advice with my one itis girl


Don Juan
Apr 15, 2007
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ok well i posted these 2 first but some things have changed since then... this explains everything that has happened previous to now

this one is older but it goes into more detail in the early stages

1. it actually doesnt look like shes going out with my friend

3.i texted her a little bit and now shes texting me alot.

2. she invited me to her birthday party

4. i don't know if this is of any signifigance but we both have myspaces and she moved her last bf out of her top 8 and im in it now. not to mention im ahead of some people who are bigger friends than i am.

and i have not actually seen her in person in 2 weeks partly cas i was on vacation. and i rly dont talk to her all that much compared to a lot of people.

so now i guess i have some opportunities...

1. she has some cds of mine that she snagged from one of my friends :/ but she mentioned it. so i told her when shes done call me up and ill pick them up.

2. try something after,before the birthday.

3. finding a good gift i guess. up to just hang out?

i think the only way this could work is i get her and me alone just hanging out doing stuff. and after awhile get some flowers or something or make some big move. I don't know... advice please.

another problem i have tho is i really have not talked to her 1 on 1 all that much its mostly a group. now i need advice on holding up interest. How do you keep a girl interested for hours? thats what puzzles me. Im not talknig about a short conversation i want to be able to want her to keep seeing me and to keep her interest.

1. we have many of the same tastes in music i know this.

2. i watch lots of tv but she doesnt rly.

3. she hangs out with people alot i do just a little.

so ya any advice here too is appreciated thanks...


Don Juan
Jun 5, 2007
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If i sound harsh its cause this reminds me of my one-itis....
This is very long but useful,one-itis is a BAD thing its freaking disease you don't want a freaking disease do you?
you need to break off from your one-itis i know it sounds hard but you gotta do what you gotta do.(Unless you guys married or something drastic like that)The best way to do this is talk to as many girls as possible i guarntee you when you see her she'll ,trust me you'll lose some much interest in her.I had a sick case of one-itis very similar to this.The fact that your trying to act like its not bothering you is great,but you need to show that you got big and better girls and things going on to care about her.This will make her want you,the less you show interest but show DHV(display high value) the more attracted you become.

she did like u at 1 point but now your in "Lets Just Be Friends Land"(no relationship).She will obviously begin using u for stuff(rides,taking to you about her problems)

"i texted her a little bit and now shes texting me alot."
stop texting her unless its important like date for parties,texting her shows that your needy.If shes been talking to you about her problems CUT HER OFF instantly.say stuff like "I think you will be able to get through this on your own."

"she invited me to her birthday party"
if you do go to that party you have to make yourself seem as if your one cool kid,like show her that your life is so interesting.Basically DHV thats the best way to get her attracted to you again,that and negging.

EX: "nice skirt,i saw a lot of girls wearing that."
DHV,tell the coolest funniest stories
EX: me and FullTimeHero use a story called "dolphin sex" you can use it to i can't stop you
FullTimeHero: " for my vac me and Jolly Rogers went to sea world" or some place with dolphins,we saw the weirdest sh*t.
theres a guy f*** a dolphin
it started when we snuck in at like 3am since we were bored outa our minds,near dolphin cove i had to take a piss,so Jolly Rogers went to go look around.When i was finishing up getting some last min touches,i heard this grunting sounded like ferocious lion and sounds of a dolphin.Thats when Jolly Rogers came by and said what thats sound,i said idk man but it sounds like a ferocious lion and the noises of a dolphin,we went to go check it out and am not even kidding,this skinny man with glasses all sweaty and panting and roaring riding this dolphin like it owed him money.i shout "o sh*t!" they guy spun around so shock and surprise and said wait i can explain,me and Jolly ran like their was no tomorrow....
that happened on vacation,lie,extraggate,do what ever it takes just make sure its believable and dont just tell it to her specifically but to her friends,because they'll tell her and she'll think "wow this kid is so cool,having all this fun and adventurous life!,i want to suck his d!ck!"

"i don't know if this is of any significance but we both have myspaces and she moved her last bf out of her top 8 and im in it now. not to mention im ahead of some people who are bigger friends than i am.and i have not actually seen her in person in 2 weeks partly cas i was on vacation. and i rly dont talk to her all that much compared to a lot of people."
It is,1 she could be showing this only to please you and make you do more AFC things(no offense),or she could have lose interest in her OmegaAFC boyfriend and want you,since you are kind of ignore her.

"she has some cds of mine that she snagged from one of my friends :/ but she mentioned it. so i told her when shes done call me up and ill pick them up.
reverse that if she can drive tell her to drop it at your house,if she can't tell her you'll pick it up later giving her the time "which is like night"That would be amazing,an Fclose and you got your CD's back thats hot.

"try something after,before the birthday."
like a Fclose,yes

"finding a good gift i guess."
NO,NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO..the only time i would gift is if i was going to die.

"call up to just hang out?"
Yes,show her how freaking amazing your life,ya if your gonna lie make believable.
i think the only way this could work is i get her and me alone just hanging out doing stuff. and after awhile get some flowers or something or make some big move. I don't know... advice please.

"another problem i have tho is i really have not talked to her 1 on 1 all that much its mostly a group. now i need advice on holding up interest. How do you keep a girl interested for hours? thats what puzzles me. Im not talking about a short conversation i want to be able to want her to keep seeing me and to keep her interest."

ignoreing her is not a problem thats whats your suppose to do in a group,the problem is you need to entertain the group itself make them laugh,play silly little games do everything you can to entertain the group,just dont look like a dancing monkey...doesn't work trust me.when the group is laughing tell her you want to speak in private or try isolating her,like saying theres something very important in your car and its a surprise "ha,when you get there she'll probably say what is it and you'll say nothing"

"we have many of the same tastes in music i know this."
thats good,but at least make fun of the bands she likes *neg*

"i watch lots of tv but she doesn't rly."
good that gives you more things to talk about,because you can make up stories you saw on tv,plus if you say you watched tv say it was at your friends house,or something you shouldn't really be saying you watch tv,because it shows your not interesting person if all you do is watch tv.

"she hangs out with people alot i do just a little."
get and hang out with as many people as possible,surround yourself in that group,throw parties hang out get to know alot of people.enough to fill a bath tub to bathe in.


Don Juan
Apr 15, 2007
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if i was going to call her up to hang out then what should i do? a dinner would be screaming date and might make her feel uncomfortable. movie? just talk?

and im not familliar with Fclose what does that mean


Don Juan
Apr 22, 2007
Reaction score
You want my advice? Forget her. Move on. It seems like you're unconfortable being around her. When you're uncomfortable around a girl oyu are infatuated with, it shows lack of self-confidence. Either build up your confidence or find another gal, my advice being the latter. HOwever, when thinking about it, I like that you listed possibilites. Good idea. Neg-hits are your best weapon against infatuation. It brings things to a realistic perspective for you, but is also humorous and attracts her to ya. Just a few quick tips. If they don't make sense, it's cause I was in a rush.

-Sachiel, DJ in Training


Master Don Juan
May 28, 2007
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Yeah, Kenny Rogers (yeah the chicken guy) once sang "you got know when to hold em', know when to fold em', know when to walk away, and know when to run" Now the greatness of this song is it isnt just about Texas Hold Em'. And I hate to say this man, but you have three choices and if you chose to "hold em', you're probably going to lose.

Crazy Asian

Master Don Juan
Jan 29, 2007
Reaction score
dude, don't tell him to get over and forget about this girl. he obviously can't do that or else he wouldn't be posting this. i know how it feels (or used to) but it's fvcking hard to get over. for me, there was this girl like 3-4 years ago that i had horrible onitis with, and now i never think of her for a second. i've seriously never thought of her, but every time i see her in the hallway, my heart skips a beat and i just freeze, and get nervous. i hate this about me but.....


Master Don Juan
May 28, 2007
Reaction score
Yeah, its going to be tough, but he does need to move on, or its just going to plauge him even longer. It's like a disease, and yeah the medicine might hurt but its better in the long run.


Don Juan
Apr 15, 2007
Reaction score
mmm well your probably right but there has been a recent change of events that might change your perspectives....

on myspace she commented that we should hang out so i texted her back a day later saying we should and she actually went with it. so let me list all the things that have happened so far.

1. she moves me to one of her top places on myspace and her old bf dissapears.

2. she comments we should hang out.

3. she comments on one of my pictures twice on how such a good time that was.

4. when i asked her to hang out. she mentioned nothing about chilling with any other friends so it appears she is cool with 1 on 1. plus she could have called me up at any time and asked to hang out with a group of people.

5. we havnt actually seen each other for 3 weeks+

6. she keeps me reminding me about her birthday.

7. I really think she just mentioned the whole thing about one of my friends giving her flowers and asking if it bothered me to just acknowledge to me that she knows i like her. she said they were just hanging out not going out so i dont think they are dating.

8. and really the whole prom thing could have been worse.

a. she liked me enough to actually go with me.

b. she could have been alot more brutal about the whole she has a bf thing.

c. the fact that she would still do it when she had a bf.

f. she gave no other reason than the fact that she had a bf to not go out.

e. and she still continues to communicate and try to be friendly with me even after all that.

so i said we should hang out. and she said wednesday was cool. now i need a plan. I want it to be able to be kind of like a date if she seems interested but i don't want to make her feel too uncomfortable and out of the friend zone or she might freak out. maybe a movie? i can talk to her a bit. the ideal thing i have in mind would be dinner then movie or movie then dinner. and i need to find something to say to find out if she really is interested in me this way without being too offensive.