROAD TO HELL, when the girl's resentment begins to perk-up and she becomes a green-eyed monster....

So, by insisting she has other male playmates, I remove A) her justification for being uptight with me when I'm unavailable to satisfy her cravings, and B) I ensure she continually expands her skillset and her expectations, thereby keeping me on my toes, and preventing my complacency.

Regarding RULE TWO:

Since every girl knows I'm getting around, just as they themselves are, and that there are 'others', they begin to realize there is no such thing as a 'rival' and that cattiness or ganging-up/bashing other girls in the circle won't help anyone, and will in fact necessitate their own removal from the otherwise very comfortable situation.

This second Rule guarantees a fundamentally harmonious and happiness-conducive lifestyle which has been working for me for the better part of a decade, and shows no signs of slowing down or breaking apart.

Johnny Soporno
Worthy Playboy

P.S. I exclusively date bisexual hotties and have been to bed with most of them with most of the rest of them, in some-or-other permutation.

*Pusse is the feminine-form of posse

Johnny Soporno

Senior Don Juan
Nov 27, 2006
Reaction score
Toronto, LA, NYC, Miami, Amsterdam
Teflon_Mcgee said:
The logic of your strategy makes perfect sense.
Thanks Teflon :) It has been working flawlessly for me for many happy years, with an average of at least 50 new playmates per year.

Teflon_Mcgee said:
However, are you not worried of the type of men your girl friends will sleep with?

I'd be scared to go down or go bareback on my girl if she was sleeping with somebody else and it would kind of ruin the sex.
Generally, there are three 'types' of girls whom I'll hook up with;

A) 'Professionally Beautiful' women (ie, models, actresses, dancers, escorts, pornstars, nightclub hostesses/bartenders...)

B) Fantastically bright & self-reliant women


C) "Recovering Monogamists" (ie, wives/girlfriends in long-term committed relationships with other men)

and of course, combinations of two or even three of these categories occur frequently.

Recognizing that Category A) women are exposed to a tremendous number of suitors and have no-option but to ensure their own safety and health.

After having a frank and candid discussion about risk-assessment and risk-avoidance with such women, I can sense if they take such things seriously-enough.

If so, I can relax a good-deal with the knowledge that these women are already taking appropriate, responsible measures to ensure they are not in jeopardy of losing their livelihoods through cavalierly dismissing caution...

With Category B) women, THEY know what they are exposing themselves to, and they are fully-cognizant of how to mitigate risks, and ensure their prolonged happiness.

The riskiest category, by far, is the C) group, who no-doubt will take-for-granted that their primary partner is being responsible (HA!) so with women who fall exclusively in this last category, I always use condoms, and wash my entire groin and surrounding areas with VERY hot water and soap as soon as possible following an event. (Before passing out or leaving the venue, certainly!)

I only have 'bareback' sex with women who, like me, have routine full-spectrum STD tests monthly or bimonthly, depending on their lifestyle.

The likelihood of contracting anything from going-down on a girl is fantastically-small, IF she's hygienic and aware of precautions to prevent oral-gonorrhea or oral-chlamydia (neither of which is common, at any rate) and I won't go down on a girl who's experienced a recent herpes-outbreak or genital-warts outbreak, regardless. :)

Johnny Soporno

Photos Albums: www.SS4G.com has some goodies :)

www.WorthyPlayboys.com & www.JohnnySoporno.com have many many more, but require a yahoo/flickr login for age-verification. heh heh heh

Johnny Soporno

Senior Don Juan
Nov 27, 2006
Reaction score
Toronto, LA, NYC, Miami, Amsterdam
MrLuvr said:
Interesting. How long do you plan to continue this lifestyle?

I can't imagine anything short-of debilitating health-issues which would require my abandoning it?

I am a VERY happy man: My lovers are ALL also my friends, and I don't have any sense of possessiveness or jealousy regarding them - any more than I do for my male friends.

I'm 'Uncle Johnny' to a fantastic number of my [male AND female] friends' offspring and that 'avuncular role' is plenty good-enough for me.

Johnny Soporno
Lover of Many
Married to None


Master Don Juan
Jun 20, 2007
Reaction score
All in all, it comes back to the type of girls you are choosing to mess around with.

Last weekend I invited a girl (you would call a "primary" to a party) but also had another girl "secondary" I've been talking to on the side. The two found out about each other, the secondary girl flipped out and started drama. However the primary was completely cool about it. And I hung out her again the very next night, drama free. It's kind of hard to tell at first. You have to test them. My primary deffinately passed, but the other girl got nexted the second she "took me to the side to talk". I'm think I'm just going to have to rotate for a bit until I find the right girls to get away with this.

Johnny Soporno

Senior Don Juan
Nov 27, 2006
Reaction score
Toronto, LA, NYC, Miami, Amsterdam
Scars said:
Last weekend I invited a girl (you would call a "primary" to a party) but also had another girl "secondary" I've been talking to on the side.
In my model, there can generally only be a single Primary, but many Secondaries - the Primary will always know that others exist, if not more details about specific girls; the Secondaries will ALWAYS know about the Primary, and recognize her place as 'First amongst equals' - even if they never meet her in person.

I make sure I tell every girl about my lifestyle and my 'Two Rules' before getting sexually intimate with them (generally in the first 10 mins or so) so they know the score up-front.

I never consider this something I 'can get away with', but rather something they either accept, or they don't get to enjoy me.

Johnny Soporno
Worthy Playboy


Senior Don Juan
May 31, 2005
Reaction score
What are the ages of women you deal with? I would think that a woman would have to be fairly mature to handle this scenario. Late 20s and 30s etc..

Johnny Soporno

Senior Don Juan
Nov 27, 2006
Reaction score
Toronto, LA, NYC, Miami, Amsterdam
MrLuvr said:
What are the ages of women you deal with? I would think that a woman would have to be fairly mature to handle this scenario. Late 20s and 30s etc..
This applies across the board, from the 20-year olds to the 50 year olds.



Don Juan
Sep 6, 2006
Reaction score
Lol, man i have had a prob trying to pull this sh!t off, but those rules seems to be the missing key.... Thanks man... I'll be putting them to use...


Don Juan
Sep 16, 2007
Reaction score
At what point do you explain yourself and your rules do you just wait till things become physical or... ??? How does that conversation go?


Master Don Juan
Mar 9, 2002
Reaction score
I had this scenario with one girl I ****ed around with for a while. But most girls want monogamy.

It is tough. I have met a few girls since that like it, but am in an LTR with a girl that wants to get married with me.

Microphone Fiend

Master Don Juan
May 30, 2003
Reaction score
Where I be at
I would have a hard time dealing with rule #1. Although I intend to sleep with other women, I do not think I would want the girl who sleeps around constantly to have a 'role' as you defined it. Possibly casual sex, but as for actual gf-esque status without the title, I do not think I can do it. I know it is a double standard and seems unfair, but as the person in power, is fairness really an issue that you need to be concerned with? The way I see it, if you have a harem of women set up, then you already have a supply of what you want, and can become more strict with what you allow. Granted there will be occasional women who fight and protest but being in the position you are in, they can abide by the rules or say goodbye, imo.

I guess I've never done it so I cannot comment on the jealousy and if the sh!t hits the fan but that's how I see it.

Johnny Soporno

Senior Don Juan
Nov 27, 2006
Reaction score
Toronto, LA, NYC, Miami, Amsterdam
Microphone Fiend said:
I would have a hard time dealing with rule #1.
A lot of guys take that stand, from the outset - but as they become more-established as Players, and they realize that MOST of the women they pick up 'have boyfriends', they accept that NOTHING will keep girls exclusive to you, in the long run (after the infatuation wears off). So they tend to realize that BY ENCOURAGING their ladies to have other playmates, they actually engender fantastic loyalty from them.

Microphone Fiend said:
Although I intend to sleep with other women, I do not think I would want the girl who sleeps around constantly to have a 'role' as you defined it.
"Constantly" is not my recommendation, I just won't be THE ONLY GUY responsible for keep her entertained. The truth is, NOTHING I CAN DO will make me the only guy, so rather than have her hide it from me, I encourage her to do her own thing, and that builds incredible trust and appreciation.

Microphone Fiend said:
Possibly casual sex, but as for actual gf-esque status without the title, I do not think I can do it. I know it is a double standard and seems unfair, but as the person in power, is fairness really an issue that you need to be concerned with?
'In Power' is an interesting expression. By that token, I suppose politicians and judges and police should just have a heyday and slaughter people who annoy them out of hand? ;)

Of course the onus of ensuring fairness lays on the hands of the more powerful - the less-powerful CAN'T ensure it, can they? :) That's like the mice all voting to bell the cat ;)

Microphone Fiend said:
The way I see it, if you have a harem of women set up, then you already have a supply of what you want, and can become more strict with what you allow.
Um, best of luck with that :rolleyes:

Johnny Soporno
Worthy Playboy
www.SS4G.com <== go check this out, and see how I'm living :)


Don Juan
Jul 11, 2007
Reaction score
Very interesting indeed however due to my personal believes I wont try that out.
Have you ever tried group action with,lets say,5 of them?
Do they know each other?
Do you know your GF's mates?
Do you plan do maintain that until you die?
You ever explained your situation to a male guy?

To keep it short just answer these ones.Once again your rules are very interesting.Think outside the box right?:cool:

Over and out


Master Don Juan
Apr 15, 2003
Reaction score
A universe...where heartbreak and sadness have bee
All these acronyms...DJ, AFC, LTR, MTR, MLTR...I'm in an MMOLTR...a massive multiplayer online long-term relationship. :D

(no, not really. :p )

Johnny Soporno

Senior Don Juan
Nov 27, 2006
Reaction score
Toronto, LA, NYC, Miami, Amsterdam
Punisha said:
Very interesting indeed however due to my personal believes I wont try that out.
Fair enough! :)

Punisha said:
Have you ever tried group action with,lets say,5 of them?
Normally, I rarely play with more than three at a time, although I have had as many as 5 gfs at once on at least a couple of occasions![/quote]

(More pics at www.SS4G.com)

Punisha said:
Do they know each other?
Of course, if they are in the same town, they'll surely have met :)

Punisha said:
Do you know your GF's mates?
Other boyfriends, not usually, but occasionally. Principle partners, frequently.[/quote]

Punisha said:
Do you plan do maintain that until you die?

Punisha said:
You ever explained your situation to a male guy?
Constantly. I am a lifestyle guru, I share this knowledge with everyone who's interested.

Punisha said:
Once again your rules are very interesting.Think outside the box right?:cool:
Thanks :)

Johnny Soporno
Worthy Playboy
Over and out[/QUOTE]


Master Don Juan
Mar 9, 2002
Reaction score
This is a great idea. I've met exactly 3 girls into this idea.

What's the best way to meet more polyamorous women?

In some cases I think the fact that you as a guy are into this opens some doors and serves as a DHV to these types of girls.

Once again it may be tough to find them at first but these girls are fun!