question about a street scenario


Master Don Juan
Jun 4, 2006
Reaction score
Today I was riding my bike back from the gym a few blocks from my apartment. This hottie was at the crosswalk waiting as was I. I was looking at her from the back, she was wearing these tight clothes that looked like gym clothes, but she had a bag in her hand like she just shopped so she didn't just come from the gym. I was trying to think of something to say. Couldn't think of anything interesting to point out or comment on, so I just said, "this light sure is taking long" which is was. She said, "yeah, I know isn't it" and gave a polite laugh. And after that my mind went blank. Couldn't think of anything to say.

I guess these are the kind of scenarios where canned material comes in handy. I'm thinking back on this trying to come up with some things I could say in a situation like this if it comes up again. Any suggestions? Sometimes it's hard to come up with any interesting conversation that will lead to attraction in a scenario like that.


Master Don Juan
Mar 24, 2004
Reaction score
Those are the exact moments where canned material comes in handy. This is what I have been saying. When all else fails use canned. When you have a brain fart use canned. When you are too lame to come up with original **** use canned.... Most of us have been in that situation. Where you loose all ability to think. A nice a$$ in tight pants will do that to a guy.

That is what it is there for.:rockon:


Master Don Juan
Jun 4, 2006
Reaction score

Exactly. So in retrospect, any ideas of something generic that could be used on a random suburban street where there's nothing particularly interesting to spark conversation? Sure I could be like "hey wussup baby girl gimme yo number so I can holla...blah blah" but that sort of sh*t doesn't really DHV, does it?


Master Don Juan
Mar 24, 2004
Reaction score
After saying the thing about the light taking so long just move into the "5 questions" (say it is to waste time) and bet carrying her shopping bag all the way home and get her to bet a kiss on the cheek.

After winning say you are a nice guy and you will cash in on the smooch after you carry her bag for her (locks her into the set…& gives you time to game.) Treat it just like any approach. When you get to her place tell her for all the hard work of carrying her bag she should give you an extra smooch on the cheek. On the second smooch, flinch like you are going to move your head (to try to get her to kiss’ you on the mouth.) Than tell her you were just kidding. Promise not to move and let her kiss you on the cheek. It shows you are fun, want more than a kiss on the cheek, and that once you give your word she can trust you.

By this time you should have an activity or place for you to go and invite her along. Set something up get the # and Peace Out!!


Aug 25, 2007
Reaction score
Man, what if she lives a long way from that light.

Around here, I'm in the same situation. There isn't many women out and about on side walks. Because hot and long walks. Only time would be if school girls skipping school or strippers waiting for bus.

With school girls anything you say would work. I don't walk them home nor give them ride on handle bars. A walk home would just be too long, and I have racing bike, so no room for a55 on the bars. Just a small conversation, feel her, make her feel me. Short if she appears to be a slvt, longer if just a nice girl. I don't try to get them to go anywhere, unless we walking by my place or a park. Kino, and number close.

Opener is always "Wow, I don't see a lot of people walking here." "Hi, my name is Stuntmann, what's your name." for school girls.

For strippers it's "Hi, my name is Stuntmann, what's your name." "Are you waiting for a bus?" "I'll give you a ride on my handle bars for $20." "Oh well, it's ok, you're probably too fat to ride on my bars anyway. I don't want you to brake them."