Fvcking Right
Thanks to Grinder for his post in the Tips section
So its my day off and I have nothing else to do so I decide to go to town. I went to the gym earlier in the morning and I was feeling good. I get to town and walk around a bit, rent some movies (Smokin Aces and Reno 911: The Movie) and then I decide to head to KFC. While waiting in line I get a lil EC from the server chick. Anyways, the guy in front of me orders his food and forgets his cup and so he comes back like:
Immigrant dude: I forgot my cup
KFC chick: *stone faced look* You don't get a cup
Immigrant dude: *looking suprised* ....
KFC Chick:..... *bursts out laughing* Im just playing, here's your cup
KFC Chick: (To me) haha you saw his face
Mic Fiend: Yea, you had him shook, haha
anyways, I sign my credit card receipt and she is like alright give me my pen back, and Im like "ayo gimmie a cup too." Looking back I should have said "gimmie a cup and ya # too... haha Im kidding... but not really

I was feeling good so I sit down in KFC by myself and see two girls, one of which makes a lil Eye Contact with me. I go about eating and next thing I know the two girls have moved from across the room to about 2 tables next to me. After about a minute or two of silence and a glance or two in my direction I go in:
Mic Fiend: Hey... are you girls hiding from someone

Girl1: No there are all these flies over there bothering us
Mic Fiend: Oh hahahaha. So what are you up to today? Why did you come to town?
Girl1&2: Oh we just came town to come, we just got here.
Mic Fiend: Oh, so you guys just came town to check out boys and stuff, huh? hahaha. Hows that working for you?
Girl 1: Good
I laugh and go back to eating my food. I think we had a little small talk, but can't remember. Anyways, they start doing that annoying sh!t where they play their ringtones out loud. Normally that would piss me off, but Im in a good mood, so I subtlely bring out my phone and start playing my ringtones and talk about how their ring tones can't touch my hot ringtones. That got a laugh and w/e. One of em asks how old I am and I tell em 20. They seem kinda suprised but quickly (maybe a little too quickly) reply "I'm 17 and she is 18". I think they might have been lying but it is w/e. Im not really that interested, although I would smash the 17 yr old on the low if no-one would find out. She was like a 7 - 7.5 but the friend was like a 5 or 6 if Im feeling generous or extremely drunk.
Anyways, I look up from eating after a minute or two of silence and the 17 yr old chick is checking me out, and quickly looks away before laughing awkwardly coz she knows she got caught checking me out. From here I knew it was a done deal, and just smiled to myself. I start digging in my bag for a pen and my notebook I brought with me (Thanks a bunch Grinder) and they start packing up too. I get up and say
Mic Fiend: Alright it was nice meeting you girls, but I gotta go. Why dont I get your emails for the next time we wanna clash our phone ringtones? (Smoothest transition to a phone close I think I''ve had ever lol)
Both girls: Okay
17 yr old: Well wait, you probably cant read my handwriting.
Mic Fiend: Oh well get your friend to write it down
17 yr old: *finishes writing it down herself* You can read that right?
Mic Fiend: Yea kinda... if I dont add you to msn, that means I couldnt read it
17 yr old: *To friend* Can you rewrite my e-mail address down please???
18 yr old friend: *writes it down along with her own email*
Mic Fiend: Actually why dont you write down your names and numbers too... (fvcking right Grinder, lol)
Both: *writes em down* Okay... and whats your name.
Mic Fiend: Mic Fiend. Nice to meet yall ladies, Ill see ya around.
Both: Bye
Man that felt so easy and good. I was walking on cloud 9 for a bit, and looking for more chicks to approach but I had been walking around for a bit and was starting to perspire a lil bit so I decided to call it a day and head home. There was a hot two set next to me on the bus giving a lil EC but I didnt go in. Ah well
My question now is wtf do I do. I don't even want to add the HB5 but I had to close em both coz of the group dynamics, no? I figure I'll add em both and just talk to em each once and then only talk to the target. I did not get a lot of rapport between the two, so a double flake is possible, but I wouldnt really care. Im just trying to get some, no concern for anything further.