FR: 6 approaches at the mall today.

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Master Don Juan
Mar 29, 2007
Reaction score
Well I got six approaches in tonight. Yeah, I got blown out, but atleast I had the balls to approach them I guess. As usual with my approaches, I don't remember alot of exact details. Most of these are just 'highlights' from the conversations. Anyways here they are:

Approach #1
So I'm at Abercrombie and I approach a chick...

Me: Hey, I like that green shirt of yours, is your green your favorite color?
Girl: Thanks.
Me: Yeah, but is green your favorite color?
Girl: No.
Me: Well what is your favorite color?
Girl: I don't know I like all girls.
Me: I see, can you guess mine?
Girl: I don't know green?
Me: Green are you calling me mean?
Girl: What, no I was saying green.
Me: Well, nah, guess again.
Girl: I don't know blue?
Me: Are you saying I have the blues?
Girl: Oh nah.
That's all I remember from that approach. Didn't go too well.

Approach #2
So I'm in Limited Too and I approach this black chick who works there, here's how it went...

Me: Wow, you have to do all of that by yourself?
Girl: Well, yeah mostly.
Me: Yeah, that must be pretty tough having to do that yourself.
Girl: Yeah.
Me: So I like that blue shirt of yours, is that your favorite color?
Girl: Yes.
Me: I see, can you guess my favorite color?
Girl: Brown?
Me: No.
Girl: Well, I don't know...
Me: Well since you're struggling I have a compromise for you, if you can dance for me, I'll tell you what my favorite color is.
Girl: I can't dance, I'm working.
Me: You can't dance?
Girl: Not while I'm working.
Me: Well yeah, but you know I'm the type of guy who'll just dance anywhere if the musics good.
Me: Like if you were in a club would you dance?
Girl: Yeah, but not at work.
Me: I see.
Me: Well, I have to go bye.
Girl: Bye.
Another sh*tty approach.

Approach #3
I see this two set at Abercrombie and Fitch and I approach.

[Girls are kind of dancing to the music and come up to them, where they act all surprised]
Me: Hey, you guys have some pretty jamming music in here....
Girl1: Oh, thanks!
Me: Do you know who chooses it?
Girl1: Not really, we just put the music on.

A while after that...

Me: So I like that white dress you have on, is that your favorite color?
Girl1: Oh, I got it from here. My favorite color? I don't know, I like all colors.
Me: And you?
Girl2: I like all colors too.
Me: Wow, you guys said the same thing! You must have a lot in common!
Girl1: Yeah.
Me: Well can you guys guess what my favorite color is?
Girl1: Blue.
Me: And you?
Girl2: Blue.
Me: Wow, there you guys go again with the same answer. You must have a lot in common.
Me: But nah guess again...

Somewhere in the convo this happened...

Me: Do you guys dance?
Girl1: No we don't dance.
Me: What about you?
[Girl2 doesn't answer]
Me: Haha, let me guess she's the shy one?
Girl2: What?
Girl1: He was saying that you were the shy one.
Girl2: Oh, what, no.

Eventually this happened...

Girl1: No, we don't to clubs.
Me: Well if you guys don't go to clubs, what DO you do?
Girl1: We work.
Me: That's all, that must get pretty boring.

And at the end of the convo this happened...

Me: Well, I got to go.
Me: What are your names again?
Girl2: Oh, I'm Emily.
Girl1: I'm Elise.
Me: Wow, there you girls go again! Both your names start with 'E'...
[And they laugh]
[And I leave the set saying...]
Me: Damn you girls have a lot in common.
And that's the approach, well, atleast what I can remember from it.

Approach #4
Me: Hey, that's a pretty crazy shirt you got on there. It's like a mix between black and white. Are those your favorite colors?
Girl: Yeah, I like both of them.
Me: Cool, will can you guess mine?

Moving on...

Me: Well I'll tell you my favorite color, but only if you do something for me first.

[She doesn't respond]

[As I start talking again she pays more attention]

Me: You have to answer me this question. If a guy and a girl are dating and say the girl kissed another girl, would that be cheating?

Girl: Yes.
And basically I just said a bunch of bullsh*t after that and left the set.

Approach #5
So I'm in this jeans store and I see this chick kneeling down folding clothes.

Me: Wow, so you guys have to do all this by yourselves?
Girl: Well, yeah, of course we do!
Me: That must get pretty boring for you guys.
[And she starts being sarcastic]
Girl: Well, it's fun, folding clothes and all.


Me: So I like your white dress, is that your favorite color?
Girl: No. I'm leaning more towards black.
Me: I see, can you guess my favorite color?
Girl: Uh... lotsacolors?
Me: I've never heard of Lotsacolors, is that some strange color that I haven't heard about? Like a mixture of green or purple?
Girl: Well yeah, your shirt has a lot of colors.

Even later...

Me: Well seeing as your struggling, I'll tell you my favorite color, but FIRST you have to do something for me?
Girl: What?
Me: Dance.
Girl: No, I can't dance.
Girl2: She can't dance.

Boring sh*t happens and eventually I close...

Me: Well, I have to go, but before I go, can I have your number?
Girl: Sorry, no.
Me: Alright bye.
Girl: Bye.
Tried to number close here and got rejected.

Approach #6
Malls almost closed and I see this one girl working and decide to talk to her.

Me: Hey, I have to go soon, but I had to ask you a question, if a girl and a guy are dating and the girl kisses another girl is that cheating?
Girl: Yes.

Don't know what the f*ck I was thinking when I said this...

Me: So that means if you and I were dating, and I kissed another guy, that would be considered cheating?

Me: Well I got to go, can I get your number?

[She ignores me]

Me: Alright, bye.
Another sucky approach.

I got the balls to do this sh*t, but there's just something I'm not doing right.

Michele l'Arcangelo

Master Don Juan
Aug 5, 2005
Reaction score
you gotta record these on video and post them on youtube or something... or myspace... you might become one of the highlighted comedians one day! no joke! these are hilarious!

Crazy Asian

Master Don Juan
Jan 29, 2007
Reaction score
dude, i don't think this favorite color thing is working for you. try something different.


Master Don Juan
Mar 29, 2007
Reaction score
Crazy Asian said:
dude, i don't think this favorite color thing is working for you. try something different.
No offensive dude but I don't think you should be giving advice. Haha, why's it bad? The chick doesn't immediately suck my d*ck right after it? Please. It's my way of having fun and it gets the chicks interested.

Grand Wizzard Alamar

Master Don Juan
Jan 7, 2007
Reaction score
My bed, your girl.
umm stop working on talking to people and start refining your conversation techniques, like work on opening girls up to you by asking them about themselves (actually something about themself, not what their favorite color is)..

lmfao that last approach sounded so sketchy haha


Master Don Juan
Mar 29, 2007
Reaction score
Grand Wizzard Alamar said:
umm stop working on talking to people and start refining your conversation techniques, like work on opening girls up to you by asking them about themselves (actually something about themself, not what their favorite color is)..

lmfao that last approach sounded so sketchy haha
Wow, you and Crazy Asian have something in common, you both give advice without really having any success. Wait there's something else, you're both younger than me too. I'm waiting for someone who actually knows what they're talking about to give their input. No offense, but I just can't trust advice from someone who really has no proof of success. Nor can I really take advice from someone who I've approached more women then.

Crazy Asian

Master Don Juan
Jan 29, 2007
Reaction score
yeah i know i'm younger/less experienced, but i'm just seeing a pattern of ur opener not working very well.

+ r u a senior?
i'm a junior ...


Master Don Juan
Mar 29, 2007
Reaction score
Crazy Asian said:
yeah i know i'm younger/less experienced, but i'm just seeing a pattern of ur opener not working very well.

+ r u a senior?
i'm a junior ...
Like I said what's WORKING? Her stripping off her clothes and sucking your d*ck right after you say it? No. It's just something to open with and it's a fun way to get the girl into MY frame and have fun on MY terms. By making her guess my favorite color, I'm taking control of the conversation.

Thai Foon

Don Juan
Jan 2, 2007
Reaction score
ElStud said:
By making her guess my favorite color, I'm telling her I have no idea what the hell I'm doing, and telling her I am a weirdo who doesn't know how to hold a normal conversation.
Fixed that for ya


Master Don Juan
Mar 29, 2007
Reaction score
superchill89 said:
alamar stop fvcking giving advice

anyways it's good that you're having fun and have the balls to open these sets, but based on what you're typing their reactions aren't that great. have you been hanging out with people over the summer? this will help develop better social intuition, which will in turn make your approaches 1384902348320 times better. once you gain a better social sense you'll be a monster since you already have the balls and the right mindset
Well yeah, but I think my current friends kind of suck. Like there's this one dude who I'm friends with and have the number of, but it's so hard to hang out with this guy. The only time I've ever really hung out at his house was during this pool party. We also hung out during Band Camp, but not much. I think I just need a new friend cricle.


Master Don Juan
Mar 29, 2007
Reaction score
superchill89 said:
Why's it hard to hang out with him?
Well it's like a lot of the time we'll plan sh*t and then when the time comes for the sh*t we planned, he won't pick up his phone or some sh*t comes up where he can't go. One particular time was like when me, him, and another friend were supposed to go see Spiderman 3, but of course that didn't work and I just said "F*ck it" and wen't alone.
Jan 20, 2007
Reaction score
El Stud, what is happening? Your approaches weren't as bad as I expected this time, but seriously man, if the color thing hasn't worked last time and did not work this time, it's just not gonna work. And don't say, "well the girl didn't strip down for me" or pull any of that $hit with me...I loved one of the approaches where you said they both have something in common. That was your best approach and I felt good reading that one. You got some lauughs out of them there and you did an excellent job with that one. Here are a few good things and bad things I found this time--

1. Night in and night you, your confidence is amazing. You are like 0 for 1000 and still approach night in and night out. You have amazing self esteem and seriously if someone deserves to get better, it should be you because you put so much time and effort into it. I mean, I would hang with my friends or gf then approach, but hey whatever suits you...
2. I give you 1/8 tonight. Like I said, I liked reading the girl 1 and girl 2 approach wherer you said "what do you know, both your names start with E". You got a laugh out of it, so good job there.

1. You still seem like your being a little fake with the same lines about colors and dance and clubs and stuff. I mean this is your best line thus far, and its better than your others and you are def. heading where you want to go.
2. You seem to have bad luck cuz you get rejected so much, but you do keep your head up.
3. Try to pick somewhere else besides the mall. School is starting in a few weeks, so that'll be good for a change. Seriously though, try the park or something
4. Spend some time with kids from your school--friends, gf, female friends.

Like I said, keep trying. I mean yah you approach more than me, but from reading your approaches I am more comfortable and I approach less than you prly with more success. Why don't I approach? I now got a gf and so many friends, and I keep intact with my sports, lifting, friends and family...but thats beside the point.

Keep it up ElStud....

Michele l'Arcangelo

Master Don Juan
Aug 5, 2005
Reaction score
you need a new circle of friends? join small clubs at school (where they feel they have to be your mandatory friends). start lifting weights at the school gym... get the same people to lift with you every day (or other days).

big clubs will always have the person that sits in the corner and is the loner, that's why i said small clubs.

you're a senior, you might be able to join the clubs that plan school events, like dances, etc.

go get a job that requires you to talk to people, such as working at a register for a classier "fast-food" place (chick-fil-a) than your typical fast-food (mcdonalds, taco bell, burger king) that attract the classier crowds.


Senior Don Juan
Jun 22, 2006
Reaction score
In a land called **** it.
I think you misconstrued what I said about the color thing a bit, but your still approaching which is good.

Lol, but that last approach ROFL. What the hell were you thinking? If you really said that lmao, I wish I could've seen that.

Let me ask, do you like dancing? Or, do you want a dancing girl? The reason I ask is that you seem to have a mindset set to failure. Let me ask, if she says, "Yea I can!" What are you going to do stare at he? And if she says, "Yea but only if you do it with me", can you actually dance? This shows me that you are going in with the mindset to fail, because again, you are going to have to actually be able to follow through, and it's going to look stupid with you asking her to dance and all this and then not being able to yourself.

As for the colors thing, maybe you should just let your favorite color change if you REALLY want to use that every set. Instead the first color they say just have something ready to say for it. Maybe that will be easier than just sitting there and basically quizzing them on something that they can't possibly have any idea about.


Master Don Juan
Mar 29, 2007
Reaction score
El Stud, what is happening? Your approaches weren't as bad as I expected this time, but seriously man, if the color thing hasn't worked last time and did not work this time, it's just not gonna work. And don't say, "well the girl didn't strip down for me" or pull any of that $hit with me...I loved one of the approaches where you said they both have something in common. That was your best approach and I felt good reading that one. You got some lauughs out of them there and you did an excellent job with that one. Here are a few good things and bad things I found this time--

1. Night in and night you, your confidence is amazing. You are like 0 for 1000 and still approach night in and night out. You have amazing self esteem and seriously if someone deserves to get better, it should be you because you put so much time and effort into it. I mean, I would hang with my friends or gf then approach, but hey whatever suits you...
2. I give you 1/8 tonight. Like I said, I liked reading the girl 1 and girl 2 approach wherer you said "what do you know, both your names start with E". You got a laugh out of it, so good job there.

1. You still seem like your being a little fake with the same lines about colors and dance and clubs and stuff. I mean this is your best line thus far, and its better than your others and you are def. heading where you want to go.
2. You seem to have bad luck cuz you get rejected so much, but you do keep your head up.
3. Try to pick somewhere else besides the mall. School is starting in a few weeks, so that'll be good for a change. Seriously though, try the park or something
4. Spend some time with kids from your school--friends, gf, female friends.

Like I said, keep trying. I mean yah you approach more than me, but from reading your approaches I am more comfortable and I approach less than you prly with more success. Why don't I approach? I now got a gf and so many friends, and I keep intact with my sports, lifting, friends and family...but thats beside the point.

Keep it up ElStud....
And how did I discover they had something in common? The color thing. So you really can't say it didn't work. Besides, it's a good way of getting her into my frame as opposed to me being in hers. Who says it didn't work? Wow, I didn't get the number so it didn't work. Yeah, getting a "perfect" opener won't help much either because it's just an opener. If anything I have to change what I say after "Well, since you're having a hard time figuring it out, I'll make a compromise with you". As far as women go there's not much more you can comment on then what she's wearing. Of course you could always use the direct "I think you're hot" approach.

pooparu said:
I think you misconstrued what I said about the color thing a bit, but your still approaching which is good.

Lol, but that last approach ROFL. What the hell were you thinking? If you really said that lmao, I wish I could've seen that.

Let me ask, do you like dancing? Or, do you want a dancing girl? The reason I ask is that you seem to have a mindset set to failure. Let me ask, if she says, "Yea I can!" What are you going to do stare at he? And if she says, "Yea but only if you do it with me", can you actually dance? This shows me that you are going in with the mindset to fail, because again, you are going to have to actually be able to follow through, and it's going to look stupid with you asking her to dance and all this and then not being able to yourself.

As for the colors thing, maybe you should just let your favorite color change if you REALLY want to use that every set. Instead the first color they say just have something ready to say for it. Maybe that will be easier than just sitting there and basically quizzing them on something that they can't possibly have any idea about.
Yeah, I like dancing. If she actually said yes I might ask her to show me what she has and if she does a bad job I can disqualify her and say "You can stop right now, you just totally killed the attraction". Trust me, I know what I would do if she said yes. And who gives a crap whether I can actually dance or not? I'm trying to have fun, not win a state dance competition. Still I can't have a girl who's afraid to dance at a club.

On the colors thing, rather than just tell them I prefer to make a compromise, it shows them that I'm higher value and that I'm not that easy. The color thing is to make the girls actually think and work.


Master Don Juan
Sep 12, 2006
Reaction score
what we're trying to tell u is that we give u props for trying, but u have to understand that the chicks are really confused what u want from them.

just try to give them some indicators that you want to have sex with them, without verbalizing it.


Senior Don Juan
Sep 5, 2006
Reaction score
Chandigarh , India
ok dude....

from the pattern that emerges , there are few things which need to be known...

First , you're getting stuck in an opener , thats why you are getting blown out pretty soon. Every time you must know where you are as far as the conversation is concerned , and must move it ahead. You're stuck for far too long in the simple stuff of colours. Move ahead , fast..

Second, lke i told you , show value. Think of the set when they both answered the same color blue. Thats the time to show the best friends test. Or you should've moved on to 5 questions game , or what ever... move ahead.. dont be stuck in the world of colours.

Third , as stated .. take care the fact she's working.. obviousy she wont dance for you. Working girls are hard to do. Google up sarging hired guns. It shall tell you better.

Fourth , most importantly , show value. Why would a girl just dance for you. See, you're trying to make them qualify , without even showing value.

Try this..
Read up what different colours mean . Then when you ask her what her favorite colour is , tell her what it means about her. Give a small cold read. Move on to C's vs U smiles stuff.....and in the end , just ask her..

hey i gotta go,.. what steps can we take to take this conversation furter (credit mystery)

or my fav.. you seem like an interesting girl to know , we should hang out sometime.. why dont you gimme ur no..

do it for a day , and let me know the results.


Senior Don Juan
Jun 22, 2006
Reaction score
In a land called **** it.
That's what i was talking about nice, a cold read, I forgot what you call those ****s.

Yea elstud, I was just making sure to make you aware in case you DIDN'T have a plan, it's good to see that you do. I was just curious to see if you could dance, since you require all your women to be able to lol, but hey if that's one of your qualifications the better to you, we need more men with standards.

I do understand what you mean with the colors thing, but there's something...missing. I can't quite put my finger on it but you aren't qualifying when you have them guess, you have to add in something but I can't quite think of it. I'm gonna try that out a bit today and see if I can try and tweak that a bit for you, it seems like its got some good potential, just it hasn't been completed yet.

Like nice said, the mini cold read on her is nice, but when she asks you I just think there's something better you could respond with that will also help you escalate.

Just tossin around ideas here, but sometimes when I ask a girl something and she recriprocates the question I'll go, "I'm not getting that personal with you yet, you could be a psycho. I'm definitely not trying to have my mom seeing me on Dateline NBC, "When hot girls rape men" ". Or some equally wild title that implies they could be dangerous, this nearly always gets a laugh. Again though, I'm gonna field test some other responses too and I'll try and get back to you.

Grand Wizzard Alamar

Master Don Juan
Jan 7, 2007
Reaction score
My bed, your girl.
superchill89 said:
alamar stop fvcking giving advice
stop telling me to stop giving advice.. because if you wont, then why should I.
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