My 'Christmas' Internet Ad.

May 23, 2006
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Ads that were circulated that I was a virgin looking for a deflower have been pulled off, or subscriptions on adult sites were allowed to expire.

A new round of ads are going to invade the internet, where I'm portraying myself as 'Santa's Helper'. A Santa hat was bought, where I'm going to put on my head and take some internet photo shots. Ad profile goes 'ho ho ho, and portrays myself as a great guy that's only available to girls who have been good this year, and the ladies have to qualify themselves by explaining how they have been good this year. And I come wrapped and they get a boyfriend or great time under their Christmas tree from Santa for being a good girl and a kiss under the mistletoe - (didn't put that in the profile yet, but may later).

The places that where this will be experimented on will be lavalife and plentyoffish up to Christmas day to check for response impact.

I'm still on the process of editing the profile to take out any negative statements or anything that would make me look like a Santa 'player'.


Jul 8, 2005
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San Antonio
HAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHHAHAH, dude ur so gay u make me laugh at your pathetic attempts to get laid


Senior Don Juan
Nov 26, 2006
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I don't get quite get this, but I read part of the other thread. Luke, have you ever been laid? Sheer curiosity. And what's your purpose for all these wacky experiments? You plan on writing a book or something?

Francisco d'Anconia

Master Don Juan
Jul 10, 2003
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Galt's Gulch
Is it February already? Wow, time surely flies.


Master Don Juan
Nov 15, 2004
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This is actually a good idea and has potential, but it's likely to become unfruitful as every other "experiment" Luke has done. I loved how your parents c0ckblocked you last time.


Jul 27, 2005
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Kingston, Can-a-duh
Haha, I never bothered reading that old thread...

All I can say is that if you're going to that much of an extent...and honestly think it'll work, or it's your only hope...then man...what the're a complete loser.

Please...tell us you got laid with the last thread idea...... *starts hacking in preparation*
May 23, 2006
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Docs said:
Please...tell us you got laid with the last thread idea...... *starts hacking in preparation*
I'm not looking for a casual girl to get laid with at this time, but looking for a normal girl.
May 23, 2006
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md3sign said:
I don't get quite get this, but I read part of the other thread. Luke, have you ever been laid? Sheer curiosity. And what's your purpose for all these wacky experiments? You plan on writing a book or something?
To see if they work. Concerned with a chance of getting laid or finding a suitable mate or whatever. There is also an element of having a good time by expressing myself - and the idea is if I have some fun with my profile then people may be intrigued and say - this profile has some 'personality', this guy is intelligent, creative and whitty and that would increase display value WITHOUT SAYING A SINGLE THING ABOUT MYSELF, and see what type of people would take it on.

This such profiles express personality, and then you have the pic. Hard information such as what I do, what I'm looking for, or any more 'serious specifics' or personal stuff is excluded.

Same design with the adult profiles, a single concept or tone may be expressed, but there is no information about what I do, who I am, how much I make, etc...... so I just express personality on these profiles.


Don Juan
Dec 21, 2003
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LOL!!! Brilliant!!! Luke Skywalker your posts make my sides split with laughter!!! I really hope your humour/wit gets you laid!!! Good luck mate...
May 23, 2006
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Desdinova said:
This is actually a good idea and has potential, but it's likely to become unfruitful as every other "experiment" Luke has done. I loved how your parents c0ckblocked you last time.
Parents are unlikely to c0ckblock meeting someone for friendship or relationship from a normal internet website. There still has been nasty experiences with one girl I was hung-up on that sort of fvcked with my head (but thanks to that I tried out adultfriendfinder because I was so pissed with her, and wouldn't have tried it out otherwise), and other than the fact nothing worked out, they are still reasonably 'safe' venues from their stand-point as girls you meet generally wont jump into your pants.

Adult sites are not safe in their view expecially when I'm propositioning a girl to help me out and jump into my pants and the meeting is for that intended purpose, for her to 'crack' me. In a sence, if I just told my dad or parents I was meeting someone for coffee from lavalife, they likely would have done nothing about it. It is due to the fact I was not ready, and close to my dad that I esteemed to be looser than my mom, that I talked to him about the whole thing, and he discouraged the idea threatening to tell mom on me if I went along.

Secondly, my mom has this spiritual antenna and knows about all my communications on the internet, like a psychic, I swear this is true, she knew I was communicating on the internet for sex, she can sence what I'm typing.
May 23, 2006
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This ad style is inverse. Instead of crying out for help or favours, this ad portrays me as a gift. It's positive, upbeat and simply has a different punch.


Don Juan
Dec 21, 2003
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Luke, just a few things mate - Sence is spelt sense and whitty is spelt as witty! These rather light mistakes may cost you dearly!


Master Don Juan
Oct 3, 2005
Reaction score
I am sorry

But your problem is that you don't listen and look for an easy way. We have provided you with the answers and you don't do what is said. That is why so many people on here think you are a loser. So why don't you do something about it? Consider this:
1. Reading the DJ bible.
2. Approaching girls
3. Stay off this forum until you have actually done something.

Looking on the internet for girls, won't solve your problem. You will still be a pathetic loser with no life.
May 23, 2006
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I got three prospects who wanted to have sex with me, as compared to nothing, and people want to say that I'm a loser, what a joke. I won. I could have gotten laid if I wanted to by hbs off the internet - and I posted an 'ok' pic of myself too.

Thus far I've got one smiley back from a girl who appreciates my wacky sence of humour and have yet to correspond to her to see how it goes. Trust me, a woman that appreciates the humour on that ad may be worth spending time with.

The Adult Online Ad was a success to get three willing and available prospects, all of which have been notified that I'm waiting until February.
Thus, that has also been successful.

Now, I may not pull 10-20 people from these internet ads, but that's not my goal either, just want to connect with the right cool people, and to that extent, there has been success on the other thread, and likely this thread to.

Women love humour and an ad like this portrays a wacky humorous side.

Point - any ad I put up can attract the right types of women - this one has a ****y & funny balance right on it. I have no complaints and am happy with the results. I know if I want to get laid I dont have to pay for it and still go with a hot girl from the internet. That helps with confidence to know that with proper work, you can meet anyone online.

I admire skip, and other people on here who are successful with the internet.


I do have an agenda to go to Christmas parties, churches or other events. But the internet is cool because you can do other things, and let the internet do the work for you.


Master Don Juan
Oct 3, 2005
Reaction score
The difference between you and skip.

Skip can get laid in person. You on the otherhand are looking for an easy way out. Skip without the skills he has in person could not get laid. You can use the internet, but if you are looking for that as the only way out you will not get laid. Therefore, building up skills talking to girls in person, breaking the shyness barrier will solve your problem. If at that point you have proven you can do things without the internet then you can do it. You so far have shown that you can't do either. It is like trying learn to ride a bike by reading the manuals over and over again then never acutally practicing riding the bike. Then you expect to be able to ride the bike after one try? I don't think so.


Master Don Juan
Oct 3, 2005
Reaction score
Let me tell you this:

I have been where you were before. The difference is I acted. I didn't look for an easy way out. I put in an effort. The more you talk to girls the better you get.
May 23, 2006
Reaction score
I could have gotten laid if I was 'ready'.

crossboss said:
Skip can get laid in person. You on the otherhand are looking for an easy way out. Skip without the skills he has in person could not get laid.
I didn't get laid because my dad did not give me permission to see a girl where anything could have happened. Re-read my adult online ad three times. That's why I'm going after a tad more 'safer' girls.

I dont know which part you dont understand.

crossboss said:
You can use the internet, but if you are looking for that as the only way out you will not get laid.
I'm losing patience. I could have got laid three times this week if I wanted to.
I wasn't ready for it. End of story. The internet worked. Whether or not I'm ready for it is another story. That's another thing, the only thing skip differs from me is focus. If I end up to screwing up from my own end a virtually clear opportunity of getting laid, then imagine how much more worst it will be if I actually have to game women and all that? The reason nothing would work is due to confusion and lack of focus, has nothing to do with skills.

I am an attractive guy, and could get laid in person if I wanted to and know that, without much game.

So, what part do you not understand? I used the internet, got three prospects that would have done me if I pursued it, but didn't pursue it as I wasn't ready for it.


Master Don Juan
Oct 3, 2005
Reaction score
Well It seems

It seems like the reason why you are on here is to get laid. You come asking advice on how to get laid. So why be on here asking questions when you already have the skills?