Seduction and Piggybacking her past experiences?

May 23, 2006
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I've noticed that in a couple of literature, mainly, "How to Succeed with Women', and "Natural attraction secrets" by John Alanis, they have a similar theme of piggy-backing on a girl's romantic experiences or connections in order to draft up a seduction date that would recreate those types of experiences and incorporate you into them.

I have always found it a crazy idea to bring up romantic stuff during a first date (known as a priming date), especially if it will invariably bring up issues relating to a girl's relational past - and it's even more crazy if you dont have a history yourself and have been living under the rock and go 'duh' if boomeranges the question.

Ok, DJ's, how valid are these dating materials. In a sence, it's all about creating the mood, the feeling of romance, but since romance is a function of experiences with their prior ex's, or whoever was in their life before, then itsn't this just piggybacking on someone else's experience, or a bad idea in general?

Would like to hear comments about this one.


Don Juan
Apr 23, 2006
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Okay, so firstly the 'priming date' is a good journeymans strategy (used to think that way myself),but it's a bit unfocussed , and a bit too effort-intensive (I mean youre investing a whole night out with some broad , right?). I would *expect* to be laying a girl on the first or second date, so you wouldn;t catch me wasting a whole night on just 'priming'.

It sounds like you don't have much of a strategy on this 'priming date', if all you achieve is some C&T for future dates. You may wish to think about throwing some much more pruposeful , concentrated game if youre spending your hard earned denieros and too rare free hours on it.


As far as this recalling previous romantic experiences , it depends why youre doing it.
If youre doing it to find out what her ideal romantic date is in order to replicte it then you're working wayyyyy too hard at this sh!t.
But I don't think that;s what youre doing.

I think youre doing an SS style emotional priming kinda thing. In which case maybe you want to change tack and start priming her to be adventurous , and have hot sweaty jungle sex , rather than to have romantic dates. I suspect the feelings a girl gets on a romantic "date" aren't exactly the ones youre looking for.

Hope this helps.
May 23, 2006
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How this went to the dogs...

She emailed me back later complaining that the conversation was strained, that I made some remark about 'how many guys she slept with', and felt duped because I put my online profile up on a whim.

Based on the book, 'How to Succeed with Women', the following textbook mistakes occurred as follows:

1) PRIMING date was dragged on for over the recommended 75 min limit, and went over four hours. The book suggests, if a date exceeds 75 minutes, the chances of saying something offensive or stupid increases. A woman is on that date looking for a reason to get rid of you, and the more you talk, the more likely something is going to come out of your mouth to give her that reason.

2) The date could have been arguably too formal, being in a hotel. There were walk-trails nearby and it was evening. The book would have recommended in this case, that it would have been more romantically efficient, if I just took her for a walk in a trail while the sun was setting or something, as opposed to going into a restaurant.

Ideal PRIMING dates can take place in a coffee shop, and need not be at any place fancy. Fortunately, we went dutch and I didn't spend a dime on her.

3) Unscripted and unplanned, the date was a total disaster, and the date went on until both parties were just tired and had to go home.

4) Although she agreed to a second date the same night, she changed her mind a couple of weeks later, and reviewed the whole event from a rather negative light and dismissed me.

The only satisfaction from all of this is this b1tch travelled an hour to an hour and a half to see me. The way she chew me out on that date, I just laughed at her for travelling that distance and told her, if the date was really that bad, I could have not showed up, made an excuse my car broke down, and had her come twice down before dissapearing.

Anyway, that's is the frustratoin of the AFC right here, frustration to make statements like that. So, that date fell apart, now I'm memorising lines from books and going by the book because I'm so pissed off by this whole thing.
May 23, 2006
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Natch said:
Okay, so firstly the 'priming date' is a good journeymans strategy (used to think that way myself),but it's a bit unfocussed , and a bit too effort-intensive (I mean youre investing a whole night out with some broad , right?). I would *expect* to be laying a girl on the first or second date, so you wouldn;t catch me wasting a whole night on just 'priming'.
Ideally the priming date is supposed to be around 30 minutes and over a cheap cup of coffee, not a whole night out and a whole set of money spent.
This is the first-date. It ensures if it C&B's, that you've minimised losses in both time and money.

There is another strategy about taking a girl to a seafood restaurant on a first date, and share shrimp together, and be yourself, then touch her hair when she's comfortable, and say, we've got chemistry, and k-close, and that's only one date. However, some seafood restaurants can be expensive, and you are risking quite a bit of money for a k-close on that date.

Natch said:
It sounds like you don't have much of a strategy on this 'priming date', if all you achieve is some C&T for future dates. You may wish to think about throwing some much more pruposeful , concentrated game if youre spending your hard earned denieros and too rare free hours on it.

Well, I guess it's one of those 'experimental things', I aim to experiment with a wide range of different strategies. This is just one. I'm thinking of setting up a Hot Air Baloon date, or some risky adventurous date with someone I've meet from the internet.

Natch said:
As far as this recalling previous romantic experiences , it depends why youre doing it.
If youre doing it to find out what her ideal romantic date is in order to replicte it then you're working wayyyyy too hard at this sh!t.
But I don't think that;s what youre doing.
Well, that concept is based on a book, 'How to Succeed with Women'. Again, I'm open to other stuff. You tell me (or anyone reading this), how to phrase a first date to get where you want.

Natch said:
I think youre doing an SS style emotional priming kinda thing. In which case maybe you want to change tack and start priming her to be adventurous , and have hot sweaty jungle sex , rather than to have romantic dates. I suspect the feelings a girl gets on a romantic "date" aren't exactly the ones youre looking for.
How do you prime her to be adventerous so you can have hot sweaty jungle sex? Go on adventerous types of dates? Talk about adventerous stuff?
Input please...