REJECTION terms I have made up:

May 23, 2006
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Mutual rejection: Both parties reject each other. You dont like her, she doesn't like you. Even.

Simple rejection: The girl blows off a move, whether it is to get a number, kiss, or any type of action or even to communicate with her. B-shields may be false simple rejections. LJBF is also a simple rejection. Usually in the context that you know the girl for a bit before making a move as opposed to cold approaching.

Time space: immediately upon making a move.

Beta rejection: The girl is in a prime position (ie. inexperienced virgin looking for a relationship, a 'serious' girl as opposed to a 'casual' one) and there is some interest in each other. However, another alpha male (usually a player) comes, takes her, and then leaves her as damaged goods afterwards, whereby the girl has either gotten pregnant, or has developed a resentment for men. Meanwhile you are left out.

Girl may appear not to be rejecting moves, but where the real decisions or action comes it's with another guy. For example, rather than LJBFed, she may be making up excuses about not having relationships with anyone, or give the appearance of having no other 'relatoinships', but there is always a hidden (or obvious) player or alpha guy somewhere that get's the prize.

Time-space: Long time spaces - usually a week to a month.


Other categories of rejection may be forthcoming as I'm an expert in rejection.


Master Don Juan
Mar 23, 2006
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Loss Vaygus, NV
This is why you fail and why you need to try to come to this site for advice. If rejection is such a prevalent issue with you that you need to make up new terms for it, you're doing something wrong.

How about this for new rejection ideas, there is no rejection, there is just you not doing your job well enough to get and keep her interested.

Ace of Flames

Master Don Juan
Jan 11, 2006
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Everywhere you want to be.... I'm like a Visa card
Yeah, I agree with S1NN3R. Don't focus on the negative.

Your soul is riddled with self-fulfilling prophicies. Harmful ones. Work on that.

Ace of Flames

Master Don Juan
Jan 11, 2006
Reaction score
Everywhere you want to be.... I'm like a Visa card
Call_Me_Daddy said:
I think he should listen to the Tom Leykis show.

What do you guys think?
Don't plug stuff like that when you have it right there in your sig. Blatent advertising is bad.

Forum foul.


Master Don Juan
Nov 15, 2004
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Beta rejection: The girl is in a prime position (ie. inexperienced virgin looking for a relationship, a 'serious' girl as opposed to a 'casual' one) and there is some interest in each other. However, another alpha male (usually a player) comes, takes her, and then leaves her as damaged goods afterwards, whereby the girl has either gotten pregnant, or has developed a resentment for men. Meanwhile you are left out.
I thought that was already called getting AMOGed

Other categories of rejection may be forthcoming as I'm an expert in rejection.
Well, at least your out there doing something. I have to ask, how are you making these rejections work for you? Are you using them as fuel to work at becoming more successful? Are you discovering that certain things in your game aren't working?

Try finding the common denominator. Once you find what's common among all your rejections, remove it and your success rate will start going up.


Master Don Juan
Nov 26, 2005
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Call_Me_Daddy said:
I think he should listen to the Tom Leykis show.

What do you guys think?
Flag on the play. 5 yard penalty!

Tsk tsk.
May 23, 2006
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Desdinova said:
I thought that was already called getting AMOGed
AMOG doesn't include baggage or fallout on the girl, resulting in secondary rejections (i.e. you are rejected again in a sence now that she has baggage arising from being used by a player) in it's defination scope, does it?


Master Don Juan
Jan 30, 2003
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At home
With all respect, you sound like those geeks at masf that talk like if they were at war with some jet fighters:

"this is maverick, over, I'm engaging a target with negs and c&f"
"this is goose, abort, I REPEAT, ABORT, the target has a UG 4 CB, wait for me"
"copy that, ... I will engage the target in indirect action with a hypnotic attention getter with a couple of DGBs and ATTs"
"copy that maverick, I hear you"
"MAYDAY MAYDAY! I'M HIT!! The target is hitting me while de UG 4 CB is holding me down with her hairy and strong arms!"

How has your progress gone? How many kisses? Just go for it man.
May 23, 2006
Reaction score
Ace of Flames said:
Yeah, I agree with S1NN3R. Don't focus on the negative.

Your soul is riddled with self-fulfilling prophicies. Harmful ones. Work on that.
Yes, you are right. How do I do that - it seems so part of my personality.

Let me review some of the powerful rejections this year and see how they would relate to a rejection schema: Hopefully there will be enough information to get to the root of self-fulfilling prophecies.

- I have a book that collects 'rejection data' - where if enough rejections are obtained, I'm rewarded by being allowed to view porn in November, go to a strip club, massage parlour and possibly a hooker. If the rejections are insufficient then that wont be allowed on that month, and it would go back to zero.

Reason: rejection by a girl whose birthday was around November - rejection occurred in 2002.

So, this 'book' could actually be producing some sort of 'profit' behind rejection schemes if I have a powerful porn addiction and I haven't viewed porn since April having abstained from it. However - I do want to get rid of porn - I just want the only premise to be viewing it to be that all women suck and they all reject me despite I give the best to them of myself - or replace the word of 'all' to 'most' with and put a score chart to make it scientifically accurate rather than going to off-tangent absolutes.

- I've read bootcamps here that say, go for the rejections, dont worry about the number, if you get 10 rejections, then that's cool.

So, these are constructs, both on this board, and personal that would favour 'rejection records' or produce a profit behind a rejection indirectly.

- Other feelings of non-confidence, inadequacy, or 'involunbary celibacy' arising from lack of experience over a elongated length of time (or rather lack of 'positive experience' - assuming rejections are experiences, which they are, there is no shortage of negative experiences). But these feelings are rationally based on prior rejections - or interpretations of prior experiences as being negative rejections.

Ace of Flames

Master Don Juan
Jan 11, 2006
Reaction score
Everywhere you want to be.... I'm like a Visa card
You think too much Luke. Really. Its not a science.

I read your posts and I think of some scientist in a lab, wearing eye goggles and a white lab coat and rubber gloves. When you post, its like reading a thesis paper or something. You make this entire process soooo much harder than it has to be. Stop using your head. Its ruining you.


Master Don Juan
Jun 28, 2006
Reaction score
Ace of Flames said:
Don't plug stuff like that when you have it right there in your sig. Blatent advertising is bad.

Forum foul.
I'm giving him advice on how not to be a pvssy. This is not a real product you douche. It's a show ON THE RADIO.

It's like telling the guy to watch more Discovery channel if he don't know **** about animals. << OH NO!! I just "advertised" for the Discovery Channel!!! OMG!

Ace of Flames

Master Don Juan
Jan 11, 2006
Reaction score
Everywhere you want to be.... I'm like a Visa card
Call_Me_Daddy said:
I'm giving him advice on how not to be a pvssy. This is not a real product you douche. It's a show ON THE RADIO.

It's like telling the guy to watch more Discovery channel if he don't know **** about animals.
Doesn't matter. You don't have to be selling something to advertise it. Duh. Do you watch commercials? They advertise TV shows all the time.

The point is, you have it right there in your sig. There's no need to mention it again in your posts, especially with the big letters. Besides, I've seen you doing this in a number of threads. You just pop in and post about how great this guy is or whatever, and that's your "advice". You aren't really helping anyone that way.


Master Don Juan
Jun 28, 2006
Reaction score
Ace of Flames said:
Doesn't matter. You don't have to be selling something to advertise it. Duh. Do you watch commercials? They advertise TV shows all the time.

The point is, you have it right there in your sig. There's no need to mention it again in your posts, especially with the big letters. Besides, I've seen you doing this in a number of threads. You just pop in and post about how great this guy is or whatever, and that's your "advice". You aren't really helping anyone that way.
I REALLY don't want to spend pages, and pages, and pages, and pages, writing just to help out star wars nerd here. For his problems... it would take way too much time from me and I'm not getting paid for it. So **** that.

So, instead I am trying to refer him to something I listen to. It really helped me out so I am trying to do the same for him.

And as far as this advertising. The commercials advertise for shows... yes. But you PAY for that ****. There is no such thing as free cable.

But the radio is.

And as for my sig. If you bothered to visit the site instead of spewing crap from that mouth of yours... you would have seen that it's also FREE (just like radio). It's hosted by one of the guy's fans, and he does this by DONATIONS.
May 23, 2006
Reaction score
Ace of Flames said:
You think too much Luke. Really. Its not a science.

I read your posts and I think of some scientist in a lab, wearing eye goggles and a white lab coat and rubber gloves. When you post, its like reading a thesis paper or something. You make this entire process soooo much harder than it has to be. Stop using your head. Its ruining you.
What kind of advice is this? Don't think, it's ruining you. That's really helpful.
May 23, 2006
Reaction score
SamePendo said:
How has your progress gone? How many kisses? Just go for it man.
Absolutely no luck - that's why I have a rejection book. That's why I may go on a porn vacation on November. I probably have more rejections than anyone else on this board. If I could get a dollar for every rejection, I'd be rich, too bad they dont pay.


Master Don Juan
Jun 28, 2006
Reaction score
Luke Skywalker said:
What kind of advice is this? Don't think, it's ruining you. That's really helpful.
Here is an example:

I put my had in hot water... I got "HOLY HELL THAT HURTS!! I feel the pain, and I quickly pull my hand out by reflex."

You on the other hand put your hand in the water, look at the thermometer and see how hot it is then you pull it out.

Do you see what I mean?

You DON'T need to think so much. If you spent half the time thinking like this about money, and investing... you would be rich and have all the babes drooling for you. But instead... you waste.

Well, keep wasting Luke.


Master Don Juan
Nov 15, 2004
Reaction score
Luke, I honestly don't know what the fvck you're doing wrong to recieve so many goddam rejections. Even a blind man will hit a nail with a hammer if he keeps trying. Have you even landed a date with any of these women that you're approaching? Have you collected any phone numbers?

It's difficult to get a real feel for what you're interactions are like on a message board. Go get yourself a tape recorder, record your interactions with these women, and put them up for downloading. That might give us a better idea of what you're doing wrong.
May 23, 2006
Reaction score
Call_Me_Daddy said:
You DON'T need to think so much. If you spent half the time thinking like this about money, and investing... you would be rich and have all the babes drooling for you. But instead... you waste.

Well, keep wasting Luke.
I just made a career move today - and think I'm going to be rich not too long from now.

Anyway, we are talking about INDIAN girls - I seem fixitated with that racial sub-type like a virus. The fact that I'm not Indian or White myself may reduce my chances since I'm not in either racial category.