Who here lifts weights?


Senior Don Juan
Dec 3, 2005
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Lifting everyday is stupid. You'll never get much muscle growth if you don't give them a chance to recuperate.

I lift two times per week.

Bench 535

Squat 650

Deadlift 745

6-heads lewis

Master Don Juan
Aug 27, 2006
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Raikojo17 said:
every day bro, gotta stay sexy
not at all necessary. i go 3x/week for 1 hr, 6-8 work sets per day, all compound lifts, no direct arm work. Ive gained 30lbs in 4 months, still lean looking.

don't buy into the hype that pook started, and remember he had financial incentive to get you to work out (his lame referral to ellis' garbage). its not like youll suddenly have hbs dripping wet all around you, at least not for a few years and gifted genetics. 30lbs of mass and heavily improved lifts later i still dotn feel comfrtoable in a tight shirt. youll need to be very muscular and low body fat to get to this point, which takes much longer than anothny ellis proclaims. im not fully educated about steroids and will probably use them, but am terrified of speeding up the onset of baldness, since my hair is my best feature.

lifting is easy. eating is hard - very hard. from my experience, whatever is natyurally get big gets bigger, whatever is naturally small takes veyr long to increase. if u naturally have broad shoulders, big chest and arms, youre lucky.
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Master Don Juan
Aug 6, 2006
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It's important to feel good about yourself mentally and physically.

I hit the rack 3x a week, and the track 5x a week.

There's so many mental and physical benefits from working out, that you lazy bastards would benefit immensely from some time in the gym.


Master Don Juan
May 2, 2006
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Omaha, Nebraska
Mr_knowit_all said:
Lifting everyday is stupid. You'll never get much muscle growth if you don't give them a chance to recuperate.

I lift two times per week.

Bench 535

Squat 650

Deadlift 745

With numbers that gaudy, video evidence is necessary for belief. Otherwise they're nothing but E-Lifts.


Master Don Juan
May 9, 2003
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2 times a day, 7 days a week. Upper body only, big legs slow an athlete down and just look wierd. Plus big legs make your arms and legs look smaller in comparison. just focus on the important muscles - PECS and GUNS. high reps, get that pump. the muscle fills with blood which makes it bigger.

Here's my workout. Workout 1 is in the morning, workout 2 in the evening. Use machines as much as possible cuz they're just better and u dont have 2 worry bout form.

skull crushers (5x25)
standing bicep curl (5x25)
sitting bicep curl (5x25)
crouched bicep curl (5x15)
hammer curl (3x40)
wrist curl (3x25)

my arms are huge after this workout

noon - tanning, shaving, waxing, hair frosting, etc.

bench press (5x25)
flyes (5x50)
cable crossovers (5x40)
incline bench (5x20)
decline bench (5x20)

pecs are huge after this workout. chicks love them.

I do abs in the morning. remember dont eat too much, or your abs won't be visible.

goal is too look like Brad Pitt in fight club. no one will miess with you because he beat so much azz.

6-heads lewis

Master Don Juan
Aug 27, 2006
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i dont think this thread shouldve been moved, its silly for this question to be posed in the health and fitness forum where 90% of ppl come to discuss ways to improve their weightlifting techniques or give advice to new weightlifters.

it should be in the discussion forum where people who arent familiar with it can hear the pros/cons and choose to get into it themselves or not. we've already had a zillion 'whats your motivation' threads, this will undoubtedly turn into 1 zillion and 1.

6-heads lewis

Master Don Juan
Aug 27, 2006
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unregistered's routine is champion. i find that pumps looks the best when you're wearing spandex, preferably pink.


Senior Don Juan
Dec 3, 2005
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Skilla_Staz said:
With numbers that gaudy, video evidence is necessary for belief. Otherwise they're nothing but E-Lifts.
You want me to have someone record me doing the lifts? I'd be more than happy to. Or, you can come by my gym anytime and I'd be happy to do the lifts for you in person.

Don't be too intimidated; I was lifting what you are when I was 16.


Don Juan
Dec 17, 2006
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I don't have room for a bench and the local fitness club is substandard. So I do various exercises with dumbells. I installed a chin-up bar in a location that I walk through often, so it gets much use.

I do pushups, crunches and situps, hindu-squats, stretches, punching bag, and anything else that comes to mind. I purchased a book that shows different exercises and which muscles are worked by doing them. It is quite handy. I also fast every once in a while, and I watch my diet. I -NEVER- eat fast food, avoid MSG and corn syrup, and limit refined sugar intake.

A couple of years ago, I had let my body go to sh1t and had no energy, due to being depressed about being with my worthless wife. I was skinny everywhere except for a pot belly that was forming. I woke up one day and said "Fvck this sh1t" and started exercising. My shoulders broadened, my arms got much bigger, and I felt alive again. Now there is no going back! People that knew me from before compliment me on the change. It has prompted me to wear clothes that show off my progress.


Senior Don Juan
Aug 21, 2006
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Mr_knowit_all said:
You want me to have someone record me doing the lifts? I'd be more than happy to. Or, you can come by my gym anytime and I'd be happy to do the lifts for you in person.

Don't be too intimidated; I was lifting what you are when I was 16.

I look forward to seeing your 535lb bench! Get those videos as soon as possible :up:


Master Don Juan
Dec 10, 2006
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I lift weights about 3 times a week, about 45 mins at a time. I am kinda skinny at 6'0'' 166 lbs, but I'm not underweight or anything like that. I have lifted for a few months and I can't seem to put on any mass at all, and no weight gain. Here is my pic
I don't know what the problem is. I know I am a hard gainer though obviously. I use creatine and used whey for awhile, still no mass gain or weight. I have heard some ppl just can't put on mass because of genetics and bone structure, and narrow shoulders. I think I might be one of them. What do you guys think? Any suggestions? I would appreciate it. Just so you know, my max bench so far has been 175 lbs. And I curl with 35 lb dumbells. Not great I know, but when I started out i was really weak and could only bench 115 lbs about 5 times when i started, so it's been a big improvement with the strength, not mass.


Master Don Juan
Dec 10, 2006
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Oh, and to the guy that said he might use steroids. Well, I used them for a short time. Just 5 days, so it wasn't enough to build any mass. But, let me tell you, that shvt is fvcking incredible. I felt like a madman. I just kept lifting and lifting and lifting and never ever getting tired it was amazing. But, my biceps were SORE AS HELL the next day, I thought my arms was gonna fall off, so I quit them after 5 days, but it's your call if you wanna use them. A good way for some injuries I know that.

6-heads lewis

Master Don Juan
Aug 27, 2006
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ryan, what is your program like? and more importantly, what are you eating?

in your predicament, you shouldnt even know what you can curl, and you shouldnt list your bench ahead of your squat or deadlift.

i was a scrawny 140, everyone told me i was a hardgainer, had bad genetics, was wasting my time, blah blah blah. i had narrow shoulders, the arms of a pre-teen girl, shallow chest, you know the deal. i just followed the advice on this forum and gained weight quickly and without any hassle. i looked at eating as a job, not a luxury.

and it doesnt sound like you researched steroids... 5 days? and just cause you can curl 6000x in 1 workout without feeling tired it doesnt mean you should.

if you do the proper reserach on it, get all of the equipment before hand and plan properly, you can avoid injuries, man-tits, shriveled balls, etc.
Jul 22, 2005
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Unregistered said:
2 times a day, 7 days a week. Upper body only, big legs slow an athlete down and just look wierd. Plus big legs make your arms and legs look smaller in comparison. just focus on the important muscles - PECS and GUNS. high reps, get that pump. the muscle fills with blood which makes it bigger.

Here's my workout. Workout 1 is in the morning, workout 2 in the evening. Use machines as much as possible cuz they're just better and u dont have 2 worry bout form.

skull crushers (5x25)
standing bicep curl (5x25)
sitting bicep curl (5x25)
crouched bicep curl (5x15)
hammer curl (3x40)
wrist curl (3x25)

my arms are huge after this workout

noon - tanning, shaving, waxing, hair frosting, etc.

bench press (5x25)
flyes (5x50)
cable crossovers (5x40)
incline bench (5x20)
decline bench (5x20)

pecs are huge after this workout. chicks love them.

I do abs in the morning. remember dont eat too much, or your abs won't be visible.

goal is too look like Brad Pitt in fight club. no one will miess with you because he beat so much azz.
I give this a 10/10


Master Don Juan
Dec 10, 2006
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I will admit, I don't have the best diet. Since my body fat is like 5% or something really low, I know getting fat is a non issue because I just don't get fat EVER, so I pretty much eat everything. I heard the best thing to do if you are a skinny bastard is to EAT ,EAT and EAT SOMEMORE. I eat things like fish, lots of peanut butter, cereal, chicken, pasta. Nothing too bad for me. I do stay away from things like cake, candy, chocolates, stuff like that. I do drink about 16 oz of milk with every meal. Believe it or not, I do eat about 4 or 5 small meals a day. I heard that was the best thing to do. On mondays I do a chest, bicep and tricep workout. For example, I do bench press and I do 8 reps, then 6, then 4, 3, 2, 1 and I increase weight about 5 lbs every set. I've got up to a 175 1 rep max doing that. And, I do 2 sets of incline dumbell presses, 8 reps each. 35 lbs. Wednesdays, i work shoulders with alot of different exercises, doesn't take too long. About 30 mins, but it's a good workout because I am exhausted after it. It just doesn't take very long cause it's not like a bench where you have to constantly take weights off and add more. Then on Fridays, I work back with deadlifts, things like that. I'm not real good about the names of exercises, but I do more than just dead lift. Btw, I don't really squat that often. Btw, I will not do steroids again, there is not a chance. But, how much weight did you gain, and how did you do it 6-heads lewis? Oh, and to be honest, I can curl more than 35 lbs, but just a few times. Like, I could probably curl 50 lbs once or twice, but I don't do that because I like to do it 8 times a set.