So I Went Over This Girls House (Long Read)

Mar 8, 2007
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I am 15 years old but I think the high school section is a bit immature compared to this and I prefer your advice.

With my two friends, let's call them X1 and X2 and there were two girls there, let's call them Y1 and Y2. The Y1 is hot but they are both cool. Y1 is good friends with X1 but she didn't really know me or X2 but she said she wouldn't mind if we came with X1. So we walk over to Y2's house at around 2 PM (we didn't leave until around 7 PM) and from the second I got in there Y1 (The hot one) was staring at me and making eye contact. We been around each other but we never talked. My friend X1, is very shy and he is attracted to Y1 but it seems like he doesn't have that "Go getta" attitude and doesn't want to talk. Y1, X1, and X2 are sitting together on the couch and Y2 was sitting in a chair across from me. I was sitting in a chair and Y1 was closest to me). So we're watching TV and Y1 is staring at me a lot and we're talking and my friend goes "She just said your hot" and I was like "I know". Through the whole day I felt a vibe with these girls that allowed me to be really open. She didn't say anything that to show any type of objection to the statement, she just kept staring at me and I'm like

Me: Come over here
Y1: Why?
Me: Stand up and come over here
Y1: Are you serious?
Me: Yeah.
Y1: *Stands Up*
Me: Sit down (referring to my lap)
Y1: *Starts laughing* No.
Y1: Are you serious?
Me: My offer is still on the table

I'm clearly getting the most attention from both girls. Y1 is continually staring at me citing her reasoning as she really likes my facial expressions (I express a lot of reactions to peoples behavior and stuff on my face [with eyebrow movements, eye movements, cheek movements] rather then talking, just my own individual style). During conversation one of the X's says something like "He's attracted to his hand" and I'm like "Yes...At times" and everyone bursts out laughing. While people are laughing I'm like *Pointing to X1, then X2, Y1, and Y2* "You masturbate, you masturbate, you probably finger yourself, and I don't know about you". Y1 screams before laughing (like a laughing scream, you'd have to be there to understand). At one point my friend helping me out says

X2: A girl told me he is hung like a horse.
Me: I'm 7 inches.

Then after talking for awhile for awhile and getting utmost attention from both girls while my friends are just sitting back and listening and laughing most of the time, we go up to her room to look at Y2's "Secret box" which is filled with a few sex toys, a bunch of condoms of all variations, and a some marijuana smoking paraphernalia (pipe, seeds [I guess she thinks she is capable of growing it], and lighter). And we're just playing around as she shows me everything, Y1 kept putting lighting the lighter right in my face and right on me. I grabbed her (gently) and took it out of her hands and while I'm holding she grabs it out of my hands and lights it again (and actually burns me with a spark but I didn't say anything) so I grabbed her again and made her drop it.

Then me and X2 go up to her game room to wrestle (we wrestle a lot). Mind you, I am 5 foot 10 inches, 135 pounds (got some muscle on me, such as a 6 pack) and both of my friends are 170 (although not chubby). Earlier in the day I took them both at once, that's a combined weight of 340 pounds against my 135 (plus both of them are capable of lifting me over their head). So me and X2 are just wrestling and they seem to be entertained (X2 is obviously showing off, but not talking trash). I beat him in round 1 (although he picked me up and dropped me hard), he beat me in round 2 (he couldn't make me submit [I never give up] but he gave up but he still won) then I beat him in round 3. I guess after I had a little cut under my eye and Y1 was sympathetically says "You hurt him" and my friends like "He beat me, what you talking about". X1 starts talking about how I am tough and has Y1 punch me in the stomach (It's a well known fact around my school that punches to my abs don't phase me) and Y2 tries feeling them as well, they are both impressed. When Y1 punches me she punches way too low (half an inch lower and she would have hit some sexual organs), I'm like "That's way too low" and my friend laughs. Then she joking tries to punch me lower but I block it. I snap my fingers at her (In a non feminine way).

Like I got my own facial expressions I also have my own hand gestures (middle finger from the front, snapping my fingers at people(In a different manner) and 4 finger flick (to tell people to shut up) a little, and the two girls were trying to copy me. They were discussing my swagger a lot and Y1 tried to snap her fingers but said she couldn't. I take her hand, sit down, put my arm around her (while still holding her hand) and try to teach her how to snap her fingers. I try to grab her around her waist while she is standing up but she laughingly objects. By then X2 is trying to copy my style with the girls and starts hitting on Y1 (It's cool, the player with the most skill wins the game).

So I begin a conversation on sexual attractions and X2 has me show my abs to the girls (and they are impressed again). Then a conversation about how the other people thought I was hitting on Y1, a statement that everyone agrees with (however I think I was just playing with her because I saw she kept looking at me). I deny this statement and say I am just playing with her (which she seemed skeptical to believe). Then after a little while a person who was checking up on the house came by (parents were out of town and they had someone checking up on the house). We had to sneak out. While we were leaving out the side door, I asked Y1 if she knew I was just playing with her and she said "Yeah". Then X2 tries to get a goodbye kiss and her phone number, which she objects to and eventually tells him it's okay to get it off X1 who has it. She continued making eye contact with me as I was leaving.

Interpretations? Advice? Reviews?


Master Don Juan
Oct 26, 2004
Reaction score
paragraphs are your friend.. let me get a cliffnotes and i'll attempt to put some insight into this thread


Senior Don Juan
Nov 15, 2006
Reaction score
i just quickly browsed through it,

but between the x's and y's and the wrestling, somebody shoudl really move this kids stuff to the highschool forum....


Don Juan
Sep 16, 2006
Reaction score
are you just bragging?

i dont know whats the purpose of this...


Master Don Juan
Jun 13, 2006
Reaction score
Actually, I think you did pretty well. Played it pretty cool and made no real screw-ups. You showed alpha dominance and sexual confidence.

You've definitely built high attraction and the SCing creates some inbuilt comfort & rapport.

All you have to do now is build a little more C&R and slide into...Seduction.

Keep in mind though that teen girls are easy b/c they haven't developed bych shields yet. So enjoy, but just don't get too spoiled on them. Things will get much harder after high school after these girls have gotten burned a few times and get far more defensive.

Well, you're off to a good start so far. I expect a LR with Y1 within a month or 2. :D Keep it up!

Snow Plowman

Master Don Juan
Nov 18, 2006
Reaction score
Man your getting strong EC like that you should've closed that. You had way more than enough time. KINO KINO KINO. You shoul've been able to atleast get a kiss.

Overall though it wasn't bad, but you really should've escalated way more than you actually did.


Senior Don Juan
Nov 18, 2006
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Dude, lol, a girl showing that she's attracted to you doesn't really get much more obvious than that. Snow Plowman's right, you should have escalated way more. Actually, you should have isolated her. Friends -- no matter how friendly -- are typicall jealous fvvkkers, so they probably would have teased and mocke you about it, like "oooooh, where are YOU guys off to???", or some crap like that, whose purpose is to embarrass you and screw things up for you. That's what this part was: "Then a conversation about how the other people thought I was hitting on Y1, a statement that everyone agrees with". You obviously were embarrassed by it so you denied it. Dude fvvkk those afc ckksuckers. You could have isolated that chick and at least had your tongue down her throat. And if she is friends with girls who have sex toys, probably even more more than that. You should call that Y1 girl and ask her to hang out (get her back to your place "to watch a dvd" is best) asap, while she is sitll hot for you. (Her alone, not with her friends, and none of your idiot friends there either.)

Michele l'Arcangelo

Master Don Juan
Aug 5, 2005
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:rolleyes: yeah us high school kids are way too immature.

what i find immature is when a kid goes around calling peers immature (even though the high school forum is still full of people older than you.)

what else i find immature is when a kid goes around making sure his grammar and spelling is perfect in his post.

i'll take a few guesses that (1)you're anal... (2)a perfectionist... and (3)that you like to talk about yourself... and possibly those girls are below my standards.

//Edit: from reading your other threads, you wax your eyebrows... this proves point 1 and 2.

//Edit: i'm ready to be judged as a group by you.

//Edit: oh yeah, don't talk as if high school kids are "a bit immature compared to this." it's easy to get girls in high school... let alone skank girls with sex toys at that age.
Mar 8, 2007
Reaction score
Michele said:
:rolleyes: yeah us high school kids are way too immature.

what i find immature is when a kid goes around calling peers immature (even though the high school forum is still full of people older than you.)

what else i find immature is when a kid goes around making sure his grammar and spelling is perfect in his post.

i'll take a few guesses that (1)you're anal... (2)a perfectionist... and (3)that you like to talk about yourself... and possibly those girls are below my standards.

//Edit: from reading your other threads, you wax your eyebrows... this proves point 1 and 2.

//Edit: i'm ready to be judged as a group by you.

//Edit: oh yeah, don't talk as if high school kids are "a bit immature compared to this." it's easy to get girls in high school... let alone skank girls with sex toys at that age.
Catching feelings on the internet = immature. Now shut off your computer and find to do.

Anyway, we all went to the movies today and I was sitting next to Y2 and Y1 and X1 were sitting next to each other. X2 was left out and sitting a row in front of us. I had my arm around Y2 and I told her to relax and I put her head back on my arms. After about 15 minutes X1 puts his arm around Y1 (they are now going out). X1 didn't make any moves on Y1. About half way through the movie I realized my hand was over Y2's boobs (she has some nice boobs), Y1 looked over at me surprised and laughing with an "Oh My God" smile and told X1. Pretending to check if I had my hand on her boobs I opened up her sweatshirt (it was half unzipped) a little bit (with a surprised face) to make my next move easier, when I realized she didn't even see it as a big deal I knew I could make my second move. I put my hand right over her boobs and over time moved down to her cleavage and started feeling around, no objections. Then I put slid my hand under her bra and started feeling up her breast. I got no reaction from her, but Y1 and X1 saw after a while and were laughing. So for the rest of the movie (we were about half way into it at the time) I was feeling up her boobs, which was pretty cool. The girl I felt up has been bragging about it to my friend and her friends and X1, Y1, Y2, and me at going back to the movies tomorrow.


Senior Don Juan
Nov 18, 2006
Reaction score
U fkkin loser! :D

y1 was -- is -- obviously into you, so why let your friend cut your lunch? Geez man.
Mar 8, 2007
Reaction score
danielzxc said:
U fkkin loser! :D

y1 was -- is -- obviously into you, so why let your friend cut your lunch? Geez man.

I got Y2, plus X1 knew Y1 and Y2 a lot longer. X1 has not game at all, he's too scared to talk. Over the last two days he may have said two words to his new girl and I have chatting her up the whole time. I plan to have my hands down her pants or my her hands down my pants or a combination of both by tomorrow.

Thanks for advice people, keep it coming.


Senior Don Juan
Nov 18, 2006
Reaction score
Okay, but it's better to avoid having to "steal" girls off your friends man. You should have just gone for her right away. Now your friend will probably be pyssed at you. Even if he isn't, it's not a good habit to develop.

Anyway, go for her man!
Mar 8, 2007
Reaction score
danielzxc said:
Okay, but it's better to avoid having to "steal" girls off your friends man. You should have just gone for her right away. Now your friend will probably be pyssed at you. Even if he isn't, it's not a good habit to develop.

Anyway, go for her man!
Of course not, I will never do that. X1 wasn't going out with Y2, they were just friends. Y1 and X1 are now going out, this just happened a few minutes ago. I guess they talked after the movie over AIM.
Mar 8, 2007
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So next time I go over this girls house Y1 and Y2 are going to check out my penis. She wants to see if it is really 7 inches (which it is).