Docs - Approaching, Always Assume Attraction, Certainity of Interest & AntiPlayerDef.


Jul 27, 2005
Reaction score
Kingston, Can-a-duh
Approaching Viewpoints, and the Always Assume Attraction, the Certainity of Interest Theories and the Anti Player Defense.
To recap from my last Theory post, it was the Cause and Effect Theory. It outlines the concept about how you SHOULD be looking at the past, the present and the future [].

- The Approach
- CoI
- Defeating Most Playettes, Finding True Interest
- Defeating the Dreaded Dedicated Playette that passed your tests.
So, what the hell is this?
Theory posts aren't actually theory. It's proven ideas. This theory defines how you should be approaching, how you should be acting, and as a side-effect, it also defends against player girls.
The Approach (and the viewpoint you need to grasp)
You know the times you've wanted to approach, or seen that girl wouldn't mind having, yet you fail to even talk to her, or worse yet, you're heading towards her, but second guess yourself and back off. We're going to correct that.

I had a recent conversation with a buddy, and he was saying how this HB9 was throwing him Indicators of Interest (IOIs). In his head, he wasn't having it. He couldn't believe that such a beauty would be chucking signs at him. One reason for the denial. Lack of self-confidence. Reason two? There is no reason two. Self Confidence is a MUST HAVE, because without it, you're never going to act on something, and EVEN on the offchance something acts on you, you won't act back. Wussing out at its worse!

Anyways, he gave multiple reasons why he wasn't believing it, from she was hot, she hung out with people he could never get along with, she had guys all over her, she had friends, and any reason you could think of, he probably gave. What'd I basically tell him?

You have to de-program yourself from thinking that any reason you can come up with for it not happening, is a reason. Basically, she's giving YOU signs, she's looking at YOU. That's reason enough to believe she has some interest.

That's how you should be looking at a potential approach. If she's giving YOU signs, that means YOU have a OPEN INVITATION to approach.

Now quickly, what if she's not giving signs you may ask. Follow this golden rule.
Always Assume Attraction (or Interest).
The 3 big As.
  • Always: That means 100%, every time, all the time
  • Assume: Who cares if you're wrong.
  • Attraction: She's Interested in YOU.
What does that mean. No matter what, if you like a girl, and you think she's somebody you'd want to talk to/bang/be with, then it is safe to approach. Why? Because you've told yourself she's already Interested, signs or not. Why signs or not, because she might not be giving them off, or you're just not noticing. That second guessing problem, Solved.
Certainity Of Interest Theory
I run by this theory. To define it, it means that The MORE IOIs a girl gives off, the MORE CERTAIN you can be that she is Interested. What does this do? It supports the Triple As by confirming whether this is worth it. You've already approached, and you're feeling her out. Guess what. If she's dropping signs like seagulls on the local arena roof, you can be more certain she's Interested. Conversely, if she's showing Negative IOIs, or just not showing them, it might be time to bail or change tactics.

Now, why do I name this the Certainity of Interest, as compared to just saying bluntly, she's either Interested or Not? Because you've already assumed interest, you're just confirming it here, and secondly, we are not perfect. I guess wrong, you guess wrong, we all guess wrong sometimes. That is why you can never be 100% certain of something, but you can be greatly certain of something.

Really powerful sh!t yeah? Well guess what, it's just beginning.
The Anti-Player Defense (and continuing that approach..)
What is a player? One who runs multiple targets, with usually less interest then the targets.

What is this meant to do? It's meant to expose how YOU get hooked, hot to fight it, AND, gauging Real Interest.

Think back to your AFC days if you had them, and when you saw this girl. You instantly liked her, or she did something that got you HOOKED on her. For the next forever, you wanted her, but yet she wasn't having it. She'd throw you a bone to keep you interested, but nothing more. Not only that, but your enlightened buddy saw the BS she was doing and tried to pry you off her, but you wouldn't have it, because you were CERTAIN she liked you ( would die for her interest).

Think of now. You know of games we play on girls (and conversely, girls on us). You know there exists female players, some are natural and some are semi-natural. A natural player, she knows she's doing this, but she's purposely trying to HOOK guys with expressing the LEAST AMOUNT of INTEREST POSSIBLE. A semi-natural player is just flitering out the AFCs. Just think of it this way. Brad Pitt only has to show his chest and he'll have girls wanting him. What if a girl could just show her tits and have a selection of guys to pick from, to toy around, use like a tool, etc? Seems like they are farther ahead then we are...

Now, take my Certainity of Interest theory, and a toned down version of the Playette. If she looked your old AFC self in the eyes and played with her hair, you took that as, I'm interested. Good for you, you're now her tool as you kiss her ass. NOW as your DJ-selves, you've already assumed attraction. We couple that with my Certainity of Interest Theory, and we got something here. Assuming Attraction tells us she's Interested, Certainity of Interest proves it. So, this same girl, with her EC and hair touching, won't hook you. Why? Because that's only 2 IOIs. However, we can assume she's interested, so Certainity of Interest is still working, suggesting she's somewhat Interested. Good. So you progress forward and AMPLIFY the flirting.
Defeating the Majority of Playettes, and Discovering True Interest
Now all of a sudden, she stops displaying signs. The playette is defeated. Why? Because she had FAKE interest from the start, and the raising of flirting was enough for her to bail. Poor little AFC you though, is still being tooled by her. That's it in a nutshell.

There IS a point where if she's a playette, she will have to decide:
- Can she control you, and how far do I have to go to get you under me? Is it WORTH it for me to try to play you, if you raised the stakes of flirting? He hit my level of playetteness, I have to decide now whether I actually like this guy, or if I want to drop out?
THOSE are the questions she'll raise in her head. Players in general want to use the least amount of effort to hook you, but if that effort surpasses their threshold of playing vs stuff you do to guys you like, she has NO CHOICE but to decide. She takes off and disappears, good, you didn't want her anyways. But if she's TRULY INTERESTED, she will keep going. Certainity of Interest at it's best. If she's certainity interested, she will keep going. Hmm.

So, this defeats the semi-natural playette, and a lot of natural playettes, because they'll either fall for you, or run. If you can't be played, then that makes it easy. BUT, there still lies the remainder of the natural playettes, the ones that we really hate, the ones that will do everything you will do, and still try to play you off.
Defeating the Dedicated Natural Playette.
So, this girl is now filtered down to one of two things;
1: She is GENINUELY Interested. Or;
2: She knows the game, and she's willing to risk it all to tool you.
This is the problem now. The theories are extrememly effective at filtering out the ones that are not interested. That'll save you 90% more effort then if you were to get hooked by them.

BUT, it can't knock out the girls that are playing the game back. This is where we can't use the theories, because she's displaying Interest (where AAA is correct), CoI is reading yes because you're perceiving her as authentic, and she's willing to go all the way, making APD useless.

How do we defeat a dedicated playette? It's a matter of how you are, how much of a MAN you are, and how good you covered your ass. If you let this girl have a lot of control in your life, and she's a Dedicated Playette, you're going to get the ass fluids hammered out of you. At this point, you don't know if she's playing you, if she's for real interested, or just looking for something else. This is where advice comes in handy. Check for signs of playing. Is she calling other guys, does she disappear, severe mood swings, wants more control, anything that might signal problems...

How do you protect yourself? You stay in control. Your job now is to tame the playette, by 'playing her', give her a bone to feed on and hope that's enough, or discover she's playing you and toast her ass with minimal damage to yourself. (Wear a condom kiddies, and investments are in your name!). Only three things can come from this girl. She either was interested from the start and wasn't playing you, she's now a offical ex-playette, or she'll be found out and you'll have to play cover ass.
That's about it. By Always Assuming Attraction, you raise YOUR chance of getting a girl via approaching, Certainity of Interest helps to determine if she really is interested, PROGRESSING THE FLIRTING is your anti-playette defense, and a sign of whether she is really into you, and finally, always cover your ass, just in case after all of this, she still goes stupid on you.

Hope you enjoyed this, and comments are welcome as always.


Don Juan
Mar 15, 2007
Reaction score
Thunder Bay, Ontario
Fukin eh docs, another gold star for you :) SOmeone should sticky this and his C&E Theory, very useful for people that need a self esteem boost, or ego boost, or both. Good job Docs, and Kudos go out to you!



Don Juan
Jan 30, 2007
Reaction score
Great job docs, AAA is a known idea in selling and it's really importent.

Micheal Moon

Don Juan
Mar 3, 2007
Reaction score
Brilliance at its finest Doc.

Its funny, there was a girl in my class and we'd keep doing the eye contact thing. Shed look around and I'd look back. I finally after a couple of days to make my intention known I smiled at her and after that got no IOI's from her. I wondered if I did the right thing, but now after reading I'm glad I did it. Again, I now get little IOI's from her again.

I like the assuming attraction part of your theory. Its very similar to a self fufilling prophecy theory in psychology. The byproduct of it is that it makes you more confident, which girls feed off of. I'll have to try that myself, thanks Doc.


Jul 27, 2005
Reaction score
Kingston, Can-a-duh
Mike: Thankya. Indeed, she stopped giving signs, but she started doing it again. That's a sign. AAA is working.

typical: Random posters drop a idea, another poster drops a idea, and the cycle continues. Related ideas clump together, I notice that this collective group of ideas work, and thus, a theory is born!


Jul 27, 2005
Reaction score
Kingston, Can-a-duh
Thanks buddy! :D

This isn't robotic for me. AAA, it's as simple as that. CoI, how strong/many are you getting. APD, commonly known as progressive KINO.

All three of those things, should be automatic.