Maximus Rex
To: Fellow Leykis 101 Students
From: Omnipotens Maximus Rex
Subject: Operation Bang High School Senior
Race: Cauasian, possibly Latina
Ethnicity: Itlalian, possibly some other Latin America influence
Height: 5ft-5'2"
[/b]Weight: 140-150 lbs
Eye Color: Brown
Hair Color: Brown
Hair Texture: Wavy
Age: 18
Measurments Possibly 38C, 32, 34D, 34 waist, 34 or 36 hips.
Short Term Objective: To secure contact information and a date
Long Term Objective: Really raunchy, intense sexual encounter with a female that was born in the 1980's.
Description The target is a short, stout, young lady with the fat on her body concentrated in her abominal region. Though the target is chubbier than OMR would prefer, she's definiately "doable." The target is a very pretty girl with a cherubic face, puffy cheeks, clear skin, a small nose, thin lips, and a small nose ring her left nostril. Unfortnately the target has a double chin. OMR is in the opinion that if the target where to start an excerise regime and form better eating habits, the target could easily go from a 6 1/2 to a HB 9.
The target is also one of those people who are capable of "height projection." In other words she's appears taller than what she actually is. OMR knew she was short, but didn't realize how short, under he was within a foot of the target.
The target is very curvey has a nice chest, and a wonderful ass.
Personality: Primarily reconnaissance revealed that target is very shy. OMR noticed that in previous conservation, that the target wouldn't look OMR in the eye and the target is very soft-spoken.
Recon taken last month that target is single. When questioned about dates to the Snowball (winter formal) and her prom, the target revealed that she would attend the Snowball alone and have a date for the prom. If the target had a boyfriend, she would've said that who she's going to the functions with.
Recon taken a view weeks back revealed the target may have a bit of "wild streak," waiting to come out. Recon revealed that in her entire life, the target has only missed Mass four times and the target said, "That she hates going to church. Church would be better if there were "cute guys," but there's only old people there." Recon also reveal that the target is anxiously awaiting graduation so that she can move out of her mother's house.
The target may suffer from slight emotional problems and insecurities. Recon revealed that the target's parents have an acrimonous relationship. Plans for the target's sweet 16 fell apart due to the parents inability to get along. Also as with most women, the target probably has issues concerning her weight.
Obstacles Rust, due to inactivity. Racial differences. Possible scheduling conflicts.
SummaryOMR has been inactive for quite awhile and it's time to "shake the dust off." The target will provide OMR with that opporunity. What OMR needs to do is establish rapport and comfortability. If OMR is successful in establishing rapport and comfortability, then he'll secure the contact information, the date will be a more than likely be a "done deal." The target sends of IOI's by ignitating conversation. It's up to OMR to make the target see ORM in a romantic light to facillitate a sexual encounter. OMR plans on using Louis And Copeland's "How To Succed With Women," method to secure the ass. OMR should be filing another report on 30 November 2006.
From: Omnipotens Maximus Rex
Subject: Operation Bang High School Senior
Race: Cauasian, possibly Latina
Ethnicity: Itlalian, possibly some other Latin America influence
Height: 5ft-5'2"
[/b]Weight: 140-150 lbs
Eye Color: Brown
Hair Color: Brown
Hair Texture: Wavy
Age: 18
Measurments Possibly 38C, 32, 34D, 34 waist, 34 or 36 hips.
Short Term Objective: To secure contact information and a date
Long Term Objective: Really raunchy, intense sexual encounter with a female that was born in the 1980's.
Description The target is a short, stout, young lady with the fat on her body concentrated in her abominal region. Though the target is chubbier than OMR would prefer, she's definiately "doable." The target is a very pretty girl with a cherubic face, puffy cheeks, clear skin, a small nose, thin lips, and a small nose ring her left nostril. Unfortnately the target has a double chin. OMR is in the opinion that if the target where to start an excerise regime and form better eating habits, the target could easily go from a 6 1/2 to a HB 9.
The target is also one of those people who are capable of "height projection." In other words she's appears taller than what she actually is. OMR knew she was short, but didn't realize how short, under he was within a foot of the target.
The target is very curvey has a nice chest, and a wonderful ass.
Personality: Primarily reconnaissance revealed that target is very shy. OMR noticed that in previous conservation, that the target wouldn't look OMR in the eye and the target is very soft-spoken.
Recon taken last month that target is single. When questioned about dates to the Snowball (winter formal) and her prom, the target revealed that she would attend the Snowball alone and have a date for the prom. If the target had a boyfriend, she would've said that who she's going to the functions with.
Recon taken a view weeks back revealed the target may have a bit of "wild streak," waiting to come out. Recon revealed that in her entire life, the target has only missed Mass four times and the target said, "That she hates going to church. Church would be better if there were "cute guys," but there's only old people there." Recon also reveal that the target is anxiously awaiting graduation so that she can move out of her mother's house.
The target may suffer from slight emotional problems and insecurities. Recon revealed that the target's parents have an acrimonous relationship. Plans for the target's sweet 16 fell apart due to the parents inability to get along. Also as with most women, the target probably has issues concerning her weight.
Obstacles Rust, due to inactivity. Racial differences. Possible scheduling conflicts.
SummaryOMR has been inactive for quite awhile and it's time to "shake the dust off." The target will provide OMR with that opporunity. What OMR needs to do is establish rapport and comfortability. If OMR is successful in establishing rapport and comfortability, then he'll secure the contact information, the date will be a more than likely be a "done deal." The target sends of IOI's by ignitating conversation. It's up to OMR to make the target see ORM in a romantic light to facillitate a sexual encounter. OMR plans on using Louis And Copeland's "How To Succed With Women," method to secure the ass. OMR should be filing another report on 30 November 2006.