Okay, since this is probably a valid question I'll try to give a more thorough answer.
Now, for most guys, you either have deload weeks (cruises) or downtimes (complete weeks off from the gym). Both serve their purpose and both have slightly different requirements.
If you are deloading (still doing cardio, still working out but with lighter weights, maybe skipping a workout) then your protein requirements are less obviously but still should be fairly high because you can and will still grow in this time despite not making any more strength gains; the 'afterburn' from your previous hard workouts will see to this supercompensation. Thus you only drop a meal's worth of protein and carbs/fats which for most guys in 50-80g of protein and about the same in carbs.
Now, -if- you've been shovelling down 2g protein, drinking your fluids, training hard and doing cardio your metabolism will be roaring so you can expect (keeping up cardio) to lose some extra bodyfat these two weeks (as is typical of deload periods), maybe not noticeably but over time it adds up.
If you're taking downtime from the gym as a trip to Europe would consist, then use this time to give your digestive system a rest; don't stress about meals or eating, get your sanity back - eating 6-8 meals a day each and every day, trying your damndest not to miss any takes a mental toll as well. Take this time to reset yourself mentally and physically. Eat junk every day if you want. Eat foods you'd not usually eat. Don't stress over staying up late or not getting enough sleep. Your roaring metabolism (as above) will still be in overdrive so you won't get noticeably fatter. Just use this time to get away from the bodybuilder lifestyle which, admittedly, dominates otherwise your life.
You can train hard for 3-4 months (periods of heavy training and deload weeks) but every now and again you NEED complete downtime. It's good for you physically and mentally. If you lose strength you'll gain it back really quickly, don't sweat it. Enjoy yourself!