Rollo Tomassi
Master Don Juan
I've been grinding my teeth here at the high concentration of blatantly AFC mind-sets I've been reading over the course of my vacation last week. Threads like "Found the perfect ONE" or "Spinning Plates and the ONE that might get away" are making me ill. I realize we have a new crop of regular posters to the Mature Men's board, but I'm seeing a lot of misinformation being bandied around and pitiful excuses for suck-up behaviors that are the direct result of abandoning the PRIZE mentality that is so necessary not only for personal success with women, but also their overall betterment in life.
This last week has allowed me to make some progress on the book I'm currently writing, and in response to this epidemic I'm going to post my outline of the qualities that define an AFC. 90% of the crap I'm reading here lately can be traced directly to these elements. Bear in mind that all of these are indicative behaviors and mental schemas that define a person as an AFC. Please feel free to debate and ad any that I've missed.
Qualities of an AFC
ONEitis – First and foremost.
Subscribes to feminine idealizations.
Supplication. She must increase, so he must decrease, regardless of how subtly this is realized.
The Savior Schema –reciprocation of intimacy for problems solved.
The Martyr Schema – the more you sacrifice the more it shows devotion.
The ‘Friends’ Debt – LJBF and the pseudo-friendship method.
Primarily relies on dating and social skills (or lack thereof) developed during puberty and early adulthood
A behavioral history that illustrates a mental attitude of ‘serial monogamy’ and the realated inscurities that accompany it.
A belief that women infallibly and consciously recognize what they want, and honestly convey this to them, irrespective of behaviors that contradict this. Uses deductive reasoning in determining intent and bases female motivations on statements rather than objectively observing behavior.
Believes in the Identification Myth. The more alike he is, or can make himself, with his idealized female the better able he will be to attract and secure her intimacy. Believes that shared common interests are the ONLY key to attraction and enduring intimacy.
Believes and practices the “not like other guys” doctrine, even under the condition of anonymity.
Considers LDRs a viable option for prolonged intimacy.
Maintain an internalized belief in the qualifications and characterizations of women that coincide with his ability (or inability) to attract them. Ergo, he self-confirms the “ she’s out of my league” and the “she’s a loose slut” mentalities on-the-fly to reinforce his position for his given conditions.
Harbors irrational (often socially reinforced) fears of long term solitude and alters his mind-set to accommodate or settle for a less than optimal short term relationship – often with life long consequences.
The AFC will confirm a belief in egalitarian equality between the genders without consideration for variance between the genders. Ergo, men make perfectly acceptable feminine models and women make perfectly acceptable masculine models. Due to societal pressures he unconsciously self-confirms androgyny as a goal state.
This last week has allowed me to make some progress on the book I'm currently writing, and in response to this epidemic I'm going to post my outline of the qualities that define an AFC. 90% of the crap I'm reading here lately can be traced directly to these elements. Bear in mind that all of these are indicative behaviors and mental schemas that define a person as an AFC. Please feel free to debate and ad any that I've missed.
Qualities of an AFC
ONEitis – First and foremost.
Subscribes to feminine idealizations.
Supplication. She must increase, so he must decrease, regardless of how subtly this is realized.
The Savior Schema –reciprocation of intimacy for problems solved.
The Martyr Schema – the more you sacrifice the more it shows devotion.
The ‘Friends’ Debt – LJBF and the pseudo-friendship method.
Primarily relies on dating and social skills (or lack thereof) developed during puberty and early adulthood
A behavioral history that illustrates a mental attitude of ‘serial monogamy’ and the realated inscurities that accompany it.
A belief that women infallibly and consciously recognize what they want, and honestly convey this to them, irrespective of behaviors that contradict this. Uses deductive reasoning in determining intent and bases female motivations on statements rather than objectively observing behavior.
Believes in the Identification Myth. The more alike he is, or can make himself, with his idealized female the better able he will be to attract and secure her intimacy. Believes that shared common interests are the ONLY key to attraction and enduring intimacy.
Believes and practices the “not like other guys” doctrine, even under the condition of anonymity.
Considers LDRs a viable option for prolonged intimacy.
Maintain an internalized belief in the qualifications and characterizations of women that coincide with his ability (or inability) to attract them. Ergo, he self-confirms the “ she’s out of my league” and the “she’s a loose slut” mentalities on-the-fly to reinforce his position for his given conditions.
Harbors irrational (often socially reinforced) fears of long term solitude and alters his mind-set to accommodate or settle for a less than optimal short term relationship – often with life long consequences.
The AFC will confirm a belief in egalitarian equality between the genders without consideration for variance between the genders. Ergo, men make perfectly acceptable feminine models and women make perfectly acceptable masculine models. Due to societal pressures he unconsciously self-confirms androgyny as a goal state.