The Manipulated Man


Don Juan
Jul 30, 2005
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Most of us had no clue about women when we first came to this site. We read posts from the experienced posters and learned a great deal of things. By now, practically all of us know not to put the woman on the pedestal.

For me, as time went on I began to ponder the relationship between males and females. It is true that you don't NEED a man/woman in your life to make you happy, but I believe that we all yearn to find that special someone in the end. Males and females blaming problems on the opposite sex are doing nothing but blaming themselves. Therefore I came to the assumption that men 'need' women just as much as women 'need' men, both mentally and physically. Or as someone else put it, "...not two halves, but one." Man and woman living in harmony...who would have thought such a thing was possible?

Recently I have heard reviews of a book called The Manipulated Man by Esther Vilar in which the author bascially says men are being manipulated to serve women. Check out the preview here

I have been trying to get a hold of the book, but it's always out of stock. Most likely due to feminists buying and burning as much of them as they can :D

Take a look at the preview, look at society and reality, ponder your thoughts and let us discuss the situation.


Master Don Juan
Aug 26, 2004
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Los Angeles, SFV
If anyone has a .pdf of the book I would really appreciate it.

I can't seem to find it.

I'm buying it anyway, I would rather just be able to access it by e-mail.


Master Don Juan
Oct 11, 2005
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I've heard of the book and read its preview before.

Its a shame its so hard to obtain.

Its absolutely brilliant.

I second the PDF request. If anyone has it PM it to me.

Hmmm, nevermind I was just able to snag the last new copy on


Don Juan
Mar 9, 2005
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I think this book was meant to be more humorous and satirical than anything factual.


Master Don Juan
Apr 17, 2006
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nah, I think she's actually for real.

The Great One has been a good amount of time studying it, I believe.


Senior Don Juan
Oct 28, 2002
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Eventually I've hit a point in my life in which all this lovey dovey stuff and marriage bullsh!t just terrifies me. We live in a society in which a more traditional view of relationships is nothing short of a big twisted joke made to fvck the male gender over. Not only are they doomed to failure but in 99.9% of cases it's normally the man who's greatly affected by the negative outcomes. We're the one's who not only have to fight through one of the undeniably worse phases of our existance but also the ones who end up with much of the long term hardships. Many of us included myself did not want to become DJ's but as soon as my LTR ended with my "beloved" I was forced to get involved in this community. I have finally saw reality and slowly begun to accept it. Eventually like many others before I me have managed to program myself to see past the bullsh!t which we are spoon fed from a young age. Society is at fault not only for making women "think" they are little princesses but also for deeply ingraining into our minds their bullsh!t fabrications and totally deluded view on women.

Derek Flint

Master Don Juan
Nov 24, 2002
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Marin County, CA - just North of San Francisco
You can only be manipulated when you yourself are trying to manipulate someone.

Think about it - it makes total sense.

There. I just saved all of you the price of that book.

You're welcome. :D


Master Don Juan
Apr 17, 2006
Reaction score
umm, that doesn't make sense at all, Derek. Maybe you should read up on Pook. He can help you.

Derek Flint

Master Don Juan
Nov 24, 2002
Reaction score
Marin County, CA - just North of San Francisco
Obsidian said:
umm, that doesn't make sense at all, Derek. Maybe you should read up on Pook. He can help you.
Sorry that you totally didn't get it.

And I've read Pook. Probably long before you even discovered "the community" or this web site.

Think about it - you cannot be manipulated unless you are trying to manipulate someone or a situation.

Or if you allow yourself to be manipulated.

I sincerely hope that you do get it.


Master Don Juan
Apr 17, 2006
Reaction score
well a ton of guys do allow themselves to be manipulated. That's kinda the point of this whole website.

Derek Flint

Master Don Juan
Nov 24, 2002
Reaction score
Marin County, CA - just North of San Francisco
Obsidian said:
well a ton of guys do allow themselves to be manipulated. That's kinda the point of this whole website.
Because they are trying to manipulate women with tricks, techniques, patterns, negs, games and other BS

Then they end up getting used and manipulated themselves, then they come here crying "What happened? I used all the tricks I learned but they didn't work!"

I don't agree that this is the point of this website. It's actually far from it.
Aug 18, 2007
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For the record, Derek, I just joined this site last week... But you clearly make the most sense of anybody. One of those people who "gets it".

As far as the "manipulation" conversation is concerned... Nobody can make you do anything. It's impossible for one person to manipulate another. It's only possible for someone to allow themself to be manipulated, as Derek pointed out.

It's impossible to change someone else. You can only change yourself. And that applies to even the simplest things.

"So and so makes me so mad." No... They don't MAKE you mad... You just get mad because you don't adjust to the situation.


Master Don Juan
Apr 17, 2006
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I agree that the tricks and techniques are usually short-sighted. But you shouldn't say that every man who gets screwed over by a woman was actually himself the manipulator. More likely, the guy was just a chump who didn't understand how to be a real man and how to protect his heart.

Then maybe he married some b1tch and later ran up against the American legal system during the divorce. No, that's not manipulation on his part; it's just error.

Resist the matriarchy!
Aug 18, 2007
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Obsidian said:
I agree that the tricks and techniques are usually short-sighted. But you shouldn't say that every man who gets screwed over by a woman was actually himself the manipulator. More likely, the guy was just a chump who didn't understand how to be a real man and how to protect his heart.

Then maybe he married some b1tch and later ran up against the American legal system during the divorce. No, that's not manipulation on his part; it's just error.

Resist the matriarchy!
This concept is impossible. If you can explain how a man can get screwed over by a woman WITHOUT having it be the man's fault, I'll wire you $5.

Derek Flint

Master Don Juan
Nov 24, 2002
Reaction score
Marin County, CA - just North of San Francisco
PhilippeUrielAmancio said:
For the record, Derek, I just joined this site last week... But you clearly make the most sense of anybody. One of those people who "gets it".

As far as the "manipulation" conversation is concerned... Nobody can make you do anything. It's impossible for one person to manipulate another. It's only possible for someone to allow themself to be manipulated, as Derek pointed out.

It's impossible to change someone else. You can only change yourself. And that applies to even the simplest things.

"So and so makes me so mad." No... They don't MAKE you mad... You just get mad because you don't adjust to the situation.
Thanks for the props Bro. I like many of the points you make as well as we think somewhat alike.

I'm not here to brag, or to get validation from strangers on an internet forum.

I don't seek or need validation from women, let alone strangers on a forum.

I'm here to share my experiences from being in "the community" for over 10 years, and how much of what these "gurus" are selling is actually counter-productive to people from reaching their potential and their goals.

I've seen it all: RJ & SS, DYD, MM, PU 101, BB, Gunwitch, Razorjack and a bunch of other "gurus" and their methods.

My first contact with "the community" was in 1995, when I bought RJ's Basic Home Study SS course, and a year later, attended his weekend Seminar.

What I have learned is that there is no "magic bullet" and that these gurus make PU waaaaay more complicated than it needs to be, for a variety of reasons, but mostly to manipulate their customers, and to keep them coming back to get better results, with the next new breakthrough that will change their life! Or some other BS to get them to part with more of their money.

Remember all the hype around Style and his $3,700 DVD's?

Face it. These "gurus" aren't creating these products and services out of kindness, they are doing it mostly to enrich themselves.

Maybe you agree with me, maybe you don't. All I'm saying is keep an open mind and don't believe the hype that they are selling. And listen to people with experience, real world experience who have gotten results thru years of field work, who have nothing to sell you, who are simply sharing their experiences to prevent you from spending the best years of their lives going from one "guru" or method to another looking for that magic bullet that will give them the key to the promised land, and without asking you for a single penney.

The "Magic Bullett" doesn't exist.

So what do you do?

Read the line in my sig, and think about what it means.

It takes reinventing yourself into becoming the type of Man that people, including HB's will naturally gravitate towards, without tricks, gimmicks, routines and such.

It takes hard work, and not some weekend seminar.

It takes time to reinvent yourself into becoming the Man of her dreams, which is what you need to be if you wish to get the Woman of your dreams.

And I'm not talking about making a 6 figure income either. I'm talking about becoming the type of Man that women feel attraction towards, regardless of their income.

But it takes hard work and dedication, and not shortcuts like negs, and the cube and other superficial crap.


Senior Don Juan
Oct 28, 2002
Reaction score
Sorry that you totally didn't get it.

And I've read Pook. Probably long before you even discovered "the community" or this web site.

Think about it - you cannot be manipulated unless you are trying to manipulate someone or a situation.

Or if you allow yourself to be manipulated.

I sincerely hope that you do get it.

I agree with the statement but like everything else it should be taken like a grain of salt imo. People will always try and manipulate you one way or the other, whether you are aware of it or not. It's a sad fact of reality. But maybe thats why hb's are easily maniupulated to begin with. They always need things to go in their favor since the world revolves around them.

Derek Flint

Master Don Juan
Nov 24, 2002
Reaction score
Marin County, CA - just North of San Francisco
Adrian said:
Sorry that you totally didn't get it.

And I've read Pook. Probably long before you even discovered "the community" or this web site.

Think about it - you cannot be manipulated unless you are trying to manipulate someone or a situation.

Or if you allow yourself to be manipulated.

I sincerely hope that you do get it.

I agree with the statement but like everything else it should be taken like a grain of salt imo. People will always try and manipulate you one way or the other, whether you are aware of it or not. It's a sad fact of reality. But maybe thats why hb's are easily maniupulated to begin with. They always need things to go in their favor since the world revolves around them.
I have found that if you are honest and sincere with people, they will follow your lead. If not, then they've DQ'd themselves. Who needs them?

Conversely, if you try to manipulate people, they will also try to manipulate you as well.


Master Don Juan
Sep 6, 2004
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I looked it up and found the book in a book store which sold it for about $18. I was surprised to see how small and thin the book was so I wasn't willing to spend $20 for a book I could probably finish reading in less then 2 hours, so I found it online for free :D enjoy: