Plate spinning problem??


Oct 4, 2005
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I have this dilemma that I'm trying to figure out what to do about and was wanting some insight from some of you.

There's this girl that I went out with for about 3 months that was a really great relationship but things turned sour and ended. I think it was mainly my fault cause I developed the oneitis syndrome and kinda drove her away. Well after reading the Plate Spinning theory on here I decided to give it a try. Well it's been great! Iv'e been out with several different girls but keeping them at a distant but still trying to have fun. Of course one girl kinda got too close and kinda got her feeling hurt so I had to slow her plate down a little! But the problem is here. The whole time I've been doing the ole plate thing, which has been about 2 months, the girlk i went out with (from the beginning of my story)and I have been talking and even gone out to dinner and hung out and have been become better "friends" than we were before. And she keeps droping signals like telling me how cute I am and other things that have been messing with my brain!! Well this other girl that I've been talking too that I have known for a while, wants to go out with me and I kinda want to go out with her but I still have strong feelings for this other girl!! In fact the old girl and I are supposed to go out Friday night and the new one and I are supposed to go out tonight!!

What the fvck should I do?? :confused:



Don Juan
Jan 25, 2006
Reaction score
Sounds like your doing well Rob. Spinning lots of plates and even got the old plate wanting back in on the action.

Rollo T can provide the best feedback, but I'd say just add them both in as 'plates'.

Each person has a max number of girls he can date at one time based on how much of his free time he wants to spend, so just keep the best plates you have for the slots you have available.

Personally, I am seeing 3 girls right now and have found that to be really the max I want to do. So If I meet a new girl thats better than one of the old ones, I just replace her with the new one.


Master Don Juan
Nov 15, 2004
Reaction score
What's happening is pretty normal. When you show your ex that you can move on with your life, she gets jealous and tries to get you back into her life. It's all based on emotion.

Here's something I wrote on how emotion affects a woman's behavior:

This is the third time I'm posting this link today. It's going in my sig...

Also, you should learn from your mistakes and move on. Your ex flaked on you once, so what's going to prevent her from doing it again? I'd NEXT her and focus on other plates. That particular plate has a crack in it.


Oct 4, 2005
Reaction score
Desdinova said:
Here's something I wrote on how emotion affects a woman's behavior:

Interesting read....especially the part about the "Friend Zone". You pretty much nailed it on the head.

I have been sucking up a little too much with her lately,...maybe I should cancel the date and get her emotions going again.

Hey this might be fun...I mean she fvcked with me, now it's my turn!! :yes: