Getting women is EASY when you ask the right questions

Poon King

Nov 30, 2014
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Any wise man knows that women only care about one thing when dating men: What that man can do for THEM.

As a horny man who wants to f*ck attractive women, you must always ask yourself: What can I do to improve a woman's life? or (more importantly) how do I make a woman THINK I can improve her life? :crackup:

You don't really have to offer women anything. You just have to make them believe you do. Following alpha f*cks beta bucks... there are many betas who take full advantage of their bucks to f*ck like alphas. How? They make their money and status clear.. women chase after it and the beta dumps the woman and moves on. Happens all the time.

You too can live the "alpha f*cks" lifestyle provided you stop being a co-dependent faggot and realize women only exist for reproduction and sexual pleasure.. not to be your emotional support system or your replacement mother. Women don't want to support men (never have). Women want to benefit from association (and sex) with men. Women are not romantic. They want to be loved, but they don't really want to be in love themselves. So always ask how YOU can benefit women. Then proceed to market yourself that way. :up:

Also.. spinning plates is the easiest way because women are stupid group-thinkers and assume any man other women want is worth having.


Master Don Juan
Apr 18, 2014
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If all women are to you is sexual pleasure you must have had some goddawful relationships, or none at all more likely.

Look, I get the point, dont rely on women for happiness and satisfaction in life, do your own thing. But there is no need to bring it to this other extreme of being an empty, cynical bastard who only cares about women for sex and as a means to an end.

Enjoy life, interact and learn about people, open up and explore each others worlds. Care about them. Doesnt mean you need to be pandering beta. This isnt rocket science.


Senior Don Juan
Apr 19, 2015
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Poon King said:
Any wise man knows that women only care about one thing when dating men: What that man can do for THEM.
This is true if she's going over a list of her beta orbiters and checking off boxes of logical reasons why or why not she should keep that certain guy around.

However, if the guy's an "Alpha", and makes her vagina drip, then, really, do any of those logical reasons matter? He could have just escaped from death row, but as long as he produces the tingles, nothing else matters - she'll love and take care of him, and probably die for him.

Are you talking about an initial way to appeal to them - a way to get into the door? Which I understand. But it seems the mindset you're speaking of is based off logical reasons of why she should be attracted to you: buying her stuff - being nice - treating her well. Instead of shooting for the core of attraction, which is physical and emotional but at the same can be blind to surface level L/M/S.

Poon King

Nov 30, 2014
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jurry said:
If all women are to you is sexual pleasure you must have had some goddawful relationships, or none at all more likely.

Look, I get the point, dont rely on women for happiness and satisfaction in life, do your own thing. But there is no need to bring it to this other extreme of being an empty, cynical bastard who only cares about women for sex and as a means to an end.

Enjoy life, interact and learn about people, open up and explore each others worlds. Care about them. Doesnt mean you need to be pandering beta. This isnt rocket science.
Save the shaming language for your mother and your queer friends.

It shouldn't be rocket science.. yet there are lots of men walking around (many on this site) who don't seem to get this: "don't rely on women for happiness and satisfaction in life, do your own thing."

Sorry but in the context of romantic relationships in 2015 (at least in modern westernized places) women really are only good for sex and reproduction. When you take away the romantic context its a different story.

Western women are intelligent and productive members of society. They work hard and bring value to society overall. At the same time.. many western women adopt a toxic attitude towards men once sex enters the picture. They either become abusive or entitle. I see few relationships where the woman doesn't rule over the man and treat him like a child.

In my own experience I find once I start sleeping with a particular woman regularly she starts thinking she has the right to make decisions about how I spend my time or live my life. I find this drama significantly lowers the value of a romantic relationship. So for me.. the main value is sex and reproduction once again. :yes:

WanderingMan said:
Are you talking about an initial way to appeal to them - a way to get into the door? Which I understand. But it seems the mindset you're speaking of is based off logical reasons of why she should be attracted to you: buying her stuff - being nice - treating her well. Instead of shooting for the core of attraction, which is physical and emotional but at the same can be blind to surface level L/M/S.
I am explaining how beta males can live the alpha male lifestyle. Obviously, if you are alpha or have the natural sex appeal that draws women.. you don't need to do anything other than flirt and f*ck.


Master Don Juan
Mar 9, 2012
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No more keyboard jockeying . Action is the place.
Poon King said:
Any wise man knows that women only care about one thing when dating men: What that man can do for THEM.

As a horny man who wants to f*ck attractive women, you must always ask yourself: What can I do to improve a woman's life? or (more importantly) how do I make a woman THINK I can improve her life? :crackup:

You don't really have to offer women anything. You just have to make them believe you do. Following alpha f*cks beta bucks... there are many betas who take full advantage of their bucks to f*ck like alphas. How? They make their money and status clear.. women chase after it and the beta dumps the woman and moves on. Happens all the time.

You too can live the "alpha f*cks" lifestyle provided you stop being a co-dependent faggot and realize women only exist for reproduction and sexual pleasure.. not to be your emotional support system or your replacement mother. Women don't want to support men (never have). Women want to benefit from association (and sex) with men. Women are not romantic. They want to be loved, but they don't really want to be in love themselves. So always ask how YOU can benefit women. Then proceed to market yourself that way. :up:

Also.. spinning plates is the easiest way because women are stupid group-thinkers and assume any man other women want is worth having.

This is with any gender, no one cares about your BS or your problems, no matter how much you THINK they do. Same goes for women. A relationships is not for her to be your god damn therapist, it is because you two like spending time with eachother, fvcking and doing the same stuff or she opens you up to new hobbies/vice versa.

I think it's funny when guys spew their drama on their new girlfriend and wonder why the hell they got dumped a few weeks later. If someone came up to you as kept blabbing about their problems, I would assume you would lose their number quickly. Also , I find it funny how guys try to use their flaws as a "cute" gesture to get on we good graces. Why would that even remotely work ever? God damn some dudes need a wake up call.

Slash Dolo

Senior Don Juan
Feb 25, 2014
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Homophobic slurs and passive aggressive sexism (99.9% due to having his feelings hurt by something with a vagina in the past) isn't a good way to get your point across unless your target audience has double digit IQs.

Not that what you're saying is necessarily wrong for being a player, but you'll never KEEP one woman for very long with this attitude. If you're down for spinning plates and getting left every few months/years until you're old and senile, then this is the right way of thinking though. Some people prefer to settle down eventually.


Senior Don Juan
Apr 10, 2015
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Poon King said:
Any wise man knows that women only care about one thing when dating men: What that man can do for THEM.

As a horny man who wants to f*ck attractive women, you must always ask yourself: What can I do to improve a woman's life? or (more importantly) how do I make a woman THINK I can improve her life? :crackup:

You don't really have to offer women anything. You just have to make them believe you do. Following alpha f*cks beta bucks... there are many betas who take full advantage of their bucks to f*ck like alphas. How? They make their money and status clear.. women chase after it and the beta dumps the woman and moves on. Happens all the time.

You too can live the "alpha f*cks" lifestyle provided you stop being a co-dependent faggot and realize women only exist for reproduction and sexual pleasure.. not to be your emotional support system or your replacement mother. Women don't want to support men (never have). Women want to benefit from association (and sex) with men. Women are not romantic. They want to be loved, but they don't really want to be in love themselves. So always ask how YOU can benefit women. Then proceed to market yourself that way. :up:

Also.. spinning plates is the easiest way because women are stupid group-thinkers and assume any man other women want is worth having.
So give us some questions to ask poon King??


Senior Don Juan
Nov 17, 2014
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WanderingMan said:
Are you talking about an initial way to appeal to them - a way to get into the door? Which I understand. But it seems the mindset you're speaking of is based off logical reasons of why she should be attracted to you: buying her stuff - being nice - treating her well. Instead of shooting for the core of attraction, which is physical and emotional but at the same can be blind to surface level L/M/S.
Life is too short to become alpha if you are beta.Not everybody will make it because of many reasons, time, health, mental issues, money ... the shoot 'core attraction' you need looks, if you have really good looks then you dont really need game women will throw themselves on you and laugh from any joke you will say.
Poon is giving solid advice not some theoretical 'be alpha' generic advice.


Master Don Juan
Feb 7, 2014
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Poon King said:
You too can live the "alpha f*cks" lifestyle provided you stop being a co-dependent faggot and realize women only exist for reproduction and sexual pleasure.. not to be your emotional support system or your replacement mother.
Excellent post, most of us betas are looking for our lost moms tbh. Objectification is the way to go.


Senior Don Juan
Apr 19, 2015
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JohnyTheArrow said:
Life is too short to become alpha if you are beta.
No it's not. I would actually say the contrary - life's too short to waste it on being a nice guy beta.

Not everybody will make it because of many reasons, time, health, mental issues, money ... the shoot 'core attraction' you need looks, if you have really good looks then you dont really need game women will throw themselves on you and laugh from any joke you will say.
And this is beta - chump - victim - nice guy - hamster rationale.

What a lot of guys don't understand is being "Alpha" has nothing to do with L/M/S - Looks/Money/Status. It's a mindset - that's all it is.

A woman is attracted to a man who puts himself first, not her.

Turn a beautiful woman down and she'll remember you for the rest of her life.

Poon King

Nov 30, 2014
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Slash Dolo said:
Homophobic slurs and passive aggressive sexism (99.9% due to having his feelings hurt by something with a vagina in the past) isn't a good way to get your point across unless your target audience has double digit IQs.

Not that what you're saying is necessarily wrong for being a player, but you'll never KEEP one woman for very long with this attitude. If you're down for spinning plates and getting left every few months/years until you're old and senile, then this is the right way of thinking though. Some people prefer to settle down eventually.
If KEEPING a woman is your main concern then you have no idea what it means to be a man. :crackup: :crackup:

Only co-dependent, beta chumps are worried about keeping any ONE woman.


Master Don Juan
Apr 17, 2006
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Poon King said:
In my own experience I find once I start sleeping with a particular woman regularly she starts thinking she has the right to make decisions about how I spend my time or live my life. I find this drama significantly lowers the value of a romantic relationship. So for me.. the main value is sex and reproduction once again.
You say that women are valuable for reproduction. But unless you want to have a f*cked up kid, a stable relationship is key.


Master Don Juan
Jan 31, 2013
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S Town
funny that you were living the beta bucks life style, when your girlfriend was banging the alphas and you were paying the bucks in the relationship.

Poon King said:
Women don't want to support men (never have). Women want to benefit from association (and sex) with men. Women are not romantic.
have you been living in a cave for your whole life? most families have the mom and dad working together to support the familly, couples living together both work to afford their payments, women are working to help support the man for more income, i guess women never want to have a romantic candlelight dinner to please her man.

you're just a troll, don't know sh!t about women, don't have a fvcking clue what you're talking about, you're a joke. :crackup:


Senior Don Juan
Feb 5, 2014
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Suspens said:
Excellent post, most of us betas are looking for our lost moms tbh. Objectification is the way to go.
To a lot of men it seems so wrong, but I can't downplay the effectiveness of objectifying women.

In fact, as a naive kid who didn't even know what sex was I objectified women. I played "doctor" with a female neighbor and she enjoyed it as much as I did. I look back on how I behaved as a kid (before my feminist lobotomy) and smile at how "alpha" I was toward girls. It was pure instinct.

We're all naturals when we aren't subjected to mass brainwashing.


Master Don Juan
Feb 7, 2014
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G_Govan said:
[...]I played "doctor" with a female neighbor and she enjoyed it as much as I did.[...]
Haha. I know. I miss being a doctor and I miss my patients.


Senior Don Juan
Nov 17, 2014
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WanderingMan said:
No it's not. I would actually say the contrary - life's too short to waste it on being a nice guy beta.

And this is beta - chump - victim - nice guy - hamster rationale.

What a lot of guys don't understand is being "Alpha" has nothing to do with L/M/S - Looks/Money/Status. It's a mindset - that's all it is.

A woman is attracted to a man who puts himself first, not her.

Turn a beautiful woman down and she'll remember you for the rest of her life.
No, it is not only 'mindset', many men will not ever become truly desired by women because of their physical features.Indian guy can have any mindset he wants but he wont score many hot blondes,short guy can believe women's crap 'height doesnt matter' but he aint going to get many dates ... and so on.

To turn beautiful woman you must go first through 'looks' first.

I didnt say you are suppose to stay chump or nice guy for lifetime but you must deal with fact because of some things you will never be truly desired by women, you can learn to attract them or take more chances but you will never be 'mystical' alpha.A guy who looks like Zuckerberg can have any mindset he wants but it won't give him ***** quality of Sean Connery - if the only things he has is 'mindset'.

You bought into PUA fairytales 'learn game and you will swim in *****'.


Apr 21, 2015
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Poon King said:
Any wise man knows that women only care about one thing when dating men: What that man can do for THEM.

As a horny man who wants to f*ck attractive women, you must always ask yourself: What can I do to improve a woman's life? or (more importantly) how do I make a woman THINK I can improve her life? :crackup:

You don't really have to offer women anything. You just have to make them believe you do. Following alpha f*cks beta bucks... there are many betas who take full advantage of their bucks to f*ck like alphas. How? They make their money and status clear.. women chase after it and the beta dumps the woman and moves on. Happens all the time.

You too can live the "alpha f*cks" lifestyle provided you stop being a co-dependent faggot and realize women only exist for reproduction and sexual pleasure.. not to be your emotional support system or your replacement mother. Women don't want to support men (never have). Women want to benefit from association (and sex) with men. Women are not romantic. They want to be loved, but they don't really want to be in love themselves. So always ask how YOU can benefit women. Then proceed to market yourself that way. :up:

Also.. spinning plates is the easiest way because women are stupid group-thinkers and assume any man other women want is worth having.
People in general don't waste their time with anyone or anything that does nothing for them. Nice try pinning the blame on a specific group of people.

No one gets hired for a job that does nothing for them or an employer hiring someone who offers nothing. Same with a vehicle that does nothing for someone they have no specific need for. Or a dude with some woman who he's not attracted to that in his view offers him nothing. You can apply it to anything.

So you instruct men to not only pretend they offer anything to one woman but multiple as if women just ignore everything else to flock to a man who is basically putting lipstick on a pig to pretend he offers them everything yet at the same time this isn't considered being a pandering beta? Or trying to beta buck? If the dude offers nothing he most likely has nothing to offer in the first place or is literally faking it and catering to women. Or if he DOES have a lot to offer then he's pretty much just gotten everything to offer in an effort to get women and putting pvzzy on a pedestal.

You could make a "case" for everything even if completely ridiculous while contradicting yourself regularly. Poop King you just talk out of your Poo- shooter and it only seems like "fantastic advice" to dudes who are angry and need to pin blame on everything but themselves.

And let's get real. Even IF you had a lot of chicks after you it doesn't mean EVERY chick is going to "want" you. Same as some dude "wanting" some chick who may be an obese town mattress. Some dudes may hit and quit it, but there'll be many more who get high quality chicks and wouldn't give a damn if some other dudes may want the easy cow.

Your anger makes you laughable.

Slash Dolo

Senior Don Juan
Feb 25, 2014
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Poon King said:
If KEEPING a woman is your main concern then you have no idea what it means to be a man. :crackup: :crackup:

Only co-dependent, beta chumps are worried about keeping any ONE woman.
An man who has his sh*t together CHOOSES when he wants to move on. If a woman does it for you, then you're fooling yourself into thinking you're the sh*t when you're not.

"What it means to be a man." :crackup: Your insecurity is showing and it's hilarious. Beta with a chip on his shoulder trying to sound like a badass on the internet. Move along, nothing to see here.


Senior Don Juan
Apr 19, 2015
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JohnyTheArrow said:
Indian guy can have any mindset he wants but he wont score many hot blondes

Are you Indian? If so, it seems that Indian guys like to blame their race for not being able to 'score many hot blondes'. Even though there are plenty of Indian's out their who do actually score many hot blondes, there's still a group of you guys like to play the victim card and blame it on your race.