First thing List all your weaknesses and one by one try to improve on all of them. For example if you need to get in shape go to the gym. Second of all rejection is better than regretting, your scared of being alone make that your motivation dont be scared of rejection be scared of lonelyness, evertime you get scared to make an approach think about what it would be like to be b@lls deep in some pvsyy by the end of the night and how bad you will feel if you go home alone and remember the only way to get this is by making an approach. Even the best looking guys get rejected sometimes just look at getting rejected is nothing to be ashamed of everyman on this board has been rejected at some time in his life. Third thing to help with nerves list possible questions that a girl may ask you and think of the perfect answer. Examples of questions that usually come up, where do you live, what are you interests etc if you have an answer prepared for every possible question then you will never be lost for words. One question that a lot of guys get stuck on is when a girl asks "What are you thinking" prepare a canned response and then you wont be stuck for an answer. Also talk about subjects that girls like to talk about such as where they have been, life experiences etc and try to share interests. Maintain good eye contact when talking to a girl and have a confident tone of voice, never be to nice and show initiative. If you are not good at eye contact then practice eye contact in a normal conversation and then when your chatting up a girl it will come more naturally. When flirting I would advise you concentrate more on eye contact and Kino as this is more effective in my experience. You are in control of your own destiny.
How I approach a girl. First of all get eye contact and smile if she smiles back go over, if she doesnt dont. Then go over and say Hi and introduce yourself after she introduces herself then try to make an observational oppener if not use a canned oppener for example so what brings you here tonight, try to make a conversation out of this. If she has anything you can make a conversation out of then use it for example "I love your accent where are you from". Always ask open ended questions for example instead of do you work out, ask so how do you keep in such good shape as this encourages more than just a yes or no answer. Dont use to many compliments, you aint gonna impress her by telling her how great she is you will impress her by showing her how great you are and you do this through smiling, using eye contact and being playful and through flirting. Also try to make friends with her friends as this will get them on your side and improve your chances. If you do get her number then wait 2-3 days to call her dont say do you wanna meet up say so when we meeting up, and dont ask her where do you wanna meet up suggest somewhere to meet up as this shows initiative.