Donjuanforever's Sad Post

Mar 25, 2006
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DonJuanForever........okay, so I got to cry a little.

So I've been gone from here for a while, really doing a lot of soul searchin, tryin to find the purpose of life, my talents, etc.

But for some reason, I seem worse off now, then when I started. I feel like I have more insecurities, more fears, I feel more like an "out-sider" and I really don't understand why.

It seems like everybody hates me to some extent. Now, is this what's really happening, most times no. But I don't know, I have just been feeling really depressed and down, and feeling like the world is against me and I don't really understand what my problem is.

The crazy part about this, is that I've stopped approaching chicks or trying to go out period. I don't know what's wrong with me right now, I sometimes feel like dying.

The Bad Ass Canadian

Master Don Juan
Feb 15, 2003
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Sounds like you're depressed.

You might want to go talk to a psychologist... He/She may be able to help you sort things out and get you aimed in the right direction. Don't go see a docotr... they'll just give you meds and you don't want that unless you really need it.

no amount of approaching girls will fill the void you're feeling. this goes beyond that... I know how you're feeling cuz I've been there, before.

Don't do anything stupid and for fvck's sake, talk to someone.
Mar 25, 2006
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Yeah Bad-Canadian, I don't really tell people this much but I believe that I have been talking to God and that he is leading me into a different direction, but I really don't have anybody that would understand the direction, but I will have to do my best to stay motivated. Thanks bro, and oh yeah, the Dallas Mavericks winning the NBA Finals is going to cheer me up. ;)


Don Juan
Apr 22, 2006
Reaction score
Eat more chocolate, if you don't have weight problems.
Listen to some Wayne Dyer cassettes.
Realize you won't feel like this forever.
Mar 25, 2006
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Thanks Migel, Wayne Dyer, I think that's the guy who comes on PBs right? He has the "connecting to the power" series or something. I heard him before he is a cool guy.

The Bad Ass Canadian

Master Don Juan
Feb 15, 2003
Reaction score
Migel said:
Eat more chocolate
The compounds found in chocolate that can elevate mood only do so for a short time. Only dark chocolate that is high fat contains a significant amount of it as well as cocao butter and still, there is barely enough in it to make any significant changes in someone who is really depressed.

It might feel good for a little bit but is not a long term answer.

and if he doesn't have a weight problem, he sure as hell will after binging on this for a few months.

There's much better alternatives. Endorphins released by a good workout, for example.


Senior Don Juan
Oct 9, 2005
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The downside to soulsearching is that you might not like what you find... It's the same story with searching for truth.

The punchline is that you can't STOP when you find something nasty. Most of the time you find something bad, but it's not really the whole truth, just a part of it. If you get lost and start focusing on the bad you are bound to miss the good and never get a good crasp on the whole picture.

You go through life making memories, you store them all in some basement. Some of them suck, so you just throw a blanket over them and only leave the good ones exposed (it's a self defence method). The problem is that after a while you got somany blankets in your basement that it starts being a problem. You want to "change", develop your personality further, but the blankets are an obstackle so you have to work backwards before you can go forward. Pulling off all the blankets is like opening up a can of worms. You find things you really dislike that temporarily pull you down.

I think this is a natural process. You open a can of worms so you can deal with it once and for all. Take it one step at a time! Most of the time it's some belief that is making you feel down. You just have to keep developing it until you reach something better or more acceptable.

When i started pulling off all the blankets i viewed myself as an average Joe. Average everything, not really bad but not really good either. That's the idea i had of myself... but it wasn't the truth.

The truth was i was out of shape, most of my clothes didn't fit me or never did, my job sucked and a lot of the beliefs i had formed over the years were self defeating.

When i put two and two together i felt like crap for quite a while. Change doesn't come instant, it takes time and work and while you are putting in the work there are no real rewards other than the fact that you growing slightly day by day. I didn't really start feeling better until i made some significant progress... but once i did, i felt better than ever before!


Master Don Juan
Jul 7, 2004
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New jersey
Sucks to hear that bro...I've been to hell and back emotionally and I know how much it can seem like the world is against you when you're down.
It seems like everyone else is so carefree and calm while inside you're feeling on the literal edge of breaking's absolutely heartbreaking.

Just work on yourself man. Forget picking up girls, forget trying to act a certain way to elicit certain responses, forget all this stuff for now...realize what made you come to this point and analyze if it is truly helpful for you to be feeling this way. Chances are you've built up so much in your head that the feelings have exaggerated tremendously and now you're feeling the effects. Just find that thing you love, everyone has one, and put yourself in it and become it. Then work your way back up to the top where you can look back and realize just how ridiculous it all was.

Looking for answers from God, or religion in general, is very good. Even if you don't want to religious aspects, talking/praying to a higher always helps to unveil what is going on inside and can offer spiritual relief and guidance.

But yeah man...this is your time to learn most about yourself so do it and do it WELL!:box: