When I posted a scientific criticism of The Secret, I knew beforehand it would stir up controversy but I never imagined it would receive 150+ replies. As the discussion raged on, there were those who insisted the author of the review misinterpreted The Secret. The Secret they insisted, is about positive thinking and nothing much to do with quantum physics. So grave the misinterpretation, it was implied, perhaps the reviewer had merely only relied upon the jacket cover. So, in the interest of fairness on behalf of all critics, I decided to give it a spin and vindicate. ABC's Nightline was apologetic and let the filmmakers off the hook—"The Secret has been successful in blending science and faith in a way that readers and viewers can easily follow, and, despite the doubts expressed by many critics, it's no secret that many Americans are eager to learn more"—but that is a travesty. My review is scathing, unrelenting, unwavering, and thorough in ways I know best. I only post this essay because I said I would; I always try to keep to my word.
There are numerous versions of The Secret, as there were at least the film, the printed book, DVD, and from what I could find a series of audio CDs. I used (removed) to find a mp3 collection apparently of a four-CD version. Consequently, I don't have page numbers to cite but only tracks and quotes might not be exactly verbatim but I tried my best.
Before I begin, one might wonder "why bother" arguing against silliness. There certainly is the general rule of thumb which must be adhered to which is never debate or, if you can, even talk to people who hold fringe beliefs; whether that be wild-eyed conspiracy theories, the face of Mars, the hoax of the landing on the moon hoax, or even the IRS doesn't have authority to collect income taxes (it does). They don't think rationally; debating them only gives them a "voice" (credence there might maybe be something to their delusion); and they engage in a pervasive modus operandi of denying reality and avoiding the issues. But, however, there is a threshold that is sometimes crossed where a bad idea becomes pervasive enough there arises the moral imperative to fight the good fight or else serious damage threatens the fabric of rational thinking.
Here I go...
Science is hierarchical and domain-specific. Science strives for the most simplistic explanations of causation and there are hierarchical levels to explanation. Medicine is explained by physiology, molecular reactions are explained by chemistry, atoms are explained by Newtonian physics, subatomic particles are explained by quantum physics. Science is reductionistic but to the simplest necessity to establish causation. Greedy reductionism is a term coined by the American philosopher Daniel Dennett of the inappropriate jumps in explanatory hierarchy. Don't ask your local physicist why your tooth aches. The key point to remember is greedy reductionism does not yield mechanisms of causation and especially towards alternative results. Quantum physics cannot explain why a young teenage boy makes out with a beautiful girl and even if a series of events were strung along from quantum physics to sultry lips, it would not explain why make out with a girl rather than guys or a pet llama. Quantum physics is the panacea of paranormal claims; cited by everyone from supporters of telepathy, ghosts, astral planes, UFOs, talking to the dead, as the much sought after mechanism by which will hopefully their claim will be validated. It is by therefore if quantum physics is demonstrably too small to affect classical Newtonian physics then all paranormal Boogie Mans walk to the unemployment line.
In the normal world of science, scientists do research, conduct experiments, publish their results in peer-reviewed journals, attend conferences, and engage in healthy debate. It's an evolutionary process in which the fittest ideas survive and discredited ideas die. In science, you are free to disagree but your arguments must be convincing. Hence, why the scientific establishment is the establishment and why the fringe is ignored. So, it always is worrisome when someone purporting to make a revolutionary discovery or revolutionary new interpretation of science forgoes peer review and heads straight to news reporters. Journalists are so gullible. But worse still, when someone forgoes the scrutiny of reporters and produces a film, book, and DVD. And then appears on Oprah. Twice.
Enter The Secret. It is a patently scientific book but not in the good and not in the traditional sense. "The universe" is invoked in what seemed to be every other sentence; "the universe" was mentioned probably hundreds of times. In addition, there were countless references to "energies", "frequencies", "vibrations", and I even heard "reverberations". It's almost surprising I didn't hear anything about perpetual motion machines but then again maybe I am going deaf.
Wealth Beyond (RATIONAL) Reason
I digress for a moment and want to talk about Bob Doyle. After all, he seemed like such a nice and personable guy. If you visit his website for Wealth Beyond (Rational) Reason, there is a video of him saying if you only give your name and e-mail address you would gain access to a free sample of his material. My e-mail already gets enough SPAM and so what the heck, right.
The pages you see beyond the home page is typical all-hype and no-content marketing enough to wonder if he is somehow related to Kevin Trudeau. But alas, on the first page after handing away our privacy we read....
There are numerous versions of The Secret, as there were at least the film, the printed book, DVD, and from what I could find a series of audio CDs. I used (removed) to find a mp3 collection apparently of a four-CD version. Consequently, I don't have page numbers to cite but only tracks and quotes might not be exactly verbatim but I tried my best.
Before I begin, one might wonder "why bother" arguing against silliness. There certainly is the general rule of thumb which must be adhered to which is never debate or, if you can, even talk to people who hold fringe beliefs; whether that be wild-eyed conspiracy theories, the face of Mars, the hoax of the landing on the moon hoax, or even the IRS doesn't have authority to collect income taxes (it does). They don't think rationally; debating them only gives them a "voice" (credence there might maybe be something to their delusion); and they engage in a pervasive modus operandi of denying reality and avoiding the issues. But, however, there is a threshold that is sometimes crossed where a bad idea becomes pervasive enough there arises the moral imperative to fight the good fight or else serious damage threatens the fabric of rational thinking.
Here I go...
Science is hierarchical and domain-specific. Science strives for the most simplistic explanations of causation and there are hierarchical levels to explanation. Medicine is explained by physiology, molecular reactions are explained by chemistry, atoms are explained by Newtonian physics, subatomic particles are explained by quantum physics. Science is reductionistic but to the simplest necessity to establish causation. Greedy reductionism is a term coined by the American philosopher Daniel Dennett of the inappropriate jumps in explanatory hierarchy. Don't ask your local physicist why your tooth aches. The key point to remember is greedy reductionism does not yield mechanisms of causation and especially towards alternative results. Quantum physics cannot explain why a young teenage boy makes out with a beautiful girl and even if a series of events were strung along from quantum physics to sultry lips, it would not explain why make out with a girl rather than guys or a pet llama. Quantum physics is the panacea of paranormal claims; cited by everyone from supporters of telepathy, ghosts, astral planes, UFOs, talking to the dead, as the much sought after mechanism by which will hopefully their claim will be validated. It is by therefore if quantum physics is demonstrably too small to affect classical Newtonian physics then all paranormal Boogie Mans walk to the unemployment line.
In the normal world of science, scientists do research, conduct experiments, publish their results in peer-reviewed journals, attend conferences, and engage in healthy debate. It's an evolutionary process in which the fittest ideas survive and discredited ideas die. In science, you are free to disagree but your arguments must be convincing. Hence, why the scientific establishment is the establishment and why the fringe is ignored. So, it always is worrisome when someone purporting to make a revolutionary discovery or revolutionary new interpretation of science forgoes peer review and heads straight to news reporters. Journalists are so gullible. But worse still, when someone forgoes the scrutiny of reporters and produces a film, book, and DVD. And then appears on Oprah. Twice.
Enter The Secret. It is a patently scientific book but not in the good and not in the traditional sense. "The universe" is invoked in what seemed to be every other sentence; "the universe" was mentioned probably hundreds of times. In addition, there were countless references to "energies", "frequencies", "vibrations", and I even heard "reverberations". It's almost surprising I didn't hear anything about perpetual motion machines but then again maybe I am going deaf.
The Secret is listed as non-fiction and rightfully so I am justifiably proper in taking the words seriously. As demonstrated throughout the whole material, Byrne makes it explicitly evident the "Law of Attraction" is not intended as metaphorical but as a real scientific theory. Bob Doyle was certain to rally this point by stating on his Wealth Beyond Reason website: "Contrary to mainstream thinking, the law of attraction is not a 'new-age' concept. It is a scientific principle that absolutely is at work in your life right now."frequency: see also vibration.
vibration: An object or substance which oscillates from a neutral position (node) to positions (crests) on either side of the node is said to vibrate. An example would be the movement of the tines of a tuning fork, of a violin string, or of a pendulum (all “transverse” vibrations), or the compression effect on air or another medium when it vibrates with sound waves, an example of a longitudinal wave. The general condition of such oscillation, or a single cycle, is known as a vibration.
Occultists have used the word vibration freely but without much notion of its meaning or respect for its true nature. It is a highly popular catchall description for imaginary forces, powers, or influences.
—excerpt from An Encyclopedia of Claims, Frauds, and Hoaxes of the Occult and Supernatural
Wealth Beyond (RATIONAL) Reason
I digress for a moment and want to talk about Bob Doyle. After all, he seemed like such a nice and personable guy. If you visit his website for Wealth Beyond (Rational) Reason, there is a video of him saying if you only give your name and e-mail address you would gain access to a free sample of his material. My e-mail already gets enough SPAM and so what the heck, right.
The pages you see beyond the home page is typical all-hype and no-content marketing enough to wonder if he is somehow related to Kevin Trudeau. But alas, on the first page after handing away our privacy we read....
His entire convincing, compelling, overwhelming, gripping, captivating; persuasive, potent, powerful, plausible—gotta love those p's—conclusive scientific case is quantum physics. "Our thoughts are linked to this energy and they determine what the energy forms. This explains things such as positive thinking, prayer, faith, creativity, goal-setting, disease, and much more in a very scientific way. Your thoughts literally shift the universe on a particle-by-particle basis to create your physical life." He even calls for a paradigm shift which is something espousers of the pseudoscientific always say.I know you're not interested in "hocus-pocus"...
...But what I'm talking about is science. It's not "new age". It's not some pie-in-the-sky theory. I don't buy into anything like that, as much as I'd sometimes like to. I'm probably a lot like you in that I need EVIDENCE of these ideas before I can possibly hope to implement them into my life.
I'm here to give you all the evidence you'll ever need and then some. I have so much evidence that what I'm telling you is true that I have literally hundreds of pages of testimony from people who have studied with us, telling us exactly how their lives have changed for the better. I've got so much scientific evidence to share with you that it would boggle your mind if you tried to take it in at one sitting.
The typical diatribe of someone holding a discredited and unsubstantiated argumentative stance. Let there be no doubt: Bob Doyle explicitly inexorably obstinately connects quantum physics to consciousness and in no metaphorical sense the Law of Attraction is a scientific law. According to his website, all this quantum physics can be available to you for $227.00 (with payment plan now available).Before I continue, I need to make sure that you're still "with me" on this whole Energy thing. I know that when we talk about Energy, we're talking about something that we don't normally think of as tangible. And because that's the case, it's our inclination to dismiss it as "not real". But this is how we've been conditioned, and you've GOT to wake up to that. We've been conditioned like crazy over the years by well-meaning (and NOT so well-meaning) teachers, parents, religious institutions, etc. to have a certain set of beliefs which fit into THEIR belief parameters, or suit THEIR agenda. That's just the plain truth.
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