Pimping a Club Alone...


Master Don Juan
Jun 19, 2006
Reaction score
Everyone tells you everywhere, "YOU LOOK WIERD @ A CLUB BY YOURSELF" and well 95% of people do, but its possible and likely you can be the 5% of people that don't look desperate or loserish or stalkerish or whatever...

Not going to right the whole FR because I gotta do somethings in a few minutes but about a year ago while still in the game I went to a small type of club (3 floors maybe 300 or so people) by myself and ended up getting head in the bathroom, no f*ck because no extraction point (no car, ehh i suck)

Got to the club, looked pimp as hell. Before I go on let me emphasize how important style is, if you walk into a club and have more style than 99% of the people in the club and look better than say ehhh 50% of them you instantly eliminate the... "wow that guys creepy" vibe. Anyway, I got to the club decided not to drink and scanned the place for about 5 minutes @ the bar...

I noticed the hottest HB's on the floor (HB8.5, HB9 Latinos) rejecting all the suckers approaching them whilst they were dancing with each other (ughh fools) I decided that would be my conquest for the night, but put them out of my mind for a while since they were in 'princess' mood and had enough suitors. Went upstairs partied and danced by MYSELF haha and looked stupid until people realized i didn't really give a **** and girls started to leave their co-workers and bf's to dance crazy with me... met a few girls, but more importantly met a few guys (gay huh ?) and decided to juss chill with them for a while and establish SP and add onto my confidence by leading them in conversation and getting them to succumb to my reality...

ME: Duddee why are you wearing cut up jeans ?? Haha, thas kinda funny
Dude: Ohh yeah, these are old school... really had nothin else to wear
ME: Nah im jokin, cut up jeans are cool... i've got a few pairs
Dude: Yeah ?? Wat kind... wear u shop at...

Anyway end up going back downstairs and princess girls are seperated with the best looking one nowhere to be found, but the HB8.5 sittin down kinda vibin to music and decided to make my move... I went over and sat next to her with strong bodylanguage and stretched out and didn't say a damn word, just sat there real comfortable waiting for her to open me up in her own little female way... Ended up takin about 2 minutes but she kicked me 'accidentally' and probably expected some AFC **** like... "ohh no problem, hey was ur name ?"

Instead I totally flipped out on her ass and told her to "watch where you're kickin ur leg" and then promptly ignored her. She apologized but had that 'glint' in her eyes like she just recognized me for what I am... ME. Took another 5 minutes, but she kicked me again and this time I flipped out even harder... don't remember what exactly i said, but it was harsh... she said something like this...

HER: "Why ru sititn next to me ?? Go move, its a club ur gonna be touched, wat the hells ur problem ?"
ME: I'm juss tryna relax and you keep kickin me, but i'll solve this problem for you since you can't stop touching me.... *look dead in her eye for 5 secs and then get up and leave*

Ended up going back to my SP upstairs and having more fun for about an hour (didn't really care if she left club or not) Came back downstairs and she was still sitting there, I sat in the same place and instantly she turns and gives me this slick ass smile and ignores me... I said some dumb comment like, "I see you lookin at me, its ok... i don't mind" or something and she juss ignored me tryna get her 'princess' attitude back that I stole from her...

After some minutes she juss takes my hand and we start dancing out of nowhere and I concede and decide to stop actin like *******. We dance for a second and then she says she's leaving and I made mistake of asking for her number like a friggin AFC and of course she denied but I got saved by that mistake... ONE MISTAKE can frick up an ENTIRE night.. remember that

The hottest of the 2 comes over and asks who I am and takes interest in me (maybe juss looks or style, i dunno) I then use the 2nd best lookin one to generate some attraction with the hotty and ignore the best lookin one and take the HB8.5 to a corner to develop some quick rapport.... Lasted for about 30 min. and then jealous HB9 steals HB8.5 away and start dancing... I walk to bar and then HB8.5 grabs me and starts dancing with me again...

I notice HB9 has some sucker massaging her feet (WTF, i feel sorry for some guys) and I go over and excuse the guy outta the situation for his own good and CnF HB9 and get some rapport going and before I know it we're kissing and sexual talk comes outta nowhere... she started it and I Juss followed and next thing hands on tits, her hand on my ****, us in bathroom, her lips on my **** and game over.... Came out, got her digits with plans to f*ck during the upcoming week (i knew it wasn't gonna happen, but whatever) and left the club...

Called 3 days later, damn slut didn't even remember me... LoL lessons learned if ur gonna f*ck or do whatever do THAT night cuz they lose state quick. Also thass wha u get when you go purely sexual attraction and emotional distress and no rapport, but whatever I got what I wanted...

So for anyone that says don't go to club by yourself, its juss cuz they are lames and don't have confidence. You can do anything you want to do if you believe in yourself and don't pressure yourself, even if that girl woulda left I wouldn't have given a damn I was already having fun juss dancing. Thas an old-school FR mannn, damn dunno why I wrote that... bored, but gotta go now take it ez fellas...



Don Juan
Aug 15, 2005
Reaction score
About clubs.

Clubs are all about reputation & status.

1. Investigate which club has the highest % of hot women.
You have to go where the hot women are. It's even better if the club has new female arrivals every week. Choose wisely!

2. Get a decent income
You will need money for going to clubs. So make sure you have a decent income first.

3. Work on your looks
Dress as if you're going to hollywood: expensive designer clothes, the car, you hair, your skin (solarium is better), your physique,... Make also sure you are in top condition, don't go there exhausted: eat & sleep enough the day before. DHV, but please stay a man (no make up lol).

4. Build up reputation.
This is the most important. You need to become a regular & get a reputation, you want people to talk about you. So how do you do this? Friends! (unless you have already some quality DJ friends, you can take them with you, if not make new one).

For several weeks/months, do not care about women: care about the men. Spot the "Dj's", and socialize with them. Talk business/sports/... build friendships. You have to mean it: it is you main goal to get to know men! Choose them wisely, don't lose your time on the nerds/AFC. People look at the friends you're with.

Some people you should making friends with
-People working at club: owner, bartenders, bouncers,...
-The Dj's

I repeat: this is the most important step: social circle/status/reputation/...
Never will there be boredom: you'll be busy talking with your friends about business/sports/...

5. Get the girls (or they will get you?)
Once you have your reputation, the girls will flow in. Your reputation will preceed yourself.
Women will wonder who you are. They will come to you presenting thereselves, they will ask your friends who you are,...

As a person that went (sometimes twice) weekly to clubs during the last 10 years, I know that this is the best method if you want to get women in clubs. But I can also tell you this:
-The chances of meeting quality women in clubs is small, very small
-There are other places to find women much easier.
-It's a lot of money: clothes, paying your male friends something to drink, car,...
-It will take a lot of time (Sleeping your whole sunday recovering is a waste of time imo).



Don Juan
Jul 11, 2006
Reaction score
New... I totally agree with you I don't think its worth investing time and money in clubs. Most of the "excuse of ladies" you find in clubs can't even hold good conversations.
I don't want a "club reputation" either... I like picking up in libraries, most of the girls there aren't street wise so you almost always on top of the game, they aren't drama queens...


Master Don Juan
Apr 21, 2006
Reaction score
I agree with Newbie also. I used to go to clubs alone (that way I could exit alone if necessary without depending or having somebody else depend on me to get home). Most of the times as much as 2 nights a week. Expensive and exhausting, but I had the cash and the clothes. But going alone...what I did FIRST was meet MALES and build good rapport with bouncers and bartenders. So, I had my "club friends" which consist of people I knew AT the club (NEVER talked with them outside the club nor was part of their regular lifes - something like "Fight Club" mentallity LOL). Now, I did that with the smaller to medium size clubs. Most of them no more than 25 miles from my home (easy access).

Now...when I went to the bigger clubs (such as the ones in places such as Washington D.C., NY, etc.)...I always went with people. Because most of the times I didn't go there to hunt. I went there to have a great time.


Master Don Juan
Nov 15, 2004
Reaction score
Called 3 days later, damn slut didn't even remember me... LoL lessons learned if ur gonna f*ck or do whatever do THAT night cuz they lose state quick
You don't necessarily have to fvck them on the same night, but you DO need to strike while the iron is hot. These are the women to call the next day, not 3 days later. On the next day, you'll still be fresh in her mind, but three days later, along with many encounters since you met her, you're going to easily slip away from her mind.

So for anyone that says don't go to club by yourself, its juss cuz they are lames and don't have confidence.
It's a social conditioning. I think EVERYONE on this site should learn to get over this conditioning and start going out to have fun ALONE. You can easily make temporary friends anywhere you go. It's instant social proof.

Newbie81, that was a fantastic rundown on how to work the clubs. I agree that your rep is VERY important in the clubs. It provides excellent social proof. Get to know all the regulars (which includes the bouncer and bartender). Flirt and even make out with the women who are regulars, but don't date them. Any "one-timers" that come into the club can be all yours.


Master Don Juan
May 13, 2005
Reaction score
Midwest America
newbie81 said:
As a person that went (sometimes twice) weekly to clubs during the last 10 years, I know that this is the best method if you want to get women in clubs. But I can also tell you this:
-The chances of meeting quality women in clubs is small, very small
-There are other places to find women much easier.
-It's a lot of money: clothes, paying your male friends something to drink, car,...
-It will take a lot of time (Sleeping your whole sunday recovering is a waste of time imo).
These are exactly the reasons why I don't like clubs. The time-value of the club experience is horrible. When you add up all the time and money that's spent on making the club experience productive in terms of getting women, it's not a good deal. If I'm going to go to a club, it's going to be purely to have a good time, alone or with friends.

Over the last year or so I've developed a new perspective on partying, and it has served me very well since adopting it. Unless I'm out CELEBRATING some major accomplishment of mine, I can't stand staying up all night club/bar hopping, wasting money on alcohol and cabs, passing out at sunrise, waking up at noon the next day hungover and smelling like smoke. That's not to say I won't go out ever, but when I do the drinking is kept moderate, and I leave well before closing time. No exceptions. Most people are out partying to ESCAPE the reality of their life, not celebrate it.

The benefits of this perspective:

1) When you go out to celebrate, the vibe you give off really stands out for its positive energy. Most are out to escape the drudgery and lack of meaning of their lives, using booze and (usually only simulated) sex endorphins to mask the monotony.
2) Even if you're hungover the next day, you feel like a million bucks.
3) Partying becomes a REWARD for reaching your goals, instead of a roadblock to reaching them.
4) You don't waste precious hours and days of your life staying out late doing nothing productive, and then even more time recovering.
5) It's much better for your health.
6) I've found that partying that takes place in the afternoon and evening, as opposed to the "nightlife" is much more socially fulfilling
7) The STD breathalyzer has not been invented yet.

Food for thought...


Master Don Juan
Jun 20, 2002
Reaction score
Portland, Oregon
In my early twenties (I am 27 now) I used to be all about the clubs. I went out every chance I got and probably performed substandard at work at times because of it. I felt like if I wasn't there I would miss something. Now nothing could seem more ridiculous.

A few weeks ago a friend of mine I was out with wanted to go to a club with some friends of his we were with and we ended up standing in a line that wasn't moving very quickly, I knew there was going to be a cover charge, and it was obviously going to be so crowed we would hardly be able to move inside, drama, bouncers separating groups of people, etc. And I kept thinking, "What did I ever think was so great about this? What a waste of time?"

Other than all this, Newbie81's summary is close to what I would say about clubs.


Master Don Juan
Nov 15, 2005
Reaction score
I can relate similar to your experience PDX. Always going to a club during the week and performing substandard at work. It takes a lot of time and effort. Especially when you have to get ready, find a good place to park, walk, meet up with wings, wait in line, sarge, hang out afterwards when they close, then finally come home. On a typical weekend night I'll come home at 3am the earliest.

Anyway, where you kicking it now?

I'm thinking of going back to day game as b!tchshields are lower and I can go to bed earlier.


Master Don Juan
Jun 20, 2002
Reaction score
Portland, Oregon
resilient said:
Anyway, where you kicking it now?

I'm thinking of going back to day game as b!tchshields are lower and I can go to bed earlier.
I basically don't sarge. Anymore I just can't stand the thought of setting aside time out of life with the express goal of "meeting women", which is basically the frame of sarging. Besides I am way too busy for that. Anyway my recent hookups have all taken place in bars, all from approaches/conversations I wasn't really planning on, just happened. Other than that I spend time at a riverfront park that is a popular jogging/rollerblading venue, my campus, coffee shops and bookstores but historically not much has ever happened in these kinds of places unless I try harder and dig deep to make something happen which I am trying not to do so much anymore.


Don Juan
Aug 15, 2005
Reaction score
RedPill said:
Most people are out partying to ESCAPE the reality of their life, not celebrate it.
Very well said, I want to elaborate this.

My description of the regulars:

-Have ****ty jobs, low income
-Are already counting down to the next weekend when they drive home sunday morning/afternoon/night.
-Their week consist of preparing for the clubbing night: buying clothes/tanning/getting hair, nails ready/etc... so they look good.
-Have no ambition mostly except "next saturday". Only thinking about short term pleasure, not long term pleasure.
-Have no money on their savings account, all the money goes to the preparation for the big night.
-The hardcore regulars will also end working in the club as bartender/bouncer/other. Now their income gets impressive, but still due to their lifestyle & short term pleasure thinking: no savings. They rent & make huge expenses.
-They want to be part of the "club scene" , and start taking xtc, speed, cocaine, ghb (some will even start dealing for another extra income). This is also a way to stay up longer, so the weekend last longer.

As RedPill says: losers trying to escape their reality. The cry when they are driving home.
The funniest thing is them pretending to be Hollywood stars. They really think they made it when they are in the club.

I admit, I was the same back then (except for the drugs as it would have work agains my training). No remorse although: it was fun, had some good times, met beautiful girls. I even had nostalgia about "the good clubbing years" as we called it, every year clubbing become less good than the year before.
This nostalgia must have stopped 8 months ago. Looking back to it, I was immature & just wandering around without thinking. Not wanting to grow up, but acting as a Peter Pan.

Now I go to clubs approx. once a month. Mostly local town clubs where I still have my "old reputation". I don't mind the looks anymore, jeans, t-shirt, **** it. No tanning, just go like that. People sometimes tell me I changed, yeah lol I changed for the better.

One classic conversation is the meeting with one of your old friends who is still a regular after all these years:
"Hey what's up? Everything ok? So how are you? You still hang around with x? You know somebody who has some crack? What already going home, it's only 3:30am, you're not a child!"

Then the girls walking around thinking they are Mona Lisa, looking at you as if you where a piece of ****. Meet the same girl outside the club, whole different game.

Few weeks ago I met an old clubbing "friend" of me. I dated his ex-girlfriend back in the days. The guy had always been successful with girls, ****ing the hottest girls that where entering the clubs. He was a bartender, went heavy on speed & xtc. Think he's 32 now, worked 12 year in a club (the first year in an afterclub).
Anyway, met the guy on a thursday morning I think on my road to work, hardly recognize him at first: his face had become old & used from all the drugs and tanning, has a belly, is still driving the same car (golf 3 GTI, from the sound you could hear it wouldn't last long anymore).
He stopped working as a bartender, isn't going to clubs anymore. His only income is from his job stapling crates in a big company comparable to wallmart.
He's still renting, has problems paying the bills, his gf (she's still hot) works on his nerves, but he can't dump her anymore as he doesn't meet girls as he used to be in clubs. So he stays with her to pay to bills. If she leaves, he would have to live back with his parents at 32.

Where's the past glory man...?
He choosed the short term pleasure, no investements for the future.

I met my ex-gf with whom I had a 1year LTR in a club. Sometimes I feel guilty because I saved her temporarily from all these wastings, from all the drugs, from all these bad persons and now that she hasn't me anymore, I'm sure she will fall into her old habits.

You must be an egoist in your choices & in your life.

At 27 year old, she will probably meet new guys in a club, having affairs & getting old, wandering in the clubs. You recognize them easily: women of 30-35y old, still wandering in clubs. The began young, made wrong choices, dated jerks and ended old & alone. Avoid these women, they are poison: you can only use them for a ONS, drop them for the rest.

Resilient-> there are really tons of places to meet quality women outside the clubs. It's just that you probably didn't pay attention to it: library, parks, train stations, shopping streets (although lots of sarging in big city's),...

Most of the time it's just by "chance" that you meet one. Act when it does, you only have one shot.



Senior Don Juan
Jan 6, 2003
Reaction score
Washington Metro Area
Everyone tells you everywhere, "YOU LOOK WIERD @ A CLUB BY YOURSELF" and well 95% of people do, but its possible and likely you can be the 5% of people that don't look desperate or loserish or stalkerish or whatever...

Not going to right the whole FR because I gotta do somethings in a few minutes but about a year ago while still in the game I went to a small type of club (3 floors maybe 300 or so people) by myself and ended up getting head in the bathroom, no f*ck because no extraction point (no car, ehh i suck)

Got to the club, looked pimp as hell. Before I go on let me emphasize how important style is, if you walk into a club and have more style than 99% of the people in the club and look better than say ehhh 50% of them you instantly eliminate the... "wow that guys creepy" vibe. Anyway, I got to the club decided not to drink and scanned the place for about 5 minutes @ the bar...

I noticed the hottest HB's on the floor (HB8.5, HB9 Latinos) rejecting all the suckers approaching them whilst they were dancing with each other (ughh fools) I decided that would be my conquest for the night, but put them out of my mind for a while since they were in 'princess' mood and had enough suitors. Went upstairs partied and danced by MYSELF haha and looked stupid until people realized i didn't really give a **** and girls started to leave their co-workers and bf's to dance crazy with me... met a few girls, but more importantly met a few guys (gay huh ?) and decided to juss chill with them for a while and establish SP and add onto my confidence by leading them in conversation and getting them to succumb to my reality...

ME: Duddee why are you wearing cut up jeans ?? Haha, thas kinda funny
Dude: Ohh yeah, these are old school... really had nothin else to wear
ME: Nah im jokin, cut up jeans are cool... i've got a few pairs
Dude: Yeah ?? Wat kind... wear u shop at...

Anyway end up going back downstairs and princess girls are seperated with the best looking one nowhere to be found, but the HB8.5 sittin down kinda vibin to music and decided to make my move... I went over and sat next to her with strong bodylanguage and stretched out and didn't say a damn word, just sat there real comfortable waiting for her to open me up in her own little female way... Ended up takin about 2 minutes but she kicked me 'accidentally' and probably expected some AFC **** like... "ohh no problem, hey was ur name ?"

Instead I totally flipped out on her ass and told her to "watch where you're kickin ur leg" and then promptly ignored her. She apologized but had that 'glint' in her eyes like she just recognized me for what I am... ME. Took another 5 minutes, but she kicked me again and this time I flipped out even harder... don't remember what exactly i said, but it was harsh... she said something like this...

HER: "Why ru sititn next to me ?? Go move, its a club ur gonna be touched, wat the hells ur problem ?"
ME: I'm juss tryna relax and you keep kickin me, but i'll solve this problem for you since you can't stop touching me.... *look dead in her eye for 5 secs and then get up and leave*

Ended up going back to my SP upstairs and having more fun for about an hour (didn't really care if she left club or not) Came back downstairs and she was still sitting there, I sat in the same place and instantly she turns and gives me this slick ass smile and ignores me... I said some dumb comment like, "I see you lookin at me, its ok... i don't mind" or something and she juss ignored me tryna get her 'princess' attitude back that I stole from her...

After some minutes she juss takes my hand and we start dancing out of nowhere and I concede and decide to stop actin like *******. We dance for a second and then she says she's leaving and I made mistake of asking for her number like a friggin AFC and of course she denied but I got saved by that mistake... ONE MISTAKE can frick up an ENTIRE night.. remember that

The hottest of the 2 comes over and asks who I am and takes interest in me (maybe juss looks or style, i dunno) I then use the 2nd best lookin one to generate some attraction with the hotty and ignore the best lookin one and take the HB8.5 to a corner to develop some quick rapport.... Lasted for about 30 min. and then jealous HB9 steals HB8.5 away and start dancing... I walk to bar and then HB8.5 grabs me and starts dancing with me again...

I notice HB9 has some sucker massaging her feet (WTF, i feel sorry for some guys) and I go over and excuse the guy outta the situation for his own good and CnF HB9 and get some rapport going and before I know it we're kissing and sexual talk comes outta nowhere... she started it and I Juss followed and next thing hands on tits, her hand on my ****, us in bathroom, her lips on my **** and game over.... Came out, got her digits with plans to f*ck during the upcoming week (i knew it wasn't gonna happen, but whatever) and left the club...

Called 3 days later, damn slut didn't even remember me... LoL lessons learned if ur gonna f*ck or do whatever do THAT night cuz they lose state quick. Also thass wha u get when you go purely sexual attraction and emotional distress and no rapport, but whatever I got what I wanted...

So for anyone that says don't go to club by yourself, its juss cuz they are lames and don't have confidence. You can do anything you want to do if you believe in yourself and don't pressure yourself, even if that girl woulda left I wouldn't have given a damn I was already having fun juss dancing. Thas an old-school FR mannn, damn dunno why I wrote that... bored, but gotta go now take it ez fellas...



Hearing these stories is why I can still stand clubs. Clubs are like a Behaviorist dream. LOL. You never know what could happen if you go too one.
I went to one last weekend here in D.C. Man, it hasn't changed one bit.

The only thing I don't like about clubs is they cost money. Some cats I know can go in and spend a minumum amount. Me, I'm waking up looking for money. Nowadays, I only go in moderation.


Master Don Juan
Apr 21, 2006
Reaction score
When I used to go to clubs...even in my 30s...I always kept it real. At least in my 30s. In my 20s? Goodness!

Newbie is right. A LOT of the people that frequent the clubs are actually "losers" in real life. But "cool" during the weekend nights.

I rather be Cool 24/7.


Senior Don Juan
Aug 17, 2005
Reaction score
Long Beach, CA
clubs suck

one of the worst places to meet women IMO... i've had much better success at house parties, work and work parties, grocery stores, bed bath and beyond, book stores, libraries, the gym, asking out cashiers, etc.

Why bother with clubs? Every chump there is trying to get laid, and the women have too much of an advantage and it goes to their heads. I can't count the number of times some drunk chick at a club has been all over me, then I go to the bathroom for 2 seconds and she's moved on to the next guy and she's all over him. Clubs suck.


Senior Don Juan
Jan 6, 2003
Reaction score
Washington Metro Area
Clubs are really only good if you bring a chick there.

The chance of picking one up is really slim...


Master Don Juan
Apr 21, 2006
Reaction score
Blusher said:
I failed to see the point of going to a club with a chick.

As for the chances of picking one up, I did almost everytime and so do my friends. Maybe it's just no your favourite hunting ground but it is for others.

You live in Europe. A HUGE difference, I might add.


Master Don Juan
May 30, 2006
Reaction score
I went to the club last night and it was great.

Mind you, it was a place that I go to all the time, so I did see people I know. But having the freedom to do or say whatever you want was awesome. I felt more confident for some reason... maybe because I had the nards to go out by myself in the first place.


New Member
Aug 6, 2006
Reaction score
Holland, ZH
I agree with Blusher.

I think it's the way you look at going out (to clubs/bars etc.) The way things are described in this thread make me almost feel bad about going out. But I bet you a lot of DJs have developed their skills BY going out to clubs... Most of the success-stories are club-stories... Or have I been reading the wrong threads??

Ofcourse, there are a lot of different places to meet women (places where they flock), but you need a different set of skills to pull that off. Their c0ckdefense mechanism might be in an idle state, but their in a different mood too. IMO these are advanced skills...

Chicks at clubs have a higher c0ckblock, but they also expect to be approached. In any situation, it all has got to do with the way YOU act. Dodging the c0ckblock like Cod3r describes is the Sh!t !

I don't know about you guys, but practicing can be done anywhere. Chicks in bars are 'easy' target, and like Cod3r and Blusher show us, it can be a successful experience. And if they c0ckblock you, laugh about it and walk to the next bird ;)

The fact that chicks in bars are not 'quality chicks' make me think that you're already in the LTR-mode... Isn't that the last thing you need to think of??

Sarge and Charge!

Dr Jackle