Want to be attractive? Build up your social proof!


Don Juan
Feb 27, 2007
Reaction score
Hey everyone, I'm a senior in high school and i have learned many things in my four years. I have gone from a typical shy AFC to an outgoing DJ. And as far as I'm concerned, nothing is more important in high school than your social proof.

Social proof not only affects how other's treat you though, it also effects how you look. You guys all know the typical jock, he does nothing fancy, maybe dresses vintage, (Hollister, A&F) and may not even be all that good looking. But I can guarantee not only can he get whatever he wants from his classmates, but the girls find him attractive too.

Seems kind of obvious, but i have an example which happened today to prove my point. Like i said earlier, i became a lot more outgoing in my junior and senior years, and my social proof has skyrocketed because of it. Many women find me very attractive, but honestly I'm no 10. My friend, however, who many women (outside) of school think is the perfect 10, is not viewed as highly as me. Most HB's in my school would choose me over him, but step out of my element and most of them would take him over me.

Now the majority of the HB's you meet are going to be from your school, so your social proof needs to be highest here.

A few simple, yet effective ways of raising your social proof:
  1. Stop appearing desperate. Yes, you want to be popular, you want to go to the crazy parties, but don't give off that desperate vibe, seem like you have other options/better things to do.
  2. Get yourself out there and socialize! You have no idea how effective it is to just get yourself out there and have fun. Talk to anyone and everyone, be friendly towards not just the popular kids but towards everyone. You establish good social proof this way.
  3. Don't be so enthusiastic about everything. You ever notice how the alpha popular kid acts around people, he's always chill, never gets too excited about anything. When your excitement is soo much higher than the people your talking with, it turns them off to you.
  4. Have fun, so your not the most popular kid in the school, just be friends with whoever you can and have fun, after all it's only high school


Don Juan
Sep 28, 2006
Reaction score
Lowell, MA
im no jock at all im a stoner and i dress never with that kind of clothing and i have a terrible reputaition with every guy in school but my friends (small highschool..everyone knows everyone)

but yet even rthe preppy girls whos friends talk **** about me will sometimes even flirt with me and i wuld like to say reputaion doesnt matter at all as long as you have a place somewhere and arnt a total loser who know one knows then u can get *****


Senior Don Juan
Jun 29, 2006
Reaction score
naes420 said:
im no jock at all im a stoner and i dress never with that kind of clothing and i have a terrible reputaition with every guy in school but my friends (small highschool..everyone knows everyone)

but yet even rthe preppy girls whos friends talk **** about me will sometimes even flirt with me and i wuld like to say reputaion doesnt matter at all as long as you have a place somewhere and arnt a total loser who know one knows then u can get *****

Well, you have a rep, your probably known as a bad boy, so that actually helps you out with some of these girls. And true, if your not a total loser you can get "some" *****, but why settle for less than what you can?


Senior Don Juan
Dec 3, 2006
Reaction score
Berkshire, England
I don't fully agree with number 3. Enthusiasm and excitement can be a good thing, just not to huge extents. If your generally an enthusiastic person you give off good, happy vibes. These vibes generally make people want to hang around you more because being around you puts them in a good mood.


Don Juan
Sep 28, 2006
Reaction score
Lowell, MA
asdfghjkl said:
Well, you have a rep, your probably known as a bad boy, so that actually helps you out with some of these girls. And true, if your not a total loser you can get "some" *****, but why settle for less than what you can?
yeh mabye thats what everyone think but hwen peopel get to know me i am a way interesting person and fun to be around even when not getting stoned, you just need a shell even if it doesnt reflect your personality...stereotypes can work in your favour at first its gona help people come up to you and not you go up to them...but when you realy get to know someone you can act however you want

and as for number 3..do you want to be around a boring lame "chill" girl...no..**** no, you want to be around someone who makes your day to be around and puts a smile on ur face everytime you see them


Don Juan
Feb 27, 2007
Reaction score
Plec07 said:
I don't fully agree with number 3. Enthusiasm and excitement can be a good thing, just not to huge extents. If your generally an enthusiastic person you give off good, happy vibes. These vibes generally make people want to hang around you more because being around you puts them in a good mood.
Ok, i see where you and naes420 are both coming from, it is definitely better to be enthusiastic about things, but only to a certain extent. Yes, when you are enthusiastic about things you give off good vibes which do make you appear friendlier/more approachable, but on the same hand that guy with SO much more energy than everyone else is kind of laughed at and though of as weird.

You all know "that" guy, the guy who just starts beeming when a HB or a jock starts talking to him. You just don't want to talk with that guy too much, it's just too weird. On the other hand though you don't want to be too mellow because nobody likes that either. You have to find a nice balance that shows your an awesome guy but your also chill.


Don Juan
Sep 28, 2006
Reaction score
Lowell, MA
if u want to be a chill u gotta be good looking too or else it wont work

im very enthustactic toawrd me female firends an yet they same to adore me not hate me..