The JustMan's Path from Virgin to Master DJ/PUA Approach Journal/Lay Report

The JustMan

Don Juan
Jun 7, 2006
Reaction score
Cincinnati, OH
Hello all. I am the Just Man. I am 20 years old, a virgin, and I have decided to become the greatest DJ of all time. It will be hard but I WILL ACCOMPLISH MY GOAL! I believe it is necessary to become a MASTER, because if I am going to invest time into this, then I better be GREAT not just good.... I will post my reports regularly. Please lend me your advice. I will listen and appreciate it.

My History: VIRGIN (did have one BJ from UG, but NO ORGASM!), had crushes, never talked to girls, was once so shy, with so much low self-esteem couldn't make eyecontact with ANYONE, including close friends and family. I thought I had bipolar disorder, anxiety disorders, OCD, Post-Traumatic Stess Disorder and Depression. I walked like a hunchback because I was so down (staring at ground of course). I totally let myself go (didn't care...). But about a year ago I decided to change. I started working out, quit doing drugs, went to college (with a 3.9 at present), and decided to CHANGE MY LIFE. The ONLY ONE who can change anyone is thereself. NOW I AM IN CONTROL!

Anyone who thinks really good looking guys ALWAYS do well with the ladies are mistaken. People tell me I look like a model (I do, my pics on Hot or Not got 8.8 and 9.3) but I have never been laid. Beautiful women do not approach. THEY DO NOT HAVE TO. It is all good because NOW I WILL!

I started becoming more outgoing a few months ago, talking to people at school, stores, whatever.... And eyecontact is not a problem anymore. I can stare into a beautiful womens eyes forever, no problem.

This past couple months I have studied various seduction methods. I have read, listened to, and watched DVDs of Ross Jeffries, David DeAngelo, Mystery, Style, Tyler Durden, Dr. Paul, Mike Pilinski, Derek Vitalio, Louis & Copeland, Gunwitch, David Shade, Cliff's List, and Maniac. I have also read posts on Fast Seduction and So Suave. I also have read THE DJ BIBLE. My education has improved immensely. Now I need experience and to MAKE IT HAPPEN!

About a week ago I started doing approaches. Here is where it begins.

Approach #1

Mall Movie Store- I started talking to this hb (I do not do numbers) who WORKED there asking about her favorite movies. We had some good conversation, I made some ****y & funny but eventually ejected because I was REAL green!

Approach #2 (Same day)

Mall Clothing Store- Saw a HB talking with her friend (****block). They separated. She was looking at some earings, and I told her to try a pair that I pointed to. I made some funny comments to her in the store. Her and her friend left and I said "You are not even going to say goodbye?" They laughed and said goodbye.

Approach #3 Last Friday

Went To Borders bookstore. Finally saw a blonde hb come in with older guy. I did not know if he was her dad or her DADDY! I waited for him and her to separate. Not using the 3 second rule for this one. I went over next to her in the travel section and used a situational opener. "Boy, all these books on different countries makes me want to go on vacation." She laughed and agreed. She turned to me and started talking about going on a class trip to Spain. Her pupils were HUGE. She acted nervous and was laughing at everything I said. She was even playing with her hair! Unfortunately, she told me she was a junior in high school. Big red flag! Uncle Justin doesn't need a lawsuit! EJECT!

Approach #4 Saturday

Cousins Wedding Reception- Seen hb checking me out in my Walmart suit. Started blowing bubbles next to me. One hit me and I said, "Hey where did you get the bubbles?"
HB: Blah, blah
Me: That makes me mad! I want some bubbles!
HB: LOL Blah, blah
We talked her hb sister came by and I talked to her too! I had to eject because we were lining up for the reception. Later, I talked to these sisters again, finding out they were from Michigan, and my mom ejected me ruining a possible chance for a one night stand!

Approach #5 Saturday (STILL at wedding)

Approached drunk hb in cake line, asking "Do you eat cake?" She said yeah and IMMEDIATELY put her arm around me, starting kino on ME! We got cake and sat down. This chic was all over me, escalating kino before I knew what was going on! She would rub my back, talk REALLY close to me, and rub her face against mine! IOI GALORE! She even walked with me to get a beer, rubbing my back and touchin my ass! She poured MY BEER! She even asked me how many girls I have been with. I lied and told her a few ;). Was going well at a table by ourselves when her mom came along and ejected her. She was from Florida, so it would of HAD to be a one night stand! She was BEGGING her mother to let her stay!vvOh, so close! I did giver her a hug and kiss on the cheek.

Approach #6 Monday

Borders again- Approached HB in magazine section looking at computer mags. Told her "Geez, they have magazines on everything now!" Opened up a conversation on how she was looking to by a computer. Somehow her having a daughter in COLLEGE came up and I decided not to close. She was hot but I DO HAVE STANDARDS! NEXT!

Approach #7 Monday

Mall again- Approached 2 semi-HBs in clothing store. Used "Womens opinion" opener on 2 belts I found. They seemed very glad to give me their opinion. Weren't as hot as I thought they were from afar. Next!

Approach #8 Monday

Still Mall- Seen a hb working at wig store all by herself READING! Approached and said something about the wigs being cool and how it would be funny to try them on. I also said something about Sean Connery in a toupee as James Bond. We talked for about 2 HOURS!!! I got her email address after about 5 minutes though... (she wouldn't give me her number) She seemed thrilled to have company, but talked about her ex-boyfriend a little and how she does not want to date for a while... I emailed her, maybe a flake, but next time I WILL NOT INVEST THAT MUCH TIME IN A PU!!!

Approach #9 Today

Best Buy electronics store- Decide to find a hb there. Found one who woked there in DVD section. She asked "Do you need help looking for something?" and, of course, I ran with that making jokes on her DVD cart, asking her opinions on movies, talking about her interest in Japan, and Art School. All in about 5 minutes this time! I got her email (wouldn't give me her number) and ejected!


Senior Don Juan
Apr 21, 2006
Reaction score
Chicago, IL
Remember - it's not an 'approach' unless you try to get a # close. if you just talk to them, that's called 'wasting your/their time'.

The JustMan

Don Juan
Jun 7, 2006
Reaction score
Cincinnati, OH
I talked to a few chicks today actually. Unfortunately, today, I did not find any HBs worth my time. Many 6s out today but never saw one that made me say, "WOW! I'd like to plow THAT!" Even though I haven't masturbated in like 2 weeks, none really looked good enough to HIT! A lot of women with kids out today too, but Uncle Justin doesn't want to babysit!

Bought sunglasses and asked for a lot of female opinions on if they looked good on me. Yes.

Approach #10

My only REAL approach today was with a hb outside TJ Maxx where I got the Calvin Kline sunglasses. She actually stopped me and asked what I was looking for. IOI ;). I just said I was hanging out today because I just finished my last College final yesterday and have to start work tomorrow. Talked to her for a few minutes. Turns out she lives with one of my old buddies a couple miles down the street from where I live. (Small world...) They dated but are broken up now, but I don't think I want to hit what my old buddy already did. Anyways I know where she lives and know the number so I didn't even bother asking...

Talked to a chick from my spanish class at Macys. I'm not really attracted to her though... An old lady there started talking to me like she actually knew me... weird... And the cologne lady (middle-aged) said I looked like a model... IF only she were hot... Talked with many other people throughout the day. I am definately not the SHY GUY I USED to be!

I was also browsing the stores looking for peacocking gear... Looking for BRIGHT, LOUD, SHINY clothes and ODD accessories. Sunglasses I got were pretty sharp!
May 23, 2006
Reaction score
I cant help but noticed you had a high rating on your hot or not site. Have you tried online sarging? I mean if your have great online pics you should have no problems picking up hb's on the internet. Try putting up a profile, put your pic up, on several sites, and just spread it around, and see if girl's are approaching you there.

The JustMan

Don Juan
Jun 7, 2006
Reaction score
Cincinnati, OH
Actually I am doing that too... Talking to a hb as I type this... Planning our MEETING. A model chick actually emailed me 3 times in one HOUR (IOI)because of the stuff on my profile- supermodels only, no blondes, brunettes, redheads, only rich girls... Here is a link to my Myspace where I have been Sarging multiple HBs to supplement my Approaches.

Any advice on my profile?
May 23, 2006
Reaction score
The JustMan said:
Actually I am doing that too... Talking to a hb as I type this... Planning our MEETING. A model chick actually emailed me 3 times in one HOUR (IOI)because of the stuff on my profile- supermodels only, no blondes, brunettes, redheads, only rich girls... Here is a link to my Myspace where I have been Sarging multiple HBs to supplement my Approaches.

Any advice on my profile?
My intent behind that message was rather envious, and I'm not in a position to give any advice. To be honest, I'm getting like a less than 4.9 on my digital picture on that hot or not site, so when I saw you got a 8-9, I said, this guy is an idiot if he's not going online. I'm thinking of changing my online pics or doing digital enhancements just to stay competitive as far as online sarging is concerned.

I tend to have the belief that profiles mean nothing and the pics mean everything because girls assume that a guy will lie or BS in their profile anyway, and it's really the pic that sells you first, and if they really like you, then the words on the profile just help them feel more comfortable, so you write some fun dribble to keep their attention going and assure them that you are a secure, fun, confident with women, type of guy, and whatever else you want to put on it.

I'm an AFC where it comes to online dating and am not in the position to give any advice about profiles, nevertheless I have looked at your profile for insights into improving mine, so, we both help each other.

The JustMan

Don Juan
Jun 7, 2006
Reaction score
Cincinnati, OH
I am actually IMing 2 girls right NOW!

Set up a meeting with one- a Bulgarian chick who gave me her phone number. Speaks with accent, pretty hot. Another one who is a Christian fanatic (Christian girls are really horny!) joining the navy and telling me about it. Pretty hot.
May 23, 2006
Reaction score
Oh yeah, a girl that lives an hour and a half away from here that I picked up from the internet is going to drive to see me and she's hot so beat that.

The JustMan

Don Juan
Jun 7, 2006
Reaction score
Cincinnati, OH
Too tired to go out and pickup today... First day at summer job. Got up at six, barely any sleep last night... Formulating a gameplan for tommorrow where I will figure out where to go. Never went clubbing before... maybe I will try that after buying some kewl peacocking gear. I will sarge at the mall, stores, and DEFINATELY at any clubs I decide to go to. I did flirt with all the ladies I work with today... Can't miss an opportunity for practice!

The JustMan

Don Juan
Jun 7, 2006
Reaction score
Cincinnati, OH
No, I am supposed to meet the Bulgarian hb next week. I kinda used NLP to convince her to meet me. I kept saying how NATURAL it was for men and women to communicate in person. I told her that I would look deep into her eyes, speak with a deeep manly voice (I have a REAL deep voice, I sing bass), how important it was for men and women to smell each others scent, how men and women should embrace each other in close proximity, and how only when people are together IN PERSON can they FEEL that deep connection. I told her how it is a shame that people cannot do this online and how this is natural communicaton... She TOTALLY bought it. She was loike WOWWW..... She even started asking what type of girl I like to QUALIFY herself! She did give me her number and I called her to confirm so I consider this a # close.

One of the other chics may also be meeting me soon. I suggested meeting like "NORMAL PEOPLE" but she said she was busy this weekend (Bulgarian hb is too). Me and her had a long conversation and I used a lot of ****y and funny to make her laugh. She kept telling me how funny I was, calling me on my ****iness, and telling me I have pretty eyes. She also kept starting song lyrics and allowed me to finish about rapport!

The third chick started going into sex and relationships almost right away, saying how it is not right that men date around for *****. She was trying to get me to agree that LTRs are where its at and I refuse to be an AFC and pander to a woman, telling her what she wants to get in her pants. Instead I just changed the subject and used ****y and funny. She also asked me what my TYPE was and started QUALIFYING HERSELF!

Next time I will copy and paste our AIM conversations so you people can give advice!

One of my friends is coming over tonight. AFC BIGTIME- no money, spends all his time playing video games. Maybe I can mold him into a wingman! I am looking for clubs and peacocking gear anyways... perhaps I will talk to more girls online tonight as I am too tired to go out!

The JustMan

Don Juan
Jun 7, 2006
Reaction score
Cincinnati, OH
Okay... yesterday was different. I got together with my HUGE AFC friend Jason. We went out to the thrift store and mall to find some peacocking gear for clubbing. He found this cool snake skin jacket, white dress shirt, and boot cut jeans at the thrift store for $11! The jacket was real peacock stuff. I was browsing hot topic for clothes I am planning to buy in the future. When we were out we approached a lot of girls (I taught Jason the approach) and asked for a woman's opinion on the clothing we were planning to buy. This is TRULY gold! They really light up and get into it! I was flirting with some girls at some stores but they were all AB6s so I did not want any contact information.

Last night we decided to go to a club. Jason wore his thrift store clothes with cowboy boots and cowboy belt w/cowboy belt buckle. He was going to wear his cowboy hat but it looked kinda tacky... I wore black jeans, black socks, black dress shoes, an open-collared burgandy shirt, and a black leather blazer jacket for peacocking style. I got pics if anyone is interested!

We were going out to the club and decided to stop by Starbucks for coffee. Waiting in line (yeah a line for coffee on Saturday night!) a couple of hbs walked in behind us. There was a blonde hb who went to the bathroom and her french brunette hb friend stayed. I opened to the french hb, saying, "WOW! Who would of thought that there would be a great big line at Starbucks on a Saturday night?" We made some small talk when the blonde came back. I said something like "Boy, I never knew bands played here on Saturday nights!" She responded with something like how they usually play Monopoly here. I busted her on the Monopoly thing and asked if they wanted to sit down and join us for coffee. They said yes. Jason and I sat down, and I made him sit across from me (he was going to sit next to me, jackass...). Anyways we sat down and the hb blonde came first and sat down next to me, and the french hb came last and sat down next to Jason. I pretty much had control over the group and the flow of conversation the entire time. I sked the questions and busted on the chicks whenever I could. The blonde and eye were building good rapport with some kino and great eye contact. Jason and the french hb were not hitting it off very well, but he did the wingman thing and would talk to the french girl to keep her from ****blocking us. We talked for like an hour. We asked them to go to the club with us, but they were not dressed properly and decided not to go. I told the girls I would like to hang out with them some time and asked for contact information. The blonde hb wrote down her name and Myspace account in my handy dandy notebook. (Myspace close, a new kind of close...)
We finally exchanged names before we left.

Never made it to the club... Funny story... About a mile away from the club I got into a minor fender bender wreck. It was my fault. I turned on a road I wasn't supposed to turn on, and I scratched the side of an oncoming car... Needless to say, I was put out of the clubbing mood. As for what I shall do today, I will have to find out...


Don Juan
May 18, 2006
Reaction score
You go girl!

Seriously though I'm with anybody who decides to learn this stuff. I'll be reading your reports and I wish you all the best.

The only advice I can give you from my current skill level is don't make the mistake I made. While you work on your pick up skills also build a solid social network. You sound like you were in a bit of a rut back then and I imagine your social life suffered too. Having friends and hobbys will give you a lot of confidence and the girls will notice it. If you're anything like me you can only fake it to a certin point.
There are also very practical bonuses for being involved and making lots of friends. You will be invited to parties, meet even more girls and people will try and help you hook up (be it by winging, making the girls drunk or setting you up with someone).

Good luck

PS a PM should be coming your way soon

The JustMan

Don Juan
Jun 7, 2006
Reaction score
Cincinnati, OH
I have other hobbies too. I am a musician and have used my new found outgoing nature to network with other musicians. I have been inclined to go out with my friends to mingle, and have fun (clubbing, concerts, etc.) when I used to just stay home and play videogames or watch movies or something. The people in the seduction community are right when they say this mindset and attitude will help you in ALL aspects of your life!


Senior Don Juan
Dec 31, 2004
Reaction score
hey just man, keep it going man, you are making us proud.
just be ready to be raped by one of those chicks you are meeting because a guy with your looks and a bit of personality its a time bomb.
you are gonna be alright and possibly be a great DJ in the future. you have the potential because you are working your a$$ off in the field.
keep on learning and keep on letting us know whats going on.

The JustMan

Don Juan
Jun 7, 2006
Reaction score
Cincinnati, OH
Great idea! Add supermodels to get mass social proof! Excellent!

Anyways, this evening I went to Walmart in my little Boondock town and maybe only a couple chicks were worth approaching. I went up to this one chick in the perfume aisle and put aftershave on myself and asked her what she thought. She gave me a quick reply and ejected before I could game her. She was only a 7 AT BEST anyways so her loss! I did see a hb8/9 though, but she was with a kid. She walked past me and even looked my way, but I just froze, thinking of what to say, and she was gone... I should of at least said hi! What do you say to a chick with a kid anyway? Any suggestions? You know if they have a kid then they poke (they all do anyway...). I did say hi to other women that passed me and flirted with the pharmacist and cashier (not hbs though...). Where are the HBs on Monday evenings or any weeknight at that?

My friend Jenny at work, who is 37 and always complains about not having a man (I think she likes me, she isn't bad looking, but I work with her. I would rather not sleep with coworkers.) has offered to go out with me to be my wing. Good idea? Maybe...