struggling with one itis advice with this girl plz


Don Juan
Apr 15, 2007
Reaction score
Ok first off i am aware most of you after reading this would probably tell me to just move on but I really don't want to listen as this chick is really the only person i feel attracted to that i actually know and is really special. anyways this is kind of long so brace yourself.

Ok it all started in april. we were semi good friends. we had each others cell phone # and texted each other a decent amount. we only hung out 1 time out of school tho and that was with other people. We usually hang out at lunch with a group of friends as well. weve only known each other for a couple of months.

for prom i asked her out. she was planning on going with her gfs but she said yes she even sounded excited. she even suggjested before i could that we would go to dinner together after. I was feeling pretty good then.

then prom night... i drive my one homie and his date to prom the rest of my date and her gfs drive there and then we meet them there. before i arrive tho she mentions that she is going to chill with her gfs at one of thier houses... It was a big friend group thing i didnt mind too much at first

Well then i offer to dance and she says still talking or not rdy. so then i get a little worried. she detected i was a little mad so she danced with me for like 5 mins... but i suppose its better than nothing. Most the time she danced with her gfs. She gave certain other hints that i should have thought about sooner that told me nicely that we shouldnt be in a relationship. So the rest of the time i try to have a good time i put my arm around her for pictures and such but i don't engage any further than that. Prom ends i drive my buddy and his date back.

now don't ask me why i did this but i was feeling balsey 3 days later and texted her to meet me after school. i was going to ask her out. then my friend decides to tell me that she told him to tell me nicely that i shouldnt ask her out. so then i try and just say nm after she asks what do you want to talk about? she thought i said not much and i didn't know that. so she says where? and then im confused cas i think she wants to talk. we meet and just talk about random stuff for a couple mins then walk off.

a little bit later i get a text saying what did you rly want to talk about? then she says before i can reply. i didn't know if you knew but i have a bf....
i pretty much say oh thats cool i honestly didnt know no hard feelings or something like that.. i didnt want to seem like it destroyed my life or anything.

so then one day i get invited to hang out with all of them to have a little party. she shows up and she actually did have a bf. and what was suprising was he wasnt even that impressive...i almost laughed. he was extremly skinny and barely talked. he was pretty much a living vegetable. but for some reason he is going out with her WTF?!

anyways time goes by. we still talk to each other at lunch. she texts me but not nearly as much as before. its a little akward but we still have a friendship going.

this is what is currently happening and im not 100% sure of the situation. from what i thought i heard she is no longer seeing her bf. so last day of school my senior friend gives her flowers. then im assuming he asked her out.
because she texted me later that night asking me if it bothered me that he gave her flowers because she knew we were friends.. i say no don't worry about it again im not trying to sound the person shes going out with my friend.. i really did not see it happening. it might be out of pity shes going with him i duno but it actually did suprise me. maybe its cas he is older he is a senior i am a junior and she is a junior. he is kind of skinny tall but i wouldnt say he is the most gorgeous person or infact that bold of a person.

Anyways i know this one itis thing has probably really messed up my head but i have to atleast try again... i am not that skinny.. im not fat either im kind of inbeetween. im more broad shouldered and muscley than scronny and ya i do have a few pounds to lose but no body really calls me fat.

here is what i am thinking i should do now. try and wait this one out too and then make my move... in all honesty im not sure how this one could last. he will no longer be going to our high school and her and I will be seniors together.

this summer im going to workout hardcore to make my senior year amazing. i have already started. i jog 6 miles a day. lift weights every day. i eat generally healthy stuff. i swim. and ive been doing this since april. by the end of this summer i expect to lose perhaps 12-15 pounds and ill have all new attire. a more improved body with muscle and less fat. and ill have an acne clear face and ill be more confident than ever. from the point that school starts and on out is when id like to see if we could get together if she is out of the relationship by then..

any advice suggjestions on how i could connect with her again would be appreciated. again sry it was long but just trying to help you all help me heh.


Don Juan
Mar 3, 2007
Reaction score
The secret is that you don't reapproach her. Get in shape, create high value for yourself, and then totally forget about her. You'll see her in school some, so then you can gauge her response to Stark 2.0.


Master Don Juan
Jul 7, 2006
Reaction score
Dude, ok

First I'll point out 2 things I noticed

she texted me later that night asking me if it bothered me that he gave her flowers because she knew we were friends
why would she think it would bother you if she didnt know you were interested in her.

i am not that skinny.. im not fat either im kind of inbeetween. im more broad shouldered and muscley than scronny and ya i do have a few pounds to lose but no body really calls me fat.
thats fine, but youre comparing yourself to the guys shes been interested in, sounds like youre qualifying yourself when thinking about her.

so theres 2 problems here:
Youre being needy.
Its showing.

My advice would be to IGNORE her, badly just block her out of your life for a while, then start again NOT being needy, however.. thats just a quick fix (if you can call blocking someone out for a long time a quick fix). So yeah.. the best advice here would be to TRULY stop being needy and not just act like youre not, find other girls outside school, wherever, I know this is hard, I was in a similar situation this girl and I were almost bf-gf but somethign weird happened and the minute I thought "Im losing her" I started being needy and just like that attraction died out, I know its hard cause I strugled with it for a long time I just couldnt go with the idea of getting over her and that just made me attach a lot of negative emotions to her, Im currently completly blockign her out and its pretty messed but I semi-hate her and Im making her in my mind more of a challenge than she truly is which is counterproductive really. So yeah stay away and find other girls, the faster you just leave her out the more likely she is to see you as a challenge and more valuable but dont use the tool to simply get her back use it as truly going out and killing that needyness.