Outrage Around the Country Over Viewing NBC's Tapes.


Master Don Juan
Aug 6, 2004
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I didn't realize the previous thread was closed, or why it was...so here goes for however long it lasts.

I saw the videos online. Yahoo to be expect. When I was actually watching tv, my gf decided she couldn't handle it, and I didn't really care about seeing it anyway. I got home, logged online, and saw his rant. His tirade. My initial reaction was: "He Sounds Like Napolean Dynamite." He was obviously messed up, and this tirade appeared directed at the students. It was a disgusting video, to say the least.

Yet, people, especially on the radio are OUTRAGED that NBC actually put this out, viewing it as promotional material for them, or that it was so crude and ruthless it should have been withheld. My first reaction was the same. It was disrespectful and horrific to put that on tv. But then you know what? It dawned on me.

THIS is the price of the First Amendment. News sources aside, the video WOULD easily be available with the advancement of technology and the internet. Everyone would have seen it. And chosen to see it. Freedom isn't something that's nice and pretty. When the Constitution was written, the world wasn't a perfect place, and even now we can agree it's nowhere closer to that goal. But even if your reaction is complete disgust, there's still the elements of:

-You chose to turn it on
-You chose to keep it on
-You've chosen to purchase cable
-You chose to watch THAT station, at that time, with THAT on
-You CHOOSE your reaction to the video

Freedom and free speech and the world, isn't some polite place. If bad elements exist, they will always collide with the good elements. Yeah, maybe the video was bad or hurt you or hurt the families or rehashed the moments of the past days. But that's freedom. That's personal responsibility. People are going to cry out that we're going to heck in a hand basket. That more controls need to be made. But then, we create our own prisons, and wonder why we don't trust the news, or wonder why they skew stories so whatever they're feeding us is more pallatable. People are like little kids who their vegetables, and want them covered in butter, or fed like an "airplane", or just thrown on the floor. Except, the vegetables here are their freedoms, and they can't handle the reality before to accept responsibility and the reactions it gives the.

Whatever your CHOOSE is, at least you GET one. At least you had one. As many have pointed out, around the world people don't get choices. And still other's act as if they DON'T want a choice. If you don't like the video, DO NOT INVITE IT INTO YOUR REALITY. SHUT IT OFF. Same as this post. If you don't like me, or don't like what I say, TUNE out. Otherwise you're only begging for more of the same. That is what our world is meant to be....CHOICE...for everyone. It's what women have fought for. It's what African-Americans fought for. It's what even the Irish fought for when they came here. And it's what the Founding Father's fought for. Choice. You may not like it, but it's better than not choosing and getting what you don't like without a chance to CHOOSE differently.



Oct 25, 2001
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A lot of people would find it very disturbing. I'm actually going to school to be a counselor. I think everyone in my program should HAVE to watch it. One thing is for sure...people in the mental health field NEED to see this...they need to do a better job noticing symptoms of mental illness and start paying attention. This guy NEVER should have fallen through the cracks.


Oct 25, 2001
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Master Don Juan
Jun 28, 2006
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"Anti-gay group to picket Va. Tech funerals...

...Westboro Baptist Church"

I think thats fantastic! The more stupid sh*t these people do, and the more people they piss off the better! Its about time they Darwined themselves, I hope.


Master Don Juan
Jun 13, 2006
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Last Man Standing said:
Pictures of him in Marine uniform!!! He was an "Expert" shooter - who had much training... an assassin http://www.prisonplanet.com/articles/april2007/190407mindcontrolled.htm
Yes, I'm not ruling out any conspiracy theories here - which is not to say I think this was impossible without external influence. Maybe it was just him...or maybe it was more? After all, AJ is right - this event is awfully convenient for this administration and our future po1ice state (just like 9II).

Mind-control Project Monarch at VT?

A few other possibly fishy circumstances?

In any case, I think the public had a RIGHT TO KNOW the contents of his package and I would have been FAR MORE PISSED if they refused to release it. I don't think anyone at NBC glorified him, they simply presented the material as open disclosure. They shouldn't be shot as the messengers here.


Master Don Juan
Oct 14, 2004
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A-Unit said:
-You chose to turn it on
-You chose to keep it on
-You've chosen to purchase cable
-You chose to watch THAT station, at that time, with THAT on
-You CHOOSE your reaction to the video

Be that as it may....it's still disrespectful to the victims to play this tape 2 ****ing days after the shootings occured on a primetime news network. I hope NBC gets a ton of **** for this.

A-unit, I realize your a big fan of personal choice and everything but you shouldn't EXPECT all people to reach this high level of conscious understanding about choice and personal responsibility about what gets fed to them. Most people are very sensitive and vulnerable to the video being shown. Just because it would have been shown by someone else (even if it wasn't NBC) doesn't change the fact that they showed the video to glorify this loser.

Opie and Anthony did a really good show this morning on this NBC thing. They talked about how the media glorifies this kid and is feeding into the fear and glamour that he was trying to achieve. They did this with Columbine too. I was hoping that we would learn from Columbine and not reveal the identity of this kid, or at least withhold some information, but no. They're analyzing him from every angle they can, glorifying, trying to get that exclusive take on the story. The news is a business, it doesn't care about the story, only profit.
Mar 18, 2006
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911 was a psychological operation!

Simple - The Hegelian principle - problem -> reaction -> solution!! Thesis -> Anti-thesis -> Synthesis! The perpetrators control all 3 stages!!

Those who read know that much of what we are taught historically, and politically, is false and there is a bigger agenda involved - the mass media is complicit - also those who own the media is complicit, or should I say the main catalyst, the main culprits for the homo/hor corrupt agenda!!!!

Our "free" press is NOT free!! This is The Matrix - making you believe what is not true as reality!!

Yes, our freedoms are gone!! One more MAJOR event and it will be an "official" police state/martial law/military government - dictatorship!

Listen to the Alex Jones show - He is on vacation today but mike rivero and jack blood is filling in for him..http://www.infowars.com/


Oct 25, 2001
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thefonz said:
Be that as it may....it's still disrespectful to the victims to play this tape 2 ****ing days after the shootings occured on a primetime news network. I hope NBC gets a ton of **** for this.

A-unit, I realize your a big fan of personal choice and everything but you shouldn't EXPECT all people to reach this high level of conscious understanding about choice and personal responsibility about what gets fed to them. Most people are very sensitive and vulnerable to the video being shown. Just because it would have been shown by someone else (even if it wasn't NBC) doesn't change the fact that they showed the video to glorify this loser.

Opie and Anthony did a really good show this morning on this NBC thing. They talked about how the media glorifies this kid and is feeding into the fear and glamour that he was trying to achieve. They did this with Columbine too. I was hoping that we would learn from Columbine and not reveal the identity of this kid, or at least withhold some information, but no. They're analyzing him from every angle they can, glorifying, trying to get that exclusive take on the story. The news is a business, it doesn't care about the story, only profit.
Believe it or not, and as disturbing as it was...those students left on that campus need to have some idea of "why" so that they can heal and move on.

The worst part of the media coverage is all this copycat crap going on...but it would be going on regardless of whether or not the tape was shown.


Oct 25, 2001
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I really wish conspiracy theorists would stick to the whack tin foil hat forums...

that is all


Master Don Juan
Aug 6, 2004
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-Yes, it is glorifying him, achieving his ends. What would you have news outlets do...NOT show it? What kind of conspiracy would develop then? The shooter not being revealed? Put him on the news, but DO NOT SHOW the videos. Don't let "his art" make it live. Show what kind of coward he was. The videos do nothing for us, but the pictures show us who he was.

After seeing those pictures, how can people not beg the question "Isn't there more to this than meets the eye?" Unless the pictures I've seen of him have been doctored, everything points to him having been plotting this for awhile just like some terrorist. I've seen pictures of him brandishing weapons like a pro and wearing a marines uniform. You have a troubled person + a capable person. Campus' can't do much about that.

During college, my own roommate was an ex-army ranger who had served 4 years, a tour of duty in IRAQ, was an accomplished sniper, commented on taking MANY illicit drugs courtesy of the red, white, and blue, and despite all that, he was a guy on the straight and narrow. No out breaks. He was probably as dangerous as anyone could be, since he had friends just nuts as he could be. And yet, when he was booted from my apartment because they found a bong in it and he was fingered for owning it, he did nothing. But move. That's it. He just moved.

Until we realize ALL the power of whatever world we want is in the individual's hands, nothing will change for the individual, and thereby the masses. People establish governments for THEIR benefits, but how many would say they actually work that way now? How many feel that way? People use business because it provides a necessary service. When all these concepts of "society" were invented and as we invent them, they were to BENEFIT humanity. If it's not, scrap it. However, the same people who have let institutions, systems, and concepts crop up, have also let these monsters run wild controlling the world, dictating what we want because we have subcontracted our powers. No matter your lot in life, no matter your wallet, you're 'entitled' to a say. It's only man that has invented some artificial hierarchy of "survival of the fittest" or "he who has the gold, makes the rules." While these are realities now, the longer people accept that as the way life is, the longer it will persist.

Maybe it's me, but I don't see how showing that video is disrespectful. I don't. If you have a victim who has been part of this tragedy, don't you want some change to come from it in your favor? Show it...be like "WAKE THE FVCK UP PEOPLE." Already I'm seeing yahoo articles talking about making campuses safer, and that's good. They ought to be, because they're quite exposed. However, someone like this really can't be stopped. Sure, you could put up Cameras everywhere to monitor every movement so you could catch him on film, but does that violate rights? Is that how we safeguard life? Or you could alter the campus police to true police officers trained in hand to hand combat, but BING, campus tuition costs just went up! Certainly they could build walls and gates around campuses, but this attack came from INSIDE the campus, not outside of it. It came from someone who KNEW the campus well enough to need only to test security response time. And frankly...if...someone is smart enough to think that through, it's going to be tough to stop them. That's a smart move. No, you don't change THIS situation but trying to control situations that are IMPOSSIBLE to control.

You control and change and prevent this from changing THOSE kids. Thing about it. 1 guy with 2 guns, versus 32-52 semi-trained, confident, and perhaps "packing" students. Even if a FEW were trained, he was doomed. This is a case of seeing that not only HOW could this happen, but that so many people died needlessly. I wouldn't force people to train or carry a gun, but even if SOME people knew what to do, they SHOULD have stood a chance. Even during riots, people without training in mass numbers win out, eventually. If shots were going off in the other room, the whole class that was left could have stormed the other room. While he was firing, unless he packed an uzi with such precision to be a true trainer black ops candidate, the students of 30 COULD have prevented more deaths. There's no WAY he could use 2 pistols, semi automatic or not, and take a room down if the students were bullrushing him. And if the other students bullrushed in, too.

That, I think is the sad point. That 53 people could have taken 1 person down in a variety of ways. Yeah, I know, i wasn't there. And maybe if I was, I could have died, At that point self-preservation kicks in, and you don't know his intentions, so you think "I'll hide, and maybe he'll leave, maybe after that person is shot, it won't be." And then, unfortunately he's already shot many more people. And it's too late. To down 32 people if they were rushing him would be impossible. He'd have to have had help, or been such a pro it would be like a movie.

I am truly sad for this time period because all those people who've just been, have gone, are going, or have people there KNOW the emptiness and violation they feel. College grads and college students now see college as a vulnerable time, more than just emotionally, but physically. Even if his face was not flashed on the news, he demonstrated how exposed campuses are. That alone will result in sweeping changes as the more wealthy colleges adapt to market forces, pushing all campuses to do this, further increasing tuitition costs just to protect the campus from internal invasion. I felt violated, not because I lost anyone that day, though it was a trauma I've never seen, but b/c I have people in college, and know now how exposed colleges are.

What happened reaks of a terrorist event, if only because terror is meant to shake up everyday life and strike fear in your hearts. The more info that comes out, the more I suspect he wasn't "your ordinary troubled college student seeking attentiont."



Master Don Juan
Jun 28, 2006
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wayword said:
Yes, I'm not ruling out any conspiracy theories here - which is not to say I think this was impossible without external influence. Maybe it was just him...or maybe it was more? After all, AJ is right - this event is awfully convenient for this administration and our future po1ice state (just like 9II).

Mind-control Project Monarch at VT?

A few other possibly fishy circumstances?

In any case, I think the public had a RIGHT TO KNOW the contents of his package and I would have been FAR MORE PISSED if they refused to release it. I don't think anyone at NBC glorified him, they simply presented the material as open disclosure. They shouldn't be shot as the messengers here.

Yeah... OR he had some emotional issues and he snapped.


Oct 25, 2001
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He keeps posting links to stuff claimed by this fruitloop:

The mods need to ban this kind of tripe...seriously.


The woman claiming this mind control crap is nuts...seriously bug sheeit crazy...

Here are just SOME of her claims:

O'Brien claims to have been abused since she was a toddler. Forced to partake in satanic sadomasochistic child pornography movies produced for Gerald Ford, she was eventually sold to the CIA, which was looking for traumatized children for their mind-control program ... U.S. Presidents Ford, Reagan, Bush and Bill Clinton; Canadian Prime Ministers Pierre Trudeau and Brian Mulroney; Mexican President Miguel de la Madrid; Haitian dictator Baby Doc Duvalier; Panamanian President Manuel Noriega; and King Fahd of Saudi Arabia all sexually brutalized her. She recounts in graphic detail how the elder George Bush raped her thirteen year old daughter and how she was forced to have oral sex with Illuminati witch Hillary Clinton ... While being sodomized, whipped, bound and raped, O'Brien overheard the globalist elite planning a military coup in the United States and conspiring to usher in the satanic New World Order.


Master Don Juan
Jun 13, 2006
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A-Unit said:
The more info that comes out, the more I suspect he wasn't "your ordinary troubled college student seeking attentiont."
Ya, the whole D@RPA location in BL@CKSBURG & affiliation with VT is a rather odd coincidence...so who knows yet?

Anyhow, reports are slowly filtering out now that Cho's classmates weren't all so kind and trying to befriend him - but mocking his speech with racial taunts instead:
BLACKSBURG, Va. - Long before he boiled over, Virginia Tech gunman Cho Seung-Hui was pushed around and laughed at as a schoolboy in suburban Washington because of his shyness and the strange, mumbly way he talked, former classmates say.

Chris Davids, a Virginia Tech senior who graduated from Westfield High School in Chantilly, Va., with Cho in 2003, recalled that the South Korean immigrant almost never opened his mouth and would ignore attempts to strike up a conversation.

Once, in English class, the teacher had the students read aloud, and when it was Cho's turn, he just looked down in silence, Davids recalled. Finally, after the teacher threatened him with an F for participation, Cho started to read in a strange, deep voice that sounded "like he had something in his mouth," Davids said.

"As soon as he started reading, the whole class started laughing and pointing and saying, `Go back to China,'" Davids said.
This could actually explain a lot. As I had guessed, there must have been some previous emotional trauma that had caused him to clam up and turn so hard. These trance-f0rmations don't just happen overnight out of the blue.

It sounds like Cho may have been really shy due to a slight speech impediment that he got racially mocked for whenever he was forced to speak up. This could explain why he often didn't reply to people who talked to him later on. He was afraid of getting laughed at. Which then created a feedback loop of anger and isolation - as he couldn't talk without getting mocked, which only isolated and angered him even more, etc. And downward went the spiral...

The sad thing (aside from the massacre itself) is that I did notice a slight slurring on his tapes, but it really wasn't that noteworthy or extreme...

You essentially upped your VALUE in her eyes by showing her that, if she wants you, she has to at times do things that you like to do. You are SOMETHING after all. You are NOT FREE. If she wants to hang with you, it's going to cost her something — time, effort, money.

Quote taken from The SoSuave Guide to Women and Dating, which you can read for FREE.

Mar 18, 2006
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Deus ex Pianoforte said:
LMS, how can you give such solid advice about women, and then constantly visit far-left conspiracy theorist websites? You are a walking contradiction. If you actually buy into this stuff, then you need to snap out of it man.
That is a right-wing website!!!!! Therei is really no such thing as right or left "wing" - there is only truth and falsehood and belief systems that people hold! I search for truth where it leads me!

Deus, don't believe the hype in The Matrix - mass media is a BIG part of The Matrix - search elsewhere to get the real info -- there is an agenda here -- a control grid is and will be instituted!!

Wyldfire, that book I believe was fictional but based on true knowledge - writers write what they know about and then use fictional characters - my point was that there was a book already published that mentions "Blacksburg" Va. and the Nasa/Cia/ Miltary operations housed there and forecasted such atrocities to take place in this town.

There is too much info to elaborate on this issue - search for yourself!


Master Don Juan
May 2, 2006
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Omaha, Nebraska
The world is too sensitive...


Oct 25, 2001
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Last Man Standing said:
That is a right-wing website!!!!! Therei is really no such thing as right or left "wing" - there is only truth and falsehood and belief systems that people hold! I search for truth where it leads me!

Deus, don't believe the hype in The Matrix - mass media is a BIG part of The Matrix - search elsewhere to get the real info -- there is an agenda here -- a control grid is and will be instituted!!

Wyldfire, that book I believe was fictional but based on true knowledge - writers write what they know about and then use fictional characters - my point was that there was a book already published that mentions "Blacksburg" Va. and the Nasa/Cia/ Miltary operations housed there and forecasted such atrocities to take place in this town.

There is too much info to elaborate on this issue - search for yourself!
The "Monarch mind control crap" comes directly out of the book that woman co-wrote with the other guy on the video with her. Her daughter was taken away from her in TN, likely because the Mom is touched. All that crap you keep posting on here is coming from crackpots like Cathy O'Brien. If you want to read it for your own entertainment...whatever...but for the love of all that is good and holy could you PLEASE stop spamming this forum with it? It makes you look like a raving lunatic...seriously.


Master Don Juan
Jan 18, 2006
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The Castle Fox
My outrage is that some jackass ordered the flags be flown half-staff.


Cho: 1
U.S.: 0

The flag at half-staff means one wacko with two pistols hurt the whole nation.

What a slap in the face.

We'll lower the flag for 31 dead on a campus, but nevermind the hundreds of soldiers dying in Iraq? Ri-fuxxing-diculous!


We lift them up in our prayers, and we ask a loving God to comfort those who are suffering.
I don't remember asking "God" for sh!t. Speak for yourself, asswipe.


What happens, IN HER MIND, is that she comes to see you as WORTHLESS simply because she hasn't had to INVEST anything in you in order to get you or to keep you.

You were an interesting diversion while she had nothing else to do. But now that someone a little more valuable has come along, someone who expects her to treat him very well, she'll have no problem at all dropping you or demoting you to lowly "friendship" status.

Quote taken from The SoSuave Guide to Women and Dating, which you can read for FREE.
