what do you think about this?for moderators,seniors and wizards


Don Juan
Apr 27, 2006
Reaction score
Ok guys.
my 2yr ltr broke up w\me recently and usuall i loose my focus and be came an afc for a while i beg and cry and stuff..she brushesw me off everytime i called.then began study fellow dj's advices and damn it really work...

so after ten days of not calling her(in that ten days my impression to her is still a wuss because that is the last impression she sees in me before i stopped calling her)..i called her and just be polite and indifferent..i said "i just called to have my dvd back that she borrowed from me...i said "im alright now no hard feelings and give my best wishes to her new relationship and project that i was really recovered and told her that im very busy with my friends and im doing ok with my life...she still dont want to hang the phone but i insist that..im going to office and stuff so i can't stay for long chat then i said bye.. i show to her my last impression is indifferent , idont give a fck anymore but never forget to be polite..

so 5 days after that she called(her voice is very sad)...she will give my dvd be back and she wants to meet somplace...i chnged her plans and said i have no time to meet somwhere elese..i told her she can live it to our house....or if Im not in there she just can give it to my brother...and she said ok..
when she arrived to our house i became polite give her drink and stuff and let her rest for a few minutes..i became infifferent with her ..and project that thereis no grudges and no hard feelings... she asks how i am and told her that im going out with my friends... and everything is cool.. i can see her eyes are very near to crying anjd i said i shoould go...we went together in the gate and seperated...

2 days after that she called and she is crying...and her initial words to me..."I miss you"...she keep crying and stuff..and i showed to her that im poloite still cares and try not to be mean to her...try to make her laugh ..but always i always act indifferent.. and give her signs that my time is not for her..because... im going to my friends and stuff..i attempted many times to cut the calls but she refused... and try to be compassionate to her but always try to show to her taht im indifferent..and after a 20minute talk i said i have to leave..she waited me first to hang up..and i said you could called anytime she wants its no prob.. then i hang up..

now this this tis he catch.. i know i should not break down on taht call bcoz it will be not challenging for her and i know maybe if i accept her in her initial... whimmpering she could go againts the realtionship in afew days...
bcoz im so easy and i did not imput much trauma to her... and by the way she just said she missed me..and said that how she regret that this happened to us...but she never mentioned that we should try it again or beg for forgiveness..she just dont talk much keep saying how he miss me all and that and cry and cry for the last 20minutes..she is not saying much...
so i think..she is not yet ripe... so i still avoid her and act indifferent bcoz she never mentioned that she wants to try or give another shot for the relationship..or beg for forgiveness.. but she is crying damn hell.. then i cut the call..

now this is my question..its been 5 days since that last call..and she never called me back..and im just waiting for her to do somthing more than just crying... i mean do somthing like begging or begging for forgiveness and beg for give her another chance.. some stories on the other treads it takes 2 weeks before the girl crawls back to the guy some takes two months..
so am i just being too impatient in here?... or do you think she really does let go already?.... and what the hell is going through her mind right now while not calling me..i know she realised gigantic value bout me right now..and i know she realised her love for me in a peak scale... i hope she did not commit scuicide.... thanx guys
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Don Juan
Apr 27, 2006
Reaction score
ok any one else...who could answer the question...what is she thinking right now and what is she going through?
I wanna say thanx again to other don juans who really and direectly give me real solutions to my past problems..
I wish there are more guys who can help and have the wits to help on this little puzzle...


Senior Don Juan
Nov 13, 2005
Reaction score
San Diego, CA
Stop interacting with this girl. No matter how high of a pedestal you put her on, she is still an attention-***** drama queen. Think about it, she's using hot/cold to screw with your head, and apparently it's working. Distance yourself from her. Go flirt with other girls. Get on with your OWN life. Don't act INDIFFERENT. Keep the connection, be a normal friend, but don't give her any special treatment. Let her see you flirting with other women. The main point here is to keep her at arm's length while still exploring your own options. This will create a nice jealousy plotline in addition to using "cat-string" theory to make this girl go nuts over you. In any case, you have to be ready to NEXT this girl at any moment.

Mar 18, 2006
Reaction score
Why should she ask for your forgiveness"??? Why did she leave you?? Need more information!!


Master Don Juan
Apr 1, 2005
Reaction score
thekhris said:
ok any one else...who could answer the question...what is she thinking right now and what is she going through?
I don't believe we have any mind readers on these boards. Even if there's someone who's good in reading and understanding a person giving you some feedback, you shouldn't be influenced by this information. You have to trust your own experience and understanding of this girl. On the other hand, you also have to understand that anything that you assume or anticipate could be wrong. The mere fact that we can never know with complete certainty what is going through other people's mind should motivate you to take the action that you want to take regardless of how others will respond to you. To live a life walking on egg shells because you're worried how others will respond to you and what others will think of you is not particularly fun.


Don Juan
Apr 27, 2006
Reaction score
everyone has same psychology behaviour..that's why dj bible works every girl...anyone....
still have any idea to my litlle puzzle?

this will be very helpfull to a lot of guys....


Don Juan
May 16, 2006
Reaction score
ok..listen up.. so thekhris is questioning 1 plus 1 and everyone is saying you should try 3=3=6 its much better..
well ok ill try to answer you directly..

when som1 breaks up with you or you break up with them.they automatically go in different kind of stages or zones..

this is the stages..

1.) first stage(denial stage)- she will goes like(thekhris cant live me she will eventually call me up 3 days later begging or i know he is just playing it hard to get.etc)

2.) second stage(hate stage) - thekhris still ignores me who the hell he thinks he is..hes not worth it i hate u thekhris i hate you..i can find another and better ...

3.)third stage (Depression stage) - this will be the time its either she will crawl back to you, call you 100times a day, give you a super dramatic appology,be drunk, take drugs or commit scuicide..

so thekhris if she is not calling you yet she is probably in denial stage or hate stage..this is the stage that you should ignore her completly if you do contact with her ill bet the tables would turn around and this time shell be more evil and stuff...be patient ..if she is already in depression stage she will crawl back to you ..she will say somthing please forgive..i cant live without you or please please please give another chance...be patient wait for her to surrender... she will go back to soonn..let her realise some things..and realization takes time and moments to complete... your doin fine,keep ignoring her and be indifferent..if it works in the first time why would it not be workin dis tym man...

keep in touch


Senior Don Juan
Oct 24, 2002
Reaction score
San Diego East County Mountains
donpepot said:
this is the stages..

1.) first stage(denial stage)- she will goes like(thekhris cant live me she will eventually call me up 3 days later begging or i know he is just playing it hard to get.etc)

2.) second stage(hate stage) - thekhris still ignores me who the hell he thinks he is..hes not worth it i hate u thekhris i hate you..i can find another and better ...

3.)third stage (Depression stage) - this will be the time its either she will crawl back to you, call you 100times a day, give you a super dramatic appology,be drunk, take drugs or commit scuicide..
But, you forgot stage 4 “acceptance”. This is where she accepts it’s over and moves on.


Don Juan
May 16, 2006
Reaction score
girls wont move on unless they sence that you still want them... that's the only thing that can make girls move on and never look back.. they still beleive they have the string on you..and can pull out on the closet everytime. thats why many afc who who does begging always fails to make their girl comeback... and other methods like last impression of wussieness before they stop calling... girls will move on fck around if they knew they have nothing to loose..


Master Don Juan
Apr 1, 2005
Reaction score
thekhris said:
everyone has same psychology behaviour..that's why dj bible works every girl...anyone....
still have any idea to my litlle puzzle?

this will be very helpfull to a lot of guys....

What? Who the hell has been feeding you this load of crap? The DJ Bible will work on every single girl? C'mon man, are you THAT naive?

And it's not going to be helpful to a lot of guys. In fact, I believe if you actually managed to convince more guys to think like you, there would be an increase in the number of sad fvcks in this world. Want to know why? If this girl of yours ever found out what you're thinking about her and the whole situation, she'll definitely think you're a sad fvck. Even if she doesn't find out, you're still a sad fvck. There's no escaping who you are even if you manage to somehow hide it from the girl you're with.