Oh s*it....I think looks may not actually matter. For real.


Master Don Juan
Dec 1, 2005
Reaction score
manchester UK
I'm sorry for creating this thread, but I thought it was kind of a motivator and pretty inspiring as well.

OK, I've met this seriously, seriously good natural on my uni campus. He's like 5'7, skinny, average looking at the very best, and wears hippy clothes from the charity shop. I swear down that this post is 100% accurate.

Yesterday we go to the dining hall on campus together, and he goes up to this 3 set who were getting their food, all 8s, and goes "Are you guys gonna be in this weekend, you're all very beautiful, we should hang out." Cue 5 minute conversation and 3 numbers.

We sit down, and he turns round and opens this indian girl, a 9 with, "I always see you around, you know how you have one person you see around campus ALL the time? Well you're that person." Cue 5 minute conversation and phone number.

He's slept with 2 of these girls already including the 9, and he's showed me real pictures of him and this 9.5 model chick that he recently split up with. And he's got a LOT more girls, trust me.

I asked him how he does it, and he said "just be honest". He says stuff like, "we should be naked" to girls and "I believe in having fun for the sake of it." And it seriously works. he genuinely doesn't care what people think of him, and he has a lot of interesting stuff to say....but everything he does/says is totally genuine, you can just tell.

Seriously, if you're short/ugly/whatever....it doesn't matter nearly as much as you think....and this is something I've seen happen in real life, before my own eyes.


Senior Don Juan
Apr 22, 2007
Reaction score
genuine confidence is the key looks are simply an edge but aren't always needed. If more men had a real authentic confidence in themselves there would be a **** load less aFC's running around. Your friend is living proof of how having the right mindset gets you what you want. More chumps around here need to learn that it's not all about techniques, but how you carry yourself.
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Master Don Juan
Mar 9, 2007
Reaction score
Alphamale1821, learn to read between the lines, his post is not about looks, but about something else.

Very good story, L777. Only thing that pisses me off is that why do guys like your friend pull hot girls effortlessly, but 99% other males have to jump through hoops to get some, which is not even guaranteed after you jump through hoops and pulls rabbits out of your a$$


Senior Don Juan
Apr 22, 2007
Reaction score
DJVladdy said:
Alphamale1821, learn to read between the lines, his post is not about looks, but about something else.

Very good story, L777. Only thing that pisses me off is that why do guys like your friend pull hot girls effortlessly, but 99% other males have to jump through hoops to get some, which is not even guaranteed after you jump through hoops and pulls rabbits out of your a$$
What are you talking about trying reading my post?

Francisco d'Anconia

Master Don Juan
Jul 10, 2003
Reaction score
Galt's Gulch
L777 said:
...I asked him how he does it, and he said "just be honest". He says stuff like, "we should be naked" to girls and "I believe in having fun for the sake of it." And it seriously works. he genuinely doesn't care what people think of him, and he has a lot of interesting stuff to say....but everything he does/says is totally genuine, you can just tell.

Seriously, if you're short/ugly/whatever....it doesn't matter nearly as much as you think....and this is something I've seen happen in real life, before my own eyes.
You should have emphasised;
"...but everything he does/says is totally genuine, you can just tell..."

This is why it seems as if he doesn't care. He cares alright, but in a different way than most men can relate to. He cares that everyone knows just how genuinely cool (likable) he is, and he's confident enough to make the first move. :up:


Master Don Juan
Oct 11, 2005
Reaction score
To the original poster...

Yes indeed you think your friend is average in appearance but chicks could find him to be the hottest thing they've ever laid eyes on because maybe he has some quality about his appearance that you don't notice but is endearing to them like maybe a boyish charm that appeals to their motherly instincts which in turn makes them want him so that they can care for him better than the next girl will.

Its the same kind of deal if you have a girl thats just your friend and she thinks the girls you date are the ugliest thing while you think they are the hottest.

Sometimes males and females cannot see what their opposite gender see's in that guy or that girl that makes them so hot.

Your friend could be devastatingly hot to women for his appearance and you may not even realize it.

That or it really is just his personality.


Master Don Juan
Dec 1, 2005
Reaction score
manchester UK
KontrollerX said:
To the original poster...

Yes indeed you think your friend is average in appearance but chicks could find him to be the hottest thing they've ever laid eyes on because maybe he has some quality about his appearance that you don't notice but is endearing to them like maybe a boyish charm that appeals to their motherly instincts which in turn makes them want him so that they can care for him better than the next girl will.

Its the same kind of deal if you have a girl thats just your friend and she thinks the girls you date are the ugliest thing while you think they are the hottest.

Sometimes males and females cannot see what their opposite gender see's in that guy or that girl that makes them so hot.

Your friend could be devastatingly hot to women for his appearance and you may not even realize it.

That or it really is just his personality.
No, he is NOT good looking, I ain 't posting a pic either. He looks kinda cool in the sense that he wears a bandana, shades, hippy bracelets, surfer necklace etc. But in terms of bone structure and body shape.....seriously, 6 out of 10 is pushing it.....he just has 100% conviction and belief in himself.....I actually thought he had paid a girl to takes those pics when I saw them, and then the nest day I saw them together and was like, "HOLY ****". Seriously man, this guy's the real deal....I'm gonna be hanging out with him more so I can tell you lot how he does it and what he does in the future.


Master Don Juan
Apr 17, 2006
Reaction score
Well said, brother. A man is not defined by his looks.


Master Don Juan
Jun 4, 2006
Reaction score
It's a good thing you know this guy, because sometimes you just need to be around one of the "naturals" and see how they work it. Consider yourself lucky that you have a friend like that you can go out in the field with who has that kind of game. You'll learn a lot.


Master Don Juan
Apr 18, 2007
Reaction score
People need to quit worrying about looks for christ sakes!! Yes, you want to be dressed well and look like you care about yourself. But, women don't judge men on looks. Only a small part. IT IS WHAT YOU DO AND ACT THAT GETS WOMEN. Sure, we might date one another only because of looks. But, if thats all... There is no connection and the relationship won't last long. Looks will only get you so far.


Master Don Juan
Dec 1, 2005
Reaction score
manchester UK
Yea, this guy makes a strong case for the usefulness of the Gunwitch method. I think the thought process going on in the girl's heads that he talks to is something like, 'I can f.uck him without commitment, and he's probably good in bed (as displayed by complete self confidence/conviction etc.) and he won't judge me afterwards or boast about me like some lame frat boy.'

Thats what I think anyway.


Don Juan
Aug 8, 2007
Reaction score
i believe this **** 100%. the right attitude will change your physical appearance and presence. girls who notice this **** will say he's "cute" or he's so "hot". guys here this and think they mean he looks like a model or something but its how you carry yourself and how you act that creates an attractive or unnattracive persona. you can tell someone's attitude by how they carry themselves so changing your mindset and bodylanguage will make you more physically attractive.

think of a chick who hunches over and walks stiffly. cute face good tits whatever. you'll think she's depressed or a bookworm or diseased. maybe she's a 5

take the same chick and give her an upright posture, a fluid, bouncy, energetic, hip swinging walk. a little smirk. down to earth sense of humor. now she's a 10.

think of it the other way around. think of the hottest chick from your college or highschool memories. now visual her developing hunched over posture, shifty eyes, bad grooming, dried out hair, stiff, awkward gait, wearing bagging athletic shorts and a jbasketball jersey. she's no longer attractive.

i'd say at least half of physical attractiveness or "looks" is not so much your bone structure but your attitude being manifested physically.


Master Don Juan
Mar 11, 2004
Reaction score
You can't take one situation and apply it to all situations. Just because this guy can get women doesn't mean that looks don't matter at all. There are plenty of guys who look like him who never get laid.

Looks definitely matter to some degree, but I don't think looks matter to women as much as they do to men. And fortunately for us, a lot of it can be overcome by confidence, etc. For women, looks are basically the entire game.


Master Don Juan
Dec 1, 2005
Reaction score
manchester UK
Kerpal said:
You can't take one situation and apply it to all situations. Just because this guy can get women doesn't mean that looks don't matter at all. There are plenty of guys who look like him who never get laid.

Looks definitely matter to some degree, but I don't think looks matter to women as much as they do to men. And fortunately for us, a lot of it can be overcome by confidence, etc. For women, looks are basically the entire game.
Yea but I think the way we view 'looks' is wrong. We think you HAVE to be GOOD looking to get laid....I now believe you just have to be not UNattractive. You would not look at my friend and think, "damn, he's ugly", nor would you look at him and think, "thats one good-looking dude"....he's just very average. However his identity is strong as hell, he really knows what he wants in life and isn't afraid to go take it.

Basically, he puts into practice perfectly what ppl say on here but don't do; approach quickly, with REAL confidence, have good body language etc. I think his biggest asset is lack of fear of rejection, I mean, ppl here say they don't care, but most (including me) do really. He doesn't. He got rejected by a 6 the other day, you know what he did.....laughed it off, opened an 8 with the line "that girl just blew me off...you look like a nicer person than that" and got her number....

This game's f.uckin easy guys...don't complicate it. Lose the ego, approach the girls...get laid. Sim-fu.cking-pul.


Senior Don Juan
Mar 17, 2007
Reaction score
Masculinity is really the only thing that matters in the attraction game.

Security, confidence, ambitiousness, dominance, fearlessness, and to a certain degree, physical appearance (physique, style, body language) are all masculine traits that women find attractive.


Don Juan
Feb 6, 2007
Reaction score
That is very interesting observation.

Tell me by one adjective what does he makes the girls feel? Is it attractive? Could that then make him to become attractive in their eyes.


Master Don Juan
Dec 1, 2005
Reaction score
manchester UK
sunlight said:
That is very interesting observation.

Tell me by one adjective what does he makes the girls feel? Is it attractive? Could that then make him to become attractive in their eyes.
One adjective? Well it aint an adjective, but the one thing he projects is sexuality....its so f.uckin obvious when he approaches what he's up to, he doesn't hide it, and if she ain't interested, he moves to the next. But you'd be surprised....a HELL of a lot of girls just wanna get laid like we do....they just don't get approached except at parties and sh.it....where they can be deemed 'sluts'.


Don Juan
Aug 8, 2007
Reaction score
i'd say 80-90% of attractiveness is comprised of malleable personality traits.

i know someone who had a nice face but was frumpy and cold. simply unnattracitve. they changed their outlook on life and they are now simply radiant. when they smile you can't help but smile.

in the end its about feeling good so learn to enjoy life and learn to enjoy other people . dont simply try to be really good looking and have tons of money and power so you can get things(including women).

all the best naturals i know are fun loving positive people. they enjoy women so they just are playful and fun with them. not becuase they are trying to be so. they are just enjoying themselves. i used to be a lot more self absorbed and concerned with looks and muscularity. now i realize the importance of attitude and the energy you project.

looks are like the garnish or sauce on a cut of meat. they are not substance. they are not a meal. they are not satisfying.

for people to have fun they need an emotional connection(the meat), even if its just for a fling. im not talking LTR's. a lot of the enjoyment of life comes from sharing experiences with other people.

people enjoy others who are good at engaging them and sharing the experience of life. this is true for sex or anything. im just starting to realize this but i think a lot of true don juans simply enjoy bringing pleasure to others and sharing mutual pleasure. they give others a fulfilling experience even if its a short encounter. they are completely present and focused on that other person but not in a needy way. they do it becuase they thoroughly enjoy it.

many of the true don juans i know are also really pleasant people to be around. they are the kind of people that bring a smile to your face when you run into them. in fact most of these guys are so chill i wouldn't get pissed off even when they would bone the chicks i was enfatuated with. they genuinely care about your mood becuase they can't enjoy life without sharing that joy with others.

on the other hand people who are overly concerned with looks often loose touch with the true fun and pleasure of positive relationships.

just take care of your health and learn to be fun and be positive.

attitude is everything

i think it was Ford who said it, but whether you think you can or think you can't, you're right.

only focus on what you can change. if its something thats out of your hands keep it out of your head. think of something you could do right now to increase your happiness or self esteem. talk to people who seem comfortable with themselves and ask them how they became the way they are.

never try to please others by supplicating and kissing ass. be a fun upbeat person and learn to brighten peoples moods with your presence.

like casanova said be the candle flame not the moths.

their are plenty of model looking dudes out there looking for approval and trying to impress others and making other people feel bad.

thoughts are more powerful than you can imagine. even someone who is super good looking will drastically reduce their success by adopting a defeated attitude.

if you want to be good with women just talk to them until it feels natural. focus on them. be attentive in a condifident relaxed manner. throw in some humor and teasing to show them that you are not needy. remember that a huge part of pleasure is getting a taste of something that you can never possess, control or predict. think of a shooting star and how wonderful it is to catch one. something like this completely captivates you for the moment you behold it then it is gone becuase its nature is ephermeral. you don't want to miss any of it.

going after multiple women at the same time is a big part of this becuase it keeps your focus spread out. that way you are never too available so you maintain your attractive nature and maximize everyones pleasure. even a hot chick would become unnattractive if she gave herself up too easily and frequently she'd become just like your right hand.