FR: Around the world trip Part 1


Jul 8, 2006
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Melbourne (Aus) Little Bahma (Bahamas) Marbella (S
Part 1 Australia to Spain, Day 1-6
Sitting at Sydney airport awaiting my plane which apparently for security reasons has been delayed 4 hours (that means a security guard saw a guy Part 1 Australia to Spain, Day 1-6
Sitting at Sydney airport awaiting my plane which apparently for security reasons has been delayed 4 hours (that means a security guard saw a guy wearing a turban in the airport and went nuts), not a great start to my world tour but it gave me time to mingle.

HB9 sitting next to me obviously stressed out, I noticed earlier that night her family had left her at the airport guess they had more pressing matter than seeing their relative off. I see her eyeing me with a seductive look on her face there is only one thing she could be thinking about……. So I began my approach.

Me: What do you think is going on?

Her: What? (Spanish accent)

Me: The plane, security reasons, maybe its terrorists

Her: Hehehe, terrorists I don’t think so, maybe the pilot slept in

(I sit down beside her)

Me: I’m Levi (I shake her hand with my right hand and put my left hand on her shoulder)

Her: Abegail (Smiles and shakes my hand)

Me: I’m going to tell you something personal……… promise not to laugh?

Her: I will try my best, but no promises

Me: Well terrorists I’m not afraid of, spiders neither and I’m fine with snakes to butttt flying I’m a nervous flyer

Her: Hahaha well then we have something in common

Me: (smiling) I’m guessing you live in Spain (because of her accent)

Her: Correct

(Message over the speakers my plane is ready for boarding)

Me: What seat are you in?

Her: (tells me her seat number)

Me: Well it looks like we won’t be seeing each other again…… It was nice to meet you (I kiss her on the cheek and she kissed back)

Cut a long story short we boarded the plane, I was seated across from Abegail, I asked a nice elderly lady if she wanted to switch seats with me so she could have a window seat and I could sit next to Abegail. She agreed (Yeyyyy) me and Abegail spent most of the flight talking about marriage, sex, life, love and everything in between.
(We saw a elderly married couple sitting close to us they were holding hand and talking, we could not hear what they were saying but it was obvious that after however many years of marriage these people were still in love)

Me: That’s amazing
Her: What is?

Me: How long do you think those 2 have been married?

Her: I’m not sure

Me: Well you can guess that its at least 20 years and look at them they look like they are still in love.

Her: (Smiles)

Me: Do you believe in love?

We got into a conversation about love and after a while our hands met and we started twiddling our pinkies together eventually we were holding hands. Later I got up to go to the toilet and on my way back I took one of those writing pads and a pencil they give to kids. I’m a good drawer so I go back to my chair and I do a portrait of her. I touched her face a lot during the process and when I finished the picture I wrote her name under it as “Abigail” she told me I spelt it wrong but she adored the portrait. She then took it upon herself to teach me Spanish there was a lot of kino there she touched my face a lot and I kept hitting her playfully. She fell asleep on my shoulder and we had a nice breakfast together on our stopover. She is a hopeless romantic and we got along very well, by the time we landed in Spain I could tell she didn’t want to leave me…..

Her: Where are you staying?

Me: AC Palcio

Her: Ohhh it is beautiful, do you know how to get there?

Me: (I knew perfectly well how to get to the hotel) No I thought I’d just come here and find my own way I don’t like maps

Her: I can show you??

Me: (smile and grab her hand) Let’s go

We went to the hotel and I checked in, she decides to come up with me (I love foreign women sooo direct), we get to the room and she walks in with me.

Her: I have never been inside this hotel

Me: (adjust my bearings spot the fridge) Do you want a drink?

So we had a few drinks, we started having a lot of kino playfully hitting each other and so on. Then I read her palm, I took a palm reading course a few years ago so I know how to do it properly. From palm reading we moved onto kissing and then sex. The sex was unbelievable anybody from America or Australia take my advice and travel to Europe YOU WILL LOVE IT. It wasn’t just fu*king It was slow and sensual like nothing I have ever experienced.

I spent the next 5 days with her she took me around Madrid all we did was walk and talk, museums, galleries it is a beautiful city.

When it was time for me to go she didn’t want to part and I have to admit I didn’t want to either (I have never been in love but I think with this girl I was beginning to have some real feelings) we exchanged numbers and we devised a plan to meet again in just over a week. Now I promised myself it was just going to be one night stands but if you guys saw this girl. Abegail she was all I thought about for the next few days when I got to my hotel in St Tropez I had an interesting message waiting there from her.

What a start to a round the world tour, before I even left the country I met a beautiful Spanish girl.

Name: Abegal
Occupation: Studying
Age: 21
Nationality: Spanish
Looks: 9/10
Personality: 10/10
Notes: Resembles Salma Hayek

P.S. I have been on Sosuave before this is only my first post from this account.
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Master Don Juan
May 9, 2005
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On The Road to Self-Improvement


AngelusPUA said:
Me: I’m going to tell you something personal……… promise not to laugh?
I don't know if you meant to do this or not, but this is golden. The "promise not to laugh part" is just golden. It makes her interested in what you are going to say. It makes her want to find out what comes next. Plus, it makes it seem like it will be FUNNY. It is like an indication that good times (laughing) are ahead (in the following seconds) and as humans, we all want to feel good.

AngelusPUA said:
P.S. I have been on Sosuave before this is only my first post from this account.
What other accounts have you had?


Jul 8, 2006
Reaction score
Melbourne (Aus) Little Bahma (Bahamas) Marbella (S
My old account hasn't been used in a while, I cant remember it exactly "B-Lemond"......

Stay tuned for my trip to Croatia where i slept with a real life porn star. No kidding she told me she was a pornstar and showed me the website to prove it.

ONCE AGAIN PEOPLE GO TO EUROPE porn stars, hot chicks, crazy nightclubs inside fu*king castels its nuts.

Oh and thanks guys.


Master Don Juan
Jan 30, 2003
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At home
Isn't her name Abigail?

Oh, great stuff.


Don Juan
Jul 23, 2005
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Omg thats freaking amazing man that's great stuff, movie material. That's exactly what I want to experience when I'm older. How old are you and are you travelling alone? I want to do this when I'm older. Keep us updated mate because that first part was excellent.


Jul 8, 2006
Reaction score
Melbourne (Aus) Little Bahma (Bahamas) Marbella (S
"Alittude" I’m 21 and I was traveling alone.

"SamePendo" about her name, I to made the mistake of writing it as "Abigail" little did I know I was going to have to endure hours of Spanish lessons due to.

Ok in English it’s spelt Abigail in Spanish its spelt Abegail.

I didn’t really mind the Spanish lessons she was giving though and I'm Italian so it was easy to understand, plus it’s a very sexy language.


Don Juan
Oct 11, 2005
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AngelusPUA said:
My old account hasn't been used in a while, I cant remember it exactly.
So what is it? You obviously DO remember.

Well then, Mr. Back2theMack/h20/black_italian/etc. why don't you tell us how you escalated kino?

Why don't you tell us how you even started talking about sex in the FIRST place?

Anyone can make up a story like that and not know ANYTHING about seduction.



Jul 8, 2006
Reaction score
Melbourne (Aus) Little Bahma (Bahamas) Marbella (S
Harp said:
So what is it? You obviously DO remember.

Well then, Mr. Back2theMack/h20/black_italian/etc. why don't you tell us how you escalated kino?

Why don't you tell us how you even started talking about sex in the FIRST place?

Anyone can make up a story like that and not know ANYTHING about seduction.

Your right man I really should have added what I used that’s the essence of a true FR techniques, so yeh my bad ok I’ll fix it. I will edit the post man