I followed the following workout with results of 20 lbs fat loss per month. It was between 10 to 20 lbs per month. 20 at first, but from the on less. I used a scale to verify it was fat loss only, not muscle. In fact, my muscle mass remained the same as at the begginning (this is because my diet does allow for muscle growth).
I don't think that simple push and pull while cutting back is good enough. That is because this workout reults in muscle gain, not muscle gain and fat loss.
The workout I'm about to present is done a cardio pace, 120 heart bits per minute or more, meaning you will loose fat while gaining muscle.
I decided ot take chance after seeing a guy's before and after pic that wasn't much. This workout was made by fitness celebrity, James Basedow, I just tell you waht you do. I don't tell you the right way to do it.
The workout is with dumbells, and proper way to do it is very important, this is why it is best to get the video with instructions. .......... Workout works so good because it is supersetting. meaning you keep your heart rate at cardio pace. This amounts to looseing fat while building muscle. Great stuff, I lost 40 lbs in two months, and got great muscle definition out of it.
Any workout you pick and stick with will produce resutls.
Incline Press + Bentover Rows................................. 2 Sets Of 10 Reps
Flat Bench Flyes + Single Arm Rows ......................... 2 Sets Of 10 Reps
Incline Push-Ups ................................................... 1 Set of 10 Reps
Decline Push-Ups ................................................... 1 Set of 10 Reps
Squats + Standing Calf Raises ................................... 2 Sets Of 10 Reps
Lunges + Stiff Leg Deadlifts ....................................... 2 Sets Of 10 Reps
Shoulder Press + Lateral/Frontal Raises ...................... 2 Sets Of 10 Reps
Alternate Curls + French Press .................................. 2 Sets Of 10 Reps
Concentration Curls + Tricepts Kickback ..................... 2 Sets Of 10 Reps
5 "Power Minutes" Done In Succession
Trunk Twists
Standard Crunches
Alternate Bicycles
Oblique Crunches
Leg Raises
ABS are done in 5 minutes, with each execrise lasting one minute. Try it. It's gonna kill you the first time. Definition you get from these is much better from the machine you're using.
To do the workout you need a bench, and weights. Recommended 20 lbs per dumbells (aks 40 lbs adjustable) weights. Then, 30 lbs, 40 lbs, 50 lbs, and 60 lbs, etc, hex dumbbells. You can increase weight 20 lbs at a time, but as you go higher it will be harder to do so.
Workout must be followed every 48 hours or two days. Your heart pace must be 120 bit sper second or more during the workout, something to consider while doing it. If you're less, then you building muscle, if you're more, then you're building muscle and loosing fat at the same time.
Because this is a dumbbell workout, you get more definition. This is because it take more muscle to balance the bells. This workout is much more effective than a simple push and pull and you loose more weight.
This workout must be suplemented with diet and cardio.
Cardio, 40 minutes per day or more. Diet enough to make you loose 5 lbs per week, i.e enough calories to make you loose that much per week.
Go for it. I've seen seen those who follow push and pull, and they don't come close to loosing 20 lbs per month and the defnition you get from using dumbbells. I literally have an HB9 going nuts over me after 2.5 months of this. Good stuff. Results depend on quality, so there is a proper way of doing this all. Get a video. Else, if you're a a nerd, use P2P to search for "45 fat burning"......
FMS is a good sh1t done by good people who know what they talking about. These forums, forget it. War Boss Alex does not know what he is talking about. He suggested I am too fat to run. But here I am, two months 40 lbs lost. Kiss my a55 b1tch. Check this out:
P.S. This sh1t is both easier and much more effective (when loosing fat) than going to gym every 48 hours. If you want to gain muscle, after you follow this, then you need to go to gym.
I don't think that simple push and pull while cutting back is good enough. That is because this workout reults in muscle gain, not muscle gain and fat loss.
The workout I'm about to present is done a cardio pace, 120 heart bits per minute or more, meaning you will loose fat while gaining muscle.
I decided ot take chance after seeing a guy's before and after pic that wasn't much. This workout was made by fitness celebrity, James Basedow, I just tell you waht you do. I don't tell you the right way to do it.
The workout is with dumbells, and proper way to do it is very important, this is why it is best to get the video with instructions. .......... Workout works so good because it is supersetting. meaning you keep your heart rate at cardio pace. This amounts to looseing fat while building muscle. Great stuff, I lost 40 lbs in two months, and got great muscle definition out of it.
Any workout you pick and stick with will produce resutls.
Incline Press + Bentover Rows................................. 2 Sets Of 10 Reps
Flat Bench Flyes + Single Arm Rows ......................... 2 Sets Of 10 Reps
Incline Push-Ups ................................................... 1 Set of 10 Reps
Decline Push-Ups ................................................... 1 Set of 10 Reps
Squats + Standing Calf Raises ................................... 2 Sets Of 10 Reps
Lunges + Stiff Leg Deadlifts ....................................... 2 Sets Of 10 Reps
Shoulder Press + Lateral/Frontal Raises ...................... 2 Sets Of 10 Reps
Alternate Curls + French Press .................................. 2 Sets Of 10 Reps
Concentration Curls + Tricepts Kickback ..................... 2 Sets Of 10 Reps
5 "Power Minutes" Done In Succession
Trunk Twists
Standard Crunches
Alternate Bicycles
Oblique Crunches
Leg Raises
ABS are done in 5 minutes, with each execrise lasting one minute. Try it. It's gonna kill you the first time. Definition you get from these is much better from the machine you're using.
To do the workout you need a bench, and weights. Recommended 20 lbs per dumbells (aks 40 lbs adjustable) weights. Then, 30 lbs, 40 lbs, 50 lbs, and 60 lbs, etc, hex dumbbells. You can increase weight 20 lbs at a time, but as you go higher it will be harder to do so.
Workout must be followed every 48 hours or two days. Your heart pace must be 120 bit sper second or more during the workout, something to consider while doing it. If you're less, then you building muscle, if you're more, then you're building muscle and loosing fat at the same time.
Because this is a dumbbell workout, you get more definition. This is because it take more muscle to balance the bells. This workout is much more effective than a simple push and pull and you loose more weight.
This workout must be suplemented with diet and cardio.
Cardio, 40 minutes per day or more. Diet enough to make you loose 5 lbs per week, i.e enough calories to make you loose that much per week.
Go for it. I've seen seen those who follow push and pull, and they don't come close to loosing 20 lbs per month and the defnition you get from using dumbbells. I literally have an HB9 going nuts over me after 2.5 months of this. Good stuff. Results depend on quality, so there is a proper way of doing this all. Get a video. Else, if you're a a nerd, use P2P to search for "45 fat burning"......
FMS is a good sh1t done by good people who know what they talking about. These forums, forget it. War Boss Alex does not know what he is talking about. He suggested I am too fat to run. But here I am, two months 40 lbs lost. Kiss my a55 b1tch. Check this out:
P.S. This sh1t is both easier and much more effective (when loosing fat) than going to gym every 48 hours. If you want to gain muscle, after you follow this, then you need to go to gym.